HTTYD: Gender Swapped

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Gender Swapped

(This story was inspired by fanofeverything25. I am doing my own story and I hope it is okay. This takes place in Race to the Edge and it takes place during the period between seasons 4 and 5.)

It was another day at Dragon's Edge. The dragon riders were going about their usual activities: Fishnalegs was researching, the twins, Tiff and Riff, were coming up with a new prank, Snatlout was probably doing something Snatlout, Ashtrin was working on some new defense tactics, and Hicca was flying with Toothless.

(Their clothes are mostly the same with some small modifications. Ashtrin doesn't wear a spiked-skirt and Snatlout has a shirt under her vest.)

And speaking of flying, Hicca and Toothless were flying to an island they had seen on one of their previous flights and decided to check it out. Seeing a clearing in a forest, Toothless dives down and Hicca gets off the saddle. "Well, what do say, bud?" Hicca asks. Toothless sniffs the air and hears for any trouble, but nothing. He gives her a huff in approaval. "Perfect. Let's see what we can find here." She says. She starts walking and Toothless walks next to her.

They see some Terrible Terrors playing and continue on. After a while of walking on foot, Hicca finds a dragon scale on the ground. She kneels down and picks it up, inspecting it closely. "Huh, what do you think, bud? Friend or foe?" She asks Toothless. The Night Fury gives it a sniff but then growls at it. "So, not a friend. But this scale is rather unique. It's got like a glossy feel to it." Hicca notes, feeling the scale with her fingers.

But what she didn't know was that the owner of the dragon was watching her and Toothless from the shadows. It's bright yellow eyes focusing on the Viking more than the dragon. Toothless senses something than starts to growl while getting into a defensive stance. Hicca feels tension and stands up as she looks around. "No sudden moves." She whispers.

It was quiet for a moment until a dragon rushed out of the bushes. It ran straight at them and Toothless fired a plasma blast. But as it made impact, the dragon kept charging and knocks Toothless back. "Toothless!" Hicca calls out and runs towards him, but the other dragon blocked her way. Hicca got a good look at the new dragon. It was slightly larger than Toothless but was slimmer, had a spear-shaped head, along with having wings that looked like a Razorwhip's, has for legs, a long tail with sharp tip at the end, and had bright yellow eyes. But its skin was covered in shiny black scales that could be mistaken for obsidian.

Hicca raises a hand to show she's not a threat. "It's okay. We're not going to hurt you." She softly tells it. The glossy dragon slowly approaches her and sniffs her outstretched hand. Hicca thought it was all good until the dragon started flying and grabbed her by the shoulders. "Hey! This isn't why I meant! TOOTHLESS!" She calls out to her dragon companion, but Toothless was hit pretty hard and tried to stay awake but went unconscious.

Back at Dragon's Edge, Ashtrin was on Stormfly as the two flew around the island to find two certain someones. They looked all over to find them but couldn't. They head to Fishnalegs' hut to get some answers. He opens the hut to find the large woman with her nose in a book. "Fishnalegs!" Ashtrin calls out. The woman called for jumps a little in surprise but recovers and turns her attention to the strong blonde male. "Oh, hey Ashtrin. What do you need?" She asks him, putting down the book. "Have you seen Hicca? I want to talk to them about something." Ashtrin asks. Fishnalegs shakes her head, "Nope. Sorry." But than a lightbulb went off in her head, "Oh, wait! Hicca told me she and Toothless would be visiting a new island." She remembers.

"Really? How she didn't ask me to come with?" Ashtrin asks. Don't get him wrong, he trusts Hicca but that girl gets herself into a lot of trouble when she's on her own. I mean, she has Toothlwirh her , but it's a new island. "I'm sure Hicca and Toothless are okay." Fishnalegs says to try and calm Ashtrin. But the strong male still had a lingering feeling at the back of their skull. "When did they leave?" He asks, sternly. Fishnalegs thinks for a moment, "Four.... Hