Meet the Senseis: Spy

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1 day before Hebijo's assault...
Rival Shinobi Hideout

"Intruder Alert! Infiltrator in the hideout!" The PA system blared.

"An Infiltrator?!" Exclaimed a Rival Shinobi woman.

Said Rival Shinobi woman then rushed to the room where they were keeping the briefcase. When she arrived, she noticed that another Rival Shinobi woman was already there.

"A little help here?!" The second woman exclaimed.

The first woman put in the code, unlocking the door.

"Alright, let's go!" Said the second woman.

Suddenly, a third woman carrying a huge weapon charged down the hallway.

"INCOMING!!!" She shouted.

All three of them burst into the room ready for a fight... only to find that no one was there and that the briefcase was still on the desk.

"Oh, hey, it's still here." Said the second woman.

"Oh, alright then." Said the third.


The first three women turned around to see a fourth woman, who was sharply dressed and carrying a body.

"Ladies." She said.

The fourth woman, who we will call #4, looked around the room and saw the briefcase.

"I see the briefcase is safe." #4 said.

"Yeah it is." Said the second woman, who we will call #2.

#4 nodded, then looked at the first and third women, who we will call #1 and #3.

"Tell me, did anyone happen to kill an infiltrator on the way here?" #4 asked.

#1, #2, and #3 just shrugged.

"No? Then we still have a problem." #4 said.

She then places the body she was carrying onto the desk next to the briefcase, revealing a knife stuck in their back.

"And a knife." #1 said.

#2 takes the knife out of the bodies back.

"Oooh, big problem. I've killed plenty of infiltrators. They're usually a bunch of dime-a-dozen backstabbing scumbags. Like you." #2 said confidently.

#2 tosses the knife in the air and attempts to catch it by the blade, but she only ends up nicking her finger.

"Ow! No offense." #2 said.

#4 then picks up the switchblade and hands it to #3.

"If you managed to kill them, then I assure you they were not like me. And nothing... nothing like the man loose inside this complex." #4 said.

"What, are you president of his fan club?" #2 asked with a chuckle.

#4 then wheeled around on #2.

"No... that would be your mother!" #4 said.

#4 then slammed a folder onto the desk. Pictures flew out of the folder on impact. Pictures of Spy having intercourse with #2's mom.

#2 was understandably speechless. She tried to say words, but she only stammered.

"Indeed. And now he's here to f*ck us! So listen up, child! Or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing that happened to you today." #4 said as she took out a cigarette.

#3 showed #1 one of the pictures while #2 tried picking them all up.

"The infiltrator has already breached our defenses." #4 said.


Spy had infiltrated the Rival Shinobi Hideout. As of right now, he was currently hiding from a turret that was mounted on the ceiling.

Spy then took out the Ap-Sap.

"I do not need you to hack it, I just need you to destroy it with a pulse." Spy said sternly.

"Right. Just shock, no hack. Got it." The Ap-Sap replied.

Spy rolled his eyes, then slid the Ap-Sap towards the turret and the Rival Shinobi man by it.

"What the-?!" The Rival Shinobi man exclaimed.

"Hello!" The Ap-Sap said.

Ap then released an EMP, which destroyed the automated turret. Spy then popped out of cover and shot the Rival Shinobi, whose body literally opened a door. After the corpse fell to the ground, Spy then shot the Rival Shinobi in the other room.

*End Flashback*

"You see what he's done to our colleagues!" #4 continued as she gestured to the dead Shinobi Woman on the desk.


Spy was creeping up on a Shinobi Woman who was keeping watch in a wooden tower. He readied his knife to backstab her, however he stepped towards her, a floorboard creaked, alerting her to Spy's presence. She attempted to attack him, but he blocked it, then kicked her into the wall.

She managed to grab a tantō and swung it at Spy twice, but he dodged the attacks, then managed to cut her cheek. She then swung at him again, but Spy once again dodged her, then slashed her stomach, gashed her back, then embedded his knife into her back. She then fell over a railing, the fall finally killing her.

*End Flashback*

"And worst of all, we've found out that he's a master of disguise... which means he could be any one of us." #4 said grimly.


Spy had engaged in a fight with an Evil Shinobi man who had spotted him. The Evil Shinobi swung his weapon at Spy, but the backstabbing merc caught the Shinobi's arm and broke it, making the Shinobi drop his weapon.

The Shinobi then looked on in horror as the man he just attacked was engulfed in smoke and was replaced by a mirror image of the Shinobi.

The disguised Spy then judo-chopped the ever-loving bejesus out of the Evil Shinobi, then walked off to complete the mission.

*End Flashback*

"He could be you! He could be me! He could even be-"


The now headless body of #4 fell to the ground, head evaporated by the guns of #1 and #3.

"Woah, whoah!" #2 exclaimed in horror.

"What? It was obvious! She was the intruder!" #1 said proudly.

"The way she was talking about the intruder did seem kind of boastful." #3 reasoned.

"Watch! 'She'll' turn into the guy 'she' was talking about any second now." #1 said.

Everyone then waited for the big reveal...


"Any second now." #1 chuckled nervously.

But still nothing happened.

"Oh shit." #1 said, realizing her mistake.

"Sooo... we still have a problem?" #3 asked uneasily.

"Yeah. Big problem." #1 replied.

Unbeknownst to #1 and #3, #2 readied the knife that #4 gave her. #2 was then engulfed in smoke, revealing that it was Spy.

"Alright... who's ready to find the intruder?" #1 asked.

"Right behind you." Spy replied, making #1 and #3 turn around and gasp in shock.

He then shanked them like muthaf*ckas, which killed them.

Spy then grabbed the briefcase and began to leave. As he walked out of the room, he looked down at the photos of him and the real #2's mother.

'I'll have to thank Katsuragi for showing me how to photoshop.' Spy thought to himself.

He then chuckled. He didn't really need the photos. He just wanted to screw with the Evil Shinobi a bit.

What? Spy's not incapable of humor.

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