Meet the Senseis: Scout

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Hanzō Academy

Asuka and her friends all stood around, waiting for the mercs. They were told that RED Team would be teaching them today.

Here's the problem. They had been waiting for 30 minutes.

"Where are they?" Katsuragi asked, sounding a little impatient.

"They could just be running late. After all, they did say that they were mercenaries with no teaching experience. Now they have to teach us how to be Shinobi." Hibari guessed.

"Running late by 30 minutes?" Yagyū asked.

"Maybe we should look for them." Asuka suggested.

Her friends agreed.

They all started looking around for RED Team. They didn't have to look far, though.

After only three minutes of searching, Asuka and her friends find RED Team in room sitting around a table. In the middle of the table is a bucket.

RED Team looked over and saw Asuka and her team.

"Ah, students! Please, come in." Said Spy.

Asuka and her friends entered the room.

"We were just looking for you guys." Katsuragi explained.

"Apologies. It's just that-" Spy started.

"We didn't plan a lesson." Scout admitted bluntly.

"Heavy and team are new to teaching little girls." Heavy explained.

"Oh, well, that's okay. We all need to adjust to new things sometimes!" Hibari said with a smile.

"If you didn't plan a lesson, then shouldn't you plan one now?" Asked Yagyū.

"We are." Engineer replied.

It was then that the girls noticed that the bucket in the middle of the table was filled to the brim with paper cards.

"This bucket contains lesson suggestions made by each man in this room." Spy explains.

Then he turns to Scout.

"Scout? You did collect everyones suggestions, yes?" Spy asked.

"Ah, you bet!" Scout replied.

Heavy noticed the smirk that Scout was trying to hold back. He knew that if Scout was trying not to laugh, then he must have tampered with the bucket in some way. So, he covered Hibari's ears, sparing her innocence.

Spy then drew a card from the bucket.

"Our first suggestion is Scout's!" Spy announced.

He then looked at the card to read what it said.

"He's..." Spy began.

Then he looked at the card a bit closer.

"He's... drawn a picture of me getting run over by a car... I have something radiating off of me." Spy said.

"Yeah, those are stink lines." Scout explained.

Then Scout turned to everyone else.

"See, that's why da car hit 'im. Cause he smells." Scout said with a chuckle.

"Yes, I see." Spy said, wanting to move on.

Then Spy grabbed 4 more cards out of the bucket.

"Ze next one is me having sexual congress with ze Eiffel Tower. Ze one after that is ze Eiffel Tower having sexual congress with me..." Spy said.

After those two, Ikaruga noticed Scout and Engineer fist bumping, which made her think that they don't like Spy very much.

"Ze third one is me and ze Eiffel Tower resting post-coitus." Spy continued.

Asuka saw Yagyū mouth the words 'what the f*ck'.

"Then ze last one is ze Eiffel Tower resting on a nude beach with stink lines coming off of- Did anyone other than Scout put a card into ze bucket?!" Spy shouted.

No one said anything. Well, no one except Scout.

"Hehe, classic Scout." Scout chuckled.

"Fantastic. This was a waste of time." Spy sighed.

"Nah, nah. I got an actual one right here." Scout said.

Spy sighed again.

"I'm going to regret that I even considered reading it." Spy said, taking the card from Scout's hand.

However, Spy raised an impressed eyebrow.

"That's... not a bad idea. Think you can do this, Engineer?" Spy asked, giving the card to Engi.

Engi looked at the card.

"Well, it'll require more hands then me... but yes, I reckon I do this." Engineer replied.

"Excellent. Now, while we go set this up..." Spy started.

Then he turned to Scout.

"Scout, since you thought it funny to sabotage ze bucket, you will have to occupy ze girls." Spy said, almost as if he were scolding a little kid.

Scout simply shrugged, as Asuka and her friends were mature enough to just sit around without a fuss.

Then, Heavy, Engi, Pyro, and Spy left the room, leaving Scout with Asuka and her friends.

As the six sat in the room, Asuka and her team had some questions for Scout.

"So... why did you draw those pictures of Sensei Spy?" Asuka asked, shocked that Scout could think such things about his coworker.

