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Three years and seven months ago

Maheshwari group of Institutions, Kolkata

Ragini was standing in the area where principal's office was. She was waiting for Arhaan to come out. She was surprised that no one was present there that day. Not even a peon who usually stays there. She takes a few steps in the direction of the office and she hears some whisperings from the room.

"Dad, what are you talking about?" she hears Arhaan's voice from inside.

"Don't act innocent in front of me. I didn't allow you to come back from London and take admission here for doing all this." she hears the voice of some middle aged man and he wasn't their principal.

"But what I did?" asks Arhaan.

"You're here to study not to make middle class friends and hangout with them and what you did on your birthday? Instead of calling your high class friends in your birthday party, you invited those middle class people. I was not here that doesn't mean you'll do anything you want. You're becoming a spoiled brat." says the same man.

"Dad, what are you even talking? They're my friends and what they did to you? They didn't do anything. In fact, they are more trustworthy and good company than your fake high standard people." says Arhaan irritated.

'Why his father is talking like this? Aren't they themselves middle class? And Arhaan came from London. He lied.' thinks Ragini.

"Great! Now you are taking their side. I have allowed you to study here that doesn't mean you'll forget who you are and what is waiting for you." his father says.

"I know dad. But that doesn't mean you'll not let me live a normal life." argues Arhaan.

"Normal life!! This is a normal life for you? I didn't know that you'll forget your true identity while living with a fake one. Let me remind you my son! You are not Arhaan Mehra. There don't exist any boy named Arhaan Mehra." says the man.

Ragini's eyes widens in shock. She wasn't believing what she was hearing. He is not Arhaan Mehra then who's he?

"You are Laksh Durgaprasad Maheshwari, the only heir of the Maheshwari properties and business. Being Arhaan you've forgotten about being Laksh." he continues.

'Laksh Durgaprasad Maheshwari... Durgaprasad Maheshwari is the second richest man in India. That means... He's not Arhaan. He's not a middle class boy. He lied. He lied about his identity as well. He lied about his family. Everything was a lie.' thinks Ragini.

"I haven't forgotten about being Laksh dad. I'm just..."

"You're just what? And one more thing, who's this Ragini Gadodia?" asks Durgaprasad angrily.

Ragini looks on when she hears her name being taken.

"She's a friend." replies Laksh.

"Friend! Aren't you getting too close with a friend? Don't think I don't know anything. I have the information of your every secret. You don't know these middle class girls. Wherever they sees a rich boy they gets after him for his money. They can do anything to be with him for his money and status. Afterall everyone wants a luxurious life. And I don't think this Ragini Gadodia is any better after what she did." says Durgaprasad.

Ragini's heart pains hearing that. She clutches the end of her shirt in her fist. She was not getting how to react. He was raising finger at her character.

"That was a mistake dad." says Laksh.

'Mistake! I was a mistake for him. I am a mistake for him.' she thinks as tears starts trickling down her cheeks.

"And..." Laksh starts but his father cuts him off.

"I don't know anything. You just stay away from her and let me remind you that you have a fiance. You are engaged. How could you even think about cheating on Trisha?" asks Durgaprasad angrily.

Ragini's breathings stops as his words reaches her ears. The little hope and trust which was left in her that he must be having any reason for hiding his true identity and lying. The little faith she was having in him even after him calling her a mistake. Everything died with Durgaprasad's words. It was a blow to her. She was feeling worse and betrayed. He just used her?

'He's engaged! And didn't tell me! He didn't even try to! He's a lier! A betrayer!' She thinks and her eyes were flowing endlessly now.

Her head starts spinning and her stomach starts doing weird things. Being unable to handle it more, she runs away from there. She goes to the washroom and throws up everything from her stomach. She washes her face but her tears weren't stopping. She trusted him. She thought he was her best friend but what he actually is. A spoiled billionaire brat who just knows to play with emotions. She loved him but he just played all the time. He lied about being single. If she knew about him being engaged then she would have never fallen for him and let the closeness increase and feelings grow.

She wasn't feeling well. Her head was spinning and eyes were puffy. She wipes her face and gets out of the washroom. She leaves the college before she bumps into him.

She reaches her house and locks herself in her room and cries her heart out.


Another two weeks passed and she somehow gave her exams staying away from Laksh's eyes. He stopped calling her and Ragini knew why.

Her health was worsening. She was throwing up everything she was eating. She was having the feeling of uneasiness all the time. And the thought of being pregnant didn't take much time to enter in her mind.

She was scared to take the test. She didn't want that. She couldn't afford being pregnant but she needed to know. Making herself strong, she decided to take the test.

Ragini kept staring at the pregnancy test kit with an emotionless face. It was positive. She was pregnant with his child, the liar's child. She wasn't even crying because all her tears and emotions vanished in the past few weeks. She was feeling emotionless, betrayed, lonely and empty. For once she thought about abortion but she knew she will never be able to do it. She was not heartless. Whatever happened, the child was not at fault. But what she was going to do? What about her family, their respect, their reputation, their trust on them? Everything messed up. Everything got spoiled. Her life got spoiled.

"I will not let my child suffer in this society and I'll not let anyone raise fingers on my family. And I'll not even let his shadow fall on my baby." she says determined.

A small part of her wanted to tell him about the baby but major part was against it after remembering about his father's words and his lies. What if they thought that she wants him to accept her baby for their money? What if they thought that she's like all those characterless girls who sleeps with rich boys for their money? And more worse, what if he denied to accept her child? She couldn't forget that he was engaged and the girl must be rich like him. Why he'll leave her for a middle class girl like her? She didn't want to go to him and get insulted.

