Y/N L/N's Bio (REMAKE)

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Name: Y/N L/N (The Main Protagonist Of The Story).

Nicknames: The Suburban Inventor, The Suburban Scientist, The Suburban Engineer, The Suburban Adventurer, The Boy Genius, The Smart One, The Mastermind Youngster, The Tech Kid, The Science Boy, The Worst Loser, The Dangerous Child, The Mature Teen, The Little Rat, The Meddling Urchin, The Donut Emperor, The Grumpy Pants, Nerd, Geek, Dweeb, Dork, Twerp, Brat, Slob, Lame-O, Moron, Failure, Disappointment, Nuisance, Weirdo, Freak, Master, Sensei, Senpai, Boss, Lord, King, Master, Sir, Fool, Dawg, Homie, Daddy, Uncle, Monster, Evil, Faker.

Skin Color: Your Choice.

Hair Color: Your Choice.

Eye Color: Your Choice.

Hair Style: Your Choice.

Sex: Male.

Sexuality: Straight.

Pronouns: He/Him.

Religion: Roman Catholic.

Zodiac Sign: Pisces.

Age: 2-3 Years Old (Flashbacks/Past/Formerly), 3-4 Years Old (Flashbacks/Past/Formerly), 4-5 Years Old (Flashbacks/Past/Formerly), 5-6 Years Old (Flashbacks/Past/Formerly), 6-7 Years Old (Flashbacks/Past/Formerly), 7-8 Years Old (Flashbacks/Past/Formerly), 8-9 Years Old (Flashbacks/Past/Formerly), 9-10 Years Old (Flashbacks/Past/Formerly), 10-11 Years Old (Flashbacks/Past/Formerly), 11-12 Years Old (Flashbacks/Past/Formerly), 12-13 Years Old (Flashbacks/Past/Formerly), 13-14 Years Old (Presently/Currently).

Birthday: February 29.

Birthplace: Los Angeles, California.

Height: 4'7 (140 cm).

Weight: 74.957 lbs (34 kg).

Alignment: Chaotic Good.

Status: Alive.

Identity: No Dual Identity.

Citizenship: American.

Martial Status: Single.

Blood Type: Unknown.

Relatives: Unnamed Biological Mother (Possibly Deceased Or Alive), Unnamed Biological Father (Possibly Deceased Or Alive), M/N L/N (Adoptive Mother), F/N L/N (Adoptive Father), G/M L/N (Adoptive Grandmother), G/F L/N (Adoptive Grandfather), A/N L/N (Adoptive Aunt), U/N L/N (Adoptive Uncle), B/N L/N (Adoptive Older Brother), S/N L/N (Adoptive Older Sister), N/N L/N (Adoptive Nephew), N/N L/N 2 (Adoptive Niece), N/N L/N 3 (Adoptive Niece), N/N L/N 4 (Adoptive Niece), N/N L/N 5 (Adoptive Nephew), N/N L/N 6 (Adoptive Niece), C/N L/N (Adoptive Cousin), C/N L/N 2 (Adoptive Cousin).

Pets: Sprinkle The Cat, Cupcake The Cat, Brownie The Cat, Butterscotch The Cat, Peppermint The Cat, Pudding The Cat, Shortcake The Cat, Cinnamon The Dog, Custard The Dog, Jasmine The Dog, Jimmie The Dog, Mochi The Dog, Muffin The Dog, Brulee The Dog.

Base Of Operations: Unknown (Formerly), The Orphanage, Los Angeles, California (Formerly), The L/N Residence/The L/N Household/Y/N's Home, Chatsworth, Los Angeles, California.

Occupation: Orphan (Formerly), Teenager/Teen/Adolescent/Pubescent, Inventor, Scientist, Chemist, Biologist, Engineer, Hacker, Doctor, Professor, Adventurer, Outcast, Student, Mentor.

Grade: Preschooler (Flashbacks/Past/Formerly), Pre-Kindergartener (Flashbacks/Past/Formerly), Kindergartner (Flashbacks/Past/Formerly), 1st Grade (Flashbacks/Past/Formerly), 2nd Grade (Flashbacks/Past/Formerly), 3rd Grade (Flashbacks/Past/Formerly), 4th Grade (Flashbacks/Past/Formerly), 5th Grade (Flashbacks/Past/Formerly), 6th Grade (Flashbacks/Past/Formerly), 7th Grade (Flashbacks/Past/Formerly), 8th Grade (Currently/Present).

Hobby: Playing Video Games, Watching Anime/Cartoons, Reading Manga/Comics, Listening To Music, Having Fun, Being Creative, Making People Happy, Trying To Fit In With Society, Becoming Accepted, Going On Adventures, Goofing Off, Slacking Off, Showing Off, Working Alone, Cooking, Eating (Especially Donuts), Drinking (Especially Soda), Cleaning, Relaxing, Napping, Sleeping, Meditating, Helping, Dancing, Singing, Drawing, Writing, Studying, Observing, Researching, Experimenting, Engineering, Testing, Practicing, Training, Teaching, Working, Driving, Building, Inventing, Designing, Spending Time With His Family, Hanging Out With His Friends, Playing With His Pets, Using His Tech For Good And Not For Evil, Kidnapping, Tormenting, Punishing, Scaring, Pranking, Scamming, And Killing His Enemies Or Any Other People If They Mess With His Friends, Family, And Harem Way Too Far Or If They Broken The Final Straw, Getting Revenge On Those Who Bullied, Harassed, Humiliated, Deceived, Mistreated, And Tormented Him For All His Life, Figuring Out Where He Truly Came From, Finding His Real Biological Parents, Learning More About His Past, Making California A Much Better Place For Everyone, Protecting The Senran Kagura Girls, Taking Care Of The Senran Kagura Girls, Doing Fun, Cute, And Other Activities With The Senran Kagura Girls, Keeping The Senran Kagura Girls Secret From The Public, Fighting With The Senran Kagura Girls.

Goals: Various.

Favorite Food: Your Choice.

Favorite Color: Your Choice.

Favorite Animal: Your Choice.

Phobia: Thalassophobia (Fear Of Deep Bodies Of Water Such As The Sea, Oceans, Rivers, And Lakes).

Allergic To: Nuts (Such As Peanuts, Walnuts, Hazelnuts, Almonds, Cashews, Pistachios, Pecans, Etc).

Food Habit: Non-Vegetarian.

Education: Homeschooled.

Species: Human.

Home World: Earth.

Shinobi Rank: Unknown.

Skills: Shōnen Protagonist, Seinen Protagonist, Adult's Media Protagonist, Anti-Hero, Ineffective Hero, True Friend, Undying Loyalty, Pain Suppression, Indomitable Will, Gadfly, Trickster, Spy, Thief, Badass Normal, Badass, Rebel, Delinquent, Berserker, Handicapped Prime, Handicapped Training, Underdog, Adventurer, Avenger, Storyteller, Polymath, MacGyver, Genius, Dimwitted Genius, Scientist, Mad Scientist, Team Brain, Tactical Analysis, Tactical Genius, Child Prodigy, Hypercognition, Hypercompetence, Intuitive Aptitude, Adoptive Muscle Memory, Instructive Muscle Memory, Adaptive Learning, Intuitive Replication, Intuitive Multilingualism, Intuitive Bilingualism, Illusionary Perfection, Omni-Intuition, Omni-Mastery, Omni Profession, Omni-Action, Complete Mastery, Master Of All, All-Rounder, Jack-of-All-Stats, Optimal Finesse, Infinite Resourcefulness, Swiss Army Power, Swiss Army Weaponry, Complete Arsenal, Nigh-Complete Arsenal, Infinite Supply, Power Weaponry, Ranged Power Weaponry, Weapon Arsenal, Hidden Arsenal, Fictional Physics, Cartoon Physics, Comic Physics, Video Game Physics, Comic Relief, Peak Human Condition, Enhanced Condition, Supernatural Condition, Absolute Condition, Peak Human Intelligence, Enhanced Intelligence, Supernatural Intelligence, Absolute Intelligence, Etc.

