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"You people only know how to show anger. Just leave me. If you are a man then free me once then I will show you the power of women. Tying me and showing manpower will show you low only. Tell me why am I here and who are you. Don't you dare to touch me", Anika said angrily warning that guy to stay away from her. Her eyes spitting fire due to anger because she is not a girl who will beat injustice and wrong behaviour. She is strong and independent, and she knows very well how to fight but right now she is helpless because her hands are tied.

In school, she learnt Karate also which she stopped practising but she didn't forget this still as she was a fast learner and skills can't be forgotten. Yes sometimes the gap makes us lose interest in our skills but we remember everything when we need to show our skills.

The man with whom Anika was arguing got more furious became of Anika's words. She challenged his ego and power which a man can't handle ever. He moved towards Anika angrily and slapped her with a force which made Anika stumble and her chair fell making a thud sound and alerting everyone present in the room. A total of 4 boys were present, one came a minute ago when Rajeev was fighting with Anika and the other two were stopping him.

"Anika...", Gauri screamed her lungs out scared seeing someone slapping Anika. She tried to free herself to save Anika but could not do anything because of the rope. Tears started to fall from her eyes seeing Anika on the ground with her eyes closed. A fear engraved her heart. What if Anika died today? What if they let her go? What she will answer Shivaay? Gauri pressed her both lips together to suppress her loud weeping sound. She is very scared of these strangers now. She closed her eyes tightly and let her tears flow from her eyes. Her lips and body shivered due to the fear. She prayed to God for a miracle as she thinks only a miracle can save them nothing else.

The boys looked at Rajeev in horror because of the crime he committed in anger. They can't touch thier hostage till they get orders otherwise how they will get money? They all are doing this for money otherwise they don't even know who Anika and Gauri are and where they belong. And here Rajeev slapped Anika which scared 3 of them as they can't let this guy ruin thier plan. Either boss will kill him or will not give them a single penny.

Anika screamed and closed her eyes tight to control her tears as she doesn't trust any of them and can never cry in front of any stranger. She is strong enough to control her emotions in hard situations. Hard situations make her strong instead to face difficulties in her life and she learns how to face hurdles coming in her path. She tried up but couldn't as she can't use her hands, her forehead also started hurting first because she fell and again due to her failed attempt to get up.

"Rajeev", screamed 3 of them and held Rajeev tightly. One held him from the back, one from the arm and the last came between Rajeev and Anika to protect Anika. They all are scared, what if by chance Rajeev killed Anika? What they will do?

"I will kill her today. She challenged me. I will show you what a real man is", Rajeev tried to free himself from their grip to show his manpower to Anika. Anika looked at him fiercely, is he trying to scare her? She is not scared of death but she will not die without fighting for herself. She is brave and strong to fight in this situation. She tried to fight in this situation.

"You are an idiot", Anika shouted, the man who was between him and Rajeev now turned towards Anika and set her chair alright.

"Don't fight girl. We will leave you both soon. Safe and untouched", the guy said ignoring what Rajeev was screaming. Rajeev was wriggling to come out of their hold to fight with Anika more as he want to push Anika down.

"I will. Why do you guys expect a girl to keep quiet? Should I keep mum? Will you shut your mouth if I slap you? No right. Then even I will not. He already touched my cheeks and I want to slap him hard on his cheek twice then I will get peace. I'm will not keep quiet. Did you understand?", Anika questioned angrily. Here she kept her tone a little light as this guy tried to talk with her politely. She doesn't know what is going on in his mind but for now, she used him to fight with the guy who slapped her.

She has always heard girls should keep quiet when a man shows his anger which looks too irritating to her. Why should girls keep quiet? Will a boy keep quiet if a girl will show her anger? Why a girl should bear injustice just because the boys are more powerful? Are girls less?

That guy didn't say anything and turned towards his other friends who were holding Rajeev.

"Take him out of this room. He is not allowed to enter now", the guy said and sat on the chair as Anika's words directly hit his heart. Till now they kidnapped many girls and he saw violence also but after one slap girls keep quiet and here he found Anika different as she is fighting even after her worst experience with Rajeev. He also keeps quiet when Rajeev gets angry but here Anika didn't. Instead, she is provoking him more by challenging him. Only there is one solution to let Rajeev go out of this room as they can't take Anika somewhere else.

Rajeev wriggled and came out of thier hold and ran towards Anika. He is a druggist and is on sedatives. That's why his anger has no boundaries. He went towards Anika and was about to touch her cheeks but Anika tilted her face aside to save herself from this unknown man from touching her.

She is showing herself strong but from inside she is broken as her family never raised their hand at her and Shivaay also. He always talked with her politely and never raised his voice at her even. She is feeling very broken because she is not with her husband on their anniversary. Only her heart knows which phase she is going through.

