Homura VS Miyabi (A Shinobis In My House Short)

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(Background Music)

Outside of the L/N household, or also known as Y/N's house, there was two girls in the neighborhood cul-de-sac of Chatsworth, Los Angeles California fighting each other, one girl wielding six swords at once like she's Wolverine, and the second girl wielding a seven-pronged sword. They were grunting loudly while fighting.

13 year old Y/N was now outside of his house wearing a orange shirt, purple pants, and white shoes as he sees the two girls fighting each other in the cul-de-sac.

Y/N: Hey hey hey! What the hell is going on here?! He asked as he ran towards them.

It was actually Homura, leader of the Crimson Squad in her new link uniform. And Miyabi, leader of Hebijo Clandestine Girls Academy in her new link uniform as well.

The two shinobis were sword clashing each other with they're weapons quite seriously sending up lots of sparks, showing just how powerful, sharp, and deadly the swords they're using are.

Homura kept slashing at Miyabi with her six swords as she began to spin into a massive red tornado while attacking her with her weapon, sending up even more sparks, and sliding her backwards on her feet, ripping trails on the ground in the cul-de-sac.

Miyabi growls at this while her teeth is gritted as she was blocking Homura's attacks, slashes, and her red tornado move still going while getting slided backwards, struggling a little.

Homura stopped spinning in a red tornado as she was in mid-air going to give Miyabi a violent strike with her six swords now covered in fire.

Homura: HAAAAAAAA!!!! She yelled while in mid-air as she goes down towards Miyabi going to strike her.

Miyabi sees Homura coming towards her in mid-air going to strike her as her eyes narrowed, holds her katana tightly, stomps her feet on the ground, and her katana was covered in black flames.

Miyabi: HAAAAAAAAA!!! She yelled while holding her katana tightly and goes to slash at her with her black flamed covered katana.

Homura & Miyabi locked blades with each other together while in the cul-de-sac sending up more sparks and they were lightning glaring at each other, crackling streamers of lightning arching back and forth between their eyes.

Homura: Grrrrrrrrr! She growled at Miyabi.

Miyabi: Grrrrrrr! She growled at Homura.

The two were keep locking blades as they both stopped and both backflip away from each other parkour style and land on the ground safely while in the cul-de-sac looking at each other.

Homura was panting heavily while looking at Miyabi sweating.

Miyabi was panting heavily too while looking at Homura sweating.

Homura: Tch! She wipes the sweat off of her and got into fighting stance with her six swords shining. HA! She said while in fight stance.

Miyabi: Hmph! She flips her white hair and got into fighting stance as well with her katana shining. HAA! She said while in fight stance and made a smirk face.

Both of them were still looking at each other not moving at all while in they're battle stances with silence and leaves flying in the wind of the cul-de-sac.

Homura: .....

Miyabi: .....

The two were still silent looking at each other in battle stances while in the cul-de-sac until both of them Flash stepped, using bursts of speed to move faster than the eye can track, making it seem if they had teleported, and they start clashing each other again more seriously appearing as black silhouettes with they're eyes white.

Katsuragi & Ikaruga were watching them fighting each other in the cul-de-sac hearing they're loud grunting sounds, punching sounds, slashing sounds, slicing sounds, swooshing sounds, and crashing sounds.

Y/N got up to Katsuragi & Ikaruga as he was in the middle with them as he started panting and shakes his head.

Y/N: Katsuragi! Ikaruga! Why are Homura and Miyabi engaged in Mortal Kombat in the cul-de-sac?! He asked with his eyes replaced by blank white disks with sloppily-scrawled black "borders" around them.

Y/N: Wait hold on. He said as he pulls out a camera and takes a picture of Homura and Miyabi fighting against each other in the cul-de-sac and the camera prints out the photograph of the two.

Y/N grabs the photograph of Homura and Miyabi fighting and looks at it as he smiled.

Y/N: Got it perfectly. Going straight up in the wall. He said while looking at the photograph of Homura and Miyabi and puts it in his pocket along with his camera.

Y/N: Anyways...Why are Homura & Miyabi fighting?! He asked.

Ikaruga and Katsuragi noticed Y/N.

Ikaruga: Oh Y/N! Your here now. She said.

Katsuragi: Hey cutie~ She said as she picks up Y/N and hugs him tightly.


Y/N becomes smooshed in the chest area of Katsuragi as he blushes and tries to be set free from her.

Katsuragi: Shishishishishishi~

Y/N: Kat! Not this again! Let me go! Your mammary glands are asphyxiating me! He muffled while his face is covered in her breasts and was squirming.

Katsuragi could not hear Y/N's plea cause he is muffled with his face in her breasts as she kept hugging him.