Attack Potency: Varies, Human Level, Athlete Level, Street Level, Wall Level, Small Building Level, Building Level, Large Building Level, City Block Level, Multi-City Block Level, Small Town Level, Town Level, & Large Town Level (Normal And With His Inventions).
Multi-Continent Level, Moon Level, Small Planet Level, Planet Level, Large Planet Level, Dwarf Star Level, Small Star Level, Star Level, Large Star Level, Solar System Level, Multi-Solar System Level, Galaxy Level, Multi-Galaxy, & Universe Level (With His Rage/Anger, When He Gets Very Serious, And With His Inventions).

Speed: Varies, Average Human, Athletic Human, Peak Human, Superhuman, Subsonic, Transonic, Supersonic, Hypersonic, & High Hypersonic (Normal And With His Inventions).
Massively Hypersonic, Sub-Relativistic, Relativistic, Speed Of Light, FTL, & Massively FTL (With His Rage/Anger, When He Gets Very Serious, And With His Inventions).

Lifting Strength: Varies, Average Human, Above Average Human, Athletic Human, Peak Human, Class 5, Class 10, Class 25, Class 50, Class 100, Class K, Class M, & Class G (Normal And With His Inventions).
Class T, Class P, Class E, Class Z, Class Y, Pre-Stellar, Stellar, Multi-Stellar, Galactic, Multi-Galactic, & Universal (With His Rage/Anger, When He Gets Very Serious, And With His Inventions).

Striking Strength: Varies, Human Class, Athlete Class, Street Class, Wall Class, Small Building Class, Building Class, Large Building Class, City Block Class, Multi-City Block Class, Small Town Class, Town Class, & Large Town Class (Normal And With His Inventions).
Multi-Continent Class, Moon Class, Small Planet Class, Planet Class, Large Planet Class, Dwarf Star Class, Small Star Class, Star Class, Large Star Class, Solar System Class, Multi-Solar System Class, Galactic, Multi-Galactic, Universal (With His Rage/Anger, When He Gets Very Serious, And With His Inventions).

Durability: Varies, Human Level, Athlete Level, Street Level, Wall Level, Small Building Level, Building Level, Large Building Level, City Block Level, Multi-City Block Level, Small Town Level, Town Level, & Large Town Level (Normal And With His Inventions).
Multi-Continent Level, Moon Level, Small Planet Level, Planet Level, Large Planet Level, Dwarf Star Level, Small Star Level, Star Level, Large Star Level, Solar System Level, Multi-Solar System Level, Galaxy Level, Multi-Galaxy Level, & Universe Level (With His Rage/Anger, When He Gets Very Serious, And With His Inventions).

Threat Level: Varies, Cub, Wolf, Tiger, & Demon (Normal And With His Inventions). Maoh, God, Nova, Quasar, Big Bang, & Celestial (With His Rage/Anger, When He Gets Very Serious, And With His Inventions).

Range: Standard Melee Range, Extended Melee Range, Several Meters, Tens Of Meters, Hundreds Of Meters, Kilometers, Tens Of Kilometers, Hundreds Of Kilometers, Thousands Of Kilometers, (Normal And With His Inventions).
Planetary, Stellar, Interplanetary, Interstellar, Galactic, Intergalactic, & Universal (With His Rage/Anger, When He Gets Very Serious, And With His Inventions).

Stamina: Extremely High.

Intelligence: Gifted (Formerly), Genius, Extraordinary Genius, & Supergenius.

Weaknesses/Flaws: Thalassophobia. He Can't Swim. Has A Short-Temper. Has A Superiority Complex. Obsessed With Donuts. Has Low Self Esteem Issues. Gets Annoyed At Being Called Short, Shorty, Small, Tiny, Little, Midget, Dwarf, Shrimp, Etc. Is Very Insecure About His Height. Can Be Easily Influenced By His Emotions. Can Be Very Lazy. Can Be A Bit Overprotective. Can Be Extremely Apologetic. Can Be Quite Shy. Can Be Timid. Can Be Socially Awkward. Can Be Highly-Strung. Can Be Cowardly. Can Be Clumsy. Can Be Childish. Can Be Gluttonous. Can Be Edacious. Can Be Stubborn. Can Be Obstinate. Can Be Jealous. Can Be Resentful. Can Be Cheeky. Can Be Brash. Can Be Blunt. Can Be Rash. Can Be Hasty. Can Be Audacious. Can Be Careless. Can Be Irresponsible. Can Be Overzealous. Can Get Easily Depressed, Miserable, and Gloomy Sometimes. Can Be Argumentative Every Once In A While. Can Be Opinionated Off And On. Can Be Insubordinate Every So Often. Can Be Very Hard On Himself Every Now And Then/Again. Can Be Rather Arrogant From Time To Time. Can Be Greedy Ever And Again. Can Be Selfish Partly. Can Be Condescending Commonly. Can Be Conceited Betimes. Can Be Absolutely Insane At Times. Can Be Psychotic Infrequently. Can Be Vulgar Occasionally. Can Be Homicidal Seldom. Can Be Twisted Oftentimes. Can Be Manipulative Sometimes. Can Be Sadistic Fitfully. Can Be Cocky Periodically. Can Be Reckless On Occasion. Can Be Impulsive Sometimes. Can Be Aggressive Sporadically. Can Be Violent Intermittently. Can Be Ruthless Rarely. Can Be Savage Frequently. Can Be Bloodthirsty Consistently. Can Be Cold-Blooded On And Off. Can Be A Little Bit Of An Idiot. Has An Allergy To All Kinds Of Nuts. Hates Bagels. His Inventions, Machines, Gadgets, Tech, And Experiments Don't Always Succeed, They Can Malfunction, Backfire, Go Haywire, And Go Awry. Without His Tech, He Is Left Vulnerable, Unprotected, Defenseless, Helpless, Unsuitable, Weak, And As A Regular Human Boy. Not Completely Invulnerable. Can Still Make Bad Decisions. Can Still Make Mistakes. And Can Still Be Defeated, Hurt, And Killed.


The Sword And The Shield
2nd-Year Hanzō National Academy Student
Asuka is a second year student and is the leader of Hanzō National Academy. Her shinobi heritage comes from her grandfather Hanzō on her mother's side. Although her mother was a shinobi, her father was not. Originally, her father dreamed and was on the verge of becoming a successful lawyer, however he was charmed by Asuka's mother. Hanzō did not approve of their relationship, and the two constantly fought about it. Asuka's father loved her so much that he was willing to give up his dream of becoming a lawyer, as long as he could be with her. According to him, he didn't need dreams or money if he could spend his life with her. Hanzō was so moved by his resolve and dedication that he could not bear to refuse his proposal, allowed them to get married and decided to open up a sushi shop with Asuka's father. When Asuka was growing up, she had a reputation for getting into fights and beating up boys and girls alike, to which Hanzō told her she was an independent sword, without a compatible shield. At some point, Asuka enlisted in Hanzō National Academy to follow her grandfather's footsteps and to understand the concept of being a sword and a shield. During her first year, Asuka had some trouble keeping up with both Katsuragi and Ikaruga due to her clumsy nature, but she managed to push through and reached her second year with average scores. No matter how hard she may try, though, she can never quite bring herself to look as intimidating as she wants to, likely due to her overall bright and positive personality. Over time, she's become a source of immense moral support for her friends, fellow shinobi, and loved ones. Asuka has a joyful, energetic, and friendly personality and believes in teamwork, sticking together and friendship. She often appears to be gullible or clumsy, but she makes up for it with her determination and earnestness. Due to her grandfather's teachings she has somewhat of a pacifist nature and doesn't believe in fighting or hurting others unless she views it as completely necessary. Because of this, other shinobi from rival factions often view her as naive given the nature of the shinobi profession which ultimately requires them to take lives. She also has a fascination with futomaki rolls and how thick they should be. She gets easily upset when her friends like smaller rolls because she believes that futomaki rolls are supposed to be big and thick.

