// Green //

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Shiva smiled as he saw Raavi run up to him in excitement, her happiness and excitement made him so happy, her joy contagious, she got happy at the smallest of things, but this time her joy was for a different reason, the both of them had managed to convince their respective families to allow them to go for a trip together, this was going to be there first trip and they were going to go to Munnar, to combat the heat in Somnath and he couldn't be more excited to finally be able to spend some time with her, all alone without watchful older brothers and pesky younger ones.

Shiva hugged her quickly and grabbed her suitcase from her and loaded it onto the car, they did have quite long journey ahead of them, but he knew all the exhaustion from the travel would be worth it, 5 days of uninterrupted time with his bunny was worth everything to him. Although Shiva was apprehensive of the long exhausting journey, Raavi's smile  and joy made up for everything, he would go through hell multiple times over if he got to see her eye twinkling at him in pure joy, but then again it didn't take much to please her, she was simple girl, only craving love and care. He smiled at her and thanked lord for the blessing that was sent his way in her form, she was everything he wanted and everything he ever needed. She understood him, took care of him, made sure he was alright, the past couple of weeks were not easy for the both of them, especially on him, yet she stood by him every step of the way, her soft hands and words of whispered love lulling him to sleep every night, allowing him to dream of a better tomorrow, a tomorrow for the both of them.

He chuckled lightly as he thought back to how she managed to convince him for Munnar, he was dest set against not going to Munnar, he didn't want her to catch a cold in any circumstance, but a look at her petulant and sad face and he found his ironclad will melting against how childlike and excited she looked at the prospect of going to Munnar, his Bunny was a menace sometimes, but he wasn't complaining at all.

It was late night when they reached Munnar and to the AirBNB that they had reserved, as they entered the quaint little property situated high on the hills, Shiva smiled as Raavi leant on him too exhausted to even take in the sight of the beautiful cottage, he let the drive there deposit the bags to the house as he carried Raavi out of the car, he smiled as she snuggled further into him, yawning cutely against his shoulder, Shiva himself was quite tired from the long ride. He greeted the boy that worked there, politely declining dinner and walked straight to their room, Raavi was dressed in his T-shirt and a pair of sweatpants, so there was no need to wake her up so she could change her clothes, depositing her on the bed he went ahead and got changed into his own tracks, deciding to forgo the vest he wore sometimes, soon enough the lovers were asleep, cuddled up to each other.

Shiva opened his eyes to the chirping of the birds and a cold bed, frowning he walked out to look for Raavi, he had looked around the entire cottage, it was far too early for the worker to be there yet, but it wasn't even sunrise, there still a few minutes to sunrise, soon enough he found her as he wandered about and out to the garden outside.

Dressed in a white satin tank top and shorts Raavi was laying on her back in the wet grass, the smile she had on her face was soft yet blinding, Shiva couldn't help it as he took in the sight of her basking in peace and quite, her arms spread wide, she lay on the dewy bed of grass, her fingers curling onto the blades of green grass, she looked like a forest nymph against the grass, body still yet fluid, her eyes closed, porcelain skin gleaming against the dewy grass and a soft smile playing on her lips.

As he took in the sight of her relaxed and on the grass, he couldn't help but rejoice at the sight of her looking so relaxed amongst all the nature, she deserved the peace she felt, he smiled as she turned her head slightly her cheek pressing delicately onto the grass, the multiple colours of green setting beautifully on her visage. He smiled as he thought of how she resembled the green grass, she might not stand out to a lot of people, but to the ones she did, she was like a soothing blanket, stretched across every type of surface, be it parched lands or wet soil, she was refreshing and regenerating, an absolute angel.

As if she sensed his gaze on her she opened her eyes to the first rays of the sun that broke through the fog filled skies, she smiled at him, and he lost his heart to her again, falling in love with the nymph that lay across him, set against the lush green of the grass and trees, she took his breath away and he realised he never liked green better than he did in that single moment.


She called out and he walked, mesmerised. His forest nymph, that was another colour he fell in love with that day, a colour that showed to him the simplicity of the woman he called the love of his life, green, simple but everywhere he looked he could find it, just like her. His entire world. He fell in love with green that day, all over again, just like he fell in love with her, more each day.

If grass can grow through cement, love can find you at every time in your life.

                                                                                                                                - Cher

A.N: Okay so this one is for my lovely Akka, I hope you like this one! P.S it's quite late at night so will look into typos later!

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