Meet The Senseis: Medic

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(A.N. Time to meet everyone's favorite sadistic medicinal magician)

3 days later...
Rival Shinobi Hideout

Homura and Miyabi were in the middle of fighting a ton of rival Shinobi.

After Sniper and Ryōbi scouted the rival Shinobi's hideout, Hebijo came up with a plan for their assault. Now the entire Hebijo Clandestine Girls Academy Student Body was waging an all out attack. Those that were too injured to fight were sent back to Hebijo to be healed by Medic, then sent back to the battlefield.

Now, Homura and Miyabi haven't been injured yet. However, they were being quickly overwhelmed. And considering how large the Hebijo Student Body was, it invoked a good question from Homura.

"How are there so many of them?!" Homura asked.

"You maybe want to fight?! Or do just want to keep complaining?!" Miyabi exclaimed.

The two girls' attention was caught when they heard gunfire. They looked over and saw Sniper firing his SMG as he ran away from the rival ninja.

"I'm starting to realize that his usefulness lessens with proximity." Homura observed.

"Oh, now you notice that?!" Miyabi exclaimed.

Suddenly, 5 rival ninja appeared in front of the girls, lining up perfectly. The two girls readied their weapons.


Homura, Miyabi, and the rival ninja all looked over and saw Demo charging at the rival ninja with a giant claymore at Mach 50 speeds.

Without stopping, Demo swiftly decapitated all five rival ninjas. The heads of said rival ninjas rolled to Homura and Miyabi's feet, which kind of disturbed them. Well, more so Homura, since Miyabi witnessed her mother's head get crushed by a demon, and I'm getting off topic.

"Well... that was... effective." Homura said, still disturbed at the somewhat gruesome sight.

They then heard a scream of pain. The two turned around and witnessed Soldier rip the arms off a rival ninja using his bare hands. After pounding his chest like a gorilla, Soldier then pulled out his Rocket Launcer and Rocket Jumped to another part of the battlefield.

After shaking off what she just saw, Miyabi then looked at the battle around her and noticed something.

"Where is Haruka? Her drugs would be rather useful right now!" Miyabi asked.

"Medic-Sensei needed her to help him experiment on Aiko." Homura replied.

"What?! What could he want with that sorry excuse for a Shinobi?!" Miyabi exclaimed.

"I don't know. I just hope it's something that will keep her from screwing up like she normally does." Homura said.

Meanwhile, back at Hebijo...

"Vait, vait! It gets better! Vhen ze patient voke up, his skeleton was missing... AND ZE DOCTOR WAS NEVER HEARD FROM AGAIN!!!" Medic said, telling his story to Aiko and Haruka.

Medic and Aiko were laughing uncontrollably. Haruka, though she is a bit sadistic, honestly didn't know whether to laugh with them or be a little disturbed.

At the moment, Aiko's chest was wide open, revealing all of her organs. The only reason she was alive was because she was currently hooked up to the MediGun's MediBeam. Medic was also holding Aiko's heart in his hand.

"Anyvay, zat's how I lost my medical license, heh." Medic said after he and Aiko finally stopped laughing.

Aiko didn't question it, however Haruka caught on to what Medic just said.

"Wait, what?" Haruka asked.

Before either Haruka or Medic could say a word, a small dove popped out of Aiko's chest.

"Archimedes, no! It's filthy in zere." Medic said as he shoo'd the dove out of Aiko's chest.

Medic then turned to the two girls.

"Birds, hehe." Medic chuckled.

He then grabbed a small device and stuck it into Aiko's heart.

"Now, most hearts couldn't vithstand zis voltage. However, I'm very certain your heart-"


A piece of Aiko's exploded heart slammed into Archimedes.

"What was that?" Aiko asked.

"Ze sound of progress, mein lieber." Medic replied.

He then looked to Haruka.

"Haruka, if you vould be so kind as to hand me one of ze spare hearts in ze fridge? Ze one labeled 'mega-baboon'." Medic said.

Haruka turned around, opened the fridge, then picked up the requested heart. When she picked up the heart, it revealed a severed head attached to a device. The head suddenly looked at Haruka.

"Kill me." The head said.

"Later." Medic whispered.

Haruka then closed the fridge. She had a million questions flood her head, but she figured the smartest thing to do would be to say nothing. She then handed Medic the heart.

"Right, no vhere was I? Ah, yes." Medic said.

He then attached the same device into the Mega-Baboon heart, then stuck them into the MediBeam. This caused the heart to beat very rapidly while Medic laughed like the crazed lunatic he is.

For whatever reason, Haruka finally pieces together that Medic is your stereotypical mad German doctor. It's weird that she only pieced it together now because he literally told everyone in Hebijo that he views his patients as specimens.

Aiko, on the other hand, seemed completely fine with Medic's behavior. In fact, she was fine with his behavior. It somehow didn't phase her at all.

After Medic stopped laughing, the heart was fully charged and covered in the shiny blue substance from when BLU Team fought Hebijo.

"Ah, zat looks good." Medic said as he casually dropped the heart into Aiko's chest.

"Should I be awake for this, doc?" Aiko asked.

"Aheh, vell no... but as long as you are, could you hold your rib cage open a bit? Haruka, if you would be so kind as to help her." Medic said.

Haruka and Aiko held Aiko's rib cage open. Medic then shoved the heart, with the device still attached, further into Aiko's chest, breaking a rib and eliciting a yelp of pain from Aiko. Aiko and Haruka then notice the broken rib in Medic's fingers.

"Oh, don't be such a baby. Ribs grow back." Medic said with a smile.

"No they don't." Haruka replied.

"Oh, good. You already know." Medic said.

He then casually tossed the rib aside. Then he brought the MediGun closer to Aiko and amplified the MediBeam's power. Within seconds, the gaping hole in Aiko's chest was completely healed.

