Twenty-Four: Destined

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Seokjin frowned. If she would've kissed him, he wouldn't be tempted to go back to Norma because Anna would've given him hope. But Anna had pushed him away. She didn't want him, and Norma did.

"Do you love her?" Anna asked.

He looked down. "I-I do have feelings for her. Yes."

"Okay, then," she said. "That's that."


"I'd like to go home now," she said, not meeting his gaze. "I'm tired. This is definitely not my scene. But you're welcome to stay."

"No, I'll come with you."

She smiled and shook her head. "Mr. Best Supporting Actor," she said, tapping the trophy he held in one hand. "You couldn't possibly leave now. I'm playing the part of Cinderella tonight, so I must take my leave."

"Anna," he repeated in a soft whine. "Don't go."

"We'll talk tomorrow," she replied and walked away without a backward glance. She did not want him to see her heart breaking.

Because she kept her head down, she did not see where she was going and promptly bumped into someone.

"Oh, I'm sorry," she mumbled. She looked up into the smiling, dimpled face of Kim Namjoon.

"We were destined to meet, it seems," he said. He noticed her reddened eyes and his smile disappeared. "Oh, is something wrong?"

Anna shook her head. "No. I'm just...very tired. I'm on my way home."

"And your rather possessive date?"

She laughed. "The hot new actor? He's just a friend. I told him to stay. It's his night."

"How will you get home?" he asked with concern.

"I'll just get a cab."

"Good luck," he replied. "There are no cabs to be found for ten blocks after an awards show." He noticed her sigh dejectedly. "But why don't I have my driver take you home?"

"Oh, no. I couldn't," she responded quickly. She knew nothing about this man.

Kim Namjoon smiled again. "He can take you home and then come back for me later."

"Oh," Anna said, surprised. "You mean you won't be coming with me?"

The tall man raised an eyebrow. "Is that an invitation?"

Anna became flustered. "Uh, no, no! Of course not!"

The serious look turned into his previous sweet, dimpled smile. "Good because I don't want anyone to say that I contracted you just because we slept together."

"Oh, definitely not!" she exclaimed then paused. "Contracted?"

He smiled wider. "Look, what's your name?"

She hesitated for an instant. "Anna Lane."

"I'm very pleased to meet you, Anna Lane," he said, extending his hand. "If you promise me that you will call the number on the card first thing Monday morning, I will have my driver take you home."

"Uh, Mr. K-Kim--" she stuttered.

"Promise me."

She exhaled and nodded. "Okay."

"You won't regret it!" he exclaimed happily.

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