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Shivaay cancelled the party when one more hour passed. With time he was getting restless thinking about his wife. Every family member was trying to make him understand that there must be a reason and tried consoling him that Anika will be fine but he is unable to think positively. What he should think when Anika's and Gauri's mobile phones are switched off? His eyes got watery because his mind is occupied with negative thoughts which he feared would come true. Where is she? Did she meet with an accident? Did someone kidnap her? What if she is in the hospital in critical condition?

He got up with teary eyes, he was getting tensed with each passing second and is restless now. He can't stay here anymore now just because his family believes Anika is fine. He can't think practically like they are thinking because he is scared now. He went towards Om who is pacing to and fro in front of the door in wait for Gauri. They all are waiting as they think that Anika and Gauri will arrive soon.

"I'm going to search Anika Om. I can't sit idle. My Anika...", Shivaay closed his eyes with tears falling from his eyes thinking about Anika. He turned his face aside to hide his tears from his brother. Nobody can imagine how scared he is right now thinking about Anika's safety. His heart is going to explode in tension

"Even my wife is missing Shivaay. Calm down and think positively ", Omkara said and placed his hand on Shivaay's shoulder to support him. Shivaay shook his head as he don't want to think positively now. He waited enough because his family asked him to wait but not anyone. He can't risk her life. He doesn't know where but he will search for her now.

"Positively? Are you serious Om?", Shivaay asked accusing him of saying this line even. How can he say this when with passing seconds he is losing hope?

"Let's go and search for them", Shivaay announced telling the whole family members who are sitting in the hall waiting for Anika and Gauri. They tried calling Anika and Gauri many times but every time their mobile phones are switched off. Shivaay talked with a few of Anika's friends who wished him today but they also don't know where Anika and Gauri are.

"Do you know where they went? Any idea? How we will find them Shivaay?", Omkara asked

"I will search everywhere for her. I can't sit idle like this. I will find her", Shivaay said with determination. He doesn't have confidence left in him right now but still, he wants to search for his wife. He will ask people and also he will search in every mall about Anika if that's the case.

"She is not a child Shivaay and Om. They will come back. Maybe they are stuck in traffic or something else", Pinky said and came towards Shivaay and Om to knock sense in their mind. She feels that Anika and Gauri are safe and they will come soon. She doesn't want her predictions to come true.

"I don't care where she is. I just want to see her. If she is in traffic or facing a problem then it's fine because she would be alright but I can't take a risk. She was so excited for today. I know she can't do like this today. I know her", Shivaay said telling Pinky and other family members that Anika can't pull any stupid stunt today. He knows her very well that Anika can't hurt any family member intentionally.

"Yes and Gauri also. Why thier phones are switched off?", Om asked Pinky. Pinky kept quiet as she don't have an answer now. She loves Gauri and Anika but was talking about their disappearance normally because they don't have an enemy. And why someone will harm them when they went to their work?

"Om may be network issues ", Janvi replied breaking the silence. Shivaay banged his hand on the wall angry getting irritated with the family drama. He doesn't understand why they all are taking this issue easily. Why they are not panicking? Here his heart is beating very rapidly due to fear and nervousness. And here this family is carefree like Anika and Gauri can't face any problem.

"I pray your words come true mom but I can't take a risk like this. I am going if anyone wants to come with me and search in different directions then come otherwise sit here like a corpse...", Shivaay shouted angrily and was interrupted in middle by Pinky

"Shivaay. We also care for them. We all are also scared. Mind your language ", Pinky said getting angry at Shivaay for calling family members corpses. She can understand Shivaay's concern but he is not the only one tense.

"You can't imagine how scared I'm because Anika is not your wife. I'm going ", Shivaay said and turned to go but this time got interrupted by Omru which Shivaay was expecting. He was waiting for thier call.

"Bhaiya ",

"We will come", Omru said together and the trio went out of Oberoi mansion in search of Anika

Here Anika and Gauri are kept as a hostage. Their hands and legs are tied with a chair in a dark room. Anika opened her eyes slowly and found herself tied to a chair which confused her. Her first thought went to Shivaay and she thought it was a surprise from him. She thought Shivaay want to scare her and then he will surprise her with gifts and his love.

"Shivaay... Is it a surprise Shivaay? Shivaay where are you?", Anika asked calling Shivaay's name and trying to search for light but saw nothing just darkness. Her head started to ache very badly. She felt her head spinning and moved both of her hands towards her head for support.

"Shivaay", Anika shouted his name again for the help. Her waist is tied to the chair and her legs are tied to the legs of the same chair. Her hands are tied together, Anika started to cry feeling sharp pain in her head and tried seeking help. Now she is getting scared because she is now getting the hint that Shivaay is not behind this. This is not Shivaay's surprise but actual kidnapping. But why?

