Meet the Senseis: Engineer

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Somewhere in Tokyo

Asuka and her friends were somewhere in Tokyo looking for Engineer. A few days ago, Kiriya had asked Engi if he'd be interested in a mission. Engi accepted, and was sent to retrieve some sensitive documents that were stolen from the government. The culprits, of course, was a clan of Evil Shinobi. A rather large one, too. Large enough that Engineer was only to engage in combat if absolutely necessary.

But that was a few days ago. Kiriya and the girls were concerned about what might have happened to him. Spy simply said not to worry, then Scout elaborated that Engi probably had the highest kill count in their group, though he never said why that was.

Still, aside from the fact that a person (whom the girls grew somewhat fond of) was missing, the documents were also missing.

So, Kiriya had given Asuka and her friends the assignment of finding Engineer (or at least what happened to him), and retrieve the documents.

Now that you're all caught up, I can now tell you that they were currently going over what they knew.

"Our last lead said that Engineer-Sensei was last seen in a red pickup truck heading towards Kagawa." Yagyū said.

"But why would he go Kagawa?" Ikaruga asked.

"Well,they did say that he seemed like he was in a hurry. Maybe he was being chased by the Evil Shinobi he had to confront?" Katsuragi guessed.

"If that's the case, then we better find him fast." Asuka said.

"Hai!" The others replied.

The girls managed to hitch a ride from a friendly elderly couple up to Kagawa. Once they arrived, the girls thanked the couple for their kindness and continued their search.


Asuka and her team had been searching Kagawa all day and had found nothing. No footprints, no tire tracks. Nothing that would suggest a fight either, like bullet casings, shotgun shells, throwing blades...nothing.

"Maybe he isn't here anymore." Hibari suggested.

"Or maybe he doesn't want to be found." Ikaruga said.

The girls suddenly heard gunfire and explosions near them.

"What was that?!" Katsuragi exclaimed.

"Do you really need to ask?" Yagyū replied.

"Come on!" Asuka said as she ran towards the source of the gunfire.

Her friends followed her, however some of them were a bit uneasy at the thought of running straight into a fight.

Luckily they didn't have to, because as the girls neared the supposed battleground, the gunfire and explosions abruptly stopped.

"What happened? Why did the fight just suddenly stop?" Katsuragi asked.

"Maybe Engineer-Sensei won?" Hibari said.

"Or maybe he lost. I really hope he didn't." Ikaruga said.

There was a moment of silent dread at the thought of Engineer losing the fight. In the moment of silence, however, Katsuragi thought she was hearing something. She thought she was hearing...

"Is that... guitar music?" She asked.

The other girls listened closely. Eventually, they heard the music.

"What is that?" Asuka said.

The girls walked towards the source of the music. When the got close, they entered a clearing, where they saw Engineer playing the guitar. They also saw that he was sitting beside an old red pickup truck surrounded by what looked like automated turrets.

Engi looked up from his guitar playing and noticed the girls.

"Hello, girls! Come on over, take a breather!" Engi said as he waved them over.

The girls began to walk over to him, but then they noticed the bodies that were all around him.

"Oh, don't worry about the fellas around ya. They ain't dead, just in severe pain." Engi explained.

Then, as if on que, one of the bodies on the ground groaned in pain.

"I had the sentries loaded with nonlethal ammunition in the event that y'all came to help me. Figured I'd let you keep your innocence." Engi said.

The girls all sat down on a log.

"Sorry if I concerned y'all for bein' gone so long. Been on the run for a few days tryin' to get away from this rather large band of low-down-scoundrels. Figured I'd take a break, then head back to Hanzō once I'm rested." Engi explained.

"While I understand needing to catch your breath, Sensei, we really should be heading back now. Those Evil Shinobi will be back, and probably in greater numbers!" Katsuragi exclaimed.

Engineer simply chuckled, which surprised the girls.

"Hey look, missy, I'm an Engineer. That means I solve problems." Engi said.

Suddenly, a kunai came out of nowhere and embedded itself into the truck near Engineer's head. The girls immediately got up and began to draw their weapons. Engineer, however, grabbed Asuka's hand to stop her. When the other girls turned around and saw this, he motioned for them to sit back down. Without saying a word, they reluctantly obeyed. Engineer then went back to playing his guitar.

