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Shivaay was searching for Anika like restlessly when his phone started ringing with an unknown number. Initially, he was about to decline but then Om suggested him to pick the call up as he has a doubt. What if the call is from kidnappers? That's the reason Shivaay picked up the call with the fear of losing her. He can't lose her at any cost because she is his love and thier journey just started and now she is missing. He applied break and answered the call with a hello

He clenched his hand into a fist to control himself from breaking down in front of his brother because he is losing patience with each passing second. He is not even in the mood to talk with anyone as right now he is not stable to think of anything. What he would think when his wife is not with him and he doesn't have any clue? He knows this is not a prank because Anika knows how much Shivaay loves her and how much he cares for her.

"If you want your wife alive then give 75 per cent shares to us from the Malhotra's project in which we are collaborating", he heard someone saying and instantly recognised who that person is. God, why he kidnapped her for shares? Are people that money-minded that they don't even think before keeping someone's wife as thier hostage?

"I will kill you. Why the hell did you involve my wife in this matter? She is innocent", Shivaay shouted at the top of his voice and banged his hand on the steering wheel angrily. Anger rushed in his veins hearing someone kidnapped his innocent wife just for his benefit. His eyes turned bloodshot red so as did his face which always turns red whenever he is angry

"And that's the reason she is safe with us. Give shares and take your wife and sister. Otherwise, I will kill them", Vikram, Shivaay's rival warned him over the phone which was enough to scare him. Shivaay closed his eyes and pressed his lips tightly to control his anger as he need to calm down, not for himself but for his wife and his sister. He can't take any risk otherwise he will never forgive himself for being the reason for their death. It's hard to think about it but this negative thought is running through his mind because of the fear.

"No... Please don't do that. I... I will give you the shares", Shivaay replied lowering his voice in fear.

"And don't you dare to involve the police otherwise your wife has to bear the consequences", Vikram replied

"Police are already searching for them. Do you think I will stay idle knowing well my wife is not with me? I have already involved the police before your call", Shivaay replied trying hard to control his boiling anger as he can't shout at him. That might be risky for Anika and Gauri, that would be the last thing he wants in his life. He told about the police thinking if Vikram is spying on him then he won't be able to question where the police arrived.

"Then ask them to stop searching and come with the file with your signature to the address I just messaged you", Vikram said and paused before continuing.

"Don't try to say over smart Shivaay because I also have a business mind otherwise it...", Vikram said and was interrupted in middle by angry Shivaay who is already fuming in anger and his warning added fuel to the burning fire. Fire in his eyes.

"Shut the hell up otherwise you and your workers will die today", Shivaay shouted at the top of his voice in rage and anger. He is very angry and wants to kill all of them who are involved in keeping his wife as their hostage.

"With your 2 beautiful ladies", Vikram added and declined the call which angered Shivaay more but he couldn't say and do anything because of helplessness

"Hello... Hello", Shivaay said and threw his phone towards Omkara in anger. Om winched in pain and asked him what is the matter now. Shivaay apologised first because he felt he hurt his brother by mistake

"What happened Shivaay?", Om asked

"My enemy Vikram kidnapped them and now asking for shares. That project is a collab with me and him to work with
Malhotra's. I have 60 per cent shares and 40 Percent shares for him because I have many branches whereas he has very few. And we always had a conflict but for this project, we had to work together because this is a very big project and none of us wanted to lose it. But I need to lose it now", Shivaay said and started driving back towards his home to take those files.

Om looked away as he don't know what to say now. He also wants to see Anika and Gauri safe and there is a risk if Shivaay refuses to accept what will they do to them. Is there any guarantee to see them safe again then?

"Is there any other chance? I mean by giving him money", Om agreed

"No, anyways I don't care about that if he gives Anika and Gauri safe. I will get many other deals instead I will not work for it. At least I will not face any loss. In this way my workers don't need to work for nothing", Shivaay said and looked down as his eyes brimmed up with tears again thinking about Anika and Gauri. He took files from his room and drove towards the given address to give the file with his signature. There he mentioned that he is backing out from the project and Vikram will get all the profit.

After reaching there alone dropping Om at Oberoi Mansion, he asked for his wife. He said that he want to see Anika and Gauri before giving this file. But they told him to trust them as that is the last option, Shivaay agreed in helplessness and gave the file to them. They went inside the house and showed the file to Vikram who asked them to send Gauri and Anika safely.

Shivaay was asked to wait and after 2 minutes he noticed Anika and Gauri arriving. Gauri looked fine but not Anika. Her face looked red and she looked scared. That scared him because Anika is a brave girl who isn't scared of anything. When Anika noticed Shivaay, her face lit up with joy and she ran towards him

"Shivaay ", Anika called his name and sobbed in his arms. Gauri also came towards him and hugged him with tears

"Don't worry. You both are safe. I'm here ", Shivaay said and pulled both of the girls in his arms and sighed in relief. Finally, he got them safe and they are secured now. A lone tear escaped from his eyes feeling bliss and relief on finding them. He was very scared of them and missed them so much. He took a long breath to control his tears and broke the hug to talk with them and ask if they are fine or not

"I'm here shh", Shivaay whispered comforting Anika who didn't let him break the hug. She kept on crying in his arms which looked fishy to him and scared him. Her weeping sound was pinching his heart and his heart started to bleed. He can't see her crying but still, he is unable to do anything for her. He is unable to stop her from crying and this is making him feel very weak and devastated. She doesn't deserve this, especially because of him.