So, she decided to leave. She decided to leave her family for their betterment. She decided to leave him for the betterment of her child.

That night only, she left her house without telling anyone. She went to Bangalore and later she came to know that was pregnant with twins.


Present time

Bangalore, Karnataka

Laksh looks at the phone shocked. He wasn't believing what he heard. She has a baby? He was feeling heartbroken. He waited and searched for her for three and half years only to know this. He didn't want to believe it.

He lifts his eyes from the screen of the phone and looks at Ragini who was already looking at him with a worried expression. He signs her to speak.

Ragini wanted to argue but she didn't want to scare her daughter and make her worried so she decided to do the same.

"Yes baby..." she says trying to sound normal.

"Mumma, when ale(are) you coming?" asks Aanya.

"Baby, mumma is just coming in sometime." replies Ragini.

"Come fasht(fast). Ishu is clying(crying)." says Aanya.

"Why? What happened? Is she fine?" asks Ragini worried.

"She's clying(crying) becaushe(because) Dola(Dora) ish(is) not well." replies Aanya.

Laksh wasn't feeling irritated of their talks. He was somewhere liking it and he wasn't getting why so because he isn't very fond of children and the little girl's voice was giving him a warm feeling inside his heart. He was confused.

Ragini shakes her head in disbelief. If she was in some other situation then she would have laughed at that but in that situation she wasn't even able to smile.

"Tell her not to cry. He'll be fine. And I'm coming fast, okay." says Ragini.

"Okay mumma..." says Aanya and the call disconnects.

Ragini didn't lift her eyes from the screen. She wasn't able to meet his eyes and she was feeling his burning gaze on her.

"Who's she?" asks Laksh.

Then only she lifts her eyes to look up at him. His golden eyes were looking straight at her, demanding for an answer.

"You didn't hear what she called me?" she asks rolling her eyes.

She just wanted him not to get any doubt so she was trying to act normal. She didn't want him to find about her nervousness and then get suspicious.

"She's my daughter." she says.

"With whom?" he asks.

Ragini stops breathing for a few seconds. What was she going to answer to this question?

"Wi... With a man." she replies.

Laksh looks at her like 'I'm not in a mood for your stupid jokes'.

"Don't act smart. Who's the father?" he asks with gritted teeth.

Ragini gulps.

"My husband is the father." she lies.

Laksh's heart drops at her words. She's married! But he should have seen it coming if she was having a daughter.

"When you got married?" he asks.

"Excuse me? Are you a CBI officer? Why should I tell you anything about my personal life?" she asks angrily.

"Just answer me!" he shouts and Ragini flinches, getting scared.

"Three... Three years ago..." she lies again.

"How old is your daughter?" he asks.

"Uhm... Two... Two years..." she adds one more lie to the list.

"Don't she speak too clear for a two years old child?" he asks with raised eyebrows.

"So what? She has got some natural talent like her mother." replies Ragini with fake attitude.

She was shaking from inside. Laksh glares her.

"You came here three and half years ago. Then you met someone and got married in six months and in an year, you had a daughter!! The story is too hard to believe." he says putting his hands on her either sides again.

"Don't believe then. Who's telling you to believe?" she says turning her face away.

"Who's Ishu?" he asks.

"My other daughter." she replies, still looking away.

"Man!! How many babies you produced in just three years?" he asks unbelievably.

Ragini looks at him and shots him with a glare.

"Excuse me!! They're twins." she clarifies.


Ragini wasn't getting that he was seeking information from her about her family and life and he was succeeding in knowing many things.

"What's the name of your husband?" he asks looking into her eyes.

"I don't find it necessary to answer you. Just move back and let me go." She says trying to push him away.

"Don't tell me. I'll find out myself. I know he's not Arjun." he says giving her a smirk.

Ragini gulps inaudibly at that. What he's going to do?

"You'll be happy to know that I'm staying here for a week." he says with the smirk still plastered on his face.

Ragini's eyes widens at that.

"What? Why?" she shouts.

"What happened? You're not happy that your past best friend is going to stay in the same city as yours?" he asks surprised.

"Huh... I don't care where you stay and what you do Mr Ar... Oh sorry, Mr Laksh Maheshwari." she says mockingly.

Laksh's expressions changes at that and his smirk goes away.

"From when you knew about it?" he asks.

"About what?" she asks confused.

"About me being Laksh Maheshwari!" he says.

"From the time I should be knowing and I'm glad about it." she replies coldly.

Laksh was left confused with her words. What she's glad about?

"Now just move. You've wasted a lot of time of mine. My family is waiting for me." she says.

Laksh moves away and gives her phone back. Ragini takes it and slides it inside the pocket of her jeans. She looks at him and finds him looking at her already. She inhales a deep breath and leaves from there while Laksh keeps looking in her direction until she gets away from his eyes.

"Why do I feel that most of the things you told me are not true? But no worries, I'll get my answers on my own." he says determined.


Okay, so the past is almost disclosed. Congratulations😂🙌!!

A few things are still left but they'll be cleared in present. Laksh's side of story is still left😹.

How could you think that I'll write so romantic and cute scenes of any other couple🥵? It's impossible😹.

Now the story will be completely in present😊. Are you guys excited to know what will happen next😋?

Laksh still don't know about his two little pieces of heart😍. What'll happen when he'll come to know about Aanya and Ishanvi being his daughters😯?

Please ignore any mistakes.
Thank you for reading.

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