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A girl is dressed up as a bride and sitting in her room. She looks at the mirror and blushes. She is none other than Our Heroine Anika.

An elderly woman comes in her room and smiles after seeing her daughter.

M- My daughter is looking so beautiful. May God protect you from all the evil eyes.

A- Thank you, mumma. But mumma where is my groom? You all didn't show me his photo, neither told me his name or about his family. Who is he, mumma? I asked Daksh bhaiya also but he also didn't answered me.

M- Beta, don't worry. You trust your brother right. He will never choose anything wrong for you.

Anika smiled and suddenly they heard many gun shots.

M- I think the groom has arrived. Lets go.

Anika smiled and went to the mandap along with her mother. When she reached the mandap, she was shocked to see a man, whose hands were tied with a rope behind his back and his face was covered with a black sack. Anika's eyes widened in horror. She immediately went towards Daksh.

A- Bhaiya, you told me that it was an arranged marriage but this is a forced marriage. Bhaiya, this is wrong. I can't do this. How can you force him to marry me?

D- Anika, it's a ritual. You have to marry him.

A- But you are forcing him. This is not right. What if he is already married?

D- We inquired about him. He isn't married. Now go and get married to him otherwise never show us your face again. You will be dead for us. Look the whole village is here. Don't create a scene.

Tears were Rolling down from Anika's eyes. She quietly went and sat in the mandap. A goon came and untied the groom's hands and removed the sack from his head.

Anika looked at him and was mesmerized by his blue eyes. He held innocence on his face but he was looking annoyed and angry. Obviously who will not. He was none other than Shivaay Singh Oberoi, a news reporter, who visited this village to collect some interesting stuff for his channel.

S- You can't make me marry to her like this. This is illegal. You all are going to pay for it.

Shivay looked at Anika who was crying silently. He knew that Anika wasn't at fault as she was defending him from her brother and she was also forced in this marriage.

Shivaay angrily glared at the goons.

S- Let me go. Why are you spoiling our lives?

Daksh angrily charged towards him and pointed his gun on his head. Shivaay was shocked while Anika gasped in fear.

A- Bhaiya.

D- Don't even try to utter a single word.

Daksh angrily shouted at Anika. Anika flinched back due to fear.

D(to Shivaay) - Don't try to act smart with me. Just take her as your bride otherwise your family will take your dead body from here.

Daksh signed the priest to start the wedding. The priest nodded and the wedding started. Shivaay and Anika completed the seven pheras. Shivaay filled Anika's partition with Vermillion and tied the nuptial chain around her neck. Finally the wedding was completed.

D(to Shivaay) - Take care of my sister and don't even think of leaving her.

After the farewell, Anika and Shivaay left from there. They sat in Shivaay's car and headed towards the city.

While driving Shivaay's eyes fell on the rear view mirror, he saw some goons following them.

S- Who are they?

Anika wipes her tears and looked at him confused.

A- Who?

S- The ones who are following us.

Anika looked behind and saw some goons following them.

A- Don't worry. It's also a stupid ritual. They will return back to the village after we reach highway.

Shivaay scrunched his nose in irritation.

S- What kind of stupid rituals they follow?

A- Hmm.

Anika turned her face and started looking out of the window while tears were continuously flowing from her eyes.

Shivaay looked at her and felt bad as she was crying. He took out a handkerchief from his pocket and forwarded it to her. Anika looked at him and took the handkerchief.

She wiped her tears.

A- I am so sorry that because of me you had to face all this.

S- I believe that you weren't at fault. You didn't knew anything.

A- I was told that it would be an arrange marriage and when I saw you there tied up, I... I.....

S- It's okay. So tell why they marry their girls like that?

A- This area belongs to goons and rowdies. So no one wants to marry the girls of this area that's why they kidnap a boy and forcefully make their girls marry him. I never supported this because its totally wrong. When the topic of my marriage took place, I told them clearly that I won't marry someone forcefully and Daksh bhaiya agreed to me. Few days ago, he told me that a family is interested in me for marriage and he started the preparations. I was also satisfied because according to me, it was an arranged marriage. But now I realised that everything was nothing but a lie. I am so sorry. But don't worry, if you don't want this marriage then you can drop me anywhere in the city and I'll never trouble you and in fact I won't reveal our marriage to anybody.

Shivaay was looking at Anika and her innocence. She was ready to back off from this marriage just for his happiness.

