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Bangalore, Karnataka

Ragini enters inside her house as Naina opens the door. All the way to her house she kept looking back to ensure that he wasn't following her. The fear and nervousness was clearly visible on her face. She was scared that if he came to know about their daughters then either he'll take them away or will accuse her and his newly discovered behavior towards her was making her more scared. He is not that cute and prankster boy anymore. He's a businessman with attitude and power. She was unable to think clearly. She was not understanding how to stay away from his eyes and how to keep her daughters hidden.

Naina didn't fail to notice Ragini's worried face as she looked at her. Ragini enters inside and finds her daughters sleeping in sitting position on the couch in the hall.

"They fell asleep some minutes ago, waiting for you." Naina tells her.

Looking at her daughters, Ragini's mind again drifts back to Laksh and his determination of finding about her. She sighs as she moves to her daughters and caress their heads. She then picks up Ishanvi while Naina picks up Aanya. They takes them to Ragini's room and makes them lay down on the bed. Ragini then leaves for the washroom and comes back after sometime and sits at the one end of the bed while Naina was sitting at the other.

"What happened Ragini? You seem worried." asks Naina as she comes in front of Ragini.

"He's here." Ragini tells her while holding her face in her hands.

"Now?" asks Naina.

"I don't know. He's going to find out about my family and my life here. He was behaving different. I didn't see him behaving like that ever." she accepts.

"Different in a bad way?" Naina asks.

"No! But he was angry. His eyes were asking thousands of questions to me. I don't know what's running in his mind." says Ragini.

"What are you going to do now? I mean you're going to tell him about his daughters or you're going to hide them from him?" asks Naina.

"I'll not let him know about my daughters and then affect their lives. I am not even sure how he's going to react if he came to know about them. I can't risk it." Ragini admits while looking at her daughters.

Naina sighs as she gets up.

"I told you my point of view that day only. But I can't force you. It's totally your decision because your life will be affected. Your daughters lives will be affected. And you know that better than anyone else. You know him better than us. Whatever you do, I'm with you." says Naina as she pats on Ragini's shoulder and then leaves from there.

Ragini moves to her daughters and pecks on their heads.

"I'm sorry for keeping you away from daddy but I guess it's best for us. He must be having his own family and happy life. We should not interfere in that and become an unwanted burden for him. We're enough for ourselves. We're happy together." she says looking at her daughters with tear filled eyes.

She gets up from the bed and starts looking at the stars through the window. It was a sleepless night for her. Her worries didn't let her sleep.


Laksh was in the hotel room. He was looking at the city through the large glass wall.

Laksh's pov:

I looked for her like a mad man during these years and when I met her, she told me that she's married and having twin daughters. Why? How much I want to believe her but a little part of me is not ready to believe that she's someone else's now. I lived in the hope of getting her back but now that hope is also vanishing but I'll not back off before knowing the truth. I want to know everything for my satisfaction.

I lost my parents in a car accident one year ago and I didn't have anyone besides them. I went into depression for almost an year but don't know why God even brought me out of it. It was better to not think and feel than living alone. I have money. I have power. I have wealth. I have property. I have respect. I have luxuries. But I don't have the thing I want the most. I don't have a family. I don't have happiness. I don't have someone to love and someone who loves me. I have so many people who fake their concern for me but I don't have that one single person who truly cares for me.

When I used to study in London I met so many fake and selfish people. I never wanted to live like a billionaire child. I wanted to live a normal and carefree life like every teenager but my dad didn't want that. For him, society and class used to matter more that's why he sent me to London with the children of his high class friends but when I couldn't handle their fakeness and betrayals more I somehow convinced dad to call me back during the end of my masters. My mom was always an emotional and loving lady. She was always against the idea of sending her only son away so she emotionally blackmailed dad and he dropped his weapons in front of us.

When I came back, dad immediately made me engaged with Trisha Khanna against my will. I didn't want to marry her or anyone else. It wasn't an age for me to get married but my dad used to do what he like whether others like it or not. In return, he let me take admission in our college as Arhaan Mehra because I didn't want people to know who I was and then either maintain distance from me because I was the son of the owner or come to me just for my status and money. I wanted some real and true friends for me which I never got as Laksh Maheshwari but as Arhaan Mehra, I got so many and the bestest of them was she, Ragini Gadodia, the girl I fell in love with without my knowledge. Her chubby face, her innocent looks, her sarcastic comments, her smartness, her cuteness... I fell in love with every small thing of her. With her, I used to feel happy and alive. She became my addiction. I wanted all of her for me. I tried stopping and controlling my feelings in the beginning but I failed very badly and then fell for her more badly.

