7. Miraculous: Luka meeting Lila

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So the above post made me think of how Luka would react finding out about Lila bullying Marinette.
Found on pinterest.


        Marinette started the day excited to spend with her friends on Anarka's house boat that was until someone decided to invite Lila Rossi.

        "Come on girl, give Lila some slack," Alya chides after Marinette pulled her away from the group wanting to know why Lila had come.

        "She tried to get me expelled," Marinette reminds her friend.

        "Look girl, I still not sure what happened with that or how the answers sheet got in your backpack or how Lila's necklace got in your locker, and maybe Lila thought you pushed her when she fell down the steps, I wasn't there I'm not sure what happened, but she was just as much a victim as you were in that scenario," Alya dismisses Marinette's words.

         Marinette sighs silently in the defeat. Alya didn't know about Lila threatening Marinette and whenever Marinette tried to tell Alya about Lila, Alya was always quick to dismiss Marinette. Lila had the whole school wrapped around her finger from the second she walked in the door.

        Well almost a whole school, it seemed the only ones immune to Lila's lies were Marinette and Adrien. And even then Marinette had to reveal Lila's lies as Ladybug for Adrien to believe her.

         Sometimes Marinette just wished she could expose all of Lila's lies to everyone, but Adrien was right exposing Lila won't make her a better person.

         I'll just avoid her today, Marinette thought knowing that was easier said than done.

          "And then Prince Ali let me fly in his helicopter as we went to the Jagged Stone concert," Lila tells Rose and Juleka.

          "That's so amazing!" Rose gushes hearing her celebrity crush's name.

           "I'm just going to sit over here and work on some new designs for the band," Marinette says as Alya left her going back to the group not hearing Marinette.

        Marinette sat down as her friends were wooed by Lila's lies and began sketching designs. The pencil being gripped tighter than usual and the lines of her sketch darker than others.

         Marinette would hang out with Luka, but Anarka had asked him run some errands and he hasn't gotten back yet.

         "And one time Clara Nightengale invited me to a spa day after I returned her microphone, which slipped out of her hand on stage, lucky I was there to catch it," the lie rolled off the other girl's tongue with an accompanying laugh that was fake as the event.

           The pencil tip snaps smudging the dark lines of a smirking fox-like mask with horns that Marinette barely registered that she was sketching. No one seems to notice her irritation as she moves further from the group to calm herself down.

            Marinette soon found herself heading below deck to the bathroom to calm down and talk to her kwami.

            "Tikki how am I going to deal with being around Lila's lies all day?" Marinette sighs.

             "Well at least she isn't telling lies about you, today. Maybe once Luka gets back it will be easier to ignore her," The kwami reassures.

              "You're right Tikki. Thanks, I honestly don't know what I'd do without you sometimes," Marinette smiles holding Tikki in her hands gently before placing her kwami in her purse again.

             With a renewed resolve to ignore manipulative, attention seeking, phony Marinette goes back above deck.

            Stepping onto the upper deck the first thing Marinette noticed was Luka had gotten back.

           He was standing by his sister as Lila talked and Rose seemed to be adding on with animated hand gestures most likely recanting the amazing stories Lila had previously told.

            The thing Marinette found most interesting about the scene in front of her was Luka's facial expression. It wasn't the small, soft, and understanding smile she usually saw him wear, nor was it the entrapped look of awe most people had hearing hearing Lila's lies. No, his face was almost neutral except for the slight downward slant of his lips and the barely noticable furrow of his brows.

             As Marinette sat back down, Luka noticed her.

             "It was nice meeting you, Lila, but Marinette and I have some band things to discuss," he said in a calm polite tone, though it sounded slightly forced to Marinette's ears.

              Hearing this statement Marinette looked at the group just in time to see a sour look on Lila's face as Luka started to walk away from the group; the look quickly vanished before any of the others noticed. Marinette didn't know whether to smirk at Lila's displeasure or to roll her eyes at the fact no else noticed.