The Graceful Phoenix
3rd-Year Hanzō National Academy Student
Ikaruga is a third-year student at Hanzō National Academy, she is the class president and her peers "big sister." She comes from a lesser, distant branch of a rich and noble shinobi clan whose outward appearance is that of a large zaibatsu known as the Phoenix Conglomerate. Because their only son, Murasame lacked sufficient talent as a ninja, they were in a very desperate situation. After being alerted of a distant relative who showed great promise as a ninja, Ikaruga was adopted by them, and inherited the family treasure Hien, which earned her the resentment of her new older brother. Because of this, she harbors a huge amount of guilt, feeling partially responsible for ruining his dream of being the heir to the family's shinobi legacy, this problem has also affected her behavior. By the time she enlisted in Hanzō National Academy, she became distant from others as she created walls around herself and felt nothing but loneliness. She encountered Katsuragi in the same ninja studies class and the two didn't get along with one another right away. However, as the two interacted more often and understand one another, Ikaruga's behavior slowly started to alter as she started to realize that she isn't lonely at all. Classically trained in both etiquette and swordplay. She carries herself with nobility, and holds her underclasswomen to the same standards of behavior. She holds the responsibility of being the leader of a five girls strong shinobi team. Usually a calm individual, she can become highly agitated by Katsuragi's lecherousness. Like Katsuragi, she hides her sadness behind her cool exterior, but the love of her fellow shinobi have helped to soften the pain of her wounds. Needless to say, she works excellently in a team. She also has a knack for cooking and enjoying Japanese cuisine, going so far as to make her own dishes such as the Sweet Squid Ramen Roll (A combination of futomaki sushi, ramen, squid, and sweets). And also just don't make her angry.

The Dragon With Iron Boots
3rd-Year Hanzō National Academy Student
Katsuragi is a third-year student at Hanzō National Academy. She's over-the-top and easily moved to tears, yet she has an older sister-like demeanor that's thoroughly endeared her to the other members of her class. She's best known for her bold, excitable personality... and her "dirty old man"-like tendency to grab her classmates breasts. Despite that habit, she fits in with her friends as a "big sister" alongside Ikaruga and is always ready with a word of advice... even if that advice usually involves where to stand so they're easier to reach. With all that said, she does have a serious side. When Katsuragi was still a little girl, she lived a normal life while playing with her pet dog, Choco. Her parents were both shinobi as they fulfilled missions that were issued to them by the higher ups. However, one day, both of Katsuragi's parents failed at one particular mission and were told to give up their lives as punishment. To avoid getting Katsuragi involved, the two decided to become renegade shinobi and ran away while abandoning Katsuragi. Feeling sad and abandoned, Katsuragi thought to herself and decided that she will become a strong shinobi in order to atone for her parents' crimes while hoping that she'll be able to reunite with her family someday. At some point, she enlisted in Hanzō Academy. During her first year, she encountered a student that goes by the name of Ikaruga. As much as she tries to interact with her, Ikaruga ignores her. This annoyed Katsuragi to no end as she tries to get along with her. As they interact with one another, Katsuragi learned why Ikaruga has been acting the way she has been, which caused her to remind herself on how lonely she's been since her parents left her behind. As the two started to understand one another, they eventually started becoming friends. During her second year, she and Ikaruga helped another student, Asuka get through her first year in the academy. However, during a training session, there was an accident that caused Ikaruga to injure Asuka. Katsuragi figured that Ikaruga was still bothered by something, so she asked her to come to an open field, where the two will fight one another to be able to escape from their problems. After the fight, the two were able to escape and their friendship was solidified. Katsuragi was defined by losing her parents; she vowed to become a stronger shinobi and gained an extremely vivacious personality and often hides her sorrow behind her mask of perversion. She takes almost every possible opportunity to grope her fellow shinobi with intense glee. She enjoys the thrill of battle and competition, leading her to often face-off against the stoic Hikage, whom she wishes would enjoy a fight with her. She also loves ramen.

The Playful Bunny
1st-Year Hanzō National Academy Student
Hibari is a first-year student at Hanzō National Academy. She has a tragic backstory and a little dark. She comes from a long standing noble ninja family that has spanned generations. Even her immediate family is pretty large, as she has a huge amount of siblings. Despite all of her brothers and sister having far more skill and promise as shinobi, Hibari was the one chosen to be the heir to the family. This was because she was the only one to develop the family's signature power called Kagan, a special Eye Technique that has the ability to control other people's minds. Hibari never really wanted to become a shinobi, she wanted to open a shop and sell sweets. Despite showing questionable potential as a ninja and messing up quite often, her family was always positive and supportive of her. Instead of showing resentment of jealousy, her siblings would instead be proud and encouraging, which Hibari found to be odd and even discouraging, given her ineptitude. However, with the degree of enthusiasm and support from her family, Hibari couldn't bring herself not to follow through, now doing her utmost best to become a great shinobi. This is probably where she gets her innocence and sweetness from, but is also the source of her lack of confidence in her own fighting style and abilities. Something is very dark about her, however, according to Yagyū. Hibari resembles her deceased younger sister "Nozomi", who died in a car accident. Hibari is exceedingly innocent, trusting and cheerful. Despite often depending on others, especially Yagyū, she dislikes having to completely rely on others, as it makes her feel like she is holding everyone behind. Although she often feels like she just isn't cut out for it, she always tries her best to keep up with the others and show just how much she can contribute to the team.

The Stoic Defender Of Hibari
1st-Year Hanzō National Academy Student
Yagyū is a first-year student at Hanzō National Academy. She's only just begun her training this year, yet she knows that the shinobi world is ruthless and is fully prepared to accept that way of life. This resolution is born from the considerable power she wields, but its approval she seeks above all else; she exists to be acknowledged by her fellow shinobi class members. Although she's rather taciturn most days, her need for acceptance occasionally causes her to come across as lonely. Yagyū came from an average shinobi family and had a strong relationship with her younger sister Nozomi. The two were inseparable, with Nozomi admiring Yagyū's devotion to becoming a shinobi. Unfortunately, Nozomi was involved in a sudden tragic car accident and was taken to the hospital. Although despite the doctors efforts, her injuries were too severe and she died. Yagyū was deeply hurt by this ordeal, and the solitude that came with it. However, she both knew and feared that the loss of her sister would eventually fade from her memory as time went on. As a means of her never forgetting her younger sister, Yagyū dons an eyepatch crafted from the ribbon that Nozomi used to wear, cutting her vision and acting as a permanent reminder of her. Upon her arrival at Hanzō Academy, she came across Hibari, who had such a striking resemblance to Nozomi that she had almost believed she had come back to her. Hibari's cheerful nature quickly overpowered Yagyū and the two quickly became friends. With Yagyū adopting an older sister role with her and seeing Hibari as her best friend that helped her get out of her solitude a little, she's always showing concern for her and being protective of her while also showing that she can't live without her, developing a "sister complex". Although she will not admit it, Yagyū could never live in true solitude, and Hibari would soon become the primary reason she opens herself up to others, namely the rest of her class. Yagyū has a stoic and quiet demeanor, usually modest of her own ability, yet still very aware and in tune with it. She's also a very distant person, preferring to keep things to herself and relying on no one. However, she sees Hibari as a little sister figure, the two are always capable of making the other smile. She is extremely protective of Hibari, often rushing to her aid without delay and without question. Although this has saved Hibari on numerous occasions, it has also led Yagyū to underestimate her to a certain degree or even to Yagyū's own misfortune. Being the same age as Hibari, the two of them have formed something of a sisterly bone, making Hibari one of the few people with whom she'll willingly open up. She also has a habit of eating whole dried squid without chopsticks or her hands.