S- I can't leave you like that in this city. It is not to safe for a girl to live in this city alone. I know this marriage was not according to our wish but you can live in my house. I don't have any problem.

A- Are you sure?

S- Hmm.

A- And what about your family?

S- I'll manage them.

Anika nods her head.

S- Now we are going to live together but we don't know each other's name also.

Anika smiled a little.

A- Anika.

S- Shivaay. Shivaay singh oberoi.

Anika smiled at him.

A- Thank you.

S- Huh?

Shivaay looks at her confused.

A- Thank you for everything which you are doing for me.

S- It's my duty to protect you now onwards.

Anika looks at him with a proud smile.

A- If you don't mind can I ask you that what do you do and what were you doing in our village?

S- I am a news reporter and I went there to collect some interesting news feed for my channel but look at my fate, my life took an interesting twist.

Anika's smile fades away. Shivaay noticed it.

S- No.. No.. Please don't feel bad. I was just trying to lighten the mood.

Anika smiled at him.

The few hours of their drive went in silence. Finally they reached Shivaay's home which was a 4 BHK flat.

S- We reached.

Anika came out of the thoughts.

A- Huh?

S- We reached my house. What happened? You are looking nervous. Are you fine?

A- Wo.. Wo... I am tensed about your family.

S- Don't worry. I'll handle them.

Shivaay got down from the car and opened the passenger seat door and held his hand out for Anika. Anika was hesitant for a moment but nevertheless she held his hand and stepped out of the car.

The watchman was shocked to see Shivaay married.

W- Shivaay sahab.

S- Later Bhola.

Shivaay took Anika to the elevator and Anika was confused.

A- Do we have to live here? But this is so small.

Shivaay chuckled at her.

S- No we don't have to live here. This will take us to 7th floor where I live.

A- Oh! I am sorry I didn't knew about it. Actually I never went to a city.

S- It's ok. You will learn everything as the time passes.

Anika nods her head. Finally the elevator made a ding sound and they reached Shivaay's flat.

Anika was very nervous and Shivaay noticed this. He gently held her hand.

S- Don't worry. I'll be always there by your side.

Anika smiled and they went and stood in front of the door of his house. Shivaay ringed the bell and after few seconds, Pinky Singh Oberoi, Shivaay's mother, opened the door. As soon as she saw Shivaay, she squealed in happiness. She immediately hugged him.

S- Hi mom.

P- Shivaay, my baccha. I am so happy to see you. You know Tia is also here and we were discussing about your engagement with her.

All the colors faded from Anika's face. Shivaay noticed this.

S- Mom, listen to me.

P- No. You listen, let's go. We have so many things to do. All the arrangements, dresses, guests, food....

A lone tear escaped from Anika's eyes.

S- Mom, I am already married.


Shakti Singh Oberoi, Shivaay's dad, Kalyani Singh Oberoi, Shivaay's dadi and Tia, Shivaay's EX FIANCEE, heard the commotion and went to the main door where Shivaay and Pinky were standing.

Sh- What's happening?

D- Shivaay puttar, you're back.

Shivaay held Anika's hand and brought her to his side. Everyone was shocked to see a married girl dressed up as a bride.

D- Puttar, who is she?

S- She is my wife, dadi.


Shivaay nodded his head and then he narrated everything.

P- Shivaay, how are you so sure that this girl is innocent? Maybe she was also involved in that plan.

S- Mom, there's no fault of Anika. Everything was done by her family. She didn't knew anything about this forced marriage.

Pinky just scrunched her nose.

T- Shivaay baby, how can you do this to me? I know it wasn't your fault but this girl's. Why didn't you left her somewhere? Anyways, your marriage isn't legalised yet so you can throw her out. Then we will get married baby.


Tia fake cried in front of Pinky but one glare from Shivaay made her run away from the house.

P- Shivaay, this is not right. This girl is trapping you.

S- I know what's good for me and what not.

P- Do as you wish but I'm not going to accept her as my daughter in law.

She angrily went to her room.

Shivaay sighed in defeat while tears were flowing from Anika's eyes. This is what she never wanted, to break a family just for her selfish reasons.

Shivaay looked at his dadi.

S- Dadi.

D- Billu puttar, I am very proud of you. You stood by your wife in difficult time. I know this marriage was unexpected but God has bond you with each other. My blessings are with you both.

S- Thank you dadi.

Shivaay and Anika bend down and touched dadi's feet and Dadi blessed them.

Sh- If you both have accepted each other then who am I to not accept you both. Welcome to the family Anika.

