Kate Monologue

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Genre: Monologue/Fiction


Students, I want you to think back on everything you’ve done in your life. Is it everything you’d have hoped? Well, I hope it’s better than mine once was. You’ve all heard of the famous lawyer sweeping the country, Elle Woods? Well, I once went to school with her. It was actually because of me that she got into Harvard, that she even passed her LSATs. We may have both been a part of the Delta Nu sorority but I was very different from the other girls. We got along, but they were always more party people than I ever was. I was always just the bookworm who helped people study. 

When Elle got into Harvard, she was so excited, and I was along with her! But, I never saw her in person after that. She went on to get over her crush on Warner and found her true calling in being a lawyer.I had applied to Harvard that year just to prove I was as good as her but was rejected. So when the Delta Nus went to her graduation I didn’t even bother, it wasn’t like I was invited, anyway. Everyone had forgotten about me. 

Elle went on to marry Emmet, another lawyer like her, and they now have two kids. Meanwhile,  I stayed here to care for my sick Mother in college and came back for another four years to become a teacher here. I know I had missed my opportunity to “truly live” as they say, and just settled down alone to teach at UCLA. 

It’s because of my experiences that I teach the way I do. I never want any of you to miss a single opportunity you may regret later in life. So I say to you this: never say no to an opportunity you may get to have fun. In the grand scheme of things grades don’t really matter, just how lively you are and what you do with your life. Don’t live your life holed up in the library when you graduate in two months like I did, have fun and live your life to the fullest. You’ll regret it if you don’t.

This was a fictional monologue I wrote from Kate's POV in Legally Blonde The Musical. It was an assignment at school since this is the musical and though I wanted Vivienne I got Kate. I had to write a monologue for my character from their perspective of the show. This really helps me understand her character and grow closer to her. Btw if you don't know her listen to the song "What You Want" Kate helps Elle study for her LSATs and get into Harvard but isn't seen after that until bows so I came up with this. Hope you like!

~ Spirit

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