"Not problems like what is beauty. Because that would fall within the purview of your conundrums of philosophy." Engi said.

Another kunai and a shuriken embedded itself into the truck near Engineer's head. The girls began to get up again, but Engi stopped them and motioned for them to keep sitting.

"I solve practical problems." Engi continued.

He then took a sip of beer. As he did, one of the turrets suddenly turned and shot the one who threw the blades. Engi then put his beer down and continued playing his guitar.

"For instance, how am I gonna stop some big mean mother Hubbard from tearin' me a structurally superfluous new behind?" Engi asked.

The turret then made a sharp turn and shot another Evil Shinobi.

"The answer..." Engi said.

A different turret, one that kind of resembled a chain gun, fired at another Evil Shinobi.

"Use a gun. And if that don't work..." Engi continued.

A third turret then fired four rockets at another Evil Shinobi.

"Use more gun." Engi finished.

There was a moment of silence as Engi and the girls waited for the explosion. When the rockets did explode, an Evil Shinobi screamed as he was sent flying.

"Like this heavy-caliber tripod-mounted little-ol'-number designed by my grandfather." Engi said.

(A.N. For those that don't know, It's revealed in one of the comics, I can't remember which, that Engi's grandfather designed some of the machines that Engi builds.)

Engineer then kicks a rock that was in front of his feet into the air. The level-1 sentry then blows the rock to pieces.

"Built by me." Engi said.

The level-1 sentry then shot yet another Evil Shinobi.

"And you gals best hope... it ain't pointed at you." Engi said.

He then kept playing his guitar, meanwhile the Evil Shinobi clan that Engi was fighting against released a full on onslaught. However, none of them got even close to Engineer or the Hanzō girls, due to the sentries releasing a Hail Mary of bullets and rockets. Taking note of this, the Hanzō girls had no clue how any of the Evil Shinobi were surviving.

"Sensei, are you sure you used nonlethal ammunition?" Ikaruga asked.

"Missy, I got 11 degrees in hard sciences. Not only that, but I'm also a mercenary. I'm pretty sure I know nonlethal ammo when I see it." Engi replied.

Just as the attack died down, a girl managed to rush past the sentries. The girls were about to draw their weapons, but Engi managed to flip the girl onto her back, then he pulled out his shotgun faster then the girls could blink.

Before he pulled the trigger, however, Asuka thought she recognized the girl.

"Wait!" Asuka exclaimed.

The Hanzō girls looked at the Evil Shinobi girl closely.

It turns out, they did recognize her.

(A.N. Ignore the assault rifle, but keep the SMG)

"Aiko?!" The Hanzō girls exclaimed.

The girl, Aiko, looked up at the Hanzō girls.

"Asuka?" Aiko said.

"Y'all know this gal?" Engi asked.

"Yeah. She's a Hebijo Student. We kind of forgot to mention that we have a frenemy relationship with some of them. Like Aiko here." Katsuragi said.

"So, I've been fighting these Hebijo folks y'all told us about?" Engi asked.

"No, these Shinobi aren't Hebijo. Quite the opposite, in fact. Though they're Evil Shinobi, Hebijo has an intense rivalry with them." Aiko explained.

Engi allowed Aiko to stand up, but he kept his shotgun trained on her just in case.

"How intense?" Asuka asked.

"Let's just put it mildly and say that we've really been going at it lately." Aiko replies.

"So, why are you here?" Yagyū asked.

"Well, we got word that they had stolen sensitive government documents. So I was sent to steal it from them. We didn't count on you trying to get them, though." Aiko explained.

The Hanzō girls were about to say something, but were interrupted when they noticed an Evil Shinobi girl running off with a brief case.

"Hey! Are those the documents?!" Ikaruga exclaimed.

Engi immediately started firing at the Evil Shinobi girl, but she managed to get away.

"Damn it!" Engi cursed.

"Well, looks like I'll have to report my failure to Hebijo... again." Aiko groaned.

"Meanwhile, we should head back. I'd go after her, but them folks'll be expectin' me again. But I got an idea." Engi said.

"You'll have to think of it quickly. Otherwise you'll be racing Hebijo for it. And trust me, not all of us are colossal failures like me." Aiko said.

Everyone then went their separate ways, with Aiko heading back to Hebijo, and the Hanzō girls riding with Engi back to Hanzō Academy.

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