Katsuragi: He likes this, of course he does, I can hear him in his voice. She said while hugging him tightly.

Ikaruga saw Katsuragi hugging Y/N tightly with his face in her breasts.

Ikaruga: Katsuragi! Really? At this time right now? Let go of Y/N this instant! He just came here! She said.

Katsuragi: Awwww Ikaruga, do you really have to ruin this moment between the both of us? He's really enjoying this. She said while hugging him tightly.

Ikaruga: I'm pretty sure he's not enjoying this one bit Katsuragi. She said.

Katsuragi: You don't know that Ikaruga, plus I bet your really jealous right now on the inside that you couldn't even get the chance to hug him~ She said while hugging him tightly.

Ikaruga blushes as she blinks.

Ikaruga: T-T-That's not true at all! I'm not jealous! She said while blushing.

Katsuragi: Oh really your not? Well your blushing red tomato face says otherwise. She said.

Ikaruga: Keep talking or else I'll knock you straight into orbit Katsuragi! She said while blushing.

Katsuragi: Like you would ever knock a sexy busty beast like me into orbit Ikaruga, you love me too much. She said.

Y/N: Okay that's enough already. He muffled while his face was covered in Katsuragi's breasts as he taps his wrist watch and orange mechanical gloves formed around his hands and he touches katsuragi, electrocuting her.

Katsuragi: AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! She screamed while being electrocuted by Y/N's electric gloves as her skeleton was seen in the style of a classic x-ray and let's Y/N go.

Y/N lands on the ground safely as he was not electrocuting katsuragi anymore due to not touching her with his electrical mechanical gloves that he invented. The gloves then unformed around his hands and was not wearing them anymore.

Y/N: Hehehehehe. He laughs.

Katsuragi: Owwwwwwww...That stings and it was very painful! What the flip Y/N?! She asked.

Y/N: Hey you deserved it Katsuragi. You shouldn't do that to me unexpectedly, especially to the others as well. But that doesn't mean I'll stop loving you for who you are okay. He said.

Ikaruga: You heard him Katsuragi. She said.

Katsuragi: I have ears you know! And... *Sighs* Okay fine. She said.

Y/N: Good. Now I'm pretty sure you two didn't answer my question...Why are Homura and Miyabi fighting each other like they are in some kind of death battle or something like that? He asked.

Katsuragi: Oh! Well you were in the bathroom but. Homura said that Miyabi wouldn't need to waste her time doing stuff to help her fight if she just focused on training more. And-

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Ikaruga: LOOK OUT! She yelled as she sees Homura being sent flying towards the three of them by Miyabi and she moved out of the way.

Katsuragi: Incoming! She said as she moved out of the way.

Y/N: Yikes! He said as he moves his body and head quickly downward to avoid Homura.

Homura: WHOAAAAAAAAAAGH! She yelled while being sent flying to a family's house in the neighborhood cul-de-sac and then crashed into the window of the family's house with a man, woman, and baby inside.

Man: AAH! WHAT THE HELL?! Asked the man in the house that Homura crashed into.

Woman: OH MY! The woman said in fear in the house as she covers the eyes of her infant child.

Baby: Bah? The baby asked in confusion in the house.

Homura: Oh no i'm sorry! I'm so sorry! Look I'll pay for you all's window okay. Don't cal 911. She said while inside the family's house.

Miyabi: Hahahahaha! She laughs at Homura.

Homura saw Miyabi laughing at her as she got angry.

Homura: A comedian Huh? Grrrrrrrr! She growled with her teeth gritting as she got up and cracks her neck.

Miyabi does the come here hand gesture to Homura with a smirk.

Miyabi: Come on! She said while holding her katana.

Homura: Your going down bitch! She said while glaring at Miyabi.

Homura stomps her feet on the floor and then she dashed out of the family's house window so very fast and clashes back with Miyabi with her six swords.

Man: WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN THIS FUCKING NEIGHBORHOOD?!?! The man yelled inside his house.

Katsuragi and Ikaruga came back to the spot they were in of the cul-de-sac as Y/N gets up and sighed in relief.

Y/N: Phew! That was a close call. He said as he wipes the sweat off of his head.

Ikaruga: Yeah. She said.

Y/N: So Kat. Will you continue? He asked.

Katsuragi: Huh? Oh yeah right! Ahem! Miyabi disagreed and then said something really clever and well you know how Homura gets hehe *snort*. And then I said. Gee, Y/N has been in the bathroom a long long time and that was weird because really like how much can a little short midget boy shit and-

Y/N pulls out a mallet as he jumps in mid-air and then smashed Katsuragi's head with it.

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Katsuragi: YEOWWWWW! She yelled in pain as she now has a bump on her head and her eyes became swirls.

