Born to be Alive Part 2

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Mark and Evanescence walked hand in hand, unsure of where they were going. The sounds of war and death died out as they walked farther away from the fortress.
"I'm starting to think this was a bad choice," Mark gasped, as the heat began getting worse. They had walked into a desert.
"Don't think like that Mr. Redshadow. I'm sure we'll find someplace with water and food," Evanescence said.
"Kid, this is a desert. The chances of finding an oasis or food are slim," Mark sighed. "I don't have to worry too much about hunger and thirst because I'm already dead, but you aren't. I want you to live your life to the fullest."
She bit her lip as if suddenly realizing the slim chance of survival. "I....I'm sure we'll find something." She sounded as if she was trying to convince herself more than she was trying to convince Mark.
They walked for a bit longer, the desert never seeming to end. A figure was in the distance.
Mark happened to raise his head up and saw the figure. His ears shot up in excitement. "Look Evanescence! Somebody is here in the desert!"
The girl raised her head up and her green eyes lit up in excitement. "Let's go catch them!"
The two started desperately running toward the figure. The figure ran toward them. As it got closer, Mark could see shaggy, orange fur on his head and a somewhat long neck.
"Excuse me! Sir! We are lost and need shelter!" Mark said.
He got close enough to the figure to see their face.
He looked like a weasel, but also a cat, and also a wolf. He had orange fur with some kind of darker orange stripes, crazy hair, green cat eyes, light orange neckfur and chestfur. He wore no clothing except for some torn up blue jeans. His tail was interesting, it was a cat tail and a weasel tail combined, with the top of a wolf's tail.
A sandstorm seemed to sweep away his figure.
Mark cried out and tried to run after the..... hybrid thing but it was nowhere to be found. He sighed, thinking this was all hopeless.
That was when he was hit in the back of the head and blacked out.
Mark woke up in what seemed to be a glass chamber. He tried to break it open and a horrible shock went through his body. Mark fell back, his limbs twitched a bit.
"I wouldn't do that Mark," a voice said from the darkness.
Mark finally got to look at where he was. It looked like a dark laboratory. Thick wires and tubes led to his chamber. A tube of bright blue liquid was attached to his chamber, as well as a bright red liquid. That was all he could see; the rest was shrouded in darkness.
But then, he saw a tail cone out of the dark. It was orange with dark orange stripes and a large, fluffy bit on the end.
He recognized the tail and remembered the tribrid from the desert.
"Oh thank you! You saved us! Though, I wouldn't exactly call this 'saved' it feels like a laboratory...." he trailed off, suddenly having horrible feelings.
"This is a laboratory.... isn't it?" He asked, fearing the answer.
"Yes, it is, And you are my test subjects," the same voice said, following an ominous chuckle.
"Evanescence! Are you alright!?" He yelled, hoping the cat would hear her.
There was no answer.
He started panicking. "Where is Evanescence!?"
"She is fine. Great actually," the voice answered.
Mark heard a click and the lights went on, illuminating the dark lab. He could see Evanescence in a chamber across the room.
He saw his kidnapper had no wings. He was now wearing a lab coat unlike he was when Mark saw him.
"You.... aren't dead!" He exclaimed, surprise.
The tribrid nodded. "Yes. I am alive."
"Why are we here!?" The red wolf demanded, lashing his gray tail.
That was when the tribrid was silent. He saw him quiver with anger.
Mark then had a flashback to one of the previous wars his father made him fight in. He remembered a silvery colored wolf mortal that was shot down by one of Lucifer's men. Mark remembered trying to save her. Then something else kicked in, something he hadn't seen during the battle. It could have just been his imagination, but he saw the tribrid glaring at him, his gaze full of malice as Mark stood over the wolf.
He was brought back to the real world and looked at the tribrid. "Your name is....." he started, searching his memory for the name of this person. One popped into his head. Jagger Holt.
"Your name is Jagger Holt. I remember you from the war," he sighed. "I did not kill your wife Jagger. I tried to save her. She was shot down by one of my father's men," Mark explained.
Jagger shook his head furiously. "LIES!" He yelled. That was when he hit the switch next to the red liquid. Mark saw it start to go into the tube and work its way to his chamber. He was worried by this.
"Hey Jagger.... why is that liquid coming towards my chamber? And more importantly, what does it do?" Mark asked.
"It is lesson teaching," the tribrid growled. "You'll find out soon enough."
The liquid went into a smaller chamber that was on a burner. Mark then saw that it became a misty gas. It traveled up the tube again and started getting closer to the chamber. It came in the chamber.
Mark took a deep breath of fresh hair and held his breath, not wanting to breathe in the gas. The gas reached him in the chamber and he started feeling burning, awful pain. He screamed and the gas went down his throat, making it burn too.
Jagger smiled at his pain and went to the back toward Evanescence's chamber.
