Meet the Senseis: Pyro

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Hanzō Academy

Asuka and her friends were simply walking around Hanzō Academy, not really doing anything in particular. Typical for a Saturday morning like this.

As they walked, they noticed RED Team passing by with large wooden boards and building supplies.

"Good morning, Senseis!" Hibari greeted.

"Mornin', girls." Engineer replied.

"What's all the wood for?" Yagyū asked.

"We're still building Scout's suggestion from the other day." Spy answered.

Katsuragi looked around and noticed that one of the RED mercs was missing.

"Where's Pyro-Sensei?" She asked.

The mercs all stiffened at the question.

"Uh... w-we don't know. But hey, dat shouldn't be too much of a problem, I'm sure he's just sightseeing." Scout replied worriedly, almost as if he was... scared of Pyro.

"Right, well we better get back to this." Engineer said quickly.

The RED Team then started walking away in a hurry.

"I wonder what that was about?" Yagyū said.

"Yeah. It's almost like they're... scared of Pyro-Sensei." Ikaruga added.

Unbeknownst to the girls, however, RED team began snickering when they were out of auditory range.

Timeskip to later that same day

Yagyū and Hibari were walking around campus, not really doing anything in particular, when they suddenly came across Heavy. That was kind of lucky for them, since they had some questions that they wanted to ask him.

"Oh, hello, Heavy-Sensei!" Hibari exclaimed happily.

Heavy turned around and saw the two coming towards him.

"Ah, What can Heavy do for tiny girls?" Heavy asked.

"We were just wondering if you could tell us some more about Pyro-Sensei?" Hibari asked.

Heavy suddenly remembered the joke that he and his team were going to pull.

"I fear no man..." Heavy begins.

Then he suddenly looks around as if he's checking to make sure that no one else is listening. Then he leaned in closer to the girls.

"But... that thing... it scares me." Heavy whispered.

The girls were curious as to why Heavy would be scared of a person he's been working with for 8 years, and why he would call said person a thing.

'Is there some sort of dark side to Pyro-Sensei?' Yagyū thought to herself.

With Pyro...

The reason Pyro wasn't at Hanzō that day is because Kiriya sent him on a mission. There was a village of Evil Shinobi that was capturing and executing Good Shinobi. It had gotten to the point where the village had to be destroyed.

The mission was originally going to be given to all of Team RED, but they assured Kiriya and Hanzō that Pyro would be capable of doing something like this alone.

Pyro was in sight of the village, and was currently walking towards it.


With Ikaruga and Katsuragi...

Ikaruga and Katsuragi had a similar idea of interviewing Scout, which elicited a response that kind of freaked them out a little.

"No, I ain't- I ain't talkin' about dat freak, alright." Scout said.

He suddenly looked around with a terrified look on his face.

"He's not here, is he? Nonononono, I'm not dealin' with dat! No, I'm gone!" Scout said, leaving the room to laugh.

With Pyro...

Pyro suddenly burst open the door to a building in the village, startling a group of Evil Shinobi who were playing cards.

"Who are you?! How did you find this place?!" A young woman asked threateningly.

Pyro simply responded by pointing his already equipped Flamethrower at them.

With Asuka...

Asuka, who was also interviewing Team RED about Pyro, decided to ask Spy, since Engineer was busy at the moment.

"One shudders to imagine what inhuman thoughts lie behind that mask. What dreams of chronic and sustained cruelty?" Spy explained.

With Pyro...

Pyro was wreaking havoc in the village of Evil Shinobi. Every building was lit ablaze, and the Evil Shinobi were wondering just who this attacker was...

In Pyroland...

Pyro was spreading joy with his Rainblower. Everything was good and happy. Pyro heard a noise to his right. He looked over and saw a flying baby boy come out from behind a giant cake. The baby looked over at Pyro with a smile on his face.

Pyro picked up a giant lollipop and raised it up for the baby to see. The baby's eyes lit up with joy, and he began running toward Pyro.

Pyro skipped over to the baby and put the lollipop in the baby's mouth.

In reality...

Pyro dodged the kunai knife that an Evil Shinobi threw at him. Then Pyro jumped up and split the Evil Shinobi's head open with... a giant... lollipop.

