Meet the Senseis: Demoman

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It's been 3 weeks since the RED and BLU teams arrived in Japan. It's been 3 weeks since they were paid by both Hanzō and Hebijo. In those 3 weeks, the mercs were eventually asked to become teachers.

RED was reluctant at first. Scout, Engi, and Heavy had no experience teaching and Pyro was insane. The only one who was actually capable of teaching was Spy, and even then, he wasn't used to teaching children.

They eventually accepted, and became Hanzō Academy's newest Shinobi teachers... despite not actually being Shinobi.

As for BLU Team... no one knows what was going through Dōgen's head at the time. Even if you ignore the fact that these four nearly defeated the entire school, these men were insane.

Soldier was an idiot who Sniper explained went on a one man war path in Poland.

Medic, despite his name, cared not for the sick and dying, and even flat out said that he views patients as test subjects rather than actual human beings.

Demo was a drunk who handled explosives. That was pretty self explanatory.

Sniper was the only one who seemed remotely sane, and even then, multiple girls have claimed to have seen him pissing in glass jars, even when there were toilets available.

The girls at Hebijo had known the BLU mercenaries long enough to know what they're like. And that wasn't the girls' opinion, it was Sniper's and Medic's.

But none the less, the RED and BLU teams were now shinobi teachers for both Good and Evil Shinobi... again, despite not actually being Shinobi.

For the next nine parts of this story, you will be experiencing Team Fortress's teaching methods.

Let us begin.

Hebijo Academy

The girls at Hebijo Academy prepared for another day of brutal training. Normally preparing for training is second nature by now. But this wasn't a normal training day.

Today was their first day training with a certain drunk, Black, Scottish cyclops.

Some of the students who fought him when the BLU team first arrived knew that today was likely to be rough. Those who didn't were in for quite a treat.

The students, elite and normal alike, walked into a room to see... that it looked like a cross between a normal classroom and a workshop. The walls were lined with tools, and the workbenches that weren't being used as desks had different materials strewn about them.

The students looked to the end of the room and saw Demo sitting behind a desk, as if he was a normal teacher.

"Welcome, girls, to the classroom of Demoman!" Demo greeted, his words slightly slurred.

It was then that the students noticed the beer bottle in his hands.

This was the problem that Suzune had with BLU Team. They were treating this as if it was just a simple teaching job, and felt that the mercs wouldn't push the students hard enough. Especially since Dōgen gave BLU Team permission to teach however they saw fit.

Now back to the present.

The students, though rather suspicious of the situation, walked into the room and sat down.

"So... what now, Sensei?" Asked a student.

"Please, call me Demo. And welcome ta 'bomb-makin' 101'." Demo replied.

"Bomb making?" Asked a student, who thought that Demo was an idiot.

"Aye. Though Shinobi are masters o' stealth, there will always be times where you will need a more direct approach. Some of ya have Shinobi Arts to take care of a situation like tha'. However, there are those o' you here that'll need to improvise." Demo explained.

"And so your going to teach us this?" Asked another student, who thought that Demo was a quack.

"Is there a problem?" Asked Demo.

"You're not even a good demolitions man! What kind of explosives expert is drunk half the time?!" The student insulted.

"I am a good Demoman." Demo retorted.

"Is that so? What makes you a good Demoman?" The student asked snuggly, not knowing what she had now given Demo free reign to deliver DeGroot justice.

Demo immediately went stiff, his eye slightly twitching. Then he slowly looked at the student, which unnerved her a little bit.

"What makes me a good Demoman?" Demo repeated.

It was the tone that he used that made the student even more nervous.

"If I were a bad Demoman, I wouldn't be sittin' here discussin' it with ya, now would I?!" Demo replied.

The Badlands


He then charged out of the spawn point and into the battlefield. As he ran through the combat zone, rockets were being shot at him by a RED Soldier clone. Thankfully, Demo was able to outrun the rockets.

"Not one of ya is gonna survive this!" Demo shouted as he ran.

*Flashback end*
Hebijo Academy

"One crossed wire, one wayward pinch of potassium chlorate, one errant twitch... AND KA-BLOOIE!!!" Demo shouted.

Then he began to drink his beer.

A lot of it.

(Same battle)

Demo continued running through the battlefield. He was being chased by Pyro. Demo then got an idea. He fired a grenade at the wall he was passing. The grenade bounced off the wall and exploded, blowing up Pyro.

Demo then kept running, eventually joining a BLU Scout clone. They kept running until they came across Engineer and his Sentry.

The turret and Engi both fired at the BLU Scout clone and Demo. They killed the Scout clone, but couldn't hit Demo. Demo then launched two grenades at Engi and the sentry, blowing up both of them.