The Blazing Warrior
Former 2nd-Year Hebijo Clandestine Girls Academy Student
Homura is a former second-year student at Hebijo Clandestine Girls Academy and is the leader of the Crimson Squad faction who wound up killing Dōgen, the main investor of Hebijo, and must now live as a fugitive with the rest of her class. Homura was originally a good shinobi. She hailed from a prestigious shinobi clan and so the life of a shinobi would quickly ensue. Ever since her first year of Elementary school she had been training to become a powerful shinobi and wanted to be the best there was. Every day she had been training and under a lot of pressure from her parents. Eventually, the stress has built up. Her teacher in Middle School was a kind male university graduate. Her teacher was a sort of 'oasis for her. He would listen to her talk about pointless things, etc. He was a 'special existence' to Homura. During her second year, she talked to the teacher about her plans after middle school. She revealed herself being from a shinobi clan to him, seeing as how she thought he was the only one she could trust with this knowledge to keep secret. Upon receiving this information her teacher then attacked her, revealing to be an evil shinobi tasked with finding out her clan's secret. Homura was quite shocked from this, but refused to believe the man she trusted to be so cruel. He'd further tell her he never cared to hear about her pointless talks and was only using her naivety to get close to her. Due to the shock of learning this, Homura snapped. She remembers nothing that happened after that other than a blood stained teacher's face. She says if she hadn't met that evil shinobi she might have been able to become a normal good shinobi student. She was disowned by her parents and forced to leave her home because of this act. All she had was the sword said to be her family's heirloom to take with her and a broken heart. Betrayed by the person she trusted and disowned by her parents, she wandered the streets; later confronted by a woman whom offered her the option to join Hebijo, stating that "The past doesn't matter, Hebijo welcomes anyone. Evil shinobi are more tolerant than good ninja". And thus she became the former second year Hebijo elite, Homura. She is grateful to her friends and relentless towards her rivals, but respects and admires the strong regardless of their affiliation. Her fighting style involves wielding six swords at once. At the surface of her appearance, Homura has a rather cool demeanor to her upon interaction. She can be calm until a present situation calls for her to get serious. She's not one for conversation as she believes that actions speak louder than words. She also follows the ideal from her former sensei, Rin, that silence is a shinobi's best weapon. She can become rather impatient at times and tends to display headstrong qualities when trying to solve a present problem. Her desire to get things done tends to land her in awkward situations, especially if it is concerning Hanzo. This normally leads to her saying the complete opposite of what she truly means and is often teased of this by her comrades; being called a mindless thinker who often doesn't want others to know how she feels; especially by Haruka. When fighting, she becomes very intense and focuses mainly on testing her opponent's strength to see them worthy of even fighting. This is especially displayed towards her heated rivalry with Asuka. When fighting a well versed enemy, Homura can become ruthless and is not afraid to kill another if presented the chance/reason. Homura has shown to have trust issues due to her history of being a shinobi. She does not like being deceived but accepts the fact that it can be used as a tool in the shinobi world. Her own relationship with her comrades was not always strong, seeing as how none of them trusted her or even liked each other for that matter. However, leading to the incident that forced her into exile, her relationship grew stronger with her comrades as they chose to follow instead of abandoning her. Now Homura has a strong urge and responsibility to become a strong enough leader so that she can not only lead her team but protect them as they grow to become fearsome shinobi. She has also shown to have a very poor grasp at the concept of humor as her sense of humor is that she makes poses of sea creatures such as crabs, shrimp, etc. while saying the name of the creature she is doing, even using her swords for the pose.

The Fairest Of Bean Sprouts
Former 2nd-Year Hebijo Clandestine Girls Academy Student
Yomi is a former second-year student at Hebijo Clandestine Girls Academy and is a member of Homura's Crimson Squad. She lived most of her life growing up in the slums and harbors great hatred towards people who are satisfied with life. She watched her own parents die because of their poverty. In the street when she was having a meal, on the TV she saw that Ikaruga's foster father was giving enormous aid to overseas countries. This turned Yomi's hate towards Ikaruga. Yomi doesn't know the full details but it seems that her parents sold her off for their own desires. With no siblings of her own, she thinks of the other Crismon Squad girls as her sisters. She's managed to master a wide variety of weapons, from her broadsword to her crossbow, and uses them all with flawless precision. She also has an extreme love for (and in many cases, obsessed with) Bean Sprouts. Yomi is a well-mannered individual who shows deep compassion for those of less fortunate backgrounds like herself. Despite her pleasant demeanor, there is a significant gap between her polite tone of voice and what she's actually saying, as she's known for savage verbal abuse; her refined demeanor masks her aggressive and unpredictable side. She came from the slums and harbors both great hate and envy for prosperous houses/families. She deems those born with a silver spoon in their mouths as fragile people who don't know the true hardship and suffering of the less fortunate. Be that as it may, Yomi is seen to be quite pretentious. As stated before, she harbors both hatred and great envy of the rich and wealthy. She does not see a need for large amounts of money (as noted when she turned down Haruka's offer of 10,000 yen and requested only 10 yen in it's place), but she still believes that money itself can fix any and all problems (having told Yumi that "money is her idea of justice"). She also tends to be cheap (or, as she calls it, "being frugal") with the group's money, spending what is necessary or—if possible—not spending at all. She has a strange appreciation for bean sprouts, as this is the main ingredient in most dishes she cooks for her comrades. She favors wild grass and other plant life that grows on the mountain where their base is located, but would not turn down a meal if presented to her (and if it's free). Despite this, Yomi has a very motherly persona when it comes to taking care of the needs of her comrades. She likes to cook and clean, as well as tend to them if injured. She feels as though her comrades are family and shares a deep connection with all of them.

The Sharp Slithering Snake
Former 3rd-Year Hebijo Clandestine Girls Academy Student
Hikage is a former third-year student at Hebijo Clandestine Girls Academy and is a member of Homura's Crimson Squad. She's expressionless and largely wordless, to the point that nobody can ever quite tell what she's thinking. She claims to have no emotions, but she's surrounded by friends who are frank and upfront with their feelings, giving her an almost scientific curiosity about the very concept of human emotion. Hikage had issues with emotions even as a child. She never knew who her parents were, and grew up in an orphanage. There, the other kids would often poke fun at her expressionless face, calling her names such as "dead face". Feeling uncomfortable, she eventually left the orphanage at the age of 8, taking to the streets alone and eventually running in with a gang of thugs thanks to the gang leader Hinata, whom Hikage clung to like a lost puppy. Hinata would always dote over her, becoming a great influence on her, practically becoming her surrogate mother. Hinata would always stick up for Hikage, saying that it's okay if she is expressionless, it's what makes her who she is. After an incident involving members of their gang getting on a rival gangs bad side, countless members were slaughtered. Hinata personally went to address the problem and see if she could get their forgiveness, but never returned. After days of waiting and searching, Hikage would eventually find her lifeless, mangled corpse laying in a dumpster in an alleyway. For the first time, Hikage had displayed emotion, a feeling she could only describe as a drip in her heart, rain inside her. Hikage was in tears. The knife she wields as her weapon belonged to Hinata herself, Hikage keeping and holding it dearly as if Hinata's spirit still lived on it. Hikage rarely, if ever, displays emotion and when she does, it is to a very low degree. She herself states that the best way to describe her is a "cicada husk". Because of this, her mood is hard to read. She also has a very apathetic and languorous demeanor and when faced with a problem, she usually tends to space out, losing herself in thought. Often though, she's just outright oblivious to everything going on around her, usually landing her in peculiar situations. She tends to just go with the flow of things, curious as to how everything plays out. She tries her best to make up for her lack of expression by being vocal and explicit about her thoughts and opinions, often making her come across as socially awkward. She is also very frank and honest about things, stating things the way she sees them, sometimes coming off as rude or inconsiderate of others feelings. Although Hikage doesn't understand emotions, she does have the strong desire to understand them, Originally, Hikage never gave them a second thought, stating that their fleeting nature always struck her as a "pain in the ass". However, she starts to show personal interest in them after meeting Katsuragi, stating that she has never felt so alive while fighting her. Thus paving a new path for her to take on.

