Born to be Alive Part 1

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War doesn't change.
The innocent die.
The strong live.
There is no winning.
Mark knew this well.
All TOO well.
Right at the moment, the angels and demons were having a war over who would rule the living. Lucifer had drug Mark into the fight. Mark went to his armor stand and put on the royal prince armor. It was made from black metal and the helmet had holes for his horns, perfect holes for his specific ram horns.
He put on the armor reluctantly. He didn't want to kill anyone. He grabbed his spear and flew out with the others. Lucifer flew behind him and pushed him into the fray.
Battle raged everywhere. There was no telling who was going to win.
Or even if there was going to be a winner.
Mark stayed behind in the fight, trying to find a place to hide away from the bloodshed. There was an almost inaudible cry. He looked around to see if anyone else had heard it. He seemed to be the only one.
He pinpointed the sound. It came from a few feet behind the fortress. Mark made sure no one was watching him and approached where he heard the sound.
He was surprised to find a small child stuck in the mud. The child was a pale gray cat with pale greenish blue eyes. It was female and Mark was surprised to see that the child lacked wings. There were no stumpy bits either where they could have possibly been cut off.
Mark approached the child cautiously and realized that this child was living. She had not died like anyone else around.
The child screamed for help. She was sinking. Mark acted fast and took off all him armor. He flew up into the air and grabbed the child by the shoulders. Mark lifted her out of the mud and sat her down on land.
The child shook the mud from her fur and looked straight at Mark. "Thank you sir."
He was surprised by how well she spoke. She looked at least four or five. "What were you doing in a mud pit? Where are your parents?"
"I fell in mister. I don't have parents. They were killed by demons," the girl answered.
Mark flinched. "What is your name?"
"Evanescence," She answered.
"Does anyone take care of you?" He asked.
Evanescence shook her head no. "When my parents were killed, I ran off and now I'm here."
Mark didn't know what to do. This child was lost and didn't have a family he could return her to. "Tell you what; you can stick around with me for the meantime."
She nodded. "What is your name?"
"Mark. Mark Redshadow," he answered.
"You're one of those demons aren't you?" Evanescence asked.
"No. I'm half demon," he answered.
"You're the prince of darkness aren't you?" She asked.
"Kind of. Don't worry, I won't hurt you," Mark said.
"Well, you did just save me. Kinda alright figured that," Evanescence replied.
He smiled. "You're a long way from home. The living don't usually come here."
"I know," she said.
Mark stood up and held out his hand. Evanescence grabbed it and they both started walking.
"Mister Redshadow. I'm kinda hungry," she said.
"We'll find something. You can just call me Mark. I'm not proud to be a Redshadow," he replied.
They both walked. He went towards the back door of the fortress. He opened it and he let go of her hand. They both walked in. This was the kitchen of the fortress where they made food for the soldiers.
"The food is somewhere around here. Do you like steak?" Mark asked.
"Mister Redshad- I mean, Mark. I'll eat anything right now," Evanescence answered.
"Me too," He said going through the freezer. There was a bunch of raw meat in it. "Crap. The meat isn't cooked and if we do cook it, it will attract attention. I guess we'll have to eat raw meat like our ancestors."
She shrugged. "I've said it before. I will eat literally anything right now."
Mark nodded and grabbed two pieces of meat from the freezer. "You're a good kid."
"Thank you Mark," Evanescence replied.
"No problem." He shut the freezer with his bone tail. Mark sat down, Evanescence sat next to him. He handed her one of the pieces of meat. She took it and started chowing down. Mark did the same.
They sat in silence until they finished the meal. To be honest, he didn't like how cold the meat was or the fact that it was half frozen and thawed in his hands. "You full?"
"Yeah," she answered.
Mark got up. "Maybe we should go somewhere away from the fighting and this fortress."
Evanescence looked up at him. "You mean run away and never be found?"
He paused for a moment thinking about what she had just said. Running away didn't sound too bad. He wouldn't have to make Gray upset or worry about pleasing his father. He could run away from his responsibilities and troubles and take care of Evanescence. Mark could be like her father.
She could be like his family.
The family he had always wanted.
The perfect family he never got.
He smiled and looked at her. "Yes. Yes I do. Is that what you want?"
She looked up at him and grinned. "Yes Mister Redshadow."
"It's just Mark," he chuckled, reaching out his hand to her. She grabbed his hand and they both came out of the fortress.
They walked into the unknown together hand in hand.

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