6. Miraculous: Princess Justice

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This idea popped into my head so I decided to make a short story about it. This is what I want to happen if and when Marinette gets akumatized.


    "Wow, Mari, these designs are amazing." Alya said flipping through Marinette's design book while sitting on the steps of the school.

     "Thanks Alya, I based them off some of the akuma designs but made them more stylish and functional with the occasional formal one mixed in." Marinette replies.

      "Well, maybe you should give Hawkmoth some pointers as some of his designs are terrible." Alya laughs setting Marinette's designbook down.

      Soon the girls were giggling and discussing some of Hawkmoth's terrible designs, when Adrien and Nino walked over.

     "What's so funny?" Adrien asked.

    "Hi, Adrien me tere walking about Mawkhoth's waffle designs. Uh, I m-mean we were talking about Hawkmoth's awful designs, you probably already know how awful Hawkmoth's designs are after all your dad's a famous fashion designer and you always look amazing, uh, I-I mean his designs look amazing! So, uh, yeah!" Marinette stammered blushing.

      Adrien laughs and looks fondly at Marinette (totally like friends look at each other because they are just friends), "Yeah, Hawkmoth's designs are pretty bad."

      "At least, you dudes don't have to see yourself in one of those awful outfits when you go the wax figure exhibit. Alya at least got a good outfit," Nino joined in.

       Marinette's eyes widened in realization, "I PROMISED MY PARENTS I'D HELP THE BAKE FOR MANON'S BIRTHDAY PARTY."

       Marinette runs off leaving her design book behind Adrien notices it and points to it, "What's that?"

       Alya looks to where he was pointing, shakes her head, and sighs, "That's Marinette's design book. I swear that girl would forget her head if it wasn't attached."

      The Gorilla pulled up and Adrien picked up Marinette's design book, "It looks like I have to go, I'll give ths back to Marinette tomorrow. "

       Adrien gets into the car and the Gorilla drives off.


        Adrien and Gabriel sit at opposite ends of the dining table. Gabriel notices that Adrien keeps flipping through a book on the table.

        "What is that you're looking at, Adrien," Gabriel asks his voice and his usual cold tone.

       "Oh, it's my good friend Marinette's design book, she accidentally left it behind and I'm going to give it back to her tomorrow. She wants to be a fashion designer and her designs are amazing, she took inspiration from some akuma design concepts and turned them into functional casual wear and even some formal wear," Adrien praises.

       "Adrien, Kagami is here to take you to your fencing lesson," Natalie says as she enters the room.

      Adrien nods and leaves the mansion leaving Marinette's design book on the dining table. Gabriel walks over to Marinette's design book and starts flipping through some of her designs. A sinister smirk grows on his face.

     "Natalie, call Nadja and tell her she can have an exclusive sneak preview have some of my new designs."


      "Tikki, have you seen my design book," Marinette says grabbing some thread.

      "You probably left it with Alya earlier today," Tikki giggles.

      "You're probably right I'll just finish up the stitching on this," She gestures to a half finished top, "as I watch the news, hopefully there won't be an akuma attack."

       She turns on her tv and starts to thread the needle. Nadja quickly appeared on screen.

       "Don't be bemused it's just the news. Earlier today esteemed fashion designer, Gabriel Agreste, gave this channel a exclusive sneak preview of his new designs. These are the first new designs Gabriel has produced since his wife's mysterious disappearance. Here are some pictures of his new designs."

      Marinette looked over as the footage cut to the designs, her designs. She wanted to cry, from anger or hurt she didn't know which, her idol in the fashion world, somehow got a hold on her designs and were claiming them as his own.

      "Marinette calm down," Tikki pleaded only for it to fall on deaf ears.

        This wasn't fair. This wasn't right. At that moment every lie and injustice Marinette had ever face flashed through her mind as she watched her designs be claimed by the man who was her favorite designer. Soon an akuma entered her room heading towards the needle in her hand.

      "Marinette, please calm down," Tikki begged.

       The akuma disappeared into the needle and the butterfly mask formed around Marinette's eyes.

      "Princess Justice, your whole life people have lied and left you with injustices, now is your time to bring justice to them." Hawkmoth said sweetly.

        "No, I won't help you!" Marinette screamed trying to fight the akuma's power.

        "This isn't the first time people have claimed your hard work as theirs or lied about you. You can finally serve them the justice they deserve! All I ask from you is Ladybug and Chat Noir's miraculouses."

      "NO!" She holds her head in her hands trying to expel his voice from her head.