*End Flashback*
Hebijo Academy

After guzzling down an entire beer bottle, Demo finally put the empty bottle down. Then, for some odd reason, he had a moment of honesty with the students in front of him.

"I've got a manky eye. I'm a Black, Scottish cyclops! They got more feckin' sea monsters in the great Loch at Ness than they got the likes o' me." He said, his voice starting to well up.

The  students didn't know whether to be disturbed at the descriptive language, or roll their eyes and call this man pathetic.

But then the dark skinned highlander blinked back his tears and returned to his usual, prideful self.

"So! T'all ya fine dandies, so proud, so cocksure, prancin' about with yer heads full o' eyeballs! Come and get me, I say! I'll be waitin' on ya with a whiff o' the ol' brimstone! I'm a grim bloody fable, with an unhappy bloody end!" Demo shouted.

(Again, same battle)

Demo was running from the incoming REDs. Eventually he stopped and looked around at his surroundings. He turned around and saw the doorway that he just ran through. He determined that it would be a good spot to set up an ambush. He set up the sticky bombs around the doorway.

Then, he waited for the REDs to come to him. When they entered the doorway, they noticed the sticky trap, but it was too late by then.

Demo detonated the stickies, effectively turning the REDs into a nasty pile of yuck.

"AAAHAHAHAA!!! Oh, they're gonna have ta glue you back together... IN HELL!!!" Demo taunted.

*End Flashback*

Hebijo Academy

"And while I'm teachin' here, you lot will become the same! I've been tasked with makin' ya the best Demowomen to ever graze the Earth! And tha' is exactly what I intend ta do! Rule one of any great Demolition Specialist: always know where your explosives are!" Demo exclaimed with a grin.

The students all immediately looked under their seat and saw blue sticky bombs underneath them.

Except for Mirai. She knew that the bombs were there the whole time. So, she got out her umbrella to block the explosion that was going to happen.

As for the rest of the students... well, by the time they snapped out of their shock, it was too late.

Just outside the classroom...

Suzune was walking around the Academy grounds, simply passing the time.

As she walked, she passed Demo's classroom.

Suddenly, the door to the classroom was blown off of it's hinges. When Suzune looked inside the room to see what had happened, all she could see was smoke.

Suddenly, students, both normal and elite, stumbled out of the room covered in soot, looks of pure shock on their faces.

"Ahahaha!!!" She heard a voice cackle.

Demo then stepped out of the room, somehow not covered in soot. His grin told Suzune all that she needed to know.

"Well, well. Only one lass passed the first class." Demo said.

Suzune raised an eyebrow, curious as to who this student was. She then saw Mirai exit the room, who was chuckling nervously in relief.

Demo handed her a bottle of beer. Normally, someone would have told Demo the obvious fact that Mirai wasn't old enough to drink.

But then everyone realized that they were training to be Evil Shinobi, so a little underage drinking was probably something they weren't bothered by.

Gessen Academy

"What do we do with him?" Asked a blond haired girl.

"Should we help him?" Asked a young brown haired girl.

The oldest one, a gray haired girl, looked at the unconscious young man in front of them. He looked like he was in his early twenty's.

He had long-ish chestnut brown hair.

On his torso, he wore a blue long sleeve shirt white the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He also wore a vest with bullets in its right pectoral pocket.

(Kinda like Sniper)

On his legs were dark blue pants with black combat boots.

(Kind of like Soldier)

And his hands sported white bandages.

(Kind of like Scout)

She then looked to her left, her attention now on the deactivated robots that suddenly appeared along with this strange man.

The gray haired girl then looked at the unconscious man.

She thought about whether they should help this man. For all they know, he could be an Evil Shinobi that was sent to kill them, and these robots could have been puppets to aid him.

Then again, it was also possible that this person wasn't even a Shinobi, and he simply built these robots.

But if the latter was the case, then why was he armed?

He appeared to carry a double-barrel, lever-action shotgun. He also carried a Submachine gun as a secondary. Lastly, he also appeared to wield some sort of pickaxe

The robots were also found with pump-action shotguns and pistols.

The gray haired girl wondered who this man was and if they should help him.

Eventually, she came to a decision.

"Bring him in. The robots too. We'll see what we can do to help him." The gray haired girl instructed.

With that, the blond haired girl, the young brown haired girl, a masked girl, and a dark-blue haired girl dragged the man and the robots inside.



Now I'm bringing Gessen into this... and I'm now realizing that that was a mistake, as I know jacksh*t about Gessen.

But screw it, I started it, now I'll see it through to the end.

That being said, any information about Gessen would be greatly appreciated.

Anyways, until next time!

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