But that night spoiled everything. After that night, she stopped picking up my calls, she didn't even come in front of me. A week later, when dad came back from his tour, he came to know about everything from his so called f*cking sources and he banned me from meeting my friends and especially Ragini. He didn't even let me contact her. I gave my exams at the reception of the college. I wanted to meet Ragini. I wanted to comfort her and most importantly I wanted to tell her about my feelings and love for her but I didn't get a chance. After exams I came to know that she left her house without telling anyone where and why she was leaving. I was shocked and heartbroken. I thought she left because of me. She ran away from me. She left because of the mistake we did that night. My father wanted me to get married to Trisha but I stood against him and broke the engagement after telling everything to her. She was also heartbroken because somewhere I cheated on her and played with her feelings. She wasn't at fault. She also left without telling us where she was going and a few weeks back only I got a call from her and I'm happy that she got the happiness every girl deserves.

I joined our business to keep myself busy. I tried finding Ragini. Her family tried finding her but we got nothing. We weren't even sure about the reason of her leaving. Her family got shattered because of that. People started talking that she ran away with her boyfriend and all that nonsense. I never believed them nor her family did. But after a few months, her family also left the city because of their son's transfer, though their search for their daughter never stopped like me.

When I saw her today, I felt alive after so many years. I felt like I got back my reason to live. She looked healthier but cute. She is same but looks a little mature than before. Her beautiful face is same. Her mesmerising black eyes are same. The eyes in which I always wanted to drown. I know she's not lying about her daughters but she's definitely hiding something. I have to find out. I have to find out why she left.

He takes his guitar and sits on the couch and starts singing the same song again. After finishing, he looks at the name Arhaan written on the guitar.

"I miss you buddy. I miss those days. I miss being Arhaan." he says sadly.


Next day was a Sunday. Ragini prepares breakfast and then moves to her room to wake up Aanya and Ishanvi. She couldn't help but smile looking at her daughters.

Ishanvi was sleeping with her hand around Aanya and her face was towards the ceiling while Aanya was lying on her front. Her one hand was on Ishanvi's face. They were looking so cute, so adorable that Ragini was not feeling like waking them up.

After staring them for a while, she decides to wake them up. She moves towards them and sits on the bed as she starts caressing their heads lovingly.

"Come on get up my babies. It's morning now." she says making them sit.

The girls were sitting now but their eyes were still closed. Aanya moves closer to Ragini and keeps her head on her lap while Ishanvi opens her eyes. She gets up and hugs Ragini through her waist.

"Don't want to get up?" asks Ragini smiling.

"Today ish(is) Shunday(Sunday)." says Aanya in her sleepy voice.

"Do you know about days names?" asks Ragini surprised.

"She just knows that we don't have to go to school on Sunday. The teachel(teacher) told hel(her) that." replies Ishanvi giggling.

Ragini also chuckles at that and finally she succeeds in waking them up. She then makes them ready for the day. After that the three of them sits in the hall, having their breakfast.

Ragini wipes their faces and then takes them to their room to make them do their homework. Aanya was doing it without any interest while Ishanvi was doing it happily and she was even scolding Aanya to do it properly and Aanya in return was glaring her twin. Ragini could see Laksh and herself in the two. They were their little versions. She wipes the tears which unknowingly fell from her eyes.

In the afternoon the girls put the demand of having the lunch outside in front of their mother. Ragini tried to deny but in the end she has to bow down in front of the girls and the two little devils won the battle.

The three of them got ready and left the house after informing Naina and Arjun in their house. Ragini drives to a middle class restaurant and parks the car. She gets out if the car and takes her daughters out as well. She gives her purse to Ishanvi because she's more responsible. She then holds both of theirs hands and makes her way inside.

They sits on a table and Ragini orders the food. As the food comes, they starts eating. Ragini looks at Aanya whose mouth was covered with ketchup and shakes her head. She takes a tissue paper and wipes her face. She then looks at Ishanvi who was taking all the capsicum out from the pasta.

'She don't like capsicum, just like her father.' thinks Ragini.

"Ya, I know. I'm coming in an hour." she hears his voice from behind and her breath gets hitched in her throat as her body starts shaking.

'He's here! Oh God! Please don't let him see Aanu and Ishu... Please...' she starts praying as she closes her eyes.

"Ragini, you here." she hears his voice from lesser distance this time.

She opens her eyes only to look up at the amber eyes of the man from whom her daughters have inherited their beautiful eyes.

Laksh was looking at her surprised. He didn't notice the twins sitting opposite to Ragini.

"Mumma, who's this untle(uncle)?" asks Ishanvi with her mouth filled with pasta.

Then only Laksh turns his face from Ragini to the twins and his heart skips a few beats as a gasp leaves his mouth looking at the girls. The girls were looking at him with their big golden eyes open wide.

"Their eyes..." he murmurs staring the two little angels in front of him.


Laksh finally saw his daughters😁. What's going to happen next😳?

Do tell me what you feel about Laksh's pov and his side of the story?

Please ignore any mistakes.
Thank you for reading.

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