Chapter 19

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"Hey, guys. So, like, my dad's already gonna kill me. So what's this mandatory meeting about?" Pope asked,

The group was now sat by the fire the boys and kie had just made, izzy and jj sat next to each other, kie and rilla next to each other and pope opposite John b who was pacing back and forth.

"Might as well tell him, man, before we're gaffed." Jj shrugged, izzy turned to him with concern.

"You ready for this?" John b asked, they all nodded,

"So, the gold never went down with the Royal Merchant."

"Oh, my God. Here we go again with this." Kie complain

"Oh great" izzy mumbled.

"No.All right, wait. Hear him out, all right?" Jj said,
"It's been here the whole time.It's on the island." John b told them,

"Are you serious?"

"Oh, my God."

"What going on?"

"I'd like to voice my skepticism." Pope said, izzy nodded to pope's comment.

"I'm sure you would, Pope, but can I please present you with my evidence, sir?" Johnb said in a fancy accent,


"All right. So, in my backpack, I have a letter from Denmark Tanny." Johnb room of his backpack,

That this point izzy zoned out, just focusing on Jj drawing shapes on her bear back from the dress she was still in, her mind was worried about rilla, about Jj, about everything.

"You ok?" Jj whispered, "yeah, I just I'm worried about..." her voice going quiet. "Riley, me, your brother, and I on the right track?" He smiled at her, she laughed quietly. "You know me to wel-"

"Oi love birds are you listening to this wise man" rilla shouted at the two.

"So no we were whispered about food!" Izzy said trying to over look rilla nearly out them as a couple.

"Ooo I want food, I want pizza ... no chicken... no pizza" rilla said getting the munchies.

"Ok well as I was saying, You see, wheat is code for gold. Check this out. The gold is in parcel nine,
near the water." John b carried on,

"Holy shit."

"Oh my god"

"All we need is an original survey map of the property, and we've found the gold." John b said with jazz hands, making rilla laugh.

"Okay, so this might have a small chance of being actually true." Izzy said not ready to get her hopes up again.

" I am a genius." John b said as Jj stood up and hugged him picking him up "Hey, whoa! Hello! Fire! You're near the fire. You're gonna burn." John b said.

Jj put him down and grab his face, "I'm so proud of you right now."

"Thank you." John b laughed.

"Kiss kiss kiss!" Rilla and izzy chanted!

"What's the plan?" Pope asked,

"Good question. Sarah Cameron's coming tonight. She'll bring an original survey map..." John b said really fast hoping no one picked up of the blondes name.

"Hold on." Izzy said,

"Sarah? Wh-why Sarah?" Kie asked


"This is gonna be good." Jj whispered

"Sarah, um, she... she got me into the archives
in Chapel Hill yesterday, and that's where I got the letter." John b said,

"You were in Chapel Hill with Sarah Cameron?" Kie raised her voice. "Yeah, um..." johnb nodded,

"So while I was being taken to jail, and beaten by Rafe you were of with some kook bitch!" Izzy shouted at him.

"He was mackin' on her." Jj said, which made izzy blood boil.

"I wasn't macking." Johnb said
"You were totally macking Sarah Cameron." Rilla agree with jj,

"I wasn't macking on her, okay? I was using her for access." John b explained

"There was access, all right." Jj whispered to izzy, izzy just slapped his leg.

"Sorry!" He whispered.

"Did you tell her about the treasure?" Kie asked, izzy could give to shit about if she know it that he was hang out with her.

"I was trying to get into the archives." He threw his hands up, "Is that a yes?" Kie asked again.

"I left out key details."

"You let a Kook in on our secret? What about Pogue Lyfe? What about the T-shirt company, bro?" Kie shouted at him.

"I was just using her for information." He argued back

"Why don't I believe you?" Izzy said,

"I'm trying to make us filthy rich here.Okay, so that we can pay off a boat, or... or, uh... send you to autopsy school to study dead bodies.Look, you guys know me.Do I look like the type of person to fall for Sarah Cameron?" John b said not caring that the boat was a sore subject.

"Do you want us to answer that, or..." Jj smirked.

"Just... just stop." John b said to him.

"Look, you don't know her yet. I do! So does izzy. You can't trust her." Kie said to the brown hair boy.

"Her brother did hit me in the back
with a golf club." Pope spoke up

"Rafe and Sarah are different human beings." John explained

"What did she do to you, exactly?" Jj asked kie,

"She's like a... like a spitting cobra.First, she... she blinds you, and then..." Kie was interrupted by izzy standing up.

"Where are you going?" John b shouted.

He was ignored

"Where you going?" Jj shouted.

He was ignored

"Where are you going?" Rilla then drunkly shouted.

"I will be in the van!" Izzy shouted back having enough of this for one night.

Izzy knew no matter what her or kie say they will meet Sarah tonight. She just wait and hold her anger in untill the time is right.


Izzy didn't bother getting involved or even listening to John b and kie arguing when the van stopped again. She did however notice when John b get out the van so she followed him.

"Hey wait," izzy shouted to her brother.

"Yeah?" He asked

"You do this, and nothing will be the same you do realise that!" She hope he would be a decent brother and listen to her. But no.

