Chapter 20

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Once back at mamaL, she showed them a room for izzy to stay in and all the rules of the house. Which was basically tied up after yourself. After that, mama L had to go back to work.

So it was just izzy and jj at the house. They both laid on izzy new double bed, staring at the ceiling. "You ok?" Jj voice came out small, "I'm good, you?" Izzy said moving her head to the side to face him.

"I'm good too" Jj smiled, doing the same as izzy.

The last couple days, had been hectic for the two. All they need was to be in each other company.

Izzy leaned over and kissed the blonde boy, he kissed back instantly, his hand going to her waist. He pulled back "is this ok?" He asked, she smiled and nodded, before going back into the kiss.

The kiss was slow and passionate, but soon turned into lust, the couple moved around, so now izzy was straddle Jj while making out.

Every so often both pulling away to make sure each one was okay.

Once it seemed as they were about to take to the next step, Jj made sure that izzy felt sure about it. Izzy was the most sure about anything in her life.

And for the next hour, the two became a lot closer then they were before.

(Author speaking: I'm to uncomfortable to write smut and stuff so this will probably be the best you gonna get. Sorry! Here is a quote from rhi as well "You guys are perverts stop imaging teenagers having sex and get on with ur life's" and another quote from her "They had sex, do you really need a detailed paragraph when you know Rizzy is way wayyyy better than this shit")


After the time the couple had spent in the bedroom, they decided to go for a walk along the beach.

The sun was beaming off the water, the water was calm, which was strange after the small storm they had last night.

"You sure your ok?" Jj said, swinging their hand like a 5 year old, "I'm sure jay" she smiled.

"Your not gonna tell rilla about this are you?" Jj stopped and turned to her. "EW, no I'm not going to tell your sister about are sex life, no Jj" she said,

They both laughed.

"I love that" izzy said, "love what?" He asked confused. "Your laugh, you don't hear it to much, but I love it" izzy smiled.

Jj didn't reply he just leaned down and place a sweet and calm kiss on her lips.

"What was that for?" She asked, "can't I kiss my girlfriend?" Jj smirked. She nodded and kiss him back.

They both pulled away when both their phones beeped.

Pogues <3

Dumber twins:
Everyone meet at the wreck, in 5.

Sir yes sir🫡

She means we are already here.

Coming now.

My boy <3:
We on are way.

Who we ???

My boy <3:
Me and star.

"Come on" he grab izzy hand and they both walked to the wreck.

Izzy pov.

"I'm not going in!" I protest, Jj just laughs, "you have to see him eventually."

"No I don't, he a dickhead. I'm allowed to be mad." I cross my arm, "I never said you couldn't be mad at him, but I can't go in there without you so please," he trying to persuade me but I'm not doing it.

"Pretty please with cherry on top" he give me his puppy dog eyes, I'm so close at breaking but I'm staying strong.

He then whisperers something in my ear, and my eye widen. I grab his hand and walk straight into the wreck, with him following just laughing.

"What so funny?" Rilla asks, hearing us come in first. My eye widen again. While Jj just smirk. That boy and his dirty mind. "Nothing!" I say quickly and sit down. Good my brother not even here yet.

Jj stood behind me, just rubbing my shoulders. I see pope walk in and kie goes to greet him.

"So you guys do anything fun this morning?" Rilla smirks. Jj plays it cool. "Not really,why?" He askes her. "Oh cuz both yours hickey say otherwise" she laughs.

Oh My God.

I look up at him, while he looks down at me.

"Good luck, explaining that to johnb" she laughs. "Fuck you Riley" Jj joked. Jj one is lucky enough to be hidden by his shirt. But mine not so much.

"Hey guys," I hear John b say walking into the wreck.

Jj, pope and kie go and hug him, Rilla doesn't like some people physically touch so she just says hi to him. Me I just ignore him.


Short chapter.
The next one will be a long one, don't worry.

Also I'm sorry for the people who wanted smut but I'm way to awkward to write that.

Rilla is so smart and no one give her credit for it. Well till next chapter at least.

Also the drama is about to happen, we get jb drama and better the Sarah drama .

Hope you enjoy.

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