Sisterly Love

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Genre: Love/drama/romance

Date: 8-6-20

A slim girl with medium length blond hair ran out of the building and down the beach. Tears streamed from her crystal blue eyes as she ran. Her sandals were slowing her down so she kicked them off and kept going.

"Crystal!" A voice called from behind her.

Crystal ignored the voice and just kept running. She spotted a small cave ahead and ran inside. Hopefully no one would find her in here.

She just wanted to get away from it all. After being invited on True Love, Crystal had thought she could finally find her other half. It had gone so wrong, though. The girl had ended up falling in love with two different people, and she was forced to choose between them.

Asher was the guy who she'd chosen since the first round. All of America seemed to love the couple, at least that's what everyone kept saying. They had competed together, played matchmaker together, and even had a few romantic dates.

Camilla was the girl who owned True Love, she'd created the show. Camilla and Crystal had been super close when they were little but after a tragic accident, they were separated. The two feel some sort of special connection, though. It's like their souls have known each other forever. They were a Forbidden couple, but always snuck off together.

Asher had found out about Crystal and Camilla, and was heartbroken. He and Camilla then decided that Crystal should finally choose which one of them she really wanted.

Crystal pulled her legs up to her chest and wept. She couldn't possibly choose between the two of them, she love them both so much with the same passion.

Footsteps entered the small cave and approached Crystal. She ignored them, what could she do? She didn't want to hurt anyone.

When the person sat beside Crystal and put an arm around her, the girl looked up to see her love coach, Ashley. Ashley had been there by Crystal's side ever since the blond had chosen her to be her coach. Her light brown eyes were full of concern.

"Ashley, I can't take it anymore! I can't choose between them, I love them both too much! It pains me to hurt them, they deserve to be happy." Crystal said , tears still flowing down her face but a bit slower than before. She felt slightly relieved that Ashley was here.

Ashley shook her head. "Girl, listen. You need to start thinking about what you want. You deserve to be happy just as much as those two do."

Crystal sniffed. "But how can I be happy if I hurt one of them? I can't choose both of them."

"Look, life isn't all about finding your soulmate. I know what this show is about, but real life is different. You don't have to choose either of them if this decision is too hard, I'm sure they'll both understand. They both want to be with you but they also care so much that they want you to be happy, too." Ashley replied.

Crystal looked up at Ashley, surprise lighting up her face. She was right, they could all be happy, couldn't they? "Are you sure? I feel like Camilla and I are soulmates but I can imagine a perfect life with Asher. Could I really just tell them it's too big a decision and they would be okay with it?"

Ashley nodded. "If they don't, then you'll know it wasn't meant to be. The only people who matter in life are the people who stick by you and support you no matter what."

Crystal smiled. "Like you?"

Ashley laughed. "Yeah, like me. We're more than just mentor-and-apprentice now. We're best friends, or maybe even something like sisters."

Crystals eyes widened. "You would want to be my older sister?" She was an only child, but had always longed for an older sibling.

Ashley gave her a warm smile. "As long as you want me to be."

Crystal threw her arms around Ashley, embracing her in a hug. Out of every moment she'd spent here, this was her favorite. No stress, no worry, just thankfulness and the love of family to hold you together.

"Thank you." The blond whispered.

Ashley hugged her new sister back, smiling. Her black hair mixed with Crystal's blond and looked beautiful in the light of the moon.

"Always." Ashley whispered back.

So this story was a bit different. I was trying to show you that dating someone isn't everything, there are other kinds of love, too. Family is forever, and the bond between siblings can be stronger than any other relationship. ~ Spirit

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