Thirty-Three: She's Different

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That evening, as he sat down to dinner with Norma, he found he didn't have much of an appetite. Norma's cook had prepared an excellent meal, but his mind was far away, wondering if Jimin had already taken Anna home, or if he was trying to talk her into spending more time with him.

"Why does my little treasure look so worried?" Norma cooed at him.

He flashed her an irritated glance—he hated her pet name for him—before picking up his wine glass and taking a drink. "I'm not worried. Well, I was, uh, just going over Tuesday's schedule in my mind. My name's all over the call sheet, so it will be a busy day."

Norma smiled at him. "You'll be great. You know I keep in touch with Sofia Kaslan, one of the producers, and she says you are nailing every scene." She swirled her wine glass. "Unlike your little co-star who apparently is just nailing every man on set."

Seokjin's head snapped up. "That's absurd. Why would she say that? Sofia Kaslan is certainly not the model of virtue. She's one to talk."

The older woman's smile disappeared. "My dear, you don't have to get upset. She was just making a comment that Miss Kane has enchanted all the men, who of course cannot stay out of her trailer. Like dogs after a bitch in heat." She kept staring at Seokjin.

He just shook his head dismissively.

"I'm sure you wouldn't know anything about that, would you, my dear?" Norma asked, her sweet tone had an underlying current of threat. Perhaps she knew that Seokjin often visited Anna's trailer. She must know. What she didn't know is that all they did was talk about the old days.

"I heard that even Sam is besotted with her. That old fool! He's more than twice her age," she clicked her tongue. "But then, when has anyone known Sam not to sleep with his leading lady? He's probably already had her in the sack. You know he tried that with me when we—"

"I'm very tired," Seokjin cut her off. "I think I'll just shower and go to bed."

Before he could get up, she placed her hand over his, holding him down.

"She's changed a lot, hasn't she? Your little friend."

Her smirk made it clear to Seokjin that she knew Annelise was Anna Lane. Of course, she knew. She must've known for some time now, but was waiting for the right moment to bring it up. No wonder she was so jealous lately.

"She hasn't changed," he said in a low voice.

"And you know this how?" Norma asked with a scowl. "Don't be a child, Seokjin. You know that people change. Last time you were close to her she was a simple little nobody teaching at some stupid school. Apparently that handsome agent of hers—whom everyone says is her lover—has taken extra care to advance her career. Why would he do that if she wasn't giving him something extra, huh? I'm sure she doesn't look or act like she used to. Why is it hard to believe that she's different? She's not the little virgin you remember."

Seokjin tried to stay calm.

"Whatever she is, she's still my friend, so I would ask you to please stop gossiping about her." He slipped his hand away from hers and stood up. "Especially with that bitch Sofia, who has probably never told you that she hits on me on a daily basis. So forgive me if I don't believe her to be the guardian of morality on set. Anna is nothing like what you're making her out to be."

Without saying another word, he spun on his heel and marched off. He slammed the bathroom door then locked it to make sure he'd have privacy. He reached into the shower and turned on the water. He kept telling himself that Norma had spewed all that nonsense purely out of jealousy. That's all it was. That's all it was, he kept repeating to himself as he stripped off his clothes angrily.

And yet... and yet. Anna was different. She was out with Jimin right now. She'd made plans to go to Sam Carson's beach house. Or she might run off with Taehyung to Catalina. Every time he spoke with her she quoted something Namjoon had said. Anna's life seemed to be busy with these various men. She sometimes had no time for him anymore. He turned his face up to the shower spray. She had changed.

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