Tis A Family: Generation 1 - Soony

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I tried to calm my messy curls, but I quickly failed. My hair was naturally different colors, it had puzzled the doctors, but not my mom. Back in her family, there had been a crazy scientist, some great uncle of mine, and had decided to change his unborn children's chromosomes. Apparently, his wife was totally ok with him messing with the child that was developing inside her. He made a mutation that changed the color of the hair to a bewildered color. Now would I ever try to tell that to anyone that asked? Eh, no. I just said that I dyed it like no tomorrow. I had considered dying it another color, like a normal color, maybe brown. My mom said she had tried it on me when I was seven or so, the dye just wouldn't stay on.

Ether way, I tried to pull down my curls without much luck. Instead, I braided it into a long, thick braid down my back. I applied a thin layer of pink lipstick on and a few coats of mascara. I pulled my crop top higher and grabbed a pair of red heels.

"Mom! I'm heading out!" I yelled into the house.

"Do you want me to drive you where ever you're going?" she asked. I rolled my eyes, she was trying to get into my life right now, ever since...well, I spent a night at a guy's house. No matter what I said though, my parents weren't having any of it.

"No, I'm just going out with Holly to the mall," I told her as sweetly as I could. Holly was out with her boyfriend. That's exactly what I also planned on skinny.

"Ok, don't be out too long!" she called to me.

"I won't! Bye!" I shouted. I quickly slammed the door shut and went outside.

"Where are you going?"

I turned around, and of course Bistro was there. Bistro was five years younger than me, so at the age of eleven, he was the most annoying brother I had. Besides that, he hates my guts.

"I'm going out," I said.

"To Gavin's?" he asked. I rolled my eyes at his question, why did he need to question me. I was already questioned by our mother. Oh course I was going to Gavin's, but everyone else needed to know that I was going out with Holly.

"No, I'm going out with Holly, not that you need to know," I told him.

"Isn't Holly on a date today? With Derek?" Bistro. He had been listening to my phone calls. I could barely keep up with Holly's boyfriends, she had a new one every week, Bistro however remembered everything. By everything, I mean everything.

"He canceled," I lied. By now Holly was in a short dress showing a ton of skin in Derek's car on their way to who knows where.

"Really now?" he asked.

"Yes, he did, now excuse me, I'm going to the mall," I said as I huffed away from him quickly.

"Sureeeee, sure you are," Bistro said.

"I suggest you shut up now," I said in a harsh ton as I glared at him. He hushed with a hurt look on his face, not that I cared. I could care less about him.

I drove over to Gavin's, getting out of the car in a slow motion. Gavin was on the front porch, waiting with a large smile.

"You made me wait, Princess," he said smoothly. He met me by my car, I hadn't moved.

"Family issues," I said shortly. His arms wrapped around me.

"Want to let me feel it better?" he whispered down my ear. Our bodies were now glued to one another. His mouth tracked down my neck, leaving lovebites everywhere his lips touched.

"We're. On. Your. Driveway." I said, trying hard not to let out a gasp.

"Well, I'm not the one that decided for you to wear a shirt that's almost as short as a bra and shorts that have half of your butt hanging out," he laughed.

"My shorts aren't that short," I said, knowing perfectly well that I had shorts that were a lot shorter.

"No words about the crop top though?" he asked.

"Well..my bra isn't too much shorter than it, so it's not like I have sources to confirm that you're wrong," I said.

"Oh my goodness, you're such a nerd," he said.

"Oh my goodness, you're such an idiot," I said.

"Eh, can't fight that one," he said. He went right back to biting my neck. Shivers ran down my spin, I lead his lips back to my own. They moved in sink, I started to climb up him, my legs wrapping around his waist.

"We're still in the public's eye," I whispered against his lips. He smiled against my lips, picked me up fully and carried me right inside. He locked the door behind us and dropped me on the couch. No words were said, our lips just kept doing what they had been doing.

"I love you," he whispered against my lips. My heart flew to the moon, and didn't come back.

"I love you too," I whispered to him. He smiled against my lips, wider than ever before. I pulled him closer to me, and he flipped us over so he was under me. I laid on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

At 16, I found out what love felt like.


Author's Note

Well that's it for Soony's POV, what did you think of her?

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