Shakti patted her head. Shivaay and Anika touched his feet and he blessed them.

D- Shakti, go and bring a plate with alta, an aarti thaal and a kalash filled with rice.

Sh- Mummy, me?

D- So who will, me? You will make me work in this old age.

Shakti sighed in defeat.

Sh- Ok.

Shivaay and Anika chuckled at Shakti's condition.

After sometime, Shakti came out with all the stuff.

Dadi kept the kalash and plate of alta on the floor. She did their aarti.

D- Now Anika beta, push this kalash with your right foot and then put your feet in this alta and enter the house.

Anika nodded and pushed the kalash with her foot and then stepped in the alta and imprinted her foot on the floor.

Dadi smiled and cupped her face. She wiped Anika's tears.

D- Don't cry puttar. Everything will be fine. Now you are Oberoi's daughter in law and now you will not face any sorrows, there will be only happiness in your life. And dont worry about Pinky, if she is your mother in law then I am her mother in law. You know what I mean, right.

Dadi said the last line with a wink. Anika chuckled.

Sh- Yes beta, don't worry about Pinky. She is like that only. She didn't accepted me also after our marriage, then don't worry about yourself. And if this Billu troubles you then tell me, I'll throw him out of the house.

Shivaay smiled at their bond. But he frowns when his dad said the last line.


D- You don't know Billu?

Anika shook her head in no.

Dadi and Shakti chuckled while Shivaay made an annoyed expression.

Sh- Billu is your stupid husband.

S- Dad!

Shivaay whines while Anika looks at him and chuckled.

S- Umm... Anika let's go and rest in our room. You must be tired due to long journey.

Anika nodded her head. Anika took Dadi's permission to go in the room and dadi told her that she doesn't need anyone's permission to do anything here. She is like their daughter.

Shivaay and Anika went to their room and Anika was in awe with the beauty of the room. She loved each and every corner of the room.

A- Your room is very beautiful.

S- Correction, not mine. Ours.

Anika smiled at him.

S- That's the washroom. Go and freshen up.

A- Hmm..

Anika took out a saree from her luggage and went inside the washroom.

After sometime, Shivaay heard a shriek from the washroom. He got tensed. He immediately ran towards the washroom and knocked the door.

S- Anika! Anika! Are you fine?

After few seconds, the washroom door opened and Anika was standing there all drenched in water with a sad pout.

S- What happened?

A- Umm... Wo I don't know... I wasn't able to understand the function of tap and when I pressed a button then water started falling from above me and I got drenched.

Shivaay burst into laughter.

S- Oh My God! You are so cute Anika.

He held Anika's hand and took her inside the washroom.

S- Let's go. I'll tell you all the function of the taps.

Anikq nodded her head and Shivaay taught her the functions of taps.

After freshening up, Anika came out of the washroom in a red saree. She saw Shivaay talking on the phone. As soon as Shivaay's eyes fell on Anika, he was totally mesmerised by her.

Anika looked at Shivaay standing at the same place like a statue.

A- Suniye patidev. Suniye Should I go and sit with dadi?

Shivaay came out of his trance and looked at her.

S- What did you said?

A- Umm.. Should I go and sit with dadi?

S- No.. No.. Before that.

A- Suniye..

S- No.. No after that.

Anika thinks for a while.

A- Pati dev.

S- Yes... What's that? Why are you calling me that?

A- In my village, all the married woman address their husband as 'Patidev'.

Shivaay held Anika's hand and made her sit on the bed and he sat beside her.

S- Anika, I am your husband but I am not God that you will treat me or call me as God. Ok. If you want you can call me Shivaay. Ok?

A- But how can I? It's not good to call husband with his name.

S- Anika, I'm calling you by your name then you also call me by my name. If you have any doubts, ask dadi. We will think about this husband and wife relationship later but for now we can be friends right. And friends call each other with their names.

Anika nodded her head.

A- Ok Shivaay.

After hearing his name from her mouth, he felt different sensations in his heart.

A- Ok. I'll go and sit with dadi.

Shivaay was too numb to react. Anika left the room.

As soon as she reached the living room, she saw dadi watching some show on tv while Shakti was busy in some files.

She went and sat beside dadi.

A- Dadi, can I make dinner tonight?

Dadi caressed Anika's cheeks and smiled.

D- Don't worry puttar. Pinky has already made dinner.

Anika immediately stood up from the sofa with a tensed face.