The Flawless Temptress
Former 3rd-Year Hebijo Clandestine Girls Academy Student
Haruka is a former third-year student at Hebijo Clandestine Girls Academy and is a member of Homura's Crimson Squad. She's a sadistic character who acts like the queen of the castle, and her favorite thing in the world is to tease the weak. Yet despite this, she cradles her juniors feelings and acts almost like a mother figure to them. Though she and her four friends walk the path of evil, she tries to keep an open mind and nurture them so they don't succumb to the inevitable sorrow that typically accompanies their choice of lifestyle. Her mother loved Haruka excessively, and kept her in the house all the time and treated her like a doll. Her father, who was a doctor, was corrupt and having a bunch of affairs. Haruka was brought to the point where she wanted to burn her house down. Suzune stepped in and stopped her, and taught her puppetry skills. With those skills she forced her father to come forward and admit to his corruption. After that she effortlessly enrolled into Hebijo. She was the first member to join the elite class and was already a 3rd year by the time the others joined. She uses chemical weapons and puppetry, concealing the inner workings of her strategies under her white coat. Haruka is a sophisticated young lady who finds the utmost pleasure in toying with her opponents. She treats her enemies like they are toys and is shown to be quite a dominatrix. She likes to pick on weaker people, this explains why she seems to have her eyes on Hibari. She is a very hard person to read and enjoys messing with the feelings of other people. Despite this, like the others, she has been shown to be quite considerate and caring towards those she considers her friends. She is also a scientific genius, she has made potions that grows people into enormous sizes, change their voices, turn them into raging masochists, give them an uncontrollable urge to dance, and more.

The Angry Gun-Toting Kitten
Former 1st-Year Hebijo Clandestine Girls Academy
Mirai is a former first-year student at Hebijo Clandestine Girls Academy and is a member of Homura's Crimson Squad. She strives to achieve the air of a mature adult; unfortunately, her immature nature sleeps through a little more often than she cares to admit. She despises being ignored, and while she's tried to come to terms with her small chest size, her insecurities are just another thing that makes her feel less of a "real woman" due to her classmates impressive proportions. Her umbrella is a concealed firearm, and she hides other heavy weapons under her skirt. Since on her young age, Mirai was bullied and so became distrustful of other people, also having a complex with her breasts. She searched the Hebijo BBS for some friends and was the last member to join the Hebijo elite class...After the influences of the raid of Hanzō Academy that turned into a disaster, feeling that she was about to go berserk during the event, she thought that she might end up hurting her friends. To prevent this, she ran away from Hebijo; however, her friends, particularly Hikage and Homura, caught up and told her how much they loved her. Mirai is a short tempered individual and has a pathological hatred of being ignored by others and will go to extreme lengths to make her presence known. Though she wants desperately to be seen as an adult, she does often act like a little girl. She also has a serve case of breast envy, gets agitated when there are those bustier than her, but is not afraid to mock those who also have a flat chest, like Ryōbi. Despite this, however, Mirai is quite the opposite of what she outwardly displays. Mirai is actually very timid and is deathly afraid of what others think about her. Because of her history of always being picked on and bullied horribly, she tends to suffer from low self esteem and to the point that she didn't want to see the world anymore, this is why she wears the eye patch with the red tomoe over her right eye, she wanted to block out parts of the world that she hated. At times where she has felt the others mistreat her, she'd often runs away in a panic and tries to hide. She's also developed a defense mechanism for this; having random outbursts and yelling at others for treating her a certain way. Despite all this, Mirai is still a generally nice cute girl. She cares very much for her comrades as they have gone out of their way to make her feel that she belongs. She feels especially close to Homura & Haruka (Haruka being the ideal, proper lady she wishes to grow up being: Homura as an older sister-ish role model.)

The Purity And Justice Given Form
3rd-Year Gessen Girls Academy Student
Yumi is a third-year student and the leader of the Gessen Girls Academy elite shinobi. Her grandfather Kurokage was a rival to the legendary ninja Hanzō. She lost her parents when she was young, so Kurokage raised her along with the other Gessen Girls. Her fighting style combines traditional Japanese dance with Ice-based Ninja Arts. Despite her outwardly icy appearance, she holds a big sister's love for her teammates. Now that Kurokage has passed away and left her in charge, she strives to lead with a firm but gentle hand. At eight years old, Yumi's parents died on a mission for unknown reasons: most likely killed by evil shinobi while on the job. At the funeral, no one would tell her the reason why her parents were dead, only that they were very admirable shinobi which she could care less about as all that praise would not bring her parents back. On that very day, Yumi was approached by a man with a scarred face who asked her if she wanted to know the reason for her parents death. When Yumi responded positively he stated that he would make her a ninja if she truly wished to know the reason. Strangely without fear, Yumi accepted his proposal. This pleased the old man as he assigned her the shinobi name "Yumi." When she asked who he was he revealed himself to be Kurokage, the grandfather she had never known. Yumi went to live with Kurokage in a depopulated area in the deep in the mountains where she began her training. She underwent strict life-threatening training under him, her strong resolve stemming from the desire to become a shinobi like her parents before her and find those responsible for their deaths so she could exact revenge. She learned at an alarming rate and was soon able to do the same Secret Ninja Art as Kurokage in a year's time. Kurokage took note that she was rushing and getting ahead of herself so he stopped her training and taught her other things as an alternative. She learned how to make grain or barely, the name of constellations in the sky, Japanese history, and various other subjects which found to be equally fun. However, she was dissatisfied due to still wanting to train. One day as the two of them sat around and enjoyed a cup of shaved ice, Kurokage stated that they were both very much alike, as she believed that power could resolve everything. Yumi agreed, stating that if she became strong enough then she surely could do anything. In response to this Kurokage stated that power alone is not enough to solve everything. He then performed his Secret Ninja Art "Black Ice" which amazed Yumi at the massive difference in power between her version and his. After this, he stated that power is not technically right and even with all the power he had he still couldn't meet her as Yumi's mother never talked about her father before. Kurokage told Yumi that was the reason why he taught her the meaning of power. After that day, she resumed her strict training. She became even stronger and much to her own marvel, her mind was strangely calm in the process. She began to wonder why she was becoming stronger and soon realized that power was not to be used for personal grudges, but rather to recognize a great dream. This prompted her to ask what the use of power was. This is when Kurokage told her his life story. His training as a good ninja and half his life as a rogue ninja. When she had listened to everything he had to say, she had made her mind up. She was going to realize her grandfather's dream and create a world without evil. Eventually, her grandfather took in several other orphaned children who had lost their parents as she had. They were Yozakura, Murakumo, Shiki, and Minori. Together they all trained with the desire to become strong so that they could create Kurokage's dream world. Yumi and the others easily passed the entrance exam to the prestigious Gessen Academy thanks to Kurokage's strict training and all became the academy's elite shinobi, with Yumi as their leader. As her name implies Yumi has a very cool personality. She is a very calm and very serious girl. She gives nothing but one hundred percent when it comes to achieving a personal ambition and will go to any lengths to realize a goal she has set out for herself. For these reasons she can be viewed as stubborn when people present their own personal ideals and values in conflict with her own. Though despite this, she has no issues steeping back and admitting when she's wrong after some serious thought. This was demonstrated when Yumi, who was deeply conflicted about her views on evil over the course of the story, finally accepting that she was wrong by the time of her final battle with Asuka. This was demonstrated a second time when she began to realize that she was actually being far too strict on her comrades and promised to give them more time to relax. Yumi can also be considered extremely critical, as demonstrated where she deemed Asuka unworthy of facing her and made her fight Gessen's lower-ranked shinobi as an alternative. This was due to Asuka presenting what Yumi believed to be incompetence as a shinobi. Despite this, Yumi has also been shown to be modest, such as when she deemed Yozakura far stronger than her despite Yozakura insisting otherwise. While being very harsh at times, she's also very caring underneath her cold exterior. Even Shiki states that Yumi is only hard on her comrades because she genuinely cares about them and wants the most out of each of them. This often leads to her trying to push them too hard and forgetting to allow both of them and herself to relax every once and while. Yumi tries to be more lenient and considerate of her comrades feelings, leaving Yozakura to discipline and yell at the others in her place when things get out of hand. She can also be naive as when Shiki achieve to have her do pointless fitness exercises.

