Hot Kool Aid (A Shinobis In My House Short)

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Inside of the L/N household, or also known as Y/N's house that is located in a suburban neighborhood cul-de-sac of Chatsworth, Los Angeles California. Miyabi was in the kitchen table reading a magazine while in her school uniform.

Miyabi: Hmmmmmm.

Miyabi was just minding her own business all alone in the kitchen reading her magazine until Imu comes in holding a glass cup and a coffee pot of red cherry kool aid with both her hands with a smile on her face.

Imu: Morning Miyabi. She said while holding the glass cup and the coffee pot.

Miyabi: Hm?

Miyabi turns around and noticed Imu in the kitchen with her while sitting on her chair and holding her magazine.

Miyabi: Oh...Hello Imu. She said as she continues reading her magazine.

Imu: ...I made a pot of Kool Aid. She said.

Miyabi's eyes widened and blinks as she turns back around again and looks at Imu all confused.

Miyabi: Wait what? You don't make a pot of kool aid. She said.

Imu: Well I-I did. She said.

Miyabi: Is it hot? She asked.

Imu: Maybe, maybe not. She said.

Miyabi: It's hot isn't it...? She asked.

Imu: Yeah! She said with a happy face as she raised both her glass cup and coffee pot of the hot red cherry kool aid in her hands, causing some of the juice to spill on the floor from them.

Miyabi: Hot Kool Aid? She asked with a deadpan face.

Imu: I-I can put some ice in it if you'd like. She said as she pulls out a giant ice cube from her boobs.

Miyabi: Oh, no I'm not thirsty. She said as she goes back continuing into reading her magazine.

Imu throws away her giant ice cube as it hits the floor and shatters into pieces.

Imu: Miyabi....! She said it sadly with a sad face as her eyes were replaced with blank white eyes and blushes with tears.

Miyabi: I'm not gonna drink it! She shouted.

Imu: i made this for you... She whispered.

Miyabi: No! She said.

Imu got annoyed.

Imu: ...Drink it! She shouted and demanded.

Miyabi: No! She said.

Imu: I want you to drink this!! She shouted and still demanding.

Miyabi: I'm not drinking it! She said.

Imu: Drink this right now or I'll pour it on the floor, walk out, bring Y/N in, so he can slip on it, and then he will break his back, and then he will ask who spilled kool aid on the floor, and then I'll just blame it all on you!! She shouted.

Miyabi had a tick mark on her head as she turns back around and looks and glares at Imu while sitting on the chair.

Miyabi: Oh yeah, REAL mature! She said sarcastically as she crosses her arms.

Imu: .....I MADE THIS FOR YOU!!!!! She yelled out loud.

Miyabi: Now why don't you grow up? She asked.

Imu: I DID...BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!!! She yelled.

Miyabi: Well I'm not going to drink it! Hmph.

Miyabi looks away.

Imu: I HATE YOU!!! She yelled.

Miyabi: That's all I ever hear anymore. "Miyabi try this! Miyabi try that!" Remember that...What was it? Cinnamon Toast and Uh...

Miyabi snapping her fingers.

Miyabi: What was it? She asked.

Imu: Mayonnaise. She said.

Miyabi: Mayonnaise! She said as she remembered and pointing her index finger upward.

Imu: It was a good idea. She said.

Miyabi slaps the table with both of her hands one time.

Miyabi: You didn't make a single pound. She said.

Imu: I made a pound of Cinnamon Toast with Mayonnaise. She said.

Miyabi: Oh and don't forget rocky road with Tabasco right? She asked.

Miyabi: Yeah, what was that, three hospitalized? Yeah, about three woman and one male, hospitalized. She said.

Imu's whole face was completely red as Steam erupted from both of her ears and she was very angry with her eyes still replaced with blank white eyes and a tick mark was on her head gritting her teeth.


Miyabi: Drink you're own hot Kool aid. She said rolling her eyes.

Imu: There's so much left of it! What am I gonna do with all this hot Kool Aid?! She asked.

Miyabi: DRINK IT! She yelled with a tick mark on her head and her eyes were replaced by blank white eyes glaring at Imu.

Imu: NO!!!

Miyabi: YES!

Imu: NOOOOO!!!

Imu stomps towards Miyabi while holding her glass cup and coffee pot of the hot red cherry kool-aid as she got to the kitchen table with Miyabi and sat right next to Miyabi sliding with the other chair in the kitchen table aggressively and hard causing dishes to clatter.

Imu: Miyabi? She asked.

Miyabi sighs.

Miyabi: Yes? She asked.

Imu: Please...Drink...My...Hot...Kool Aid... She whispered to her ear closely.

Imu slides the glass cup of hot red cherry kool aid across the table.

Miyabi looks at the glass cup of the hot juice as she sweat drops and blinks.

Miyabi: ...Okay. She said.

Imu: ...Okay. She said.

Miyabi: Alright. She said.

Miyabi takes the glass cup of the hot red cherry kool aid holding it with her hand as she takes a sip of it, swallows it, got done with it, puts down the glass cup on the table and stand there quiet.

Miyabi: ......

Imu: .......

It was all quiet, very quiet with none of the two saying a word.

Miyabi: ......

Imu: ........

Miyabi takes a deep breath as she inhaled and then exhales.

Miyabi: Yeah, that's pretty good...Yeah I like that. She said looking at Imu with a slight smile on her face and blushed a bit.

Imu made a slight cute smile at Miyabi as well as she she blushed too for her liking and drinking the hot Kool aid she has made for her.

Imu: Thank you. She said with a slight smile.

Miyabi: Heh.

Ending with a shuriken-shaped Iris out.

(Ending Theme)

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Characters that were in the short chapter: Miyabi & Imu.

Okay this is going to be the last and final Shinobis In My House short that i have ever gonna make on this book right now, I won't make another short. But don't worry, after I'm finished with Chapter 1 on the summer, there's gonna be more shorts coming soon, I'm not going to stop making them, I still have a lot of creative ideas. I just need to focus more on this book's chapter 1 and make it really good for you all. Stay tuned.

What did y'all think of this short chapter? I don't even know why I asked lol. It sucks I know.

Do you guys really want Chapter 1 on the summer?
1: YES!!!
2: Or No?

Do you guys want Shinobis In My House to have story arcs?
1: Yeah!
2: Or No?

The Main Characters: (Y/N L/N, Asuka, Ikaruga, Katsuragi, Hibari, Yagyū, Homura, Yomi, Hikage, Haruka, Mirai, Yumi, Yozakura, Murakumo, Shiki, Minori, Miyabi, Imu, Murasaki, Ryōbi, Ryōna): Senran Kagura! They all said in unison.

Shinobis In My House.

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