Meet the Senseis: Heavy

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Sorry if this chapter isn't as long. Meet the Heavy doesn't have much to it

Hanzō Academy

Asuka and her friends got up and prepared for another day of training with Kiriya. As they went to class, they looked out the window and saw that RED Team was still hauling wood and building supplies around. They also had paint this time.

"Geez, whatever Scout-Sensei suggested must be a really big project." Katsuragi said.

"They've been hauling wood and building supplies in and out for the past few days." Yagyū said.

"At least Engineer-Sensei said that they were halfway done." Asuka said.

The girls continue walking through the academy... that is, until they hear a noise coming from the training room. They look inside the training room and saw Heavy eating a sandwich.

"Heavy-Sensei." Hibari said.

Heavy looks over to the girls and smiles.

"Ah, good morning, tiny girls." Heavy says.

"With all due respect, Sensei, what are you doing? Shouldn't you be helping the other mercenaries?" Ikaruga asked.

"Tiny friends gave Heavy break. Will help when Sandvich is eaten." Heavy explains.

"I've been meaning to ask, Sensei... why do they call you Heavy? The other mercenaries said you call each other by your roles on the battlefield. But it almost seems like you were given a cruel nickname." Katsuragi asks.

"Name is not making fun of Heavy's weight. I am Heavy weapons guy. Name is too long for conversations, so is shortened to Heavy." Heavy explains.

"Oh. Now that you've explained it, it makes a lot more sense." Katsuragi said.

"Why are you the Heavy Weapons Specialist?" Asuka asks.

Heavy then smirks.

"Because..." He starts.

He then puts down his Sandvich, and turns around.

"This is my weapon." Heavy finishes.

He then turns back the girls and puts a giant gun on the table.

"Woah!" Katsuragi

"Is that a minigun?!" Yagyū exclaims.

"Da. It weighs 150 kilograms and fires $200 custom-2 cartridges at 10,000 rounds per minute." Heavy explains.

"That sounds... very expensive." Ikaruga says.

"Da. It cost $400,000 to fire this weapon... for 12 seconds." Heavy continues.

"WHAT?!?!" The girls all exclaim.

"Heavy's original employer paid 5 times that monthly." Heavy explained.

"Who was your original employer? It must have been someone incredibly rich." Ikaruga asks.

"Yes. But Heavy is not allowed to say." Heavy explains.

"Oh... I guess that makes sense." Ikaruga replies.

Hibari looked at Heavy and saw that looked kind of down.

"Are you alright, Sensei?" Hibari asks.

"Yes, it's just... Heavy misses Sasha." Heavy says.

"Sasha?" Hibari asks.

"Sasha is very important to Heavy. She is only woman for me." Heavy says.

"But, she's still around, right? Maybe you could write to her?" Hibari suggests.

"Sasha cannot read or write." Heavy explains.

"Oh. Well, as long you both know you love each other!" Hibari says with a smile.

"I find that the best way to help with a situation like this is to remember your fondest memory of the loved one in question." Asuka says.

Heavy looks up at the ceiling and begins thinking.

"Fondest memory... when we first met." Heavy says.

"What was that like?" Asuka asks.

"She taught Heavy important lesson. Heavy knows there are people who can outsmart me... but Sasha taught Heavy that no one can outsmart bullet." Heavy says.


Heavy walks up the walk firing a certain minigun. Not Natascha... you know the one.

As he walks up the rock, he's making it very clear that he enjoys his job.

"WAAAAAA!!! WWWAAAAAAAAAAA!!! AAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!!! CRY SOME MORE!!!" Heavy screams with a maniacal smile.

*End Flashback*

Gessen Academy

The man begins to wake up after spending the past few days unconscious. His eyes slowly open, and he finds himself in an unfamiliar place.

He gets up to find that he's in a bed. After sitting up, he feels his head start to throb, but he doesn't really do anything since he's had worse. After his headache goes away, he looks around at his surroundings. He notices that he is in a Japanese style building. At first, he thinks he is somewhere else, a place called Suijin, until he looks closer and realizes that he's not familiar with the layout of the room.

"Oh, I see that your awake." Says a voice behind him.

The man turns around and sees a gray haired girl standing in a doorway.

"Where the hell am I? And who the hell are you?" The man asks.

"My apologies, I didn't mean to startle you. My name is Yumi." The girl says.

"Yumi... eh, I've heard weirder names. Nathaniel Navarez... the 3rd. But please, I am begging you, just call me Nate." The man replies.

"Oh... okay." Yumi said.

"So, do you have a map anywhere I could use? I want to know how long it'll take me to get to TueFort." Nate asks.

"Um... TueFort?" Yumi asks.

"Yeah. TueFort, New Mexico." Nate says.

"New Mexico? Where is that?" Yumi asks.

Nate was silent for a moment before speaking again.

"What country am I in?" Nate asks.

"Uh... Japan." Yumi replied.

Yumi watched as Nate's eye twitched.

