Part 1

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A small boy is seen sleeping. He sat in a building, old and partly destroyed. He was curled up next to a pile of bricks, shielded from the outside wind. He peacefully slept the day away without a care crossing his mind. That is until a faint sound rings in his ears, that of a nevermore scream. He opens one of his eyes, closing it again. Another few screams are heard, mixed with what sounded like gunfire. His eyes open fully, a bit annoyed. Probably just some nearby hunters dealing with some Grimm again. Wasn't too uncommon. What was uncommon? A nevermore suddenly crashing through the building he was in. Panic flooded his mind as he huddled back in his corner, terrified of the sudden bird crashing through his current home. He doesn't run away instantly, just to be sure nothing would be waiting outside. There were a few sounds like yelling, explosions, gun shots, Grimm screaming, and other unknown sounds. He stays hidden, thinking it was not safe yet. The sounds eventually came to a stop, Simon remaining to hide. After a second, the sound of quiet discussion was heard from not so far away.

???: Hold on! I think Crescent Rose fell over here!

There were footsteps that began getting louded, pefire the sound of something being picked up was heard. The boy closes his eys, holding his breath to hope he wasn't found. After a few seconds of silence, the boy heard something.


A voice rang out. The eyes of the boy shot open. A person was looking into his hiding spot.

The boy backed up as far as he could and started growling.

???; Hey, hey. It's ok I-

There was the faint sound of some voices.

???: Guy's! Get in here!

The person yells out of the ruined building.

???: Hey little guy. You ok? You hurt?

The boy growls again in responce.

??? 2: Hey Ruby, what's wrong?

Another voice says from beyond his veiw. The girl who had seen him responds.

Ruby: I found a kid in here. I think he's a lizard faunus or something?

Another person looks in at him.

Ruby: He hasn't said anything he just kinda growled at me.

??? 2: Hey! Buddy! You trapped?

He just growls again.

??? 2: Well, he growls alright.

6 other people look into the small crevese.

??? 3: He does look like a lizard..

??? 4: Should we tell Headmaster Ozpin?

The black haired person kneels down, locking eyes with the boy. The lizard couldn't help but feel off put by her.

Ruby: Well we can't just leave him here!

The people continued bickering while the young boy continues to cower under the fallen rubble.

??? 5: look, let's just pull away the rubble and get him out.

??? 6: Yeah, that would be a good idea

??? 7: I'm surprised it took us this long to start doing that!

They start pulling away the old bricks, sending the boy into Fight, Flight or Freeze. He flew. Dashing out of the small space he ran past their legs, he ran for the nearest window, planning to crawl down the side of the building but was inturupted when he was suddenly picked up by the tall blonde one.

??? 2: I got him!

The boy tries scratching and biting her, but she was wearing some kind of gautlets that protected her.

??? 2: Fiesty, isn't he?

The other people gathered around. They all were concerned on who he was or how he got there.

Ruby: Well I think we should take him to see professor Ozpin.

??? 2: Small problem...

The boy was still trying to scratch and bite her.

??? 2: I'm not carrying him like this all the way back.

??? 3: I have an idea. Ruby, hand me your cape. Then Yang, hand him here.

Yang handed him over to the raven haired boy. After a bit of struggle, the lizard was now made into a barito. He let out a roar, but his size along with state of capture really made it so no one was afraid of him.

???: 4: Dawww, so kinda cute wrapped up like that!!!

The girl says.

Yang: Well, he can't hurt anyone like that. thank's Ren.

She says to the boy who had wrapped him up. Yang took him as they all start running back towards their school.

Time Skip--

The boy had given up struggling after a while and now was in the headmaster's office. The old man with white hair was talking with all the others.

Ozpin: So you just found him out there? And he hasn't spoken?

Ruby: N-no sir. We didn't really know what to do with him, so we thought you might know something about him?

The man thinks to himself for a moment.

Ozpin: Can't say I know of many lizard faunus, especially in this area. I'd have to go through some records... would it be alright for you to watch over him while I do? It should only take a day or two.

Ruby: Absolutly! We can watch over him!

She says excitedly.

??? 4: No fair! I wanna look after the cute lizard boy!

Ren: Nora, please.

Nora Pouts, crossing her arms.

Yang: Don't worry, you can visit anytime you want. Isn't that right buddy?

She pokes his nose. He tried biting her, but she pulled her finger away fast enough to not get bit.

Ozpin: Thank you. Now, I'll get to work.

Everyone: Thank you professor!

They say before leaving.

??? 7: So... We have a kid to babysit now...

Yang: Cool it Weiss. He won't be too much trouble!~

Time Skip--

The boy was hiding under the couch of team RWBY's new dorm, with all of them in their pyjamas.

Weiss: What's this kids deal!?

??? 6: He's scared, oviously. We should try getting him some food.

Ruby: Great idea blake! Hey buddy! What do you like to eat?

The boy doesn't say anything, just staying as hidden as possible.

Ruby:... c'mon! Say something please!

He didn't.

Weiss: Good job you dolt.

Ruby: hmm... Well, in the mean time, we should do the first thing that happens whenever I get to a new place... Decorate!

After a while of decorating, they had somehow made bunk beds out of their 4 reguar beds. The boy didn't get what they were doing, so he remains under the couch.

Ruby: We did good team!

Weiss: Now that we're done with these childish games, can we focus on the kid now!?

One of them walks over to the couch before the boy sees the girl with black hair lying down so she could see under the couch.

Blake: Hello... My name's Blake. We won't hurt you, I promise.

She says, reaching her hand under the couch a bit. The boy looked uneasy at first before slowly crawling towards her. He rested his chin on the palm of her hand, letting her pet him.

Blake:... there you go...

She slowly pulled herself back, the Lizard Faunus emerging from the couch and following her hand. Blake sat on her legs, the boy snuggling up to her on her lap.

Yang: wow Blake. He seems to like you!

Blake: Unlike you guys, I didn't approach him with too much... energy.

Ruby: He's so cuuuute!

The boy opens his eyes, looking around at the 4 girls before letting out a deep sigh as his veins started glowing a faint orange.

Blake: his body is heating up a lot all of a sudden.

Yang: uhh... is he sick?

Weiss: no, look. His veins are glowing. It's probably his semblance.

Ruby: Temperature control? Cool! Err... warm!

Weiss looks to the window, then back to her team.

Weiss: Well it's getting late. We should set up a place for him to sleep.

Ruby: If he's capable of changing his body temperature, I'd bet he'd be nice to snuggle with!

Ruby says with stars in her eyes.

Blake: Now hang on.

She says a bit defensively.

Blake: why do you get to have him?

Ruby: I'm the team leader of course!

Yang: well I think it can be decided with a contest! Who has the biggest boobs? Oh? Me? Well I guess those are the rules-

Weiss: We're not doing that!

Yang: funny that you spoke up first~

Weiss: Grrrrr... we should just make him sleep on the couch! There! No more arguments!

While they were talking, the boy had stole a spare blanket and a few towels out of the closet and made a nest out of them on the couch.

Weiss: See!? He's already made a thing for himself!

Yang: aw man, fine!

Ruby: awwwww...

Blake: I suppose that works.

The boy slowly drifts off to sleep, letting his exhaustion overtake himself.

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