The Blueberry Fists Of Titanium
2nd-Year Gessen Girls Academy Student
Yozakura is a second-year student at Gessen Girls Academy. Being the oldest of twelve brothers and sisters, she knows how to discipline her peers, which comes in handy in her work as Yumi's right-hand woman and chief enforcer. She rarely allows her own discipline to slip, but she does know how to party, and when pushed far enough, she lets loose - not only with her huge gauntlets, but with the full verbal force of her hometown accent. Yozakura is considered a no nonsense individual that takes a lot of things seriously while disciplining her peers when necessary. This is due to her harsh past where she was responsible of looking after her younger siblings while her father was at work as a shinobi. Her mother died when she was eight years old on duty as a shinobi while a year later, her father died while on duty as well. This lead to Yozakura being separated by her siblings as her other family relatives started to take each of them in, including herself. However, Yozakura rejected them as she stated that she wanted to be the one to look after her siblings. Sadly, she couldn't which caused her to run away. With no food, water, and proper shelter, Yozakura had no idea on what she'll do from there on out while also feeling hopeless about not being able to protect her younger siblings. Suddenly, a man who called himself Kurokage approached her as he gave out his hand to her, telling her this; "I'll give you the strength to protect what is important to you." With nowhere left to go and no other plan, Yozakura accepted the conditions in hopes that one day, she'll be able to reunite with her younger siblings again. By living with Kurokage, Yozakura met four other people named Yumi, Murakumo, Shiki, and Minori, where she developed a strong bond with them, thus allowing Yozakura to be part of a new family as she continued to work hard in getting stronger so that she can reunite with her younger siblings one day. Yozakura also has a temper that causes her hometown accent to come out when pushed to the edge. Despite her serious nature, Yozakura can be a kind, caring mother figure that is capable of knowing when to relax and take it easy, as seen when she is having fun interacting with her peers. On rare occassions, her childish side is shown either when she's frustrated or she wants to let loose. This is shown when Yozakura was sparring with Yumi and she was getting frustrated at herself for not being able to approach Yumi and lay a hit, resulting in her complaining to Yumi on now she's not able to do so. While Shiki was out gathering information on the other teams, Yozakura was busy having fun as she was playing in the ocean, filled with excitement without a care in the world. Yozakura also has a competitive side where she mocks her opponents, telling them to give up as they're no match for her cooking skills.

The Emerald Eyed Wolf
3rd-Year Gessen Girls Academy Student
Murakumo is a third-year student at Gessen Girls Academy. She keeps her face hidden under an ogre mask, which gives her a frightening persona in battle. However, when her mask inevitably comes off, she has a very shy and introverted personality, getting so nervous that she stammers and stutters on nearly every syllable. Despite her friends repeated assurances that there's nothing wrong with her face, she remains insecure and will do anything to retrieve her mask if she's ever parted from it. Murakumo grew up in a family of four, but when they had dinner, they ate with a girl who lived in the neighborhood; Yomi. Since Yomi's parents were too busy to come home very often, they invited her to their house on occasion. The two of them were as close as real sisters, and played together all the time. When she was still a child, she was told her parents had died in an accident. Despite being told by her father's friend that they were hit by a car, Murakumo was certain they had been killed in action. She was so shocked that she developed a massive inferiority complex, completely withdrew into herself and began hiding her face under a bag. Yomi would then do the same out of a sense of solidarity for Murakumo. When Murakumo was adopted by Kurokage, she was heartbroken about being unable to say goodbye to her best friend. But she also thought she needed to leave behind all of her relationships to be a shinobi. At some point, Murakumo ended up being adopted by the CEO of Tairo family corporation which ultimately cut her time short with Kurokage. She wields a Spear in her left hand and a giant cleaver in the right hand. While her oversized kitchenware is perhaps a bit slow, it's undeniably effective. Though a beautiful girl, Murakumo believes that she must keep her face hidden from the universe. What Murakumo needs is self-confidence as said from Kurokage. She is extremely shy, and even unable to express herself clearly when she doesn't have her mask. Though, she is also a creative girl, like Mirai: Where Mirai writes books and stories, while Murakumo draws comics, and is often seen with another character to take that same one as a model for a character of her comic she is drawing. When under her mask, she feels safe and strong, and her voice sounds deeper than Miyabi. However, when the mask comes off her voice gets higher and much cuter, yet nervous and incoherent. She can knock out her interlocutor just to make him leave her alone, or in less extreme case, improvise a mask. With all she can find. Including her underwear~😏.

The Bat-Tastic Party Girl
1st-Year Gessen Girls Academy Student
Shiki is a first-year student at Gessen Girls Academy. She uses high-spirited gyaru language (adapted as "valley girl" speak in the English version) and makes friends everywhere she goes, often texting them at inappropriate times. Despite her shinobi training and discipline, she hasn't forgotten her younger days as a freewheeling rich girl and still misses her parents deeply. To soothe her grief, both her parents and her adopted grandfather Kurokage, she often recited the Heart Sutra to herself. She wields a double-bladed scythe that's bigger than her body and fights while spinning it dramatically. Born and raised in a rich family, Shiki had it all. A big house, servants to cater to her every whim, a big allowance (100,000¥ a month), everything a rich girl could ever want. Back in elementary school, Shiki and her friends would go shopping every weekend, and even if she spent her entire allowance, she always had her parents credit card. She even fully admitted to being spoiled. However none of it would last. One day, the dead bodies of Shiki's parents were brought home, riddled with scars. They had died in the line of duty as shinobi, but no one would tell the young girl how her parents died, or anything for that matter. This enraged the young Shiki, to the point of seemingly endless crying, until she heard the voice of an old man reciting the Mahayana Buddhist scripture, the Heart Sutra behind her. This man was none other than Kurokage. After preaching to the tearful girl about how the darkness and evil of the world had to be eradicated, Kurokage adopted Shiki, taking her, along with four girls, one of which being his own granddaughter, Yumi, under his wing as shinobi. All five girls had one thing in common; they had all lost their parents, but even with this fact in mind, young shiki refused to befriend any of them, going as far as to lash out and get into fights with everyone, most notably with Murakumo and Minori. With every fight she started, she would receive a scolding from Kurokage, but even so, it was obvious to her how sad it made him. Upon asking why, Shiki learned that anger and sorrow came hand in hand, and to deal with her own rage and sorrow. Kurokage taught her the Heart Sutra that he had recited upon originally meeting her. Since then, Shiki has relied on the Heart Sutra for comfort whenever she felt unfulfilled. At some later point in time, Shiki and the other four girls, Yumi, Murakumo, Minori, and Yozakura, enrolled in Gessen Girls Academy, a prestigious good ninja school, and they also eventually rose to become the school's five elite shinobi. Shiki is initially depicted as a carefree, and free-spirited party girl who seems to not have her priorities in order. This is shown when after being told by Yumi to train with Minori, she attempts to weasel out of it and go shopping. She even goes as far as to convince Minori to go play instead of training. However, despite this, Shiki is actually more intelligent and insightful than she appears. She enjoys reciting the Heart Sutra, something Kurokage had introduced her to when he took her in. She has some friends outside her shinobi class and is mostly seen on her phone. She also enjoys reading literature and is shown to be quite tech-savvy.

