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Laksh was looking at the girls without blinking his eyes. They were looking so similar to him. He was feeling an unusual joy seeing them. He was confused. He then looks at Ragini.

"They..." he starts but Ragini cuts him off.

"Aanu Ishu let's go beta." she says as she moves to their side.

She takes them out of the chairs and makes them stand on the floor. She hurriedly puts the bill on the table and holds her daughters hand.

"Alle mumma, let me eat plopely(properly). I'm still hungly(hungry)" says Ishanvi.

Ragini looks at her and then at Laksh who was looking at her already.

"You can eat more at home. Okay..." she says as she starts walking.

"Stop!!" Laksh's sharp and cold voice reaches her ears and she stops on her tracks.

She gulps as Laksh moves and comes in front of her.

"Why are you running like this? I'm not going to eat you. Introduce your daughters to me." he says looking at her with a straight face.

Ragini's hands were shivering. Laksh turns his eyes from her to the girls. He sits on his knees in front of them.

"What's your name?" he asks sweetly to Aanya.

"Aanu..." she replies.

Laksh smiles listening her cute voice.

"Your full name. By which teacher calls you in the school?" he asks calmly.

Ragini looks at him shocked. She tries to interrupt but stops getting a glare from Laksh.

"Aanya Godia(Gadodia)..." replies Aanya.

Laksh looks on shocked while Ragini closes her eyes shut. He then looks at Ishanvi.

"Ishanvi Gdodia(Gadodia)..." she says smiling cutely.

Laksh lifts his eyes to look at Ragini.

"Where's your daddy?" he asks as his heart starts beating fastest.

"Laksh..." Ragini tries to interrupt again.

"Just keep quiet." he says giving her a death glare.

Ragini gulps. She wasn't getting what to do. He was going to come to know about the truth and her lie.

"We nevel(never) met daddy." says Ishanvi sadly.

Ragini looks on.

Laksh's body gets goosebumps as he starts relating things and the doubt starts getting getting more and more deep his mind.

"How old are you?" he asks trying to act normal and not to show his nervousness.

"Two yeals(years)..." replies Aanya showing her two little fingers.

Laksh closes his eyes and opens them again. He keeps both of his hands on the cheeks of the girls and smiles at them.

"You both are very cute." he says patting their cheeks.

"Thank you untle(uncle)." says the girls together.

Laksh's face saddens at that. He gets up and looks at Ragini.

"I swear Ragini, if what I'm thinking came out to be true then you really are going to pay for hiding it from me." he says with gritted teeth.

"Wha... What are you talking about?" she asks stammering.

"Like you don't know! If you're married and they have a father then why they never met their father? And if your husband is dead then why they're Gadodia's? They should be having your husband's surname not your father's. And, not everyone have golden eyes." he says the last line in an accusing tone.

"I'm going to find it out and if my doubt proved to be right then Ms Ragini Gadodia, God knows who'll save you." he says looking at her dangerously.

He then looks at the twins again. He stares them for a while before leaving. Ragini's body starts sweating thinking about what's going to happen. He is going to find out anyhow. He's determined and his warning was making her feel scared.

"Mumma, who was that untle(uncle)?" asks Ishanvi pulling her mother's hand.

Ragini comes out of her thought and looks at her.

"He's a friend of mumma." she says as she holds their hands and takes them to the car.

"I liked that untle." says Aanya as Ragini starts driving the car.

"Me too..." adds Ishanvi happily.

Ragini looks on shocked. They met him only for a few minutes. He didn't even do anything special and her daughters are already liking him. Why?

"Why? Why you liked him?" she asks to her daughters.

"He called me cute." says Aanya smiling widely.

"He's a good untle." says Ishanvi.

Ragini shakes her head as she focus on the road. They reaches their house and enters inside. Aanya and Ishanvi sits on the couch in the hall as they starts watching cartoons. Ragini moves to the kitchen.

"What I'm going to do now? No doubt he'll get to know the truth very soon. Then? Will he take my daughters away from me? No no Ragini... Nothing like that will happen. If he came to know then also he'll never be able to seperate you from your daughters. He can't do anything." she starts assuring herself.

She drinks a glass of water and moves out of the kitchen only to find Arjun and Naina sitting with the girls. They waves at her and Ragini waves back smiling tightly. Aanya was sitting on Arjun's lap while Ishanvi was sitting with Naina. The girls were talking nonstop while Arna were just listening to their blabbering. She takes a deep breath before moving towards them.


Laksh was moving here and there in his room in the hotel. From the time he has seen the girls, he has become more desperate to know the truth.

"Their eyes... They're just like mine. Their features are like Ragini's and mine? They're two years old and maybe some months too. It is possible that... that they're mine!! My daughters. Oh God!! It is definitely possible that they are my babies. And Ragini's weird behavior is also making my suspicion grow. I have to find out. I have to find it out soon. I'm not going to get any peace until I'll come to know." he says as he takes out his phone and calls someone.


Ragini was in her office, having her lunch in the office canteen when her phone starts ringing. She looks at the caller I'd. It was Arjun. She picks up the call.

"Ragini..." Arjun's worried voice reaches her ears as soon as she picks up there call.

"Arjun... What happened? Why are you panicking? Is everything okay? What's wrong?" asks Ragini worried.

"They... They're not at school." says Arjun.

"What? What are you talking about?" she asks panicked.