Y/N: Hmph! Don't make fun of my height Kat! I'm very insecure. He said while holding his mallet.

Katsuragi: Why'd you do that Y/N I was just joking around. She said while her eyes are swirly and still has the bump on her head.

Y/N: No you weren't. He said as he puts his mallet away.

Ikaruga sweat drops at Katsuragi and Y/N.

Homura was now running towards Miyabi with fire on her feet causing the ground to be set on fire as she is ready to attack her with the six swords she has.

Homura: EAT THIS! She yelled while running towards Miyabi with her six swords.

Miyabi stood there watching Homura coming right at her while not doing anything and holding her katana as she then got slashed by her.

Homura: Haha! She laughed.

When Miyabi got slashed by Homura, she then poofs out of existence as she was not there, only to leave a block of wood and Homura saw it.

Homura: What?! She asked.

Suddenly, A puff of smoke appeared in mid-air and it reveals to be Miyabi as the Miyabi that Homura slashed was just a clone.

Miyabi: Up here~ She said.

Homura heard her voice as she turns around, looks up and saw Miyabi.

Homura: AHA! She said.

Miyabi: Heh! She said while in mid-air, holding her katana, she dashed down towards Homura so fast and attacks her with her katana.

Homura: AAAAAGH! She yelled in pain as she hits the ground, dropping her six swords, and was about to get up until Miyabi crushed her back with her feet.

Homura: GRK!

Miyabi: Nuh-Uh. She said while on Homura's back with her feet.

Homura: Get...Off of me! She said while struggling to get her off and trying to get up.

Y/N: Say um Miyabi, while your over there crushing Homura's backbone, I gotta ask. Why the fuck are you two fighting?! Does nobody like to answer to my question?! He asked mad.

Ikaruga: Y/N please calm down. She said as she holds his arm.

Miyabi: Hm? Oh that's easy Y/N. Homura challenged me to a fight to prove me and my skills wouldn't even be enough to save me from her thing she invented called...Uhhhhh. She said.

Homura: MY! She said as she head butted Miyabi in the nose with her head so hard.

Miyabi: AAAAH! MY NOSE! She yelled in pain as she holds her nose with blood dripping.

Homura: PERFECTLY! She said as she kicks Miyabi's leg so hard.

Miyabi: OUCH! She yelled in pain as she stopped holding her nose, showing it all bloody.

Homura: TUNED! She said as she punches Miyabi in the face very hard six times.

Ikaruga: Ooooooo... She said while watching Homura beating the shit out of Miyabi.

Y/N: Owie... He said while watching homura beating the shit out of Miyabi.

Homura kept on punching, kicking, and even slapping Miyabi multiple times with all her power as she then uppercuts her in the chin with her fist that is covered on fire and sending her flying into the air.

Miyabi: WHOAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!! She screamed in the sky.

Homura: FIGHT ENGINE! She said with her eye shining.

Y/N: Oh really? That's why these two are fighting? He asked.

Ikaruga: Pretty much yeah Y/N. And why are you just standing here? Shouldn't you try and stop them with the tech you have? They'll probably destroy the entire neighborhood. She said.

Miyabi: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! She screamed as she was falling down from the sky and crashed into a yellow and black Chevrolet Camaro SS, damaging it so badly.

Homura: OMG! You killed Bumblebee!! She shouted pointing at Miyabi.

Miyabi shakes her head and glared at Homura.

Miyabi: Oh Shut up! It's just a regular car! She said as she got up and dashed towards Homura fighting her once more again.

Y/N: Hmmmmmm you know as much as I really want to stop these two fighting against each other in the cul-de-sac right now Ikaruga. I'm kinda interested and curious on how this should end with them. I was bored earlier. He said.

Katsuragi: So...You wanna keep watching them fight Y/N? She asked.

Y/N: Yup. He said.

Ikaruga: Are you sure? I mean what if this last forever? She asked.

Y/N: I'm sure it won't last very long Ikaruga. He said.

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(Background Music)

It was already night dark outside in the neighborhood cul-de-sac of Chatsworth, Los Angeles California with crickets chirping, fireflies flying, and street lamps on as Homura and Miyabi are on the ground feebly pummeling each other with they're weapons lying on the ground near them. The two were seriously bruised and injured with having black eyes, bloody noses, and they're teeth were falling out panting out of breath. Katsuragi was sitting on a quik chair drinking coca-cola with shades on, Ikaruga was lying on the grass stargazing, and Y/N was just standing there in the exact same spot with a disgusted face watching Homura and Miyabi.

Homura: You had....Enough....Dante?... She asked while feebly hitting Miyabi and panting.