" you don't mean that" he said, "I do Johnb I really do, I'm not saying that I will hate you, I'm just saying we will never go back to how it use to be." She didn't let him answer before walking back to the van.

When she got to the van she found rilla asleep in kies lap, Jj scrolling on izzy phone and pope and kie whispered about grudges.

She sat down next to Jj putting rilla feet on her lap, "ok I need to talk about it!" Kie said,

"Talk about what?" Pope asked, "them" she point to izzy and jj.

"Uhhh what about us?" Jj said,

"They fact that your together and haven't told us" Kie smirked.

"What" pope said shocked.

"Yep caught them with mama L kissing on the dance floor, it was really cute" she said.

Izzy went bright red and jj just had his signature smirk on.

"I knew" a small whispered came from the so call asleep girl.

Everyone laughed.

"Wait, do you guys hear that? Sh." Jj said about 5 minutes later,

"What?" Kie asked

"Please, somebody help!"

"Oh, wait, no, I hear that." Pope said

The group even rilla who was now wide awake, ran towards the voice, to find Sarah holding onto a unconscious Jonh b.

"What the fuck?" Rilla said,

"It's okay. It's okay, I'm with you. You're okay, okay..." Sarah whispered

"Sarah! What happened?" Izzy shouted.

"I don't know what to do. He needs help. Topper shoved him." Sarah said,

"Where the hell is he?" Jj said about to storm off, when rilla grabs him, "your best is unconscious, he is also your girlfriend brother, focus!" She yelled at him.

"Oh, please, please, please get help. I don't care who. Just call someone." Sarah said as pope ran of.

"Pope, hurry!" Kie shouted.

"John B, stay with me." Sarah said.

Izzy grab his hand, "Please don't leave me. Your the only family I have left, always and forever even if you are a dick" she cried.

"Pope! Come on!" Jj yelled.

Pope called the ambulance, then mama L. He knew izzy and the maybanks would need her.


The group was sat in the waiting room, rilla and kie asleep on each other. Pope reading a magazine. Jj asleep ish on izzy shoulder holding her hand. And izzy who was staring straight ahead.

Sarah didn't even ask if izzy want to go with john b in the ambulance just got straight in. And guess who was In their now. Sarah .

It was moring now and mama L still had not arrived. Izzy was getting worried about dcs.

"Sweetheart?" Izzy heard.

She turned her head to see mama L, slowly getting up and gripping onto her, crying more.

"It ok hes fine," she said. "They w-wont t-tel me anything" izzy choked out.

"Well they told me, he has a concussion and a broke arm that it" she smiled.

Izzy saw over mama L shoulder Sarah and ward going into a room, that was obviously he brothers.

"Why's ward here?" She asked.

"Ward has offered to take you and John b in, and be your Guardian" mama L explained, izzy shock her head.

"Clam down, you don't have to worry, I have been doing it for a while now, and I just got the papers." She handed izzy the papers.

The top letter being


"You want to adopt us?" Izzy whispered.

"Baby, you and your brother have been my children for years now, you know that. Why not make it official?" Mama L smiled.

"YES" izzy said without thinking. "No you need to speak to your brother. But I will put hear when you are finished and have a final answer!" Mama L said.

Just then Sarah and ward walked out.

"Izzy, he want to see you" Sarah said, without acknowledging her izzy just walked into the room.


"Your an idiot" izzy said sitting at the edge of the hospital bed, "yeah I know" John b laughed.

"We can talk about Sarah and the gold, but nice your out of here!" Izzy said, John b raised his eyebrows " you mean so you can yell at me?" Izzy smiled and nodded.

"I need to talk to you tho" he said,

"Uhh me to" izzy replied.

"Wards often us to be ar-"

"No" izzy stoped him, "no? What do you mean" he asked.

"Mama L has adoption papers outside just waiting for are signatures, and I'm ready to sign but she said I have to speak to you!" Izzy explained.

"Izzy I have already said yes  to ward, he said to tell him when your read to sign paper for fostering. Till we 18"Jonh b explained.

"You haven't already signed have you?" Izzy voice shaken

"Yeah" his voice quiet.




"I don't think it going great?" Jj said to mama L, she laughed "nope".

The other had woken up when izzy went into the room with John b, mama L told them to go home and sleep a bit more.

So pope took the van, dropped kie and rilla at kies house then drove himself home.

The door of the room swung open, "oh and John b fuck you!" Izzy shouted showing the boy her middle finger.

"Everything okay?" Jj asked stepped towards her. "Can we just go home please?" She asked looking at mama L and jj.

"Of course sweetheart." Mama L said. Jj grabbed izzy hand and intertwine his and her hands. Walking out of the hospital.

"Oh wait," izzy said, she grabbed a pen from her pocket and the paper that were sticking out of mama L bag, leant against a wall and signed.

The Routledge twins now living in to  different house with two different guardians.

Wow this chapter

We got a lot this chapter.

Also it might seem like I don't like John b but I do like him. Just had to make him a bit stupid and a dick for season 1 and maybe s2 who know!

Hope you like this chapter love ya

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