Ch. 9 - Meeting new ones🙌🙌

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Guys I'm really sorry for this late update but these days I'm really stuck in some personal work n I don't want to spoil ur mood n interest from story so I didn't update small parts n this is a longer one hope ur wait gets worthwhile n yaa wait for sometime because further chapters r more interesting bear with me for this one hope yeh itna bura chapter na ho n u like it lil bit at least......SORRY once again........ please accept my apologies please🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇N YES A SURPRISE FOR U HOPE AFTER THAT U WILL FORGIVE ME ;-) 


" Leave her alone Tia it's not her fault, she got stuck with me, " Shivaay tells

She turns back to me " You touch him, and I will claw ur eyes out. "

" I don't think u have anything to worry about," Shivaay tells pulling her away

" I think, I like him saving us," Gauri says when they r gone away from us

" Yeah"

She looks behind me

" He is sooo fine" she says

" Gauri" I scolded her

" What he look in that ass"

We find out table and set down to eat

" I don't want to look at his ass; I don't want to talk about him; I want to have a normal lunch for once".

She shrugs her shoulder at me,but our lunch is not normal , it never is. I didn't get to finish my lunch as some girl got sick n threw up all over the place making me not to eat anymore. After lunch classes seems to fly by and the next thing I know, I'm waiting for Shivaay at the car in parking lot.

On our way to his house, we r quiet. At first my mind thinking about how was the day gone.

" Are ur parents going to be there?" I asked

" Yeah"

" Oh no"

" What's wrong now"

" I'm not good with parents, I mean mine yeah ,but someone's else........ I freeze up and don't ever know what to say them"

" U will be fine, it's not like we're dating "

" Right"

Oh my God, I'm meeting his parents.

I watch out of the window as we pull into the driveway. I'm going to meet his mom n dad I don't know how I feel about that right now.

" U coming". Shivaay asked grabbing my hand

" I think I should stay out here. "

" My parents are not going to bite u.

I take a deep breath as he leads me up to the porch and into the house

" Shivaay is that u" A woman's voice travels into the room from one of the others.

" Yaa mom". He answers her

"It's about time " she says stepping out of the room

Mrs. Oberoi is little short with long black hairs and somewhat fatty ;-)

To me, she doesn't look old enough to have a son of Shivaay's age. When she looks at me, I see her "Oh," she says "Hies, I'm Pinky Singh Oberoi"

"Hey" I take her outreach hand shaking it

"Mom this is Annika" said Shivaay

"It's nice to meet u," she tells me then to Shivaay "u r late"

"Sorry about that" he tells her

"u know I don't like being late."

"Mom u r not late u still have 3hrs. before u have to be there" he points out

"your father is late as well"

"Well, he is always late"


"Where's Gunjan"

"In her room"

"We r going up, don't work too hard" He tells her

"Her eyes wash over me"

"Try not to get into any trouble," She tells him

He smiles then drags me up the stairs

"Shivaay" A tall man with black hairs enough for a small ponytail at back calls him

U can look at him and tell he is his father; they look that much mirrored figure of each other.

"Yeah" Shivaay asked

"This came in the mail for u"

He hands him a note ' then smiles at me

"Hi" he addresses me

"Hello, uncle"

"Dad, this is Annika" then to me " Annika my dad, Shivaay Singh Oberoi"(as I said earlier to put both father n son's name as same because of a hilarious reason which will be revealed very very soon, Hope u ol might not get hurt because of this little change)

I look at him; I had no idea

"Yeah I'm a junior don't tell anyone" he smiles

"There is no shame in being named after ur father. Just wait till u have a son u can call him Shivaay the third" his father says

I smile trying not to laugh

"Yeah,and no thank u. He'll have his own name his own identity" Shivaay tells him

"I like the name Shivaay," I tell him

He looks down at me

" See son; she knows Shivaay is a good n strong name."

He says smiling at me as I smile up at him

"Yeah, but my answer is still the same N.O. No" he said glaring at me

"Well u two have a great evening I have to go." Mr. Oberoi said

He walks past us on his way down; I take a little time to admire at least one or two portraits that hang on the wall. Then again Shivaay drags me up to another set of stairs .

"Daddy" Gunjan sequels out as we walk into the room

She runs to him, and he lifts her up into his arms and flied her little up n she giggled. As it is rightly said when a dad lifts n flies his daughter up in the air she never fears instead she giggles because she has that confidence on her lifter that HE WILL NEVER LET HER FALL. WHENEVER SHE IMBALANCES, He is ALWAYS THERE FOR HER TO CATCH HER IN HIS ARMS. ( Some words or the main essence of this is by our famous Captain Cool MS DHONI I do adore him n his struggle of life a lot )

"What r u doing up here by urself."

