2. Internally screaming

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Ugh math class, I thought, but this probably wasn't an original thought in Mrs. Manigot's geometry class.

As my mind wandered to how unoriginal most thoughts probably are a thought struck me.

Being a mind reader must be boring hearing everyone's unoriginal ramblings at once, everyone's voices must jumbled together like in a crowded room where everyone is talking at once.

Suddenly, the thought morphed into a question and a follow up question.

Are mind readers real? Could a mind reader be in this class if they are real?

How would I find out if there was a mind reader in class, how would I make my thought stand out from the buzz of the crowd, how would I be able to tell if someone heard me?

How would I get attention in a crowded room normally?

Scream and scare people into listening, make them jump. I devilishly thought.

I focused back on the lesson to add an element of surprise to my plan.

Ugh proofs, I think before internally screaming, I'M SO BOREDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our class is set up in a group format and everyone on the outside seats (like mine) can see everyone else, so this gives me a view of everyone's reaction or lack thereof. I looked up as I was testing my theory and most had no notion of anything amiss except for one person who flinched as if someone screamed in their ear.

My crush, Andrew, flinched across the room.

No way.

No possible way.

Maybe he just remembered something or thought of something bad. I hope he isn't thinking anything bad, I don't want him to be in any pain.

Ok I need to retest to see if he is a mind reader.

Retest that's what I'll do, but this time I'll draw attention to myself so if he is hearing my thoughts he'll look at me. Anyone could have said they are bored in this class it's like someone shouting, "I'M DRUNK," at a stereotypical high school party it may be heard, but it could be half the party talking and no one cares who said it. Yet if at that party someone screamed, "MY NAME IS JILL AND I WANT TO BE MARRY BILL," suddenly everyone who heard is paying attention. Same thing as in a crowded room if one was talking at a normal volume about their crush only those in the direct area can hear, but if they were to scream it everyone would hear.

I know what I'll say in my retest just need to wait for a bit so he isn't expecting it.


Ten minutes left of class nows the time for my retest.


I see Andrew jump, then blush and glance at me. Yep he's a mind reader.


Andrew winces and sighs as he mouths the words, "We'll talk after class."

Soon the bell rings and I pack up in a daze as I walk out of class. Andrew was waiting for me by the door as I walked out.

"Come with me," he says with a tint of blush still on his cheeks.

We get to an empty area of school (which is a lot considering school just let out and when that final bell rings people flee faster than someone shouting "FIRE!!") and he stops and turns to me.

He's biting his lip like he's trying to not talk, but all I can think is, gosh he looks so hot when he bites his lip like that.

His blush returns as he stops and as I realize that he heard that my face turns into a tomato. I immediately start to nervously fidget with my long hair.

"So, uh how did you find out about me?" He asks.

"Um... Well... Uh... IWasReallyBoredAndStartedThinkingAboutHowUnoriginalMostThoughtsAreAndBeingAMindReaderMustBeLikeBeingInALoudRoomFilledWithABunchOfUnoriginalConversationsAndHowOneMightGetBoredThenIWonderedIfMindReadingWasRealAndIfThereWasAnyInClassSoIDecidedToRandomlyScreamInternallyToSeeIfAnyoneFlinchedFromTheSuddenScreamAndWhenYouDidIThoughtItWasACoinicdenceSoIdecidedToRetestWithSomethingThatWouldMakeAPersonLookIfTheyHeard... So... Um... Yeah." I speedily said.

"Did you mean it?" He replied.

"Huh?" I stupidly question.

"Do you really like me?" He blushes.

My face heats up quickly as I hide behind my hair and mumble, "Y-yes, I do."

"Even now that you know my secret?" He says while rubbing the back of his neck and looking at the ground.

Aw he's so cute when he's shy. Who wouldn't like this boy he has a power that he could easily abuse and instead is one of the kindest people in this school. No wonder he always knows what everyone needs when they need it, whether it is a pencil or a friend, he's always there for everyone.

"I guess that answers my question," he chuckles slightly as my face again goes redder.

"I keep forgetting you can hear me," I blush.

His blush returns, "I'm sorry, I don't mean to invade your privacy, it's just sometimes it's hard for me to distinguish between people thinking and people talking, and sometimes I forget that not everyone can read minds so I forget to talk."

"It's okay, I sometimes get to nervous to talk, especially around you," I mumbled scarlet faced.

"I get nervous around you, too. Probably because I've had a crush on you, as well." He admits his face as red as mine.

Am I dreaming? Is this really happening to me?

"As far as I know no, you aren't dreaming; yes, it is happening; uh... AndWillYouGoOutWithMe?" He hurriedly says the last part.

"W-what was that last part?" I ask.

"Will you go out with me?" He questions after a deep breath.


"Okay, great, but we might want to work on the shouting otherwise I might not be able to hear anything, thought-wise or not," he laughs.

"Oops, sorry," I laugh as well.

We both head home after exchanging numbers with smiles on our faces.

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