Miyabi: I'm...Just getting started you...You...Hot head... She said while feebly hitting Homura and panting.

Y/N: I'M GOING TO BED!!! He yelled as he walks away.

Y/N: Just call me when they're done. He said as he walks inside back into his house.

Katsuragi: Sure. She said.

Ikaruga: Okay. She said.

Miyabi sighed.

Miyabi: It's...Clear...We are... *Coughs* Evenly matched... She said as she spits out a tooth from her mouth.

Miyabi: In fighting... She said.

Homura: N-N-N-No! I don't...BACK down...Until who is the winner! She said.

Miyabi then begins to get up from the ground weakly as she cracks her neck, her back, her legs, and wipes the blood off her nose.

Miyabi: Okay then...How do we settle this? She asked.

Homura also begins to get up from the ground weakly as she cracks her neck, her back, her legs, spits out a tooth from mouth, and yawns as she looks at Miyabi.

Homura: I know exactly how were gonna settle this... She said as she narrowed her eyes at Miyabi.

Homura: Hmph!

Miyabi narrowed her eyes at Homura as well.

Miyabi: Hmph!

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(Background Music)

Homura and Miyabi are now seen playing video games in the living room on the Nintendo Switch as they were playing Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Homura was Ken, and Miyabi was Sephiroth. They were mashing the buttons on they're controllers with Imu and Yomi on the couch watching them play.

Imu: Come on Miyabi! You can do it! She said rooting for her.

Yomi: Ummmm you go Homura I guess. She said.

Ken was attacking Sephiroth with the use of his move sets as he did a shoryuken and fired a hadouken while Sephiroth was blocking his attacks move sets, neutral special move, and his up special move as he did stabbing and slashing attacks at ken, dealing so much damage to him.

Miyabi: This match is mine! She said while mashing the buttons.

Homura: Tch! I don't think so! She said while mashing the buttons.

Ken whirls with powerful kicks that move him forward, hitting Sephiroth multiple times unlike Ryu.

Miyabi: No! She said while mashing buttons.

Miyabi noticed the smash ball in the battlefield.

Miyabi: Aha! She said while mashing the buttons.

Homura: Oh no you don't! She said as she pushes Miyabi from getting the final smash.

Imu: Hey! That's cheating!! She shouted.

Homura: Up yours four eyes! She said as she continued playing and mashing the buttons.

Ken started hitting the smash ball up until Sephiroth came to him, grabs him and throws him away.

Homura: Oh shit! She said.

Miyabi: It's mine! She said.

Sephiroth slashed the final smash, as the screen darkened, Sephiroth engulfed in a multi-colored aura and his eyes glow a bright yellow.

Miyabi: Hehehe. Come here Homura~ She said.

Homura: Oh hell no! Get away! Get away from me! She said.

Ken was trying to escape from Sephiroth as it was too late with Sephiroth using his final smash Supernova at Ken.

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Ken got sent flying out of the battlefield due to the final smash and just died.


Miyabi: Yes! I am victorious! She said in victory from her win.

Imu: Yay! Way a go Miyabi! She said cheering for her.

Homura: Grrrrrrr! She growled as she throws her controller and stomps away.

Homura: That game is horseshit anyways! She said mad.

Miyabi: Someone is salty~ She said.

Yomi sighed and sweat drops.

Yomi: I should be watering my sprouts right now... She said.

Miyabi has a bottle of 7UP soda as she took the top off and begins to drink it.

Yozakura, Haruka, and Yagyū were the contest judges of who can make the most loudest burp ever, they were watching Miyabi drink the 7UP bottle.

Miyabi kept drinking the 7UP bottle as she got done drinking it, it was empty, and she throws it on the floor and wipes her mouth.

Miyabi: Ahhhh. She said.

Miyabi starts to shake her stomach as it began to grumble and she releases her burp.


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She burped.

Yozakura, Haruka, And Yagyū heard Miyabi's burp as the three look at each other and pulls out judge score cards. Yozakura has 3, Haruka has 2, and Yagyū has 5.

Miyabi: That equals 10 points! Haha! Try and beat that Ho-

Homura was now seen drinking a 2-liter soda bottle of Coca-Cola as she was chugging it not stopping until it's all gone.

Miyabi's eyes were replaced by blank white disks with sloppily-scrawled black "borders" around them as she was looking at Homura chugging the 2-liter soda bottle of Coca-Cola with shock.

Yozakura, Haruka, and Yagyū's eyes widened at Homura chugging the 2-liter soda bottle in shock as well.

Homura kept chugging on the 2-liter soda bottle of Coca-Cola until she got done with it, it was empty, nothing left, and she throws the 2-liter soda bottle on the floor and wipes her mouth.

