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*This story was inspired by an event that occured in high school. It is not based on true life story though.

Disclaimer:// This story has an entirely different setting.

I want to back out My Lady. I'm no longer interested in this life. How dare you make such a demand.
Remember our gifts are never for free you should have thought of this first.
But....but what Princess?
You should have  been smarter.

There is no turning back once you are a member of the society.

Besides you will be the next in command after I join my ancestors and you should know that I would never die knowing full well that our Kingdom is not in the right hands.

" Ermm.. you can take another Princess My Lady.I'm ready to give up the Crown."

"Be silent before I lose it. Do you know the disgrace you have brought upon me by saying that. How could that thought even cross your mind in the first place?

Do you think we'll do enstoolment and  instoolment of Queens here?

By the way, what at all do you want? A miserable life? Or death?"

"None of the above my Lady. None of these."

"Name it then! Hurry up, my patience is running out."

"I'm in...... I'm in love..... ( jumping and dancing)

This calls for celebration then.
"No oo... no... no.... I'm in love with a mortal."


I'm not ready to give him up my lady even if it means exposing this Kingdom to the Mortal world










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