"DON'T TOUCH HER!!!" Mark roared, his throat burning, making him hoarse.
The tribrid smiled, and clicked a button next to the chamber. A piece of glass in the chamber slid over and Jagger reached in, pulling Evanescence out roughly by her scruff.
Mark roared, fury building up in his chest. This fury felt hotter than the burning pain he felt.
That was when he pulled a gun out of the pocket of his lab coat.
A horrible feeling filled Mark, it distracted him from the pain for a moment.
"Oh? Are you mad that I took your little pet out of her cage?" Jagger said cruelly. He waved her around in front of him. He stepped up so close to the glass, that his nose almost touched it. "You want me to put her back?" He then stuck the gun up to her head.
"I told you Jagger! I didn't kill her!" He cried.
"LIES!" He roared in response. "You killed Farah and you only have two options. Die, and this little rat gets to live another day or resist and she dies and you are left with misery. I would prefer option one because this rat did nothing to me and I quite like her. Also, because I hate you Mark. You deserve to die and I want you to die."
"Mark..... make the right choice. Do what you think is right. I believe you can make the right choice," Evanescence said, slowly smiling, tears in her eyes.
Mark felt tears building up in his eyes.
No! Stop crying! Guys don't cry! His thoughts screamed at him.
A tear fell to the floor, instantly burning in the gas.
"If you move once Redshadow, I'll kill her," Jagger growled.
Fury and loving protection for Evanescence flowed through his chest, seeping into his bones. He felt himself begin to change. His red fur began to turn purple. The moon shapes all over his body changed and turned a golden yellow, his eyes turned the same golden yellow, bright as the sun. His black wings turned golden. His tail and his tail stub merged together to form a big, thick tail. Vines of light came out of his tail and his wings. His horns curled back over his head and became magnificent ibex-like horns that also turned the same golden yellow. Fingerless gloves appeared upon his hands.
Jagger was perplexed. "What are you doing!?" He growled.
Mark stared at him. Fury and rage built up inside his body. "Shoot her and you'll wish you'd have never been born," Mark growled, his fury almost making him burst out of the chamber like a wild animal.
Jagger grinned. He pulled the trigger.
Evanescence lay dead on the floor within a heartbeat.
This made Mark snap. His fury broke loose. His fingers transformed into giant golden claws. He roared a demon-like cry and threw himself at the chamber. A shock more powerful than the last went through his body, but he barely felt it. The chamber wall shattered and he burst through. He grabbed Jagger by his long neck and dug the claws in.
A strong urge overcame Mark and he opened his mouth. His eyes glowed bright yellow and the light in Jagger's eyes became dimmer and dimmer until it was nonexistent.
Mark shut his mouth. He had eaten Jagger's soul. He dropped the body on the floor and began to see Jagger's demon spirit start forming. Before it could, Mark destroyed it with a blast of fire from his hand.
Jagger was now dead forever.
He then turned to Evanescence. A white, wispy smoke was rising from her body. This was her angel spirit. As she stayed an angel for a while, her spirit would strengthen and become almost like the body she used to have.
Evanescence's spirit started to resemble her. Some of the smoke turned gray to be her fur and it began to take her shape. Glorious, white, feathered wings started to form and a bright yellow halo went above her head. Her form was still wispy, but it would strengthen. Mark knew it would.
Because she'd be safe with him.
Suddenly, two other spirits began to appear. One being a cat that looked like Evanescence and the other being a black cat.
Mark was puzzled, but then reality hit him. These were her dead parents. He was choked by more sobs, his chest convulsing with emotion. He began to turn back into himself.
"P...please don't take her," Mark choked out. "Please don't...."
The two angels glared at him. "You killed her!" They hissed.
Evanescence walked up to her parents. "Mom! Dad! Please don't be like this! Mark didn't kill me! It was that mean old freak down there! Mark tried to save me!" She explained.
Her parent's eyes softened and they looked back at him. "I'm sorry for our harshness Mark. It was just, she was so young. It wasn't her time to become an angel. And you're...." they trailed off.
Mark knew what they were going to say. "And I'm a fallen angel," he huffed. "And we're all evil."
"We didn't mean that!" Her mother said.
"We cannot let you have our daughter," her father said. "She needs to be with her real parents. She is  not safe with you. Your father could kill her for good."
Mark felt his throat tighten with emotion and grief.
"Just because you can't have her doesn't mean you can't see her every now and then," her mother said, smiling. "You can always visit Heaven."
Then they began to disappear. Evanescence began to disappear as well. Before she could, however, she walked up to him and kissed his cheek. She smiled warmly at him before dissolving into mist.
Mark touched his cheek gently. Now he was all alone.
" don't understand," he choked. "I can't go to Heaven."

This is the longest chapter I've ever written. The story plus this right here is 2047 words long.

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