Part 3

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Ozpin sat in his office, his scroll on the desk projecting several images. He waves his hand making them go away before placing his hand to his chin.

Ozpin:.... nothing...

He thinks for a second.

Ozpin:... Maybe I could ask...

His eyes narrow slightly.


A few days later--

We see Gojira asleep in team RWBY's dorm. He was curled up in the nest he made on the couch. Next to him was Weiss, writing something in a book.

Weiss: So. His semblance allows him to heat up and cool down his body at a whim.

She was writing a description fro him.

Weiss: He also sheds his skin.

Yang: A lot...

She says, looking at a garbage can filled with the dead skin.

Weiss: He can crawl on walls, fit into small spaces, has some form of night vision...

She wrote something else down.

Weiss: He can't talk, only making growling sounds and raw's. His jaw seem to be able to open very wide, that may play into the lack of speech and may not...

Ruby: Favourite foods include cookies, pancakes, chocolate, marshmallows, and anything with sugar in it!

Weiss: Yeah yeah.

She wrote that down.

Weiss: Origin, family tree, home, specific type of lizard faunas and real name are unknown. Referred to by friends as Gojira, or Goji for short.

Blake: Don't forget about the gills we found.

Weiss: Oh, right!

She wrote something down.

Weiss: One time when we gave him a bath, he stayed under water for longer then we liked. After freaking all of us out, he realised he had gills on his sides.

Yang: Why are we writing this again.

Weiss: Because you dolt, Ozpin want's us to help make him a profile so that he can be registered as a student here.

Yang: That just put the image of him holding a little sword into my head and I think that's cute.

Ruby: Hehe, that does sound cute.

Weiss: Anyway, I think that we have everything needed for this descriptor. We should go and give this to the headmaster.

Ruby: Right. Should we wake him up?

Blake glances at Goji and then back to her team.

Blake: We can let him sleep.

Yang: Oh? What happened to "Never leave a child unattended"?

Blake: A hour long class is different from a few minuets to drop off a piece of paper.

Yang: If you say so.

The 4 girls get up and quietly leave the room, letting the kid sleep. After walking to the tower and going up the elevator, they see Ozpin at his desk, along with another man standing there.

Ruby: H-hello Headmaster, is this a bad time?

Ozpin: Not at all Mrs. Rose.

He stands up.

Ozpin: This is general Ironwood of Atlas. He's going to be visiting for the vytal festival.

Ironwood: A pleasure.

Ozpin walks up to the team.

Ozpin: You have the information I asked for?

Weiss: Yes we do sir!

She says, offering the paper to him. The headmaster took it, folding in in half quickly.

Ozpin: Thank you girls. That will be all for now.

The team of 4 head back to the elevator. After the doors close, Ironwood spoke.

Ironwood: Mind if I ask what that was?

Ozpin: Oh, there was a mistake in a file I had of a student is all. I'll file this later.

He put the paper into his desk.


Team RWBY came back to their dorm to find Gojira slowly waking up.

Ruby: heyyy, Goji! You sleep good?

The small boy nods, still not fully awake.

Ruby: Good, glad to hear!

Yang: You feeling hungry buddy?

He nodded.

Yang: ok, I'll get some toaster waffles for you.

She walks towards the kitchen to get some food, while Blake sat next to him and both Ruby and Weiss went to their beds to relax a bit.

Blake: Hey sweetie. You wanna watch tv?

Gojira nods, sitting up next to her.

Time skip--

After a few days of casual life, everything changed when...

Ruby: But we can't leave him!

Ozpin: I promise you, he will be fine with Glynda. I know you've grown attached to him but you need to actually go on missions and be huntresses.

Ruby:... aw man...

Gojira was being held by a tall blonde woman.

Weiss: Ruby. It will be alright.

She says.

Ruby:... oh... fine. If we have too...

Ozpin: You four not wanting to leave him shows how strong of a bond you've developed and shows why it was a good idea to leave him with you all this time. Thank you, but please remember we will keep him safe.

Ruby:... right.

Blake: Thank you sir...

All four of them were a bit upset by the mission, but were still gonna try their hardest. Goji was taken by Glynda to her class, where she set him down in a box under her desk and gave him both a jar of cookies and a colouring book. He hadn't been giving a colouring book before so after figuring out he was supposed to do, he started colouring everything in. Hours went by and Gojira hadn't noticed. After he had finished, it was time for all of the classes to end.

Glynda: Alright...

She looks at a piece of paper.

Glynda:... Go...ji...ra... Alright Gojira, come with me.

Goji sat there for a second before slowly coming to his feet and walking up to her. Glynda starts walking with the boy following behind. She got her her room, which was bigger than the students dorms and only had 1 bed. Glynda closes the door behind her. There was a blanket and pillow on her couch.

Glynda: You will stay here.

Goji looks up at her, tilting his head.

Glynda: right, it's a "child" child....

She picks Gojira up, placing him on the couch.

Glynda: you.

She points to him.

Glynda: Sleep.

She makes her hands look like a pillow that she rested her head on.

Glynda: Here.

She pats her hand on the couch. Gojira watches her, processing what she was saying before grabbing the blanket, forming it into a round nest and laying in it.

Glynda: uh, yeah. That... works.

She let out a sigh.

Glynda: Taking care of you won't be any fun.

A few days later--

Glynda: Oh who's the cutest little guy in the whole wide world? you are. You are!

She says, petting Goji while he sat there, being pet by her.

Glynda: So what will we do today? It's the weekend so I get to spend all day with you! Should we-


Glynda stood up faster than she ever had. She turns around seeing a mildly amused Ozpin along side a VERY amused team RWBY.


Ozpin: Glad to see you two got along.

Glynda didn't say anything, just evading eye contact. Goji looks past the older woman seeing team RWBY and getting a bit excited to see them again, hurrying over to them.

Ruby: Hai Goji!!!

She picks him up and hugs him with her team all saying hi and petting him.

Ozpin: Well he seems happy. You four can return to your dorm now.

All 4: Yes headmaster!

They quickly leave.



Ozpin:... you alright?

Glynda: I will never live this moment of shame down for the rest of my existence in this life and the after life.


Team RWBY quickly close their dorm door before looking at each other.

Yang:... just to be sure I wasn't hallucinating... Glynda getting all cutesy with Goji?

Ruby: that was real
Blake: Never gonna forget it.

They all laugh before Ruby put Goji down.

Ruby: hmm... does he look bigger, or is it just me?

Weiss: Yeah... he does look a bit bigger...

Yang: Maybe a growth spurt?

Weiss: Not impossible...

Blake: Well, he is still growing after all.

Ruby: Well, I'm beat. Let's have a relaxation day!

Yang: I am so in!

The 2 jump into their beds.

Weiss: We should be studying.

She looks up to see Blake on the couch with Gojira.

Blake: Relaxation day.

Weiss:... *sigh*... fine.

She says, sitting on the couch with Blake to watch TV.

Weiss: I forgot to ask Glynda if she fed him breakfast yet...

Blake: It never hurts to feed him a bit extra.

She says, somehow already feeding him goldfish crackers.

Blake: Better to overfeed than underfeed!

Weiss: Of course you'd say that.

She rolls her eyes. The rest of the day was especially laid back. Everyone in hanging around, team JNPR stopped by to say hi but other than that, nothing happened for the rest of the day.

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