"... Oh, god dammit!" Nate groans.

"Is something wrong?" Yumi asked.

"Look, my friends and I aren't supposed to be here. We-..." Nate begins.

But he stopped, then he looked like he just remembered something.

"Did I come here with two robots?" Nate asks.

"Um, y-yes. Please, follow me." Yumi says.

Yumi led Nate outside the room, and eventually outside the building, where he saw more Japanese style buildings. The outside of the building alone was enough to tell Nate that he was not in Suijin.

Yumi then led him into another building, where four more young girls were crowded around the two deactivated robots.

"What do you think they do?" The blue haired girl asks.

"Well, one of them looks like a construction worker of some kind, and the other... for some reason he looks like an old American soldier." Says the blond one.

"Well, you're not wrong." Nate says.

The girls that crowded around the robots turned around and saw Nate standing next to Yumi.

"Oh! Hello mister!" The young one said.

"Hola, niña." Nate said.

"Huh?" The young one asks.

"Hey, kid." Nate translates.

"Shiki, have you found out how to turn them on?" Yumi asks.

"Evidently, these things run on some kind of fuel. I just haven't figured out what they run on, yet." The blond girl, Shiki, replies.

"Do think they'll play with me when they turn on?" The young one asks.

"Minori, they're robots. They don't have feelings, nor do they understand the concept of fun." The blue haired girl says.

"Normally I'd a agree, but in this instance you'd be wrong." Nate says.

"What?" Asks the masked girl.

"Yeah, take it from me, kid. I've known these two for a few years. Trust me, they just as human as you and me." Nate says.

"So, they're sentient?" Yumi asks.

"Yeah. Oh, and as for your question on what they run on... any of you have any money?" Nate asks.

"Uh... why?" Shiki asks.

"For reasons I can neither comprehend or explain, they run on money." Nate explains.

"Wait, what?" The blue haired girl asks.

"Actually, I think I have some on me." Nate says.

He reaches into his vest and pulls out a wad of what looks to the girls like US money.

"Watch." Nate says.

Nate then opens a hatch on the back of the soldier robot and slips the money in.

Almost instantaneously, the robot begins to shake and come to life... and the first thing it does is scream and punch Nate in the face, breaking his nose and sending him to the floor.

The girls are startled by this, but are also in awe at the fact that this robot ran on money.

Said robot then stood up.

"Sorry, basic servo diagnostic. You know how it is." The robot says.

"When has that ever been a diagnostic you've had to run?!" Nate asks, not happy that his nose was broken.

He then fixed it, which made pop sound that made the girls flinch.

"It's a diagnostic I have to run when I get out of a DC Coma." The robot explains.

"Dammit! What have I told you about doing that stuff?!" Nate exclaims.

"Oh, I'm sorry if I was having a bad day and needed a pick-me-up." The robot replies.

The robot looks at the girls, who were staring at him in utter confusion.

"Uh... hello." Shiki says.

"Bite my shiny metal-" the robot begins.

"FENDER!" Nate shouts, interrupting the robot.

"Oh, come on! That's my line, and I haven't said it in ages!" The robot, Fender, whines.

"Not in front of children." Nate says.

"Hey! We're not-" The masked girl begins.

"Up-bup-bup! Grown ups are talking." Fender says.

"Fender, just... just wake up Rick." Nate says.

Fender rolled his not-visible eyes, then took a stack of money from Nate's hand. He then opened a hatch on the other robot's back and slipped the money in. Like Fender, the other robot, Rick, sprang to life almost immediately. However, unlike Fender, he woke up without the screaming and punching.

"Levántate y brilla, Rick. How you feelin'?" Nate asks.

"Well, my knees feel like they could use some oil. Other than that, I'm fine." Rick replies.

Nate helps Rick to his feet. Once he's standing upright, Rick looks over to the girls.

"Oh, hello. Name's Rick, pleasure to meet you." Rick says.

"Hi! I'm Minori!" Minori says enthusiastically.

"Shiki." Shiki says.

"Murakumo." Says the masked girl.

"Yumi." Yumi says.

"Yozakura." The blue haired girl says.

"Nice to meet you girls. Uh, if you don't mind me asking, where are we?" Rick asks.

"Well, we're not in TueFort, where we're supposed to be, if that's what you're wondering." Nate replies.

"Where exactly is this TueFort place you keep mentioning?" Yumi asks.

"A rundown and unheard of town in the middle of New Mexico." Fender explains.

"New Mexico? Where's that?" Minori asks.

"Oh, it's only the most deserted state in the US." Nate says, putting heavy emphasis on US.

"Wait, you're American?" Murakumo asks.

"Eh, kind of. We just work within US soil. Well, most of the time." Fender says.

"What exactly is your work?" Minori asks.

Nate, Fender, and Rick all look at each other. After Rick and Fender just shrug, Nate looks back the girls.

"Uhh... okay, kiddos. Take a seat, 'cause it's story time." Nate says.

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