Homura: Ahhhh. She said as her hands were resting on her hips looking at Miyabi with a smirk.

Miyabi: Hmph!

Homura shakes her stomach really fast as it began to grumble and she releases her burp.


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She burped really loudly and long causing everything in the house started to shake with Miyabi's cheeks flapping and being blasted by the strong current of air which is Homura's burp.

Miyabi: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!! She screamed while her cheeks are flapping and being blown away by Homura's very loud and longest burp with her entire clothes ripping off already and tearing apart making her seen naked.

Upstairs, Y/N is in his room trying to fall asleep on his bed, but can't due to the screaming and loud noises coming from downstairs.

Y/N: Ughhhhhh...He groaned in frustration as he puts the pillow over his face while in bed.

Downstairs, Homura stopped burping.

Homura: Phew! That felt good. She said.

Miyabi was on the floor completely naked and nude groaning with her clothes already ripped and torn lying on the floor in the house.

Yozakura, Haruka, and Yagyū were speechless from Homura's very long and loud burp she just did as the three looked at each other and they pulled out more judge score cards. Yozakura has 10, Haruka has 10, Yagyū has 10, and even JonTron has 10.


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He said.

Homura: Hell yeah! I won! I won this round! In your face Miyabi! Haha! She laughed while pointing at Miyabi who is on the floor naked and nude.

Miyabi: Screw...You... She said while on the floor and weakly putting her hand up but just put her hand down while naked and nude.

Yozakura: Ummmm so...Can somebody get Miyabi some clothes? She asked.

Homura and Miyabi were in chef uniforms in the kitchen as the two placed down they're homemade baked cakes on the counter. Tsubaki, leader of the A.R.C. Angels was there in the kitchen with the two.

Tsubaki: Alright, let's try one. She said as she pulls out a fork and she looks at Miyabi's cake.

Tsubaki puts her fork in Miyabi's cake as she takes it out, a piece of the cake was on the fork, and then she eats it.

Miyabi: So...How does it taste Tsubaki? She asked.

Tsubaki swallows it as her eyes began to sparkle and she places her hand on her cheek with a smile.

Tsubaki: Mmmm! This taste so delicious and sweet Miyabi. She said to her.

Miyabi: R-Really? She asked.

Tsubaki: Yeah. I could eat this all day. What did you put in this? She asked.

Miyabi blushes at Tsubaki complimenting her.

Miyabi: Hehehe...Well I-

Homura got very impatient as she picks up Tsubaki, takes her to her homemade baked cake, and puts her down.

Homura: Okay Tsubaki that's enough, why not try my cake now. She said.

Tsubaki: O-O-Okay Homura. I'll try it. She said as she puts her fork on Homura's cake, she takes it out, a piece of the cake was on the fork, and then she eats it.

Homura: Well? She asked.

Tsubaki swallows it as her irises shrunken, she took the spoon out of her mouth, drops it on the floor, and holds her stomach.

Homura: Ehhh?

Miyabi: Tsubaki? Are you okay? She asked.

Tsubaki's stomach was grumbling.

Tsubaki: Oh no! I think I'm gonna...Gonna...Gonna... She said until she covers her mouth with her hand and her face became green as she was gagging and about to vomit with her eyes replaced by blank white eyes.

Miyabi: Huh?! She asked as she was going to grab Tsubaki from vomiting in the kitchen until it was too late.

Tsubaki starts to puke out pink stuff from her mouth everywhere in the kitchen making a huge mess as it got all over Homura and Miyabi, including the cakes.

Homura: AAAAAH! Gross! She said while covered in vomit.

Miyabi smells the vomit until her face turned green, covers her mouth with her hand and just pukes on the floor.

Homura smells the vomit as well until her face became green, holds her stomach, and then pukes on the floor too, collapsing on the floor.

Tsubaki was panting after she puked everywhere in the kitchen.

Tsubaki: Sorry... She said as she coughs.

Homura and Miyabi were in the dark with flashlights on doing shadow play as they were sitting on bean bags. Homura made a shadow puppet of a dragon as it roared.

Homura: You think you can do better? She asked with a smirk.

Miyabi: Please! Watch me. She said as she starts to make a shadow puppet of a dog as it barks.

But not for long, Miyabi broke her hand making a loud crack noise that it sounds painful, and making the shadow puppet dog whimpering.

Miyabi: AAAAAAGH! She yelled pain with tears in her eyes by her hands getting broken as she falls off of her bean bag.

Homura looks down at Miyabi.

Homura: Ooooooo...Ummm medic? She asked.