       "I can feel your pent up pain from years of being bullied, months of not being noticed by your crush, people like XY stealing your designs, your idol stealing your designs and claiming them as his own, and your friends not believing you when others lie about you. I can give you the power to bring justice to all the liars and harm doers." He persuades.

       The last two examples cause Marinette to break down in tears allowing Hawkmoth to finally take control. Marinette clothes transformed into a beautiful white dress, similar to one of the few pieces of formal wear she designed based of Befana's minions, but with more of a Greek goddess feel. Her sewing needle grew into a sword. Her hair unraveled and a blindfold covered her eyes. A crown and balance scale completed the look. The design was clearly a reference to the figure of Lady Justice herself.

        As Marinette transformed Tikki, who had been trying to get Marinette to hear her over Hawkmoth, flew out the window to Adrien's house.

        In the few minutes it took for Tikki to fly to the Agreste mansion the akuma alert had sounded.

       Adrien had just returned from fencing practice when the alarm sounded. He got to his room right as Tikki did.

      "Tikki? What are you doing here? Is Ladybug in trouble?" Adrien asked fearfully.

       "No, no, she's fine, she's just, uh, at her cousin's wedding and can't leave so she sent me to help you out with the akuma attack," Tikki said nervously.

       "Did I hear my sugar cube?" Plagg emerged out of Adrien's bag eating a wedge of camembert.

      "There's an akuma attack and Ladybug isn't able to help so it's up to us." Adrien told Plagg.

        Plagg as pops the last bit of camembert in his mouth, "Ok, I'm ready."

         "PLAGG CLAWS OUT!"

         Plagg gets sucked into Adrien's ring. Adrien's sweet smile is replaced by Chat Noir's smirk. His mask is the first thing to transform followed closely by his hair and ears. Soon his hands are claws and his belt is a tail and his entire body is leather clad.

        "So any information on the akuma?" Chat asked Tikki.

       "Well, I really don't know much yet, just the akuma is called Princess Justice." Tikki said.

      "Ok, well, let's go," Chat said opening his window.

      They traveled by rooftop to catch up to Princess Justice who had made her way across Paris judging people as innocent or guilty. The innocent would be left alone while the guilty were sentenced/forced to do a punishment fitting their crime; few were found innocent.

      "CHLOE BOURGEOIS, I FIND YOU GUILTY OF BEING CRUEL AND SELFISH. I SENTENCE YOU TO SERVE THE COURT," Princess Justice bellowed pointing her sword at Chloe. Chloe became her minion, as a beam from Princess  Justice's sword struck her, and fell in line behind Princess Justice, who floated above the ground.

       Chat Noir hid behind part of the roof he was on, knowing he didn't have enough information to fight Princess Justice yet and knowing he couldn't just distract her until Ladybug came and save the day today.

        "Let's see what we're up against," Chat said pulling out his baton to view the news footage, " let's rewind it to a bit before the alert sounded so we get the complete idea of what happened when the alert was sounded."

       He started the video making sure Tikki could see the screen too, not not knowing the kwami knew exactly who was akumatized and why.

       The video started what pictures of Marinette's designs with the tagline "Sneak Peek of Gabriel Agreste's New Designs." Then before the piece was finished the alert sounded. It didn't take long to put the pieces together.

      "Oh, father what have you done," Chat mumbles sounding more like Adrien than Chat Noir, "Why did you claim Marinette's designs?"

      "I'm sure he didn't mean to he probably just got his design book and your friend's design book confused," said the ever positive Tikki.

      "Yeah, it was probably an accident," he said sounding unconvinced, "How am I going to do this without Ladybug?"

       "Hey, you can do this. You are a great Chat Noir. A lot better than Plagg's previous holders. I believe we can purify the akuma together." Tikki reassures.

        "What do you mean by better than his previous holders?" Chat asks confused.

         Tikki hesitates, "Let's just say my holders and Plagg's weren't always on the same team in the past."

        "Oh," the realization makes his ear droop.


           Princess Justice's words bring their minds back to the moment at hand.

          "Where do you think the akuma is?" Chat asked looking at Princess Justice.

         "Look! Her sword looks like a sewing needle," Tikki exclaims.

         "That must be where the akuma is then. We've got to hurry it seems like she's heading towards my house."

          "Be careful not to get hit," Tikki warns.

          Chat brings himself into view and makes his presence known.

           "It's a bit rude to judge people, ya' know," he taunts grabbing her attention. 

