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Profile: Subject-000 "Godzilla"
Sex: Male
Race: Komodo Dragon Faunus
Height: 3'6
Weight: 55lb
Semblance: Sheds skin to get rid of injuries, filth, scarring and infections.
Skin Tone: Pale
Hair colour: Brown
Eye colour: Red-Orange
Aura Colour: Red-Orange
Test: Dust Infusion
Test Time: 8 Days

Test 1: Subject is injected with half an ice dust crystal ground into powder. His veins turn blue and the subject expresses a large amount of pain, thrashing and throwing itself around his room until he eventually curled up in the corner, shivering and crying, its tears crystallizing into icicles on its cheeks. The subject was given a blanket and its room was heated up to prevent death.

Test 2: Subject is injected with half a lava dust crystal ground into powder. His veins turn an orange colour and while for a moment the pain from the last test, but started screaming and rolling on the floor. We turned the heating off and started cooling the room. He now lay's sprawled out on the floor, heavily breathing.

Test 3: Subject is injected with 2 rock dust crystals ground into powder. His body temperature returned to normal, and his skin turns a brownish colour. Other than that, no other changes occurred.

Test 4: Subject is injected with 3 electricity dust crystals ground into powder. For the rest of the day he jumped around the room with surprising agility. It was unclear weather he was able to stop, but he didn't for several hours.

Test 5: Due to the last test, getting the subject to sit still for today's test, forced restraining was required. Subject is injected with 4 and a half wind dust ground into powder. After half an hour, the subject stopped jumping around and fell asleep for 2 hours. Upon waking up, the subject was dazed and confused, struggling to walk and falling over.

Test 6: Subject is injected with 6 plant dust crystals ground into powder. The subject proceeded to show no signs of change at first, before later scratching himself all over. The subject proceeded to shed his skin, peeling it off and throwing it aside. He proceeded to shed his skin 9 more times, becoming physically larger than his original height of 3'1, now the 3'6 as listed in his file.

Test 7: Subject is injected with 6 water dust crystals ground into powder. The added moisture causes accessible drooling and for tears to constantly stream down the subjects face. After struggling to breathe through his own drool, he shed his skin with gills develop along his sides.

Test 8: Subject is injected with 6 and a half steam dust crystals ground into powder. The steam stops the tears and drool, however causes every exhale to expel a faint mist. His gills close and remain on his body.

Test 9: Subject is injected with 10 hard-light dust crystals ground into powder. The subject develops hard scales after shedding his skin, along with a clear gel to harden over the subject's eyes. The subject fell asleep soon after.

Test 10: Subject is injected with 10 fire dust crystals ground into powder. The subject expresses similar pain to when injected with lava dust, however the changes to the body of the subject suppresses the pain and he expresses only discomfort.

Test 11: Subject is injected with 10 combustion dust crystals ground into powder. Just like last test, the subject expresses discomfort but surpasses everything.

Test 12: Subject is injected with 8 gravity dust crystals ground into powder. The subject gains the ability to climb on walls with ease, choosing to stay on the ceiling for the rest of the day.

Test 13: After getting the subject down from the ceiling, the subject is injected with half of a nuclear Dust Crystal grounded into powder. The subject expresses agonizing pain. The subject has escaped.

Time missing: 1 year, 11 months, 3 weeks, 2 days.

Last seen location: Fleeing the complex.

Find under all means necessary.

Do not repeat the same mistake with other test subjects.

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