A- I am so sorry dadi. It's my duty to prepare dinner and mummy ji stressed herself. I should go and help her.

D- Don't worry puttar. It's not a big deal. Anyways pinky is habitual of making dinner.

A- But...

Anika's words were cut by Pinky's shout who was calling everyone for dinner.

P- Mummy ji, Shakti ji, Shivaay! Dinner is ready.

D- Come on. Let's have dinner. I am very hungry.

Anika nodded her head and they were about to go towards dining table when Shivaay came out of the room after freshening up.

Anika was still nervous about Pinky's behavior. They went towards the dining table Everyone sat in their place except Anika and Pinky. Anika picked up a bowl of vegetables and was about to serve everyone when Pinky stopped her.

P- What are you doing?

A- Umm.. Wo.. Serving.

P- No need to do that. We can serve ourselves.

Pinky sat on her place. Anika looked at Shivaay and he blinked his eyes in assurance.

S- Come Anika sit.

He pulled a chair for her. Anika nodded her head and sat beside Shivaay.

Everyone served for themselves but there was no food left for Anika.

P- Oh I totally forgot that from now onwards you will be living with us and I didn't made your food.

Anika felt bad but she faked a smile.

A- It's good mummy ji. Actually I wasn't feeling hungry. Umm.. I am just tired from the journey. Can I go to the bedroom?

Pinky smirked while dadi, Shakti and shivaay felt bad for Anika. Anika left to the bedroom.

Sh- What's wrong with you, Pinky? How can you do this to an innocent girl like her?

D- Pinky you have disappointed me so much.

P- Why are you blaming me for everything? That girl barely came here few hours ago and you all turned against me. My Tia was much better.

S- Mom, enough. Now Anika is my wife and you have to accept this fact. And about Tia, then I never wanted to marry her. (To Dadi) Dadi I'm going to my room.

He picked up his plate and went to his room. He saw Anika sitting on the window sill and tears were continuously flowing from her eyes.

As soon as she heard the sound of door, she immediately wiped her tears. She got down from the window sill and smiled at Shivaay.

S- Anika.

A- Hmm.

S- Are you ok?

A- yes. What will happen to me? I am fine.

Shivaay held Anika's hand and made her sit on the couch. Anika looked at the plate in Shivaay's hand.

A- Shivaay, you didn't had dinner yet.

S- You also didn't had.

A- But I'm not hungry.

S- Ya. Ya I know.

He made a morsel and forwarded it to Anika's mouth.

Anika looked at him confused.

S- Eat.

A- Bu....

Shivaay stuffed the morsel in her mouth.

S- I'm sorry for what mom did but I don't know what happened to her. Anika, I know our wedding was unexpected but you're my responsibility now. We will have to walk together in each step otherwise the other person will fall down. We will have to share everything- happiness, sorrow and food as well. Ok?

Anika smiled at him and she fed him a morsel. Likewise they completed their dinner and Shivaay went to kitchen to discard the empty plate.

He returned to his room when he saw that Anika was arranging a pillow on the couch.

S- What are you doing?

A- Getting ready to sleep.

S- where will you be sleeping?

A- On this couch.

S- You must be kidding me. Go and sleep on the bed.

A- But how can I? You sleep on bed and I'll be good here.

S- Go Anika. I'll sleep here.

A- but...

S- Go.

Anika nodded unwillingly and went towards bed and lied down. Shivaay lied down on the couch. After sometime, they both drifted into sleep.

It was 5 in the morning when Anika woke up. She saw Shivaay sleeping peacefully and smiled.

She went and freshen up and dressed up in beautiful pink saree.

She applied Vermillion in her parting and left her hair open. She opened the door and went to the living room but it was dark. It seems that no one was awake.

She went towards the small temple in the house and did her prayers. After completing her prayers, she prepared breakfast for everyone and especially prepared a bowl of kheer as it was her first rasoi ritual also.

After finishing all the work, she was cleaning the kitchen when she saw Shakti coming out of his room.

Shakti looked at Anika and was surprised to see her all ready in the early morning.

Sh- Good Morning Anika beta.

Anika looked at Shakti with a smile.

A- Good Morning Papa.

Sh- Beta, you are awake so early in the morning.

A- Yes papa. It's my habit.

Sh- That's a really good habit.

Shakti smiled and was about to take out the tea pan when Anika stopped him.

A- Papa, do you need anything?

Sh- Yes beta. I am going to prepare tea for myself. Will you have it?

A- Papa, you go and sit. I'll prepare it.