           "WHERE'S YOUR OWNER LITTLE KITTY, IT'S ILLEGAL FOR PETS TO BE OFF THEIR LEASH," Princess Justice laughs pointing her needle sword at him.

           "Let's not make hasty judgments," he quips as he dodges the beam.


         He manages to slip away from them as they end up near the river with more civilians present. She is quick to judge other civilians and find "crimes" that justify severing the court. Tikki who had been by his side, yet seemingly unnoticed had a worried expression.

        "That was close," she stated, "What should we do now?"

         "How about a lucky charm to help us out?"

         Tikki nods knowing it was time. "LUCKY CHARM!"

         A red guitar pick covered in black spots materializes from thin air and falls in to Chat Noir's hands.

        He looked around trying to come up with an idea. Then he noticed how before sentencing someone Princess Justice's scale would shift from one side to the other, then it would stay still with the tray labeled guilty staying down.

      "We need to find someone who she deems as innocent to distract her while I take her sword," he said in realization.

       "But who she's finding everyone guilty," Tikki pointed out.

        Chat looked at the guitar pick in his hand he needed someone who Marinette could never find having done anything wrong to her. Suddenly he got it.

        "Follow me," he said to Tikki heading towards a boat house further down the river.

         Luka was playing his guitar when Chat came to him.

         "Chat Noir? What are you doing here?" Luka stops playing and looks up at his visitor.

          "I don't have a lot of time to explain, but you're friend Marinette has been akumatized and I think you can help." Chat tells him.

         "What do I need to do?" Luka asks determination set on his face.

         Chat quickly explains the plan and Luka readily agrees. Together they head towards Princess Justice.

          "What about me, Marinette?" Luka calls standing in the open, "Am I innocent or guilty?"

          Princess Justice turned to him her blindfolded gaze looking him over. Her scale shifting back and forth between innocent and guilty barely staying on guilty for a second each time and lingering on innocent. It was clear some part of her wanted him to be guilty of something, but she couldn't find anyting for him to be guilty of. Chat Noir took his opportunity and snuck up behind her.

           Finally the scale stayed on innocent, "LUKA COFFAINE YOU ARE -"

          "CATACLYSM!" Chat Noir cuts her off as his hand touches her needle sword.

          The needle breaks and a black and purple little butterfly flies out. Tikki rise up and catches the akuma and her little hands holding it tight.

         "No more evil doing for you, little butterfly," Tikki says as the akuma glows white in her hands; purified.

         Marinette detransformers into herself and Luka rushes over to comfort her. As Chat Noir hands guitar pick the Tikki so she can set everything right.

         "MIRACULOUS LADYBUG!" The little kwami shouts that she throws guitar pick into the air, and magic white butterflies make everything normal again.

         "Thanks for your help today, Tikki. Pound it?" Chat says offering a fist bump to the kwami.

         Tikki gladly places her small hand next to his in a fist bump. Chat Noir's ring flashes and loses one part of the paw print.

           "Looks like I have to go, and you should probably go find Ladybug now too," he says to Tikki before taking off.

          Chat Noir runs a bit away before turning back and looking at Luka comforting Marinette. It hurt him to see her hurting like that, and he had a strange urge to be where Luka was; comforting her. But he realized he needed to confront his father so she wanted to be in pain any longer. With that thought in mind he dashed off to his house.


      "You may have won this one, but justice will soon be mine," Hawkmoth said as his window closed leaving him in darkness.

        "Dark wings fall," he said as soon as the window was fully closed. Gabriel put back on his ascot and quickly made his way back to his study just in time to hear a knock at the door.

          Sitting down at his desk he called out, "Come in."

         "Father," Adrien said as he tentatively opened the door.

          "Yes," was the cold reply.

          "I think you might have mixed up my friend's design book and your own, because you showed her designs tonight," Adrien said shyly.

          Gabriel made a show of getting up from his desk and going over to two nearly identical design notebooks, the only difference what's a pink M decorating the front of one, and looking through them.

          "It appears you're right, I wouldn't want Gabriel Agreste brand tainted by amateur work. That is all, you are dismissed," Gabriel said in a voice showing a hint of disgust.

           Adrien quickly left the room biting back comment at his father's words, only saying a meek, "Yes sir."

          The next before school the retraction piece was published calling Marinette's designs amateur, Marinette only minded that little bit, mostly just happy her designs weren't being plagiarized.

          When everyone arrived at school Adrien quickly handed Marinette back her design book and apologized for his father's mistake.

           "For what it's worth, I think your designs are really great," he said before heading to class.


This is what I picture Princess Justice's out fit as:

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