Wolf in the Wild

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The night was lit only by the full moon in the sky. A wolf stalked through the lush undergrowth of the forest, searching for the root of an enticing scent: the scent of a deer. Coming to a small clearing, it saw the deer. Luckily and surprisingly, the deer was alone and seemed smaller than most. The wolf ran head on for the deer. Unlike other hunters who liked to stalk their prey, wolves would much prefer to chase their prey down.

The deer was alerted and fled, but was no match for the vicious apex predator. The wolf chased after its prey and quickly overtook the deer. Tackling it down, the wolf sank its teeth into the deer’s neck until it went limp.

The wolf bent its head to pick up the prey and slowly began the way back to its den. This deer would make a perfect meal for a hungry family. Usually the wolf would hunt with its mate, but she was back at the den with the pups.

As the wolf padded through the dark forest, the deer trailing beside it, a loud rustling in the undergrowth was heard. The wolf faced the direction of the noise, growling while keeping hold of the deer.

A small grizzly burst out of the undergrowth, rising to its hind paws and eyeing the deer intently. The bear seemed frailer than most, and definitely wasn’t full grown. The grizzly bounded towards the wolf and swiped with its large paw, claws extended. The wolf had to drop the deer to dodge, but still got knocked away. The wolf shook itself off and dashed back to the deer, storing it in a clump of bushes.

The grizzly went for the bushes where the deer was hidden and the wolf intercepted it. The wolf dashed in and nipped at the grizzly’s paws before darting away. The grizzly chased after the wolf who continued to run, leading the grizzly away. The wolf nipped at the small grizzly to keep it engaged but eventually the bear gave up and fled. The wolf returned to where the deer was stashed and dragged it out. Panting, the wolf headed back to its den.

The wolf dragged the deer through the now brightening forest. An orange glow spread through the forest as the wolf approached a dark hole in the ground. The wolf set the deer down and called out a gentle whine inside. Five young wolf pups emerged along with an adult female. The wolf nuzzled its family and they all dug into the deer carcass together.

Prompt: Description piece; nonfiction, only focus on description

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