Sh- It's okay beta. It's my habit to prepare tea for myself. I have an idea. You go and sit at the dining table and I'll make tea for both of us.

A- But...

Sh- No ifs and buts. Now go.

Anika unwillingly nodded her head and went to sit at the dining table.

After some time, Shakti brought two cups of tea and forwarded one to Anika. Anika took it with a smile.

Sh- Come on, taste it and tell me how is it?

Anika tasted the tea and it was really good.

A- It's very good papa.

Sh- Really! Thank you.

After having their tea, Shakti was about to go to his room when Anika stopped him.

A- Papa.

Sh- Haan beta.

A- Wo.. Wo... What does Shivaay have after waking up?

Shakti smiled at her.

Sh- He likes black coffee.

Anika looks at him confused. He took her to the kitchen and told her how to make a coffee. Anika learned it really fast and smiled.

Sh- ok. I'll go and freshen up.

Anika made a black coffee and went to their bedroom.

She saw Shivaay stirring in sleep. He opened his eyes and saw Anika. He was mesmerized by her. She was looking fresh as a new flower bud. He sat on the sofa with a smile.

S- Good Morning Anika.

A- Good morning Shivaay. Your coffee.

Anika said forwarding his black coffee to him. Shivaay looks at her surprised.

S- How did you know?

A- Papa told me.

Shivaay nodded his head and sipped his coffee and it was indeed very good in taste.

S- It's good.

A- Thank you.

After finishing his coffee, Shivaay went to freshen up, Anika arranged his clothes, watch and his handkerchief on the bed. She left to the kitchen to set the dining table.

Shivaay came out of the washroom after freshening up and was surprised to see his stuff lying on the bed. He realised that Anika arranged it for him. He smiled and got ready for office.

Eveeyine settled at the dining table expect Pinky. Anika was serving the breakfast when Pinky came out of her room. She looked at the breakfast, then at Anika.

D- Come and sit Pinky. Today breakfast is prepared by Anika.

P- No mummy ji. I am going to have breakfast with Tia. She has called me.

Pinky left from there. Everyone sighed in defeat.

Sh- Don't worry Anika beta. When Tia will feed her green leaves then only she will get her brains back. Everyone burst into laughter including Anika.

After finishing their breakfast, Shivaay stood up to leave for office.

S- Ok bye everyone. I am going to office.

Shivaay was about to leave when Anika stopped him and handed him a tiffin.

A- Your tiffin.

Shivaay smiled at her.

S- Thank you. Bye.

A- Bye.

Shivaay left for office.

Anika spent her whole day spending time with Dadi and Shakti.

This was the daily routine of Oberoi House.


Anika was making breakfast hurriedly as Shivaay was getting late for office.

In one month, everyone got habitual to Anika. Shakti's day starts with a cup of his tea with his beloved daughter Anika. For Dadi, Anika is her worship partner and partner in crime to trouble the society people. For Shivaay, he can't even spend a moment without Anika. His day starts with Anika's hand made black coffee. Everyday, Anika arranged his stuff for him. He loves food made by Anika. Their friendship started growing in this one month. Shivaay has started developing feelings for Anika. Anika already fell in love with him by seeing his love and care towards his family and his supportive nature for her.

Today Anika woke up late as she and Shivaay were watching a movie till late at night. Now Shivaay was getting late for office.

Pinky was also there in the kitchen making her mango milkshake. Anika offered her help to Pinky but she denied. In this one month, pinky has realised that Anika was not bad as she thought. She misunderstood Anika because Tia was filling her ears. She also realised that Tia wasn't good for Shivaay as after Shivaay's marriage with Anika, Tia started ill treating Pinky. She used to taunt her and sometimes degrade her in the kitty parties. Pinky wanted to tell Anika that she has accepted her but she was guilty for her behavior.

Anika was boiling water for making coffee for Shivaay when she heard Shivaay calling her name from their bedroom. She didn't notice that in the hurry, the boiling water was about to fall on her hand but Pinky noticed it. Her eyes widened. Pinky immediately ran towards her and pulled Anika back and the water fell on the floor. Anika was shocked with the sudden happening.

Pinky started checking Anika's hand if there were any wounds or not.

P- Anika puttar, are you fine? Are you hurt somewhere?

Anika was looking at her with teary eyes because it was the first time when pinky was talking to her directly and caring for her.

Listening to the sound, everyone ran towards the kitchen.

S- What happened here?