The Supreme Queen Of Pancakes
1st-Year Gessen Girls Academy Student
Minori is a first-year student at Gessen Girls Academy who, for whatever reason, acts like a much younger girl all the time. She's innocent and loves to play games, but is also determined to do right by her friends by becoming a worthy shinobi. She uses a bucket and a frying pan as her main weapons, pulling off maneuvers that are so esoteric they almost look like magic. She was taken in by Kurokage after her parents died in the line of their shinobi work. Ever since he raised her alongside Yumi, Murakumo, Yozakura, and Shiki, training her to become a shinobi just like them. The two of them trained by playing games like tag and hide-and-seek, though Minori could never really catch Kurokage because he was far too skilled. When Kurokage fell ill, Minori would still request to play games with him despite him refusing every time. She knew it was selfish of her to ask, because it was apparent he was far too weak to do anything at all given his terminal sickness. Eventually, she was enrolled into Gessen Girls Academy with the others and managed to become part of the elite class within her first year. Despite her age, Minori has a very energetic, bubbly, cute, and childish personality that makes even Hibari look mature in comparison. She has a major sweet-tooth and loves to eat snacks all the time. Minori is extremely playful and even considers her work as a shinobi as "playing". However, there is a reason behind her childish demeanor. Minori doesn't like fighting as it is the reason why her parents are dead, having been killed on one of their missions. She believes that everyone in the world should spend more time playing than fighting because it would make everything better. She's also the greatest baker when it comes to sweets and pancakes.

The Eternal Shadow Of The Abyss
3rd-Year Hebijo Clandestine Girls Academy Student
Miyabi is a third-year student at Hebijo Clandestine Girls Academy and is the leader of it's prestigious would-be Elites. Although powerful enough to attain a leadership role during her first year, she was seriously injured during one particular mission, causing her to lose both her memories and her abilities. She was hospitalized for three years and had been living an empty existence, but a certain event has made everything she lost resurface. She now stands again as part of Hebijo reconstruction effort, fending off rivals with her seven-pronged sword and her black flame. Miyabi came from a family of evil ninja, as did Imu, a childhood friend of hers. When the two were younger, they always dreamed of what it would be like as ninja, going as far as to play a game called "Ninja." However, one day, Imu had an idea; They should play Ninja, but for real. One fateful night, the two girls would gather their fathers weapons before sneaking off to the woods, a place where they had been warned not to go several times by their parents. Shortly into their "game," however, the children were attacked by a yōma. Before the beast could attack the girls. Miyabi's mother stepped in, but she, though she was a Shinobi, stood no chance against the Yōma, and had her head brutally crushed by the beast right before her daughter's eyes. This sight would scar young Miyabi for life. As she stood, awaiting death by the hands of the Yōma, her father would then step in and quickly finish the demon. Apparently, her father was the principal of an Evil Ninja school known as Hebijo Clandestine Girls Academy, a school in which Miyabi would enter, and quickly reach the elite level, alongside and Imu years later. She and Imu would soon take part in a mission, along with several other ninja and one Kagura. The mission involved combat with a group of Good Shinobi. This battle, however, would interrupted by Yōma. In a fit of vengeance-triggered rage, Miyabi would use a Forbidden Ninja Art, Blood Riot. This technique involved gathering power from the blood spilled within the Shinobi Barrier, but it provided a significant risk to the user if they lost control. Of course, Miyabi did lose control, and she had no memory of what happened afterwards, except for the fact that she and Imu were the only survivors. Miyabi is hard working and extremely prideful and confident in her abilities. She always carries a serious demeanor and very rarely ever genuinely smiles outside of a confident smirk. Her demeanor is quite manly in relation to her appearance which only further adds to the issue of people hardly seeing her as a girl. Despite her no-nonsense attitude. Miyabi is also shown to be very caring of those close to her, especially her best friend Imu. She can also be rather kind in her own way when the situation calls for it.

The Emerald Lightning
3rd-Year Hebijo Clandestine Girls Academy Student
Imu is a third-year student at Hebijo Clandestine Girls Academy and is Miyabi's Best Friend. She was hospitalized for one year following the same event that afflicted Miyabi, after which she retired from shinobi life to support her best friend's recovery. Since everything she does is for Miyabi, she's working together with her to reconstruct the Hebijo facility. In combat, she can manipulate the length and thickness of the pole she uses as a weapon. Imu was Miyabi's best friend: they passed most of their time together as children, and particularly liked playing Shinobi. One night, they decided to play Shinobi for real, so they stole their fathers weapons and wandered in the forest. A Yōma found them, and decided to take them as a meal. It's when fleeing from the menace that Miyabi's mother decided to arrest the Yōma to protect them, but it killed her anyway. Miyabi found herself full of sorrow and was mourning her mother since that day, and it's also that day they both swore to take revenge on every Yōma. Miyabi's father, knowing about the event, prepared them until they were in age to become actual shinobi. Unlike Murasaki, Imu never manifested any form relating to the Root of Calamity inherited by some members of the family. Meanwhile, during High School years, she was particularly harassed by Hikage, who, among other things, changed her regular glasses into sunglasses with a permanent marker, swapped her wash cloth with deep fried tofu and put a real mouse in place of her computer mouse. She hates her and even wanted to take revenge. The revenge took place but it changed pretty much nothing. One year, Miyabi and Imu finally entered Hebijo Clandestine Girls Academy. Miyabi was directly focused to become part of the elites. Imu proposed to party for finally becoming shinobi, but she got an fighting exam instead by Miyabi, plus her that told to Imu that if she isn't able to gain more strength, she doesn't want to see her again. In order to be with Miyabi, Imu passed the exam, but it still wasn't enough for her. One day, both Imu and Miyabi are selected as elites to be part of an expedition with a team and a Kagura. The target: a team of "good" shinobi, led by a Kagura, which included Ryōki, that was hunting a Yōma. The goal was to ambush and eliminate them. The mission is a total disaster: During the ambush, the Yōma the "good" team was searching for cowardly made use of the mayhem of the fight between the two teams to kill easily both of them all while they were occupied. Miyabi and Imu were the only survivors. Imu could only assist powerless to the murder of her foes and allies by the monster, and Miyabi going berserk and killed that same monster, and losing her mind to fall into a coma afterwards. She rested with her at the hospital during the whole coma, which came with amnesia. Like Murphy's laws say, a disaster never comes alone: The death of Ryōki and the confusion behind the event led to her sisters Ryōna and Ryōbi, quitting Gessen a while after they joined to join Hebijo. Their amazing skills as a Fodder (Ryōna) and a Support (Ryōbi) opened them easily the path to the elites. They were accepted as the last team was nearly totally killed by the Yōma event. If Imu and Miyabi would see them as comrades at least, or friends, the two sisters didn't have the same ideas behind their heads: there is a revenge for them to take, and the reason they joined Hebijo was for that. It was personal. Knowing the protective role and behavior of Imu towards Miyabi, Imu was their prime target. When the D-Day and the H-Hour finally arrived, Murasaki took a bullet from Ryōbi's K98k, while trying to defend her, knocking her out, enough to seems like it killed her. Imu brutally exploded of sorrow and finally used the Root Of Calamity with which she defeated both Ryōna and Ryōbi. Rin narrowly intervened to stop the hostilities, put the event involving Ryōki's death in sunlight, and calmed Imu. Murasaki luckily survived the -8mm Mauser bullet she took. Now that the Yōma event is made clear, and that the sisters gave up their plan of revenge on Miyabi, Imu has forgiven them, and they are officially part of the new Hebijo team. Imu is a somewhat naive but nice girl, and a bit of an "otaku", as she is the first of the two to enounce typical anime "values". She only yearns to be with Miyabi and to do activities with Miyabi, to the point of joining her when she goes to hunt a Yoma, or to win the Shinobi Exam to enter the Hebijo Elites group. She is to the point of sacrificing herself for Miyabi, as a meat shield. She is a bit "annoying" to Murasaki, her younger sister, by trying to make her get out from her chamber. That doesn't mean she doesn't care for her. But she is also as determined if not a bit more than Miyabi to destroy Yomas. While Miyabi's bravery was perturbated broken by the eventuality of seeing her mom again and her defeats, She took the Shinobi Bon Dance seriously when Sayuri announces that it will open the road to the title of Kagura. She was even frustrated by the lack of energy and motivation of the team.