He noticed Gauri looking at those goons with fear in her eyes, that's why he asked her to sit in the car and took Anika with him as she was not leaving him. He helped Anika to sit inside the car in the front seat and sat on the driving seat. He gave a water bottle to Gauri as he thought she might need it as she is sitting alone and he felt bad for leaving her like this.

Soon they reached home and all the family members started to question them where they were and how are they. Shivaay asked all of them to leave Gauri and Anika alone as they need to take rest for some time and he will tell them everything after some time. Om took Gauri with him whereas Shivaay took Anika with her. He gave her a glass of water to drink and sat beside her

"Shivaay ", Anika called his name in a low voice as she dares to tell him how one man behaved with her and deserve punishment. She wants to know how Shivaay saved her and who were they.

"Anika. How are you?", Shivaay asked

"I am fine now but they troubled me a lot. They deserve punishment. Won't you do anything?", Anika asked, Shivaay looked at her shocked as he was told she was kept safe then how can they face trouble? How can Vikram play a double game with him like this?

"What? How dare they? Who did what? I was told you were kept safe", Shivaay asked angrily

"No, one guy was treating me badly", Anika said and told him everything that happened there. How she found with one man and he was misbehaving her. Shivaay's temper rose at his peak and his eyes turned red again. He stood up and left Oberoi mansion

He went to the same place and found that house entry which angered him more. He went towards his car and hit his feet with the tyre angrily. How can he be so stupid to not ask if they faced any problem there or not when he was in front of those goons? He rubbed his forehead in tension and drove his car towards Vikram's home. He noticed that he was about to go holding bags but stop seeing him

"What are you doing here?", Vikram asked with a smirk. Shivaay started beating him and asked where that man is. Vikram told Shivaay about Rajeev and freed himself from him. Right now he is also scared of his anger as his eyes are changed into dark red colour which he never noticed and he never noticed him getting this angry.

"I will not leave you easily", Shivaay said and left to search for Rajeev with the police, he already told them about Rajeev and involved them to search for those who hurt his wife. When he found Rajeev he started beating him blue and black remembering Anika. How she suffered and was crying just because of one person.

That person ran outside to save himself from Shivaay and bumped into one policeman who arrested him and took him away. He came back home angrily and noticed Anika talking with Pinky and Janvi which made him and he remembered how he left her alone. He realised he shouldn't have left her like this when she was not mentally fine.

"Where were you?", Pinky asked angrily

"Which work was more important than your wife Shivaay? How can you leave her alone?", Janvi asked in the same tone

"Sorry. I will not go now", Shivaay replied and took Anika with him. He helped Anika to sit on the bed and held her hand in his

"I am sorry", Shivaay apologized while looking at the ground. Anika shook her head and forced him to look into her eyes and told him that she knew where he went and is not angry. Shivaay told her that his rival kidnapped her and that's the reason he was apologizing. Anika shook her head again as for her it is not Shivaay's fault

"Kuch khaogi?", Shivaay asked to which Anika nodded and held his hand in hers softly

"Whatever you will make. But please not soup because I'm not sick", Anika told him to which he nodded and both went towards the kitchen. As Anika already had dinner so she asked him to cook something light. She told him how his mother forced her to have dinner and didn't leave her alone for a second till he came back. This made him feel happiest as his mother care for his wife his family love her

Shivaay cooked white sauce pasta for her and made her sit on the slab. He picked one morsel and gestured for her to open her mouth. His eyes again got watery thinking about the past few days when she was not here and how he was restless thinking about her security. He was dying with each passing second thinking about her and he was losing hope.

"I can't live without you Anika. See how our first anniversary was ruined now this day will always remind me how I was about to lose you ", Shivaay told her looking into her eyes and moving his hand towards her cheek. He caressed her cheek softly and tucked her loose hair strand behind her ear.

Anika smiled looking at him, she also missed him and was losing hope to see him again. She was not showing but she was also scared of them and feared that they killed them. Now she is feeling relaxed and delighted because Shivaay is near her. She missed his touch and presence, she was so happy and excited for their anniversary and now their precious day is changed into a day which will always remind them about fear and maybe every year they will fear losing each other remembering this day.

"Now I'm safe. Don't worry", Anika replied and placed her hand on his softly. Shivaay smiled and pulled her into a bone-crashing hug

"Belated happy anniversary then. I love you and I'm sorry because of me you faced a problem. That person is getting his punishment and will never get forgiveness", Shivaay said lovingly and last lines with anger as his blood boiled while talking about someone misbehaving with his wife.

"Happy anniversary Shivaay. I love you too and it wasn't your mistake so please don't apologise. I'm fine ", Anika replied and kissed his cheek and looked away when she sensed someone around her. She said that she is fine but the fear in her heart is not yet removed. She is still scared of those people but can't hurt Shivaay in this process.

Yes, I'm again late. There is no particular reason for it. Just wasn't feeling like writing anymore and took time for myself and now I'm back ❤️✨

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