"Aanya and Ishanvi... They're not here at the school. The guard told me that a man took them before I reached here. He said that he asked the girls if they knows the man and the girls said that they knows him and the guard let him take them away. I don't know who was he and where he took them. I'm feeling worried." says Arjun.

"What? How could they be so careless? How could they let anyone take my daughters away? My babies... Don't know who was the man and why he took them? Arjun... I'm sc..." she couldn't complete as she starts crying.

"I'm coming..." is all what she said before disconnecting the call and running out of her office building.

She reaches the school and finds Arjun shouting on the school authorities.

"How can you act so careless? How could you let anyone take the girls away? Don't you know that only two persons comes to pick and drop them? Me and their mother. I swear I'm going to sue you and your school if anything happened to them." he shouts.

The school authorities were trying to calm him and were continuously apologising.

"Arjun..." calls Ragini as she moves towards him.

Her eyes were continuously flowing with tears and her body was shaking with the fear of losing her daughters, her lifelines.

"Where are my daughters?" she screams, crying badly.

"Mam please calm down." says one of the teachers.

"Calm down!! How can you even tell me to calm down when I don't have any idea about my daughters whereabouts? Where are they and who took them?" she shouts.

"Let's check the CCTV footage." suggests the principal.

Everyone nods as they runs to the room where the monitors were. A man starts looking for the footage of the time when the man took the twins away. All looks on shocked seeing Laksh. He was talking to the girls who were smiling at him. Then he picked both of them in his arms. He talked to the guard and left from there after making the girls sit in his car. Ragini's eyes gets red with rage seeing the scene on the screen.

"He's Laksh Maheshwari, the businessman." says someone.

"Why he will take them with him? What he has to do with them?" questions Arjun.

"I'm going to kill you Laksh Maheshwari. You are going to regret this." says Ragini with rage filled voice as she storms out of the room.

Arjun follows her. Just then Ragini's phone starts ringing. It was an unknown number. She picks up the call.

"Ello(hello) mumma..." she hears Ishanvi's voice from the other side.

Ragini takes a breath of relief listening her daughter's voice.

"Ishu, baby where are you? Are you okay? Where's Aanu?" asks Ragini immediately.

"Mumma, I'm fine. Aanu is oso(also) fine. We ale(are) with Laksh untle(uncle)." replies Ishanvi.

"Where are you?" asks Ragini trying to keep her anger in control. She didn't want her daughter to get scared.

"They're with me and we are in your house. I can't harm them. Can I, after knowing who they're to me? Come soon. I'm waiting for you, impatiently. I have so much to talk to you and trust me Ragini, the talk is not going to be pleasant for you. You are going to pay for all those years you hid the truth from me. And what you felt in the past minutes was just a trailer. You are going to feel everything I felt in those years." she hears Laksh's calm yet dangerous voice from the other side, like he was trying to keep himself in control in front of the twins.

Ragini's heart stops beating for a second as a gasp lefts her mouth. He knows everything. What now? What he's going to do? She looks at the phone's screen as the call gets disconnected.

"What Ishu said? Where are they?" asks Arjun impatiently.

"They're at home." says Ragini as she moves towards her car.


Ragini opens the door and enters inside the house, followed by Arjun. They finds the girls along with Laksh sitting in the hall. Aanya was sitting in Laksh's lap at one side while Ishanvi was sitting at the other. The three of them were laughing at something. It was so heartwarming for Ragini to see her daughters with their father. They were happy and their happiness was clearly visible on their faces.

"How dare you took them with you? Who the hell do you think of yourself?" says Arjun as he moves towards them.

He picks up the girls and makes them sit on another couch as he holds Laksh's collar.

"Alu uncle, don't halm(harm) him." says Aanya.

"Would you like to tell him who I am or I should do the honour?" asks Laksh calmly as he looks at Ragini.

"Arjun, leave him and take the girls inside." says Ragini, not looking at Laksh.

"But Ragini..."


Arjun sighs as he leaves Laksh and holds the hands of the girls.

"Untle, don't go okay." says Ishanvi while moving with Arjun.

"Yesh, we'll play mole(more)." adds Ishanvi.

"Of course my little munchkins." Laksh replies smiling.

Ragini takes a breath of relief realising that Laksh didn't tell them anything.

"Why did you bring my daughters with you? What do you want?" asks Ragini angrily.

"What did you just say? Say it again!!" says Laksh dangerously as he gets up and comes right in front of her.

Ragini was nervous and scared but she didn't show. She was looking directly in his eyes.

"They are my daughters!! Did you hear that? They are Maheshwari princesses!! They are Laksh Maheshwari's daughters. I'm their father." says Laksh gritting his teeth.

"No, they're not yours." says Ragini.

"Oh really!! Then Ms goddess of truth, why there's Arhaan Mehra written in the column of Father's name in their school forms?" he asks chuckling bitterly.


"How much more you'll lie Ragini? Just stop lying!! Do you still think that you can hide the truth from me? Their eyes, their looks, their birth dates, their attitude and talks, your weird behavior, you running away from me, my heart, everything is screaming that they are my blood, my daughters. They are mine!!" he shouts as he holds her shoulders and pushes her to the wall.


😯😯😯what would you like to say about this chapter?

Much more is there to come in the next part🙃.

Please ignore any mistakes.
Thank you for reading.

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