Tis A Family: Generation 1 - Adrola

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Paulone walked through the door, gave me a peck on the cheek before he went to see where our three kids where. I put down my own paperwork and got started on dinner.

Paulone has started to come home later and later from work. I understood that we had been having a little money issues and he had to take up another extra job, but I still wished that he could come home a little earlier.

I was on my fourth job already, I had to quite my first three when each kid had come around. Paulone had insisted that for the first three years of each of the our children's life that one of us should be home. It wasn't planned that I would stay home, but after awhile, i couldn't imagine leaving any of them as children to work. Now I was able to work from home, and it was much easier for us all.

"Mama! Mama!"

I turned around a picked up a very excited looking Bistro, he was only four years old, but he didn't still didn't get along with anyone his age. He was distant from even his siblings.

"What happened?" I asked him with a large smile on my face.

"Daddy brought home a new film! He said that we should all go watch it!" my small son said.

"Now?" I asked him.

"Yeah! Yeah! Now! Now!" he yelled as he threw his small arms up in the air.

"I'll pop some popcorn and I'll be right over," I told him. He ran out of the kitchen with his never ending smile. I popped some popcorn and then brought the large bowl over to the family room. The old TV had the movie playing in there. It was a very dated TV, but honestly, have you seen the prices for a TV these days? We only had three channels and we watched all our movies through DVDs.

I sat in between the three kids and next to Paulone. He kissed the top of my head and I dropped my head on his shoulder. What more could I ever need?

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