"Trust me, you girls are lucky. You know him as a teacher, which means dat you ain't gonna interact with him much. When you know him like I do, for as long as I have, you see dat he's kind of an ass." Scout explained.


Demo screamed in agony as he died from Spy's backstab.

"Now, here are a few things that I have that you don't: Depth perception, a functioning liver, and a pulse! HAHAHAHAHA *SNORT* HAHAHA!!!" Spy jeered.

*End flashback*

"He must not be as good at taunting people as you are. He talked to as if you were a little kid instead of a full grown man. What is he, your da-" Katsuragi started.

"Don't you even think about finishing dat sentence." Scout said in a threatening tone.

Katsuragi wanted to ask why, but was too scared to.

Ikaruga noticed that Scout seemed a little sensitive about that subject, so she decided to change it.

"So, Sensei... are you a good mercenary?" Ikaruga asked.

Scout leaned back in his chair, as if he were floored by the question.

"Did you really just ask me dat?" Scout asked.

"Uh, yes?" Katsuragi said.

"Wow...Uh...I-I-I don't even know where to start with you. I mean, do even know who you're talkin' to?" Scout asked.

The girls shrugged.


The door to RED base opens up, allowing RED team to get a glimpse of the surrounding area. A BLU Engineer clone had set up a sentry, a BLU Spy clone was simply standing around, and Soldier was juggling explosive ordnance.

With that, RED team charged out of their base. BLU team immediately opened fire. While the rest of BLU team was pinned down, Scout was dodging everything.

He ran up to the roof of a building and jumped to another, firing his shotgun mid-jump.

He was then chased by Soldier and Demo. Scout was able to outrun the bombs and rockets. Eventually a train came through. Scout managed to cross the tracks, just narrowly missing getting run over. Soldier and Demo weren't so lucky, however.

Scout then ran to the next control point.

There, he saw a BLU Heavy clone standing around, about to eat a Sandvich.

Just as the Heavy clone went to take a bite, Scout tapped him on the head with his baseball bat.

"Yo, what's up?" Scout said.

*End Flashback*

"D-do you have any idea... any idea who I am?" Scout asked the girls.

"Um... no." Hibari said politely.


The Heavy clone swung his fists at Scout, but the Boston scrapper was too fast for the hulking Russian clone.

*End flashback*

"Basically... kind of a big deal." Scout explained.

Now Asuka and her friends were interested, thinking that Scout was famous in the mercenary world.


Scout was now on the Heavy clone's back, trying to strangle the clone with his bat.

*End flashback*

"Oh, man, that's beautiful... heh." Scout chuckled, checking out his non existent muscles.

It was then that Asuka and her team realized that Scout wasn't famous, rather his ego was that big.


The Heavy clone now had Scout in a headlock, and Scout was kind of struggling to get out of it.

*End flashback*

"Ya listenin'?" Scout asked.

The girls simply nodded.

"Okay... grass grows, sun shines, birds fly, and girls... I hurt people." Scout explained.


Scout, now having broken free from his headlock, bashed the Heavy clone in the gut with his bat.

"BOINK!" Scout exclaimed whilst doing so.

*End flashback*

"I'm a force a' nature." Scout bragged.


Scout then swings upward, hitting the Heavy clone in the head.

"BONK!" Scout exclaimed whilst doing so.

*End flashback*

"If you was from I was from, you'd be f*cking dead!" Scout exclaims.

'Where is he from?' The girls wondered.


Scout then jumps on to a shipping container, then bounces off of it and swings his bat down onto the Heavy clone, killing him.

*End flashback*

Just then, Engineer came back in the room.

"Yeah?" Asked Scout.

"So, it turns out that your suggestion gonna take longer than we thought. So, for today, Scout, you're gonna have to improvise." Engi explained.

Then he left the room.

Scout turned his attention back to the girls.

"Okay... I guess you girls are gonna learn how to fasta' and longa'. I know dat's pretty basic, but it's the only thing that I wasn't naturally great at." Scout explained.

Asuka and her friends shrugged. He was their Sensei today, so they didn't really have a choice.

With that, the six of them headed to the track field.


Now that the Heavy clone was dead and the control point was captured, Scout decided to take a break.

He picked up the Sandvich, sat down on the clone's corpse, and proceeded to to eat the Sandvich.

*End flashback*

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