"I'm scared please stop this and why you tied me like this", Anika cried still trying to think that maybe it was Shivaay's act to scare her. Just then she noticed lights turning on from somewhere she don't know. She couldn't find anyone else but Gauri tied exactly like her in another corner

"G... Gauri wake up", Anika called Gauri but she didn't move. Instead, she heard footsteps and tried to look back to see who is coming. After a few seconds, she noticed 3 men coming towards Anika. One went near Gauri to check if she is alive or not and the other two stood near Anika

"So you woke up. You are the wife of Shivaay Singh Oberoi right?", one guy asked tracing his finger from Anika's forehead to her chin which felt disgusting to Anika and also proved that this is not Shivaay's plan. Shivaay can never let anyone else touch Anika.

"No, I'm the wife of the prime minister. Any problem? And don't touch me otherwise I will cut your fingers", Anika said angrily. She tried holding her head by her tied head but it felt difficult and uncomfortable. She turned her face aside to remove that guy's hand from her cheek and glared at him angrily

"You like back answering don't you?", that guy asked and was about to touch Anika's face again but Anika shook her head nth times till the guy didn't take his hand back.

"Yes, I love to do that. Especially with the people who don't know thier value. Don't touch me", Anika replied angrily

"How dare you talk like that?", asked that guy angrily and held Anika's arm tightly digging his nails into her arm. Anika winched his pain and wiggled to free herself but everything went in vain as she is tied up

"I'm very daring. You can test me", Anika said angrily still trying to move her tied hands to free herself. She tried removing the rope from her hand also but couldn't because the rope was very thick and tight.

"You bloody...", that guy shouted and held Anika's hair but another guy who was standing on another side of Anika stopped the guy and freed Anika's hair from his grip.

"Please Rajeev don't do anything in anger. Boss will kill you", said another guy and separated Rajeev from Anika as he is scared. He doesn't trust Rajeev as he is very short-tempered and kills people blindly. He doesn't want them to suffer later because of their stupidity.

"Let him but I need to teach this girl a lesson. She was challenging me", said Rajeev and went towards Anika in rage and slapped her. Anika looked at him angrily, her head was already aching badly but now she will fight rather than cry because of a headache

"You people only know how to show anger. Just leave me. If you are a man then free me once then I will show you the power of women. Tying me and showing manpower will show you low only. Tell me why am I here and who are you. Don't you dare to touch me", Anika said angrily warning that guy to stay away from her

"Hello, Om did you find any information about Anika?", Shivaay asked Omkara on call. The trio went in different directions to search for Anika and Gauri. They don't know if they will be able to do that or not. They informed the police but they said they can't take action immediately. When Shivaay shouted for help telling them that Anika is missing since morning, the policeman started to track Anika's and Gauri's mobile location. They said they will start searching from tomorrow till then they can search if they want.

Already it's night and it is getting difficult for 3 of them to search for Anika and Gauri as they have no clue where these girls went. They went out many times which is why the whole family took their shopping normally but now Shivaay's fear is getting true. He is just praying for Anika's and Gauri's safety.

"No I'm searching and you?", Om asked which broke Shivaay's heart into million pieces. He stopped his car in the middle of the road and started to cry thinking about his and Anika's moments

"No. Ask Rudra and call me if got good news", Shivaay said and declined the call as he felt his throat dry because of his tears. He drank water from the bottle and took a long breath to control himself and to gain confidence. He always keeps water with him because he gets thirsty and now he needs to gain strength to find his wife. His heart knows that she is safe

"Please God keep Anika safe", Shivaay prayed and drove towards a nearby hospital in search of Anika. He asked doctors who told them that they don't have any clue about Anika. He came out of the hospital soon with disappointment.


"I love you Shivaay", Anika confessed and placed her head on Shivaay's shoulder. Shivaay smiled and kissed Anika's forehead with love. They came back from thier honeymoon yesterday and fought on the first day because Anika forgot the mobile charger somewhere. Shivaay got angry about her carelessness and she don't even know where she forgot her charger. The whole day they ignored each other yesterday and today as well but at night Shivaay's feet hit the table accidentally which scared Anika.

She panicked thinking about Shivaay's safety and pain. She shouted at him and told him that he is also careless and they didn't realise how thier fight was solved. They had thier dinner together and now they are sitting beside each other to talk about themselves before sleeping.

"You have become my habit, Anika. I also love you and can't imagine a day without you", Shivaay said looking into her eyes

"Who wants to leave a guy like you? You have to bear me for my whole life Mr Shivaay Singh Oberoi ", Anika said and pulled Shivaay's cheek. Shivaay blushed and hugged Anika tightly as from yesterday he was feeling very bad that they are fighting. He thought they will never behave normally with each other.


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