Homura and Miyabi are now in Chinatown, Los Angeles California, a neighborhood located in downtown that became a commercial central for Chinese and other Asian businesses in Central Los Angeles in 1938. While it is still night dark outside as they have chopsticks in they're hands and the bowl of dumplings was on the table.

Homura and Miyabi ready their chopsticks. Homura slams the table and sends the bowl of dumplings airborne. Miyabi jumps up and eats all of them except one. Back and forth, Homura and Miyabi spar, vying for the dumpling. Until there is only one Miyabi tries every trick to keep the dumpling away from Homura. She hides it underneath one of the bowls. As Miyabi puts the other two bowls down, she turns the array of overturned bowls into a shell game, sliding the bowls around at top speed to hide the dumpling. When Miyabi finished his hiding. Homura found the right bowl.

Homura: YES! She said.

Miyabi uses her chopsticks as weapons to smack Homura's chopsticks away. She attacks Homura with her katana. But Homura skillfully manages to best Miyabi for the final dumpling, using her breasts to bounce the dumpling away from Miyabi and nab it in her chopsticks.

Homura: I got it! I finally got it! She said as she then eats the dumpling from her chopsticks and swallows it.

Miyabi: Damn it! I was so close! She said as she throws her chopsticks away.

Homura: Mmmmmmm scrumptious~ She said rubbing her stomach.

The civilians cheered for Homura.

Rin, teacher at Hebijo Clandestine Girls Academy was here as she was holding a sheet of paper with her glasses on.

Rin: Now then. Miyabi, spell...Phenomenon. She said while holding the sheet of paper.

Miyabi: Phenomenon. P. H. E...Ummmm N. O. M. E. N. O. N. Phenomenon. She spelled it.

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Rin: That is correct Miyabi! She said.

Miyabi smiled with pride.

Rin looks at Homura.

Rin: Okay Homura. For you, spell...Mussel. She said while holding the sheet of paper.

Homura: Oh that's easy. I got this. Ahem! Muscle. M. U. S. C. L. E. Muscle. She spelled it.

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Rin: That is absolutely incorrect Homura. She said.

Homura: What?! I got it wrong?! How?! I spelled muscle right! She said.

Rin: No not that kind of Muscle with strength, power, and the use of physical force. I'm talking about Mussel, the members of the several families of bivalve molluscs. She explained.

Homura: Well it's not my fault that they sound just the same! She said as she had a tick mark.

Rin sighed and rolled her eyes.

Rin: But at least you were close Homura. And looks like Miyabi won this one. She said.

Homura: Fuck! She said.

Captain America: Language! He said.

Miyabi: Alright! She said.

Homura and Miyabi were sitting in the living room playing Jenga with the tower already built up. It was Homura's turn as she was choosing which piece to remove.

Homura: Hmmmm which piece do I want... She said.

Miyabi: Careful Homura. You might knock it over. She said.

Homura: I won't shut up...Now, I'll choose this one. She said as she carefully removes one block from below by pushing it without making the tower fall off.

Homura: Oh yeah! I'm a beast I tell ya! She said as she puts the one block back on top of the tower.

Miyabi: You just got lucky. Now it's my turn. She said as she looks at the tower

Miyabi: Hmmmmm...

Miyabi was choosing which block to remove from the tower.

Homura: Don't make it fall Miyabi~ She said.

Miyabi: I'm not gonna make it fall. She said.

Miyabi begins to carefully remove one block from above by pulling it as she got it out.

Miyabi: Ha! Got it. She said as she was going to put the one block back on top of the tower until the jenga tower collapsed, making Homura win and Miyabi lose.

Miyabi: What?! Impossible! I didn't even-

Homura: Hahahahahaha! Wow on your first try! She said while laughing.

Miyabi glares at Homura laughing at her mad.

Miyabi: You must've cheated somehow! I think you blew the tower to make it fall! She said.

Homura: No I didn't, I did not blow the tower over to make you lose. You just suck. Hahahahaha! She laughs at her.

Miyabi: Grrrrrrrrrr! She growled at Homura as she throws the one Jenga block in her mouth and leaves.

Homura was now choking on the Jenga block that is stuck in her throat right now as she punches her stomach, and was coughing trying to get it out while choking with her eyes red and tears but she collapsed on the table.

Homura and Miyabi were now seen eating 70 plates of hot dogs outside of the house in the cul-de-sac while it's dark as the other girls were watching them eat.

Homura was eating her plate of 70 hot dogs fast, not in a normal way, she was almost done with them and hasn't puked.

Miyabi was eating her plate of 70 hot dogs as she kept eating them and wasn't eating them very fast like Homura is.

Homura ate the last hot dog as she swallows it, burps, looks around, and she sees Miyabi still eating her hot dogs.

Homura: Just one more! She said.

