Meet the Senseis: Sniper

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(A.N. Time to meet my old friend Mr. Mundy. He's badass, and I f*caking love him... no homo)
(A.N. I would also like to let it be known that I may break character for Dōgen every now and then, simply because I don't really pay attention to anything having to do with him... I just kinda find him boring)

2 days later...

"Your inability to acquire the documents was a colossal failure, though I should have expected as much from you. However, I only allow this one to go unpunished because the involvement of Hanzō was a miscalculation on our part. However, I will not be so lenient next time. Do I make myself clear?" Dōgen said.

"Yes, Sensei." Aiko replied.

"Good. Now get out of my sight." Dōgen said.

Aiko left the room, leaving Dōgen and Suzune in the room alone.

Dōgen simply sighed.

"Why is she still here?" Dōgen asked.

"Believe me, sir, I wish I knew." Suzune said.

"Do we have any idea what kind of documents are in that case?" Dōgen asked.

"No sir. All we know is that the government considers getting them back their #1 priority. Knowing that, it's safe to assume that whatever is in the case is very important to them." Suzune explained.

"Which means that it's very valuable..." Dōgen mused.

Dōgen was thinking about this carefully. He needed that briefcase, but getting from such a large Evil Clan wasn't going to be easy. Infiltration wasn't possible since the only students capable of a mission like that were the elite students. Normally that wouldn't be an issue, but this clan somehow knew every single elite student in Hebijo.

A full on assault was the only way to do this. But since Hanzō had also done that, this clan would be ready for another one. So he had to make this one bigger. Much bigger. But in order to do that, the students would have to know what they're going to be dealing with.

Thankfully, he had an idea of who would be able to scope out the place.

Dōgen chuckled silently at his joke.

"Suzune, if you would please fetch Sniper and Ryōbi." Dōgen said.

Suzune nodded, then went to retrieve a certain Kiwi bushman and sadistic markswoman.

After a few minutes passed, Sniper walked into Dōgen's office.

"You wanted me for something?" Sniper asked.

"Ah, Mr. Sniper. Yes, actually. You see, recently I sent a student on a mission to retrieve a briefcase of documents that could be beneficial to us, however that mission was met with failure, and now the briefcase is in the possession of a rival clan. Due to unfortunate circumstances, infiltration is impossible." Dōgen explained.

"So what the bloody hell do want me to do?" Sniper asked impatiently.

Just then, Ryōbi walked into the room.

"You wanted to see me, Sensei?" Ryōbi asked.

"Yes. I was just about to tell the good bushman here that you'll be scouting a rival clan to help us prepare for an assault. And possibly assassinate anyone who would give us trouble." Dōgen said.

Both Sniper and Ryōbi raised eyebrows.

"When you say 'you', are you referring to both of us?" Sniper asked.

"Why yes I am." Dōgen replied.

"When do we leave, Sensei?" Ryōbi asked.

"As soon as possible would be nice." Dōgen said.

"You got it." Sniper said.

With that, the two sharpshooters left the room.


Sniper and Ryōbi were simply driving down a rural road in Sniper's RV.

(A.N. Which I probably my favorite Van in all of fiction)

They hadn't said a word to each other. They were both more focused on the task they were given.




Okay, the silence was slightly uncomfortable for Ryōbi. Maybe it was because she was used to so much conversation around her. She wasn't entirely sure.

"Boom, headshot." Sniper said as he flicked the bobblehead on his dashboard.

Since Ryōbi would prefer some sort of conversation as opposed to the silence, she got an idea of what she should talk about. It killed the uncomfortable silence,and gave her information about Sniper just in case she would need to use it against him.

"So, Sensei... why did you become a Sniper?" Ryōbi asked.

"Well, Snipin's a good job, sheila. It's challengin' work, outta doors. I guarantee you won't go hungry. 'Cause at the end of the day, as long as there's two people left on the planet, someone is gonna want someone dead." Sniper said.

Rival Shinobi Hideout

Ryōbi watches as Sniper headshots a rival Shinobi as he's firing at them. The bullet goes through the Shinobi's head and shatters a glass bottle. The glass shards go into another Shinobi's eye, causing him to scream and writhe in pain.

Said Shinobi then takes out some kind of explosive, but then falls down a hole, where the large explosion kills him.

*End Flashforward*

New Mexico

"Dad... dad, I'm a-... I'm not a crazed gunman, dad, I'm an assassin... the- 'what the difference be?', one's a job and the other is mental sickness!" Sniper said over the phone to his father.

*End Flashback*
Sniper's Van

"I'll be honest with you, my adoptive parents, God rest their souls, did not care for it." Sniper said.

"Adoptive?" Ryōbi asked.

"Long story." Sniper replied.

Rival Shinobi Hideout

Sniper and Ryōbi climb some kind of tower thing and use that as a perch to assassinate another rival Shinobi and his two friends.

"They all have guns. The most efficient way to do this would be to synchronize the first two shots, then one of us takes out the third one." Ryōbi said.

"It's a good plan, but there might be problem." Sniper said.

"And that is?" Ryōbi asked.

"I think his mate saw me." Sniper replied.

"What?!" Ryōbi quietly exclaimed.

Suddenly, the area around the two was pegged with a firestorm of bullets.

"Yes, yes he did!" Sniper exclaimed as the two retreated from the perch.


Ryōbi and Sniper found a new perch to assassinate the rival Shinobi from earlier. They had been in this new perch for a while, waiting for the opportune shot. They had to take a bathroom break or two. That was when Ryōbi learned one of Sniper's... less sane habits. She wasn't a fan of the fact that he peed in jars, but she knew that it was somewhat necessary.

Sniper suddenly shot his rifle, which actually startled Ryōbi a little bit.


Sniper stabbed his kukri through the chest of a rival Shinobi as they escaped. After pulling the giant knife out of the corpse, Sniper took off his hat and briefly saluted the rival Shinobi.

*End Flashforward*
Sniper's RV

"I'm guessing feelings get in the way?" Ryōbi said.

"Feelings? Look, sheila, you know who has a lot of feelings? Blokes who bludgeon they're wives to death with a golf trophy. Professionals have standards. Be polite. Be efficient. Have a plan to kill everyone you meet." Sniper explained.

Rival Shinobi Hideout

Ryōbi watched as Sniper popped headshot after headshot after headshot. Ryōbi internally admitted that he was actually really good. Hell, she even admitted that he may be better than her.

Now that they had gathered all the information they needed and assassinated enough targets, the two headed back to Hebijo to prepare for the assault.

*End Flashforward*
New Mexico

"Dad, put-... put Ma on the phone." Sniper groaned.

*End Flashback*

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