"Granma tol me to tum up here and pay here, that way she cud get aedy for her work," She tells him in her innocent n cute voice

I was adoring this relationship of father – daughter duo it was so cool so loving I was having flashback of some pictures of my childhood with my dad in his arms played back in my mind

"I'll have to have a with grandma."

"Anni" she sequels seeing me for the first time

"Hey monkey," I say smiling

" U're at my home"


" R u mooing in"

" No just visiting" I laugh

" Ohhh... U wan to tum n c Mai room"


She wiggles out of Shivaay's arms n grab my hand leading me into a room that Shivaay had gone in, this morning. Her room is done in pink right down to the pink rug that lays in front of canopy bed. The walls are of a light pink with dark pink trimming. All in all , it looked like a little girls room , with stuff animals surrounding bed and dolls in every corner. And a huge doll house that looked a replica of the house we stand in.

" Do u like it" she asked m
" I love it"

" We shud be going I got to get to work" Shivaay said from the doorway

" Come on sweetness" I tell Gunjan

" Where r we going " Gunjan ask as we follow Shivaay out of the room

" To take daddy to work, then me n u might go get a bite to eat" I told her

"Yeah, it will be fun"

Lifting her up I start out of the door with her n Shivaay is now following us throughout after we came out of the room towards the staircase.

" We r going mom" Shivaay hollers out before we left

" Alright be careful" Mrs. Oberoi says she steps into the entryway "Oh Gunjan has a docs appointment tomorrow r u going to take her or do u want me to do it."

Three of us were standing in front of the main door as they talk

"What time is it" he asked her


" It doesn't matter to me, I can take her that way u won't be late for work" Shivaay tell her

"Ok, by the way where's ur car."

"Oh I forgot to tell u I was mugged last night ."

Her eyes grew two times bigger than what they were

"Mugged n just now u r telling me

"Sorry, I had my arms full last night, and after I got Gunjan in bed I just crashed " he tells her

"Have u called the police."

"Yes mom they r working on it, n I called to have ol my credit card cancelled too. I have my backup card for any emergency so don't worry about it. And Annika gave me a ride to school this morning and brought me home. "

"Thank you Annika" she said turning towards me

"No problem" I give her a smile

"Gunjan tell us a lot about u"

"Mom no time for small talk I have to get to work" Shivaay tells her, lightly pushing me and Gunjan out of the door

"Alright see u later"

Since I don't know the place where he works, so he drive us. We pull up to a very huge building with a huge glass door. On the sign board in front, it read Akash glass factory.

"I'll call u when I will get off' Shivaay tells me as we swap seats


"Bye daddy" Gunjan says from back

He opens the back door to give her a goodbye kiss on her cheek

"Bye sweetie' Love u" He tells her

"Lov u too"

"I'm kind of disappointed" I joke as he closes both our doors "I didn't get any kiss"

He smiles then lean in the window n our lips meet, yes our lips meet briefly for the first time as he kisses me. When he backs our eyes lock.  (Oh jana instrumental plays in background, n yaa i don't want a kiss because of fear or anger which is most common in other ff so choose this way of their first kiss, let me know do u like this kiss I know it is a brief one so wait for another one also which will be long)

"That was not a cheek" He tells rather teased me

I smile, licking my lips

"See u later"

I watch him enter the building then head away.

"Ok where u want to eat" I asked Gunjan

"Makdonalds chale kya" Gunjan asks me

"Ofcourse my monkey wherever u want i replied herlaughing on her antics

I head to the closest McDonald's, after we eat i let her go out to the playground of the park. I set myself at one of the bench outside ,watching her.

"Which one is ur?" A guy ask me Setting on the other side of my bench

"The black band one" i said pointing towards Gunjan

"She must take after her father"

"Yes" I replied turning towards him

He is a nice looking man with hazelnut eyes and with dark brown hairs.

  "Which one is urs?" I asked him

"The two blonds" he said pointing towards his twins a daughter and a son

I look over seeing a little girl and a boy with dark brown hairs as their dad

"They r cute"

"So is their father in their life" He replied little arrogantly

"Yes, very much so" I replied not being rude

"That's good, what about u"

I look over at him confusingly like what on the earth is he talking about.