Miyabi looks at Homura confused with her mouth full.

Miyabi: What do you mean? She asked with her mouth full of hot dogs.

Homura: This! She said as she grabs Miyabi, picks her up and then starts eating her, swallowing her whole.

The other girls saw Homura ate Miyabi.

Yumi: AAAAAAAAAAHH!!! She screamed in fear with blank white eyes.

Asuka: OH NO!!! She yelled with blank white eyes.

Ryōbi: WHAT THE FUCK?!?! She asked shocked with blank white eyes.

Shiki: LIKE THAT'S CANNIBALISM!!! She yelled with blank white eyes.

Hibari: HOMURA IS A ZOMBIE!!! She yelled in fear as she hugs Yagyū.

Minori: WE MUST TAKE SHELTER!!! She yelled in fear as she hugs Yozakura.

Daidoji: That was quite extreme... She said.

Imu was standing there with her jaw dropped, her eyes replaced by blank white eyes, and her body shaking in shock.

Murasaki: Sis? Are you okay? She asked.

Imu didn't say anything as she just fainted on the ground.

Murasaki gasps as she checks on Imu.

Murasaki: Sis?! She asked worriedly.

Katsuragi: Hmmmmmmm.

Katsuragi had her hand on her chin thinking on who she will choose for this beauty pageant contest as the winner.

Miyabi was wearing a black and white formal dress with luxurious glitter, wearing glass slippers, had on pink lipstick, long eyelashes, wearing a long blonde wig, and has a pageant sash that has Miyabi's name on it.

As for Homura, Homura had on a red formal dress with flames, wearing black boots, had on red lipstick, long eyelashes as well, wearing a just a plastic crown, had rings on her fingers, and has a gold chain around her neck that says Homura.

Katsuragi: Hmmmmmmmm....Okay! I think I finally know what the winner is! She said.

Miyabi: (It's gonna be me!)

Homura: (It's gonna be me!) They both said in unison.

Katsuragi: The winner of this beauty pageant is...Drum roll please! She said.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Miyabi: Please be me! She said.

Homura: Come on! Come on! She said.











Katsuragi points her finger at Homura.

Katsuragi: HOMURA! She said while her finger is pointing at Homura.

Homura was the winner of this beauty pageant with flowers being thrown at her as her eyes widened and had tears.

Homura: Oh my gosh...I won? I won! Yes! Yes yes yes! Whoooo! I did it! I'm a princess! She said as she picks up one of the flowers on the floor and screams with joy.

Miyabi: Seriously?! She asked in annoyance.

At Badwater Basin, Death Valley, an endorheic basin in Death Valley National Park, Death Valley, Inyo County, California, noted as the lowest point in North America and the United States, with a depth of 282 ft below sea level. Asuka and Yumi are seen holding the ends of the two ropes in Badwater Basin, Death Valley while it's dawn outside.

Yumi: This is getting so ridiculous... She said with a deadpan face.

Asuka: Tell me about it... She said with a deadpan face.

Homura and Miyabi arrived as they both looked at each other face to face.

Homura: Your going down. She said while glaring at Miyabi.

Miyabi: In your dreams. She said while glaring at Homura.

The other girls were watching them as Imu was holding up a sign saying "GO MIYABI!" With pink hearts.

Asuka: Alright Ready? She asked.

Homura and Miyabi nodded.

Yumi: Three. She said.

Asuka: Two. She said.

Yumi: One. She said.

Homura and Miyabi both narrowed they're eyes at each other and clenched they're fists.

Asuka & Yumi: GO! They both said in unison as they began to rotate the ropes very fast.

Homura and Miyabi started jumping over the rope so extremely fast that it passes under their feet and over their heads.

Homura and Miyabi were huffing and puffing while jumping over the rope so very fast as they go even more faster.

Homura: GIVE UP MIYABI! She said while jumping over the rope and sweating.

Miyabi: NEVER! She said while jumping over the rope and sweating.

Imu: YOU CAN DO IT MIYABI! She yelled while watching them and holding up the sign.

Ryōbi: Show that bitch what your made of! She said while watching them.

Mirai: Come on Homura! Don't stop! She said while watching them.

Hikage: You go Homura. Whatever. She said with no emotion as she didn't care at all and goes on her phone.

Homura and Miyabi kept on jumping over the rope very fast while puffing, huffing, and sweating until they both transformed into they're awakened forms. Homura was in her crimson form with her hair dyed red/orange color and is let from it's usual ponytail state, and her eyes are red. Miyabi was in her abyssal form with her hair black with a white streak at the front and her eyes become red.

Crimson Homura: HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! She screamed while jumping over the rope very fast.

Abyssal Miyabi: HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! She screamed while jumping over the rope very fast.