P- Look at your wife Shivaay. Don't know where is her attention. This boiling water was about to fall on her hand.

Shivaay ran towards her and cupped her face.

S- Are you fine Anika?

Anika just nodded her head.

Anika went towards Pinky and folded her hands in front of her with teary eyes.

A- Thank you mumma.

Pinky also had tears in her eyes. She hugged Anika.

P- I am so sorry beta for treating you like that. I misunderstood you. I didn't liked you in the starting because I thought that you married Shivaay forcefully and he'll never be happy with this marriage but when I saw him happy, I realised that I was so wrong. Please forgive me. I already accepted you as my daughter in law.

Anika smiled and bend down to touch her feet and Pinky blessed her.

P- Now go and rest. I'll manage everything.

A- But...

P- Go.

S- Yes. I'm not also going to office today. Boss called me and told that today there'll be pest control in the office.

Anika smiled and went to their bedroom.

She went and stood near the window with a smile playing on her lips.

S- Why are you so careless, Anika? What if something happened to you?

Shivaay asked angrily.

A- it's ok Shivaay. Nothing bad happened. I'm fine.

S- No. It was not okay. You know it was so horrifying when mom told me that the boiling water was about to fall on you. Anika, if something happened to you, then I'll di....

Anika cupped his mouth and shook her head in no.

A- Why does it matter to you if something happened to me?

Shivaay looked into Anika's eyes.

S- Because I LOVE YOU.

Anika looked at him surprised.

A- Huh?

S- Yes Anika. I LOVE YOU. Our marriage was unexpected but this love was totally expected because how can a person not love a pure soul like you. You are the most beautiful person I've ever met. You have become my habit. I can't start my day without you. I didn't even realised that when I fell in Love with you.


Anika hugged him tightly. Shivaay also hugged her back.

That night, they consummated their marriage.


Anika was running behind a 4 year old boy with a bowl of cereal in her hands.

A- Ansh stop. Come on now eat this.

Anika got tired and sat on the sofa.

A- Ansh look mumma got tired. You know if you'll not eat then your sister will be angry with you.

Anika said while caressing her 5 month old baby bump. Ansh immediately ran towards Anika and Caressed Anika's baby bump.

An- I am solly, shivi. I'll eat now.

Anika smiled and kissed his forehead.

A- My baby.

She started feeding him.

Dadi, Pinky and Shakti were smiling at their antics.

At the same time, the doorbell rang. Anika was about to stand up when Pinky stopped her.

P- You sit puttar. I'll go and see.

Anika smiled and continued feeding Ansh.

Pinky opened the door and it was Shivaay.

Shivaay entered the living area.

S- Hello family.

Everyone smiled.

Shivaay kisses Anika's cheek and Anika blushes.

A- have some shame, Shivaay.

S- No shame because I'm very happy today.

D- What happened?

S- I got a promotion and now I am the Chief Editor.

There were hooting and cheers all around.

Sh- I'm proud of you my boy.

P- May God protect you from all the evil eyes.

D- Keep succeeding in your life.

A- Congratulations Shivaay.

Anika said with a wide smile. Shivaay came near her and whispered in her ears.

S- I want my personal congratulations from you.

Anika blushed. Their moment was broken by Ansh who came running to his father and nudged his pants to pick him up. Shivaay smiled and picked Him up in his arms.

S- Hey champ!

Ansh kissed Shivaay's cheeks.

An- Conglalu...tions dadda.

S- Only my champ knows how to congratulate someone.

Everyone chuckled at him.

After their dinner, Ansh went and slept with his badi dadi. Shakti and Pinky also retired to their room. Shivaay was waiting for Anika in their room but she was taking lot of time so he decided to bring her himself.

As soon as he reached kitchen, he saw Anika keeping the Vegetables in the refrigerator.

S- What are doing here Anika?

A- Cleaning the kitchen.

S- You know na that you should rest in this condition.

A- Shivaay but..

Shivaay picked her up in his arms and Anika squealed in surprise.

A- what are you doing?

S- Taking my wife to our room.

A- And kitchen?

S- I'll burn it one day.

Anika chuckled at him.

Shivaay made her lye down on the bed and he joined her in the bed.

He kissed her forehead and Anika closed her eyes with a smile.

S- I love you.

A- I love you too.

Shivaay leaned towards her face and captured her lips. The whole night ended in a bliss.

"Sometimes, someone comes into your life so unexpectedly, takes your heart by surprise and changes your life forever. That's called LOVE"


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