The Calamitous Shut In
2nd-Year Hebijo Clandestine Girls Academy Student
Murasaki is a second-year student at Hebijo Clandestine Girls Academy, and is Imu's younger sister. She lacks social skills, and prefers to spend her time in her room with her teddy bear Bebeby (Bebe-tan in Japanese). Despite easily becoming one of Hebijo's elite, she has never attends school, and is the most dangerous of the shinobi in it's history. Murasaki is Imu's younger sister, born into a long line of evil shinobi, with a dark magical power known as the Root Of Calamity. As a child, she had no desire to become a worthy shinobi, and believed she didn't have what it takes. However, her father continued to push her to train, despite her protests. This eventually resulted in an incident where she tried to skip training, angering both her father and Imu. Out of irritation, Imu took her stuffed bear, Bebeby, and tried to rip it's head off. Murasaki blacked out, and when she came to, Imu was lying at her feet, unconscious. Her father then explained that the Root of Calamity is a Secret Ninja Art in which one infuses their body with spiritual strength, often triggered by negative emotions. Wracked with guilt from injuring her sister, Murasaki started to close herself off from the world. Her parents deceived her into killing a Hebijo Academy exam representative, and as a result, was considered to have passed the exam and officially enrolled. However, she became a shut-in. She refused to attend, going as far as to threaten her own parents that if they ever tried to force her, she would use the Root of Calamity on them. As a result, she became the first and only truant in the school's history. Murasaki is very fragile. She never attends school, preferring to spend her time playing with her stuffed bear, Bebeby. She is normally very soft-spoken and pacifistic, however, the Root of Calamity can cause that to change when she's frightened or angered. When under the influence of the Root of Calamity, her personality briefly changes significantly. She begins talking in a much lower voice, and makes an active attempt to kill the target of her anger, often screaming loudly in the process. Notably, Murasaki has a fairly cynical outlook on life. She considers the idea of friendship to be a lie, and rejects the motion that having people counting on you can make one stronger. In her own words, she believes people to be lonely creatures by nature. She frequently assumes the worst intent in people, and was honestly surprised that people from such different worlds as Yomi & Ikaruga could become friends. Her cynical outlook is reflected in her preference in media, with her story being full of dark themes such as murder, depression and drug abuse. Murasaki also has a strange ability, learned as a result of spending all of her time in her dark bedroom: Her nose is much better than her eyes, and she can even sense details about one's character, such as personality and social status, through smell alone.

The Sadistic Scarlet Sniper
1st-Year Hebijo Clandestine Girls Academy Student
Ryōbi is a first-year student at Hebijo Clandestine Girls Academy, and is Ryōna's twin and the younger of the two sisters. She transferred from Gessen Girls Academy with Ryōna. She has a complex about her breasts and is the polar opposite of Ryōna, being a giant sadist. Before she uses Shinobi Tenshin, she is small in the chest area. Her weapon of choice is a sniper rifle, with an axe head modified onto the stock, which she uses primarily for close-quarters combat. Like her twin sister Ryōna, she was taken care of by their elder sister Ryōki after their parents died. She was the most loving sister of the two towards Ryōki, as she used to be fascinated by her and to follow her around like a puppy for long. Though, she eventually started to resent her and to envy her qualities and chest alike, which ended up in arguments between her and her elder sister, until the latter was enrolled and sent on a mission to take on a Yōma. The day before the mission, in their argument last while Ryōna was KO'd due to a food coma, Ryōbi has shouted to wish her elder sister's death, and when Ryōki returns dead, she regrets it and is left alone with Ryōna. Ryōbi is a serious sadist that is motivated to hurt people, especially Ryōna, and not minding to insult them and swear. Similarly to Mirai, she is jealous of the other girls busts, and greatly hates when she criticized upon it. She is shown to have a sensitive nature when other people mention her sister Ryōki, to which she reacts quite violently. Despite her sadistic nature, she has been shown to display compassion towards her victims, and with deep remorse, such as when she accidentally shot Murasaki and pushed aside feelings of guilt when she had to beat Imu to get to Miyabi. Her compassionate, guilty side was expanded upon, as it was revealed that she harbors a deep resentment from having told her sister Ryōki to "go die", in an argument the very day before Ryōki was killed in a mission.

The Masochist On Ice
1st-Year Hebijo Clandestine Girls Academy Student
Like her twin sister Ryōbi, Ryōna is a first-year student at Hebijo Clandestine Girls Academy. Between her and Ryōbi, Ryōna is considered the elder sister of the twins. Ryōna likes being chastised and scolded, has no complex (loves showing off her breasts, doesn't mind speaking to others about things relating her masochism, often disturbing them) and is a giant masochist. She has a freestyle shooting posture. She is more than often showing off her bust to the other girls both friend or foe and is a massive masochist. She had dozens of different poses while shooting her guns and speaks in a high pitched, squeaky voice. When the topic of good vs evil or whenever someone mentions Ryōki, her and Ryōbi's older sister take on a serious personality, ranging from questioning (In question to good vs evil) to even violent (towards those who knows Ryōki's whereabouts). She is also very kind and compassionate, asking for forgiveness while fighting both Murasaki and Yozakura, despite her love for masochism, Ryona does not like to fight unless necessary. She is more understanding than her sister and she was hesitant to kill Miyabi after learning the truth about Ryōki and struggled a lot more than her, showing she is more soft and kind. She is loyal as she decided to kill Miyabi and Imu despite knowing the truth as Ryōbi had already taken action.

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A/N: The reader in this story has Bugs Bunny and like Genius Powers. I want to make this story way more entertaining, funny, and enjoyable with the powers & slapstick like Tom & Jerry Or Looney Toons. The two shows i grew up watching. The reader is not gonna be extremely OP in this book, that's not what i'm trying to do, I'm not trying to make the reader extremely op, because I know that the book will be very boring to some wattpad readers if the reader is op, so I'm not making the reader op in this book, I'm not trying to do that at all. I gave him all of these powers because i want the book to be really funny, entertaining, random, and enjoyable with them that's all. All the powers that the reader has in this book will be used for only comedic reasons and in other future chapters. So again the reader will not and i mean will not be very op or insanely broken in this book at all, that's not what I am trying to do. And the reader is not a god in this book, he's not at all guys, he's not gonna be op or insanely broken in this book. Sure he has all of these powers I gave him in the book, but he won't be very op or extremely broken by using them, he will only use these powers for comedic reasons, just for comedic reasons only okay, he won't be invincible. Sure all of the powers that the reader has in this book makes him LOOK like he's op or insanely broken, but in reality, he really isn't op or insanely broken in this book at all. There's still gonna be lots of slice of life elements in this book cause it's a slice of life story. That's all. One. More. Time. The reader in this book will not and I mean will NOT be very op or insanely broken in this book, again sure all of the powers that the reader has in this book makes him LOOK like he's very op or insanely broken, but in reality, he really isn't op or insanely broken in this book at all, I'm not trying to make the reader op, that's not what I'm trying to do at all, I'm not trying to make the reader op in this, he will use these powers of his for only comedic reasons, just for comedic reasons, just for comedy. I gave the reader all of these powers because I want the book to be really funny, entertaining, enjoyable, random, etc. Not to make him op, there will still be lots of normal slice of life elements in this book guys don't worry, it's a slice of life story after all so there will be lots of the slice of life elements in this, I just don't want you guys to get bored or disappointed of this book. All the powers he has in this bio are basically his technology/inventions. And the flaws/weaknesses that the reader has in this book, he will overcome them very soon in future chapters. Okay that is it. No op/broken main character, all of this will be used just for comedy.

What is your favorite Senran Kagura character guys? Let me know who is your favorite.

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