In Pyroland...

Pyro heard another noise from behind him. He turned around to see a flying baby girl fly towards him quickly. She stopped when she reached Pyro, who then blew some bubbles in her face, causing her to giggle uncontrollably.

In reality...

Pyro pointed his Flare Gun at a young Evil Shinobi woman who was charging at him. He fired the Flare Gun at her, and the flare went through her head and lit her corpse on fire.

In Pyroland...

Pyro heard yet another noise coming from behind him. He turned around to see a baby boy peeking out of a present box. When Pyro saw the baby, the baby smiled hid inside the box, leaving the lid crooked.

Pyro giggled, then went to straighten the lid.

In reality...

A cowardly Evil Shinobi was hiding in a large barn that was spared from the flames. Unfortunately, Pyro saw the man enter the barn.

Pyro placed his Lollichop in the handles, blocking the doors. The man tried to escape, but found it futile. The man looked up and saw Pyro pointing his flamethrower at the barn.

"No! Please!" The Evil Shinobi begged.

But his pleas were falling on deaf ears.

Pyro then proceeded to light fire to the barn, killing the Evil Shinobi inside.

In Pyroland...

Pyro was beyond happy. He had made so many friends in this new place. Everywhere he looked, he saw his new baby friends playing with Balloonicorn, he saw a baby playing with a lollipop.

Pyro was in a happy place.

In reality...

The Evil Shinobi village was ravaged. Every single building was on fire, Pyro seemed to be hunting anyone who tried to escape or hide, and everyone was fatally injured or dead, meaning no one could fight him.

All around people were dying, running around on fire, and such.

One young Evil Shinobi woman burst out of a burning building and landed on her stomach. She crawled over to a pair of boots and grabbed onto one of them.

"Help us!" She begged.

But when she looked up, she saw that she was holding onto the boot of the village's attacker.

Before she could do anything, Pyro pointed his flamethrower at her.

"Please, no! I don't want to die!" She begged, tears forming in her eyes.

But, Pyro being Pyro, he simply ignited his Flamethrower and lit her on fire, her screams of agony as she died apparently meaning nothing to him.

Pyro looked around. His work was done. Now he could return to RED Team.

As he walked away from the aftermath of the chaos he had created, he walked away, whistling the tune of Do you believe in magic, but it was... menacing.

With BLU Team...

Crimson Squad, Miyabi's team, and BLU Team were investigating the site of an attack. Earlier, Dōgen received word that a certain Evil Shinobi village was under attack. He owed that village for some business of his a while back, so he sent the mercs and two teams from the elite class to investigate.

All the three groups found was the smoldering ruins of the village.

They were too late.

"Who would be capable of doing something like this?" Imu asked.

"Some of these skeletons have their arms raised as if they were begging for their lives." Hikage noticed.

"Every one of these corpses look like the flesh was burned off of them." Haruka said, starting to feel a little sick.

"I've seen this kind of destruction before." Sniper said abruptly.

"What?" Yomi asked.

"It was caused by a single person. The corpses I saw were similar to these." Sniper explained.

The Hebijo students looked around in a mix of amazement and horror.

"One person did this?!" Ryōbi asked.

"Aye. We call him 'Pyro', and... well, as you can see, we gave him the name for a reason. That bein' said, we dunnae know tha' he's the one who did this." Demo explained.

Yes, Demo is being the voice of reason. Probably because he's sober at the moment... well, as sober as Demo will willingly be.

"I found footprints!" Soldier exclaimed.

Everyone except Medic walked over to Soldier and looked at the prints he found. Sniper crouched down and looked at them closer.

"They definitely match Pyro's boots." Sniper says.

"For all we know, it could be a common boot brand that people use." Demo said.

"Uh... I vouldn't be so sure, mein friend." Medic says.

Everyone looked over to Medic, who was carrying a...

"Is that a... giant lollipop?" Ryōna asked.

"This is Pyro's Lollichop." Soldier said as Medic gave the weapon to him.

Sniper stroked his chin. Pyro's presence meant that the rest of RED Team might be here as well. But if they're traveling together and Pyro did this...

"Hmm... his could be a problem." Sniper muttered.

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