           "We should probably head somewhere else to focus," Luka told Marinette.

             She agreed and followed him below deck to his room.

              As they sat on his bed, Marinette realized his eyebrows were still slightly furrowed.

             "What's wrong?" she said, her own eyebrows furrowing.

               Luka looked at her then sighed before saying, "It's just that, that Lila girl sounds like XY's music."

               Seeing the Marinette tilt her head and her eyebrows furrow deeper Luka continued, "Everyone has a certain song or sound to them, like yours is soft, slow, pure, and beautiful. But hers sounds fake and manufactured like it's not real music, like how XY's music is; it's mind-numbing enough to make people believe it's good, but it's not really. There's no melody, no real tune, it's just noise. When she talks it sounds like someone put the lyrics of a song in a random order to the point where they don't have any real meaning."

             "You see through her facade," Marinette barely said the words her eyes wide, amazed someone else had caught on to the other girl's lies.

              "You don't like her, but the others seem to love her," Luka said it as a statement not as a question, but Marinette knew he wanted to know more just as surely as she knew that he would wait for her to tell him if she wanted to and not push her to tell him.

               "No, I don't," she began, "she's a liar, and I'm one of the few people to see through her lies."

                Luka sat quietly, listening, waiting for her to go on if she chose to. She smiled before continuing.

                "When she first came to our school it was minor lies saying she knew many celebrities and that Ladybug had saved her and that she was Ladybug's best friend," Marinette couldn't resist rolling her eyes at the memory.

        "That was what made me suspicious of her, why would a superhero who saves Paris everyday take time to be best friends with a civilian knowing the civilian could get hurt due to their friendship, especially when that civilian was brand-new to Paris at the time," Marinette chose her words very carefully as to not reveal the fact that she knew without a doubt that Ladybug had never saved Lila at that point and that the heroine and the girl were not friends.

           "I expressed my suspicions to Alya, but she thought I was just jealous because Lila has taken an interest in Adrien," she couldn't help but blush at the mention of the boy she couldn't get out of her heart despite her pain.

            "I knew she was lying, so I followed her and Adrien,"again her cheeks went pink, "to the park where I con- uh saw Ladybug confront Lila about lying about knowing her. Lila ran off crying, I'm not sure they were real tears looking back, Adrien politely told Ladybug off for being so harsh and I left. Later that day Lila was akumatized, but before anyone realized she was an akuma she convinced nearly everyone she was a superhero more powerful than a meteor. Even akumatized she was a liar. The next day I was going to expose her when she was lying to my friends, but Adrien talked me out of it."

                "She was gone from school for a little bit, but she video chatted with the class on Heroes Day. I tried to get her to trip up as she spun her lies about being at a guest of Prince Ali, but she was prepared for my questions. She came back to school shortly after that. She convinced everyone she had a hearing problem a got the entire seating chart moved around, I had to sit in the back. She also said she had a wrist issue. I tried to prove to my friends she was lying, but anything I tried she improvised her way out of it, making people who have known me since kindergarten look at me like they didn't know me."

                 Marinette looked up to see Luka still listening to her without any sign of disbelief. She knew the few parts would upset him, but it felt so good to have someone else believe her and not take Lila's word over hers.

                "Now remember this all happened in the past so there's no point in getting upset over something that happened a while ago," she said looking at his confused face as he nodded before she continued.

                 "We bumped into each other in the bathroom. She tried fake crying asking me why I was so mean to her. I told her I knew she was lying, but just couldn't prove it; her tears stopped immediately and she told me I seemed smarter than the others. She said I was either with her or against her and if I was against her she would make me lose all my friends; she gave me to the end of the day to decide. I almost got akumatized that day, but managed to calm down before that happened. I don't know what happened to that akuma."

             That wasn't the complete truth of course, but she couldn't say her kwami calmed her down before Lila got akumatized seemingly on purpose. Looking at Luka, he seemed upset at the mention of Lila's threat.

