Thirty-Four: Holding Out Hope

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Anna sat dejectedly on the couch next to Yoongi while Hoseok brought out snacks from his kitchen. He had invited them over for a movie night when he noticed how forlorn Anna had sounded over the phone when they talked the day before.

He placed a big bowl of chips on the coffee table and a can of cold soda in Anna's hand. "Now, tell us what's going on with you. And don't say it's nothing."

Anna glanced from Yoongi to Hoseok and sighed. "Fine, fine. I guess things have gotten a bit strange down on the set. I feel as if Jin disapproves of me somehow."

"Disapproves?" Yoongi echoed.

She sighed. "He's always just looking at me as if I'm some disgusting bug. He used to laugh and talk to me to calm me down before a scene, but now...he just stares."

"Maybe he's upset that you haven't slept with him," Hoseok chuckled, earning him a slap on the arm from Anna.

He laughed. "Okay, okay. Maybe his mood has nothing to do with you."

She nodded. "You might be right. A lot is riding on his shoulders with this movie. Without Norma, he became it's biggest name. Maybe he's scared he can't carry it---although he's been doing an amazing job. He is incredible. Everyone says so."

"Someone's got a little crush, huh?" Yoongi smirked.

She threw a small pillow at him. "Stop!" She criss-crossed her legs on the couch. "Actually, speaking of crushes, Taehyung asked me to go to New York with him."

"What?" Both men gaped at her.

"Mm-hm. He's moving there and asked if I'd consider moving to New York, too. He says he's always valued our friendship and wondered if it might eventually turn into something...else."

"Wow." Hoseok stared at her. "What did you say?"

Anna took a sip of her drink. "I said I'd think about it. I love Tae, but... but not like... that."

"Not like Seokjin," Yoongi said softly. "Is that it?"

"I never said I loved Jin," she said. "I mean, he's like a brother. We grew up together."

Hoseok stared at her. "Uh-huh. Well, both of you are adults now. He doesn't look at you like a brother. And I'm sure he doesn't kiss you like a brother."

"Kiss? What?" Yoongi asked, his eyes confused. "What's going on? He kisses you?"

Anna rolled her eyes. "Nothing's going on. Hoseok's just exaggerating.."

"He kissed her," Hoseok insisted. "Kissed. Groped. Propositioned."

"Anna!" Yoongi looked stricken. "What the hell? Do you want me to talk to him?"

She shook her head. "No. It wasn't like that. He had a bit too much to drink, and he'd had it out with Norma. He was just... emotional. Nothing happened other than a kiss."

"But thinking about Seokjin is keeping you from taking a chance on other guys." Hoseok gave her a raised-eyebrow look.

Anna scoffed, but as she looked away from her friends, she realized that it was true. She had tried to deny it, but in her heart, she still held out hope that things with Jin would change. She wondered if he felt something for her besides lust because she now knew she had feelings for him.

"Anna?" Yoongi asked. "Tell us the truth."

She sighed. "The truth might sound pathetic, but maybe... maybe I do like Jin. I wanted to pretend I felt nothing, but I do. That's why it bothers me that he's different with me."

Hoseok shrugged. "Maybe Norma found out and gave him some hell for it."

"Look, you want my advice?" Yoongi began, then continued without waiting for her response. "Finish your movie then go to New York. You deserve someone who only has eyes for you. You shouldn't be anyone's second choice. I know Seokjin is my friend, but no matter what he says, I think Norma King will always be intruding into your lives. I'm sorry to say this, but if he really liked you, he would've left her already."

Anna stared at him. She saw Hoseok nodding in agreement, and her heart felt heavy. They were probably right. She'd never be a match for Norma in Seokjin's life. But she still loved him.

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