"Don't you dare. I will kill you if you dare to touch me. I'm not a girl who you can use and throw ", Anika warned angrily and gulped a lump forming in her throat. She reminded herself to control herself as she doesn't have any arms to hide herself and cry hugging her family. Gauri is away and right now she needs Shivaay very badly. She is praying to God for some miracle and Shivaay comes here with the police.

"Please calm down. The boss will not leave you if you crossed your boundaries ", two boys came forward but Rajeev pushed them and traced his hand from her forehead to her lips and then moved his hand towards her palm. Anika continued wriggling feeling disgusted but felt herself breaking because of helplessness. Her eyes moistened and her vision got blurry because of the fear in her heart. Only Shivaay can touch her, nobody else.

The boys tried taking Rajeev away but again he threw Anika's chair in another direction hurting Anika more due to the torture she is facing here. A painful scream came out of her mouth and she closed her eyes tightly again to get the courage to fight with them until she dies. She will neither cry in front of them, nor she will let them touch her alive. She remembered Shivaay and how he always used to praise her for her courage whenever she used to take a stand for her village people.

"Shivaay please come soon", she called Shivaay in mind. Begging him to come and save her before this mad guy touches her. She will die if these people let her go after forcing her. She will never be able to face Shivaay feeling herself impure in front of Shivaay.

"I will not. But I will not leave her today ", that guy said

"You basta*d ,rasc*l leave me and go", Anika shouted angrily not accepting her defeat. How can she accept her defeat when this guy is constantly torturing her and challenging her? Her temper raises easily and today her anger crossed boundaries because this unknown man touched her inappropriately.

"Bhabhi please keep quiet ", Gauri requested with tears. Before she was crying continuously seeing the sight in front of her and now she wants Anika to keep quiet at least. Maybe that will solve this matter

"I can't let anyone touch me, Gauri. If they want to keep me as a hostage then they can do without touching me also. Why he tried to touch my face? My hands are tied otherwise I would have burnt his hand. Only my husband can touch me not any of you", Anika shouted angrily turning towards the men who kept them hostage.

"Please... Anika ", Gauri choked with tears when she was requesting Anika and felt her throat crying because of crying continuously from the time she opened her eyes. Her eyes and forehead are also bursting with pain but right now her priority is Anika, not anyone else.

"She is so intelligent ", the guy said who asked Anika to keep quiet

"Ask your so-called person to leave and make me sit", Anika said in a cold voice. She couldn't scream as her throat started to pain badly because of constant screaming from the time she came here. The guy stood up from his chair and with the help of another one helped Anika to sit. He gestured for others to take Rajeev out and went towards Gauri to request for asking Anika to keep silent

"Don't touch her. Stay away from us ", Anika said warning them to stay away as two boys approached Gauri. Gauri started to cry loudly in fear. On seeing Anika's pain she is feeling very guilty as she is unable to help Anika. She is now thinking why they came out even.

"Please... Gauri, why are you crying? Shout and at least do something in defence", Anika shouted angrily wriggling again to free herself and save Gauri

"We can't save ourselves", Gauri whispered in a low voice

"These are not men but weak little boys who are scared to free women", Anika taunted all of them with a smirk

"Keep quiet girl. Nobody is going to touch you. Rajeev is gone. You both are safe now", the same guy said and sat away from Gauri as he is scared of Anika. He knows Anika will not leave them easily in future that's why he wants to stay within his limits.

"We are not safe here. We feel safe at put home. Let us go and to keep me quiet first you keep quiet", Anika said angrily. 3 of them went silent and looked towards Anika thinking that she will fight again but seeing her quiet, they sighed in relief. They dropped the idea of talking with Gauri too as Anika is quiet now.

"What the hell is this? What happened here ?", A man entered the room and asked three of them angrily seeing the mess created in the room and Anika's forehead. Her bruise and swollen head are clearly visible. He is now scared as clearly warned them not to hurt Anika and Gauri

"Sir Rajeev did everything in anger", one of them said and told whatever happened between Anika and Rajeev to him

"I asked you to keep her hostage and safe but what did you do? If he was wrong then you were 3. Why didn't you stop him?", the man who just entered asked. He is the boss of these people and he is the one who asked them to kidnap Anika and Gauri.

"She was talking back", one of the guys said angering Anika. But before she could say anything, she heard someone saying

"So what? I expected this reaction and you could have zipped her mouth by cloth rather than torturing her", their boss said angrily and pushed the one who just replied to a nearby wall satisfying Anika. She smiled seeing a new man scaring all of them. She is now eagerly waiting for Shivaay. She wants to cry in his arms and tell him what happened here.
Happy Holi and happy women's day ❤️❤️✨✨

Coincidentally published this chapter on women's day

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