In the far distance. Kagura who is in her third form and Naraku who is by Kagura we're watching Homura, Miyabi, and the other girls jump roping in Badwater Basin, Death Valley.

Kagura (Third Form): Wow...In the name of me, this is the most dumbest thing I have ever seen. She said with her arms crossed while watching them.

Naraku: I agree Lady Kagura. She said while watching them.






































It was now finally morning outside with the sun rising up softly and the birds chirping, flying over the palm trees in the neighborhood cul-de-sac of Chatsworth, Los Angeles California. Inside of Y/N's house. Both Homura and Miyabi were on the floor exhausted in the living room as they were groaning with lots of guns, artillery, bullets, weapons, toys, snacks, and food everywhere laying on the floor in the entire living room.

Ikaruga and Katsuragi came in and saw them on the living room floor exhausted.

Ikaruga: Are they dead? Is this a contest to see if who can be the most dead? She asked.

Katsuragi: I don't know. Hey! She said as she snaps her fingers three times.

Katsuragi: Are you two dead? Hello? Wakey wakey eggs and bakey Homura and Miyabi. She said.

Ikaruga sighed and shakes her head.

Ikaruga: I'm just getting tired of this. Miyabi Homura. Your both winners okay just...Shake hands girls. She said.

Homura and Miyabi were still groaning on the floor exhausted as the two put they're hands up and then they shook hands with each other.










Right before they start thumb-wrestling and yelling while on the floor.

Ikaruga facepalms herself.

Ikaruga: Oh my god. There is just no end to this at all! What do we do now? She asked.

Katsuragi: Hmmmmmm....Oh I know! She said as she got an idea with a lightbulb above her head.

















At Hollywood Hills, a residential neighborhood in the central region of Los Angels California. The girls, including Homura and Miyabi were sitting on the top of the Hollywood sign looking into the distance while eating ice cream.

Ikaruga: Best idea you've ever had Katsuragi. She said while eating her ice cream.

Katsuragi: Heh thanks, you know what they say. Ice cream makes everything better and go away. She said while eating her ice cream.

Yumi: Such a nice view. She said while holding her ice cream.

Asuka: You said it Yumi. She said while holding her ice cream.

Renka: Man, Y/N is really missing out. She said while holding her ice cream.

Y/N: Not anymore! He said as he came to the area where the girls are with his jet pack on his back as he lands on the ground safely and his jet pack changed back into his mechanical backpack while holding his ice cream.

Renka: Y/N? Your here? She asked.

Y/N: Yeah. I've heard you girls where you all were going so I decided that I should come along too with ice cream, tho I was very busy on cleaning my lab and working on my tech so yeah. He explained.

Renka: Oh I see. That's cool. She said.

Y/N smiled as he sat down, eats his ice cream, and looks into the distance.

Y/N: Ahhhh. What a view. He said while eating his ice cream.

Renka: Mhm.

Y/N: Say, you think Homura and Miyabi stopped fighting with each other now? He asked.

Renka: Well...

Homura and Miyabi were sitting by each other holding they're ice cream as the two were arguing on which ice cream is sweeter.

Homura: Mine is sweeter then yours! She said to Miyabi.

Miyabi: No way! Mine is more sweeter, it has a edible taste! She said to Homura.

Renka: They stopped fighting each other and stopped competing in matches. But...They're arguing, just a little bit on which of they're ice cream is delicious.. She said.

Y/N: Really? He asked.

Renka: Yeah... She said.

Y/N: Oh boy...Well at least they're not fighting and competing in matches anymore... He said.

Katsuragi: Anyways...That's all folks! She said cutely with her thumbs up.

Y/N: Is she allowed to say that? Legally? He asked.

Ending with a shuriken-shaped Iris out.

(Ending Theme)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Characters that were in the short chapter: Y/N L/N, Homura, Miyabi, Ikaruga, Katsuragi, Imu, Yomi, Yozakura, Haruka, Yagyū, Tsubaki, Rin, Asuka, Yumi, Ryōbi, Shiki, Hibari, Minori, Daidoji, Murasaki, Mirai, Hikage, Kagura, Naraku, Renka.

This felt like an actual chapter, not a short...But whatever! It was still fun to write anyway. What do you all think?

2: Or Nah?

Who do you guys think won?
1: Homura
2: Or Miyabi?

The Main Characters: (Y/N L/N, Asuka, Ikaruga, Katsuragi, Hibari, Yagyū, Homura, Yomi, Hikage, Haruka, Mirai, Yumi, Yozakura, Murakumo, Shiki, Minori, Miyabi, Imu, Murasaki, Ryōbi, Ryōna): Senran Kagura! They all said in unison.

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