This stunning achievement of Science made Haruka's jaw drop.

Aiko then sat up and took a deep breath.

"So, what happens now?" Aiko asked.

"Now? Hmhmhmhmhm... let's go practice medicine." Medic said with a sadistic smile.


Medic dawned his coat, threw on his gloves, and readied his MediGun. Aiko readied her custom dual SMGs.

Medic then stepped through the teleporter and officially entered the battlefield. Aiko and Haruka quickly followed.

Medic looked around at the hectic battle.

"MEDIC!!!" He heard Demo call.

Medic watched as an explosion erupted, causing Demo to fall flat on his face. He fixed his glasses, switched on the MediGun, and healed Demo.

The nearby Hebijo girls watched as Demo got back up and charged into the fight as though nothing had happened.

Medic noticed a Hebijo Student on the ground in pain. Medic swiftly healed her, and she quickly followed Demo into the battle.

Rival ninja had pinned down Aiko and Haruka, who had regrouped with Crimson Squad. Aiko then looked back to Medic.

"Doctor! Are you sure this is going to work?!" Aiko shouted over the sounds of battle.

"On you?! HAHAHAHAHA, I HAVE NO IDEA!!!" Medic shouted back.

Then, with the flick of a switch, Medic activated Übercharge.

"Screw it." Aiko said.

She then jumped out into the open.

As the charged MediBeam connected to her, she let out a battle cry as the energy surged through her body, and she was coated in the blue substance from earlier. To Crimson Squad's surprise, it was a battle cry mighty enough to rival Soldier's.

As Medic and Aiko pressed forward, Aiko released a barrage of bullets upon the rival Shinobi.

Suddenly, explosives, bullets, and blades were all thrown at Aiko. And all of them hit.

But as anyone who is familiar with Übercharge would know, none of it had an effect on her.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!! I'M INVINCIBLE!!!" Aiko laughed maniacally.

The nearby Hebijo students, Crimson Squad included, could only watch in awe as Aiko mowed down waves and waves of rival ninja.

And behind her, standing triumphantly on a mountain of corpses, was Medic, basking in the glory of his latest triumph.

Hebijo Academy

The battle was over. Hebijo had won. The rival Shinobi ran like cowards. Now Crimson Squad was searching the hideout for the briefcase they had fought so hard to retrieve.

Meanwhile, everyone else was being healed from the long and tiring battle. Coincidentally, everyone also asked that Medic do to them what he did to Aiko. So you can imagine how full Medic's waiting room was. Hell, even Suzune asked if she could have it.

Suddenly, a Hebijo Student by the name of Sōji burst out of Medic's OR.

"Oh-ho, man! Ryōna, you are gonna have a good time with this!" Sōji said with a smile.

"Why's that?" Ryōna asked.

"Because you would not believe... how much this hurts!" Sōji replied, her smile shrinking a little.

Suddenly, something inside of Sōji began moving around and cooing.

"Archimedes?" Medic asked.

Meanwhile, back at the Rival Shinobi Hideout...

Crimson Squad arrived at a door in the rival ninja hideout, which was now abandoned.

"Right. The briefcase we came for should be in this room, which means it's possible that some of the rival Shinobi that survived and stayed are in here to guard it. Be ready." Homura said.

"Hai!" Her friends replied.

Then, they all burst through the door, hands on their weapons and ready to draw them.

It turns out that they didn't need them, however.

Because the only four people in the room were already dead.

"Eugh." Mirai fake-gagged, cringing at the sight.

"They must have suicided when they lost the battle." Yomi said.

Something about that didn't seem right to Hikage. She didn't know why, though. She took a closer look at the bodies and the room. One was missing a head, though the head was nowhere to be found. The other two had quite a few knife wounds on their bodies. The fourth body, which was on the only desk in the room, had a knife wound in their back. The wall above the headless body had a few bullet holes in it. Hikage had also noticed that the blood looked like it was already dry.

This wasn't recent, but didn't happen too long ago either.

Haruka, however, noticed that there were pictures everywhere. Pictures that were a bit... sexually explicit.

Homura checked the drawers to the desk... only to find nothing.

The briefcase they fought so hard to get wasn't there.

"Nothing! Damn it! They must have moved it in the chaos of the fight!" Homura exclaimed in frustration.

Hikage the noticed something else.

Bloody footprints leading to the same door they had come in from.

Then she finally pieced everything together.

"This wasn't a suicide." Hikage said abruptly.

"What?" Haruka asked.

"Look around. Bullet holes, a bunch of knife wounds, and bloody footprints. This was a fight." Hikage said, pointing to the footprints.

When the others saw the footprints, that's when they picked everything together.

"Someone got the briefcase before we got here." Homura concluded.

"But who would be skilled enough to do that?" Yomi asked.

1 day before Hebijo's assault...
Rival Shinobi Hideout

"Intruder Alert! Infiltrator in the hideout!" The PA system blared.

"An Infiltrator?!" Exclaimed a Rival Shinobi woman.

Said Rival Shinobi woman then rushed to the room where they were keeping the briefcase. When she arrived, she noticed that another Rival Shinobi woman was already there.

"A little help here?!" The second woman exclaimed.

The first woman put in the code, unlocking the door.

"Alright, let's go!" Said the second woman.

Suddenly, a third woman carrying a huge weapon charged down the hallway.

"INCOMING!!!" She shouted.

All three of them burst into the room ready for a fight... only to find that no one was there and that the briefcase was still on the desk.

"Oh, hey, it's still here." Said the second woman.

"Oh, alright then." Said the third.


The first three women turned around to see a fourth woman, who was sharply dressed and carrying a body.

"Ladies." She said.

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