                "Later that day, after the seating issue went back to its original way, I told her I wasn't afraid of her as she reiterated her threat. She told me I made the wrong choice and that she make me lose my friends I ignored her and chose to avoid her as much as possible. A few weeks ago we had a test, I studied hard and got a good grade, Lila told Mrs. Bustier that I had an answer sheet and she planted on in my bag. I tried to confront her, but no one believed me because she got the lowest score of the class. We were sent to the principal office. She confessed on the way, smugly, before she walked down the stairs, laid down, and started calling out like she was in pain."

                She could see Luka getting more upset. She didn't want him to get akumatized because he got angry on her behalf again. So she rest her hand on his shoulder and reminded him, "This all happened weeks ago and she hasn't bothered me since. Plus she's not worth getting akumatized over."

               He nodded and she waited a few minutes for him to calm down a little before continuing.

             "When she started yelling, the principal came out of his office and Lila claimed I pushed her. She kept her act up as my parents were brought in. When her lie about me pushing her down the stairs was give another explanation she said I stole a necklace from her and that it was in my locker. At the time all the girls were in the locker room, and when the necklace fell out of my locker everyone was shocked. That's when the red akumas came in. I was being framed and about to get expelled, my mom angry no one believed me, and nearly everyone else in the room angry because they thought I betrayed their trust. Scarlet Moth had us all, but something happened we were all released from his hold. I was expelled for a few days before Lila decided to take back her lies, and she hasn't bothered me since. I'm not sure what happened with Scarlet Moth or what made Lila change her mind."

               "Well Marinette, I'm sorry that you had to go through that especially with no one believing you. If you ever feel like no one is listening to you or believing you again, come talk to me I'll aways listen and believe you," Luka said with a small smile.

                "Thank you, Luka," Marinette said softly returning his smile.

                 The two sat in a comfortable silence before Marinette spoke again changing the topic, "So, uh, I was thinking about something new mask designs for Kitty Section."

                Just like that the subject was dropped. The pair spent the rest of the day together talking about band designs and had even managed a guitar lesson.

              After a while Sabine called Marinette and asked her to come home for dinner. Marinette said goodbye to Luka and her friends before she was on her way home.

              When Marinette left Luka rejoined the group. Soon Alya left to babysit her siblings while their parents went out on date night, and it was just the Coffaine siblings, Rose, and Lila.

               Rose and Juleka went off to the side to work on new song lyrics and bass chords leaving Lila next to Luka.

              "We didn't get a chance to meet properly earlier I'm Lila. Oh my gosh is that a Jagged Stone t-shirt, you know he once–."

               "Save your lies for someone else," Luka interrupted.

                "What?! Whatever Marinette told you about me is a lie she's just jealous of me," Lila's tone was shocked and offended.

                "Marinette has no reason to be jealous of you. She is amazing, beautiful, talented, and she actually knows Jagged. Besides I had a bad feeling about you before Marinette confirmed it," Luka spoke in his usual calm manner.

                 "Fine, you caught me what are you going to do about it? Tell your sister and her friends because they'll just think Marinette turned you against me. It's obvious you like her and it wouldn't be that far of a stretch, that she convinced you to hate me like she does," gone was the shocked and offended tone and in its place was a smug one.

                 "No I'm not going to expose you. I'm just letting you know that I will always be in Marinette's corner. And one of these days the truth will come out, but it won't be for me," Luka said with finality.

                 Lila scoffed and rolled her eyes, "I've already gotten a similar speech from Adrien. What is with Marinette managing to get both of you against me so easily."

                 "Marinette tells the truth. And she doesn't know about this conversation and I believe she doesn't know about the similar conversation you had with Adrien that you mentioned. And as for my reasons for being on Marinette side you're right I do like her, I'm not sure about Adrien's reasons, but those are mine. Now I'm going to go work on the guitar chords for the new song with my sister and Rose," with that Luka stood and walked away.

             Soon after Lila left knowing Marinette had one more person in her corner willing to always believe her, and Lila was not happy about it.

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