"Is he in ur life" He asked directly wiping my confusion

"Yes" i lied getting little idea of his intentions "We plan to get married after school"

I didn't like the way this guy is prying into my life

"Oh, u r little young to get marry, aren't u"

"That's y we r waiting until our school"

He nods then "U marrying him because of ur baby

"No, I'm going to marry him because I love him"

He nods once more "It was nice talking to u"

"Same here" I give him a polite smile

He calls his children over n leaves me. Gunjan n I stay for a while n then we too headed towards my house.We play our game n spent some time watching her favorite cartoon on TV. Later we did some coloring. After that I put her into the bed until it's time to go get Shivaay back.

I change into my pajamas n crawl up on the sofa watching TV. It's almost five when someone knocks on the door. I get up wondering who it might be.

"I could have been an axe murderer " Shivaay says as i answer the door

"But it's not it's just u" I tell him with a smile " By the way how did u get here?"

"The police called me at work n asked me to come n get my car"

"That's good they found ur car"

"Yes now if they can find my other things it would be better" he tells me "Gunju up"

"No, I was going to let her sleep until u call"

He steps towards me, I step back letting him in, I head towards the kitchen n feel him follow me.

"I took Gunjan to McDonald's after we dropped u"

"Was she good for u?" He questioned with a smile on his face n sitting on the stool as I start to fix something for him to eat

"Yeah, she easily ate all her food then we went out to play in the playground of the park"

"That's good" he said casually

"But there I met a creepy guy" As i said these words his facial expressions changed a bit but he again composed. 

He smiles

"Hmm" He hums

"I lied to him n told him that we r getting married"

"Well that's not fair, I even don't know we r engaged" He said with a very big grin

I turn to him snickering, as i set a plate in front of him

"That still didn't get rid of him, he asked whether we r getting married because of Gunjan"

"Did u tell him that u r madly in love with me" Shivaay said with a huge smile

"Exactly, that's what I said, n after that only he left me alone"

"Well now Annniikaaa, I had no idea u were in love with me, u never told me" He snickers

"Shut up, the guy was creep, n it's no use telling what he wants from me"

"Oh I know what he wanted from u" he said with a ear to ear smile

"U r sick" I tell him throwing a kitchen towel on him, which I used few moment ago to dry my hand

He laughs on me

"Eat" I tell him setting on one of the stool beside him n took the morsel towards his mouth

"U don't have to feed me, u know"

I didn't even knew why I did it; it just seemed like the thing to do when he walked in.

"Well, I want to' So eat" I said unknown to the fact of the scarlet colour adoring my cheeks.

"Thank You" he says as he takes a bite of the lasagne I heated up for him

"Will I be still keeping Gunjan tomorrow, since she has a doctors appointment?" I ask him while putting another morsel in his mouth as he was just sitting with his folded hands on the dinning table

"Yeah, We'll just be a little late than usual." He instantly replied

I nod , we sit in silence after he is done. Then he goes up to pick Gunjan while I'm cleaning up the used mess.

"So I'll see u tomorrow" I tell him as I watch him descending down from last stairs with Gunjan in his arms.

"Thank u Annika, for everything, I OWE YOU." He said the same words which brought back some embarrassing flashbacks in front of my eyes unknown to him what I was thinking.

To avoid the situation I immediately replied n asked him

"Can't we call it even",

"You mean Daksh thing" Shivaay asked bringing those nightmare events back instantly in front of my eyes.

"Yeah" I replied with a watery layer in my eyes.

"Alright, so we're even, see u at school." Shivaay said moving out of my house ,calling off the day.

I give Gunjan a kiss on her forehead before they leave me by myself. After I head up to my room for the night. 


So frndz thank u for being patient with me n tolerating my stupid tantarums of being late, even now also i can't promise that I will be back any sooner as I'm busy with the admission procedeure of my siblings these days because of which I'm in no internet area badi mushkil se milta h kuch moments k liye to update is not so possible but yaa next one is almost ready so might be I'll give u the next chapter that is 10th one by this evening jitna b likh paungi to u will get it for sure but for 11th u might have to wait for lil long only this June I'm like this but after that no problem and as already promised this is not tooooo long story n I'm already giving u long updates of almost 3000 words so it shouldn't be a problem for u n it depends on the response n then I can increase some chapters.but for now only 

50 votes n 5 comments on this as well as next chapter after that 11th chapter will be there. Yes don't worry 10th chapter will be there without completing the target also. Luv u ol n yes 2 important work for u except voting on this update u need to vote for narbhi in gold awards n the biggest important work is WATCHING ISHQBAAZ on TV . Keep watching. Keep Reading n Keep Voting. N yes do tell me did u like the surprise of bold Annika while kissing n feeding our handsome hero hope u liked it 😉😉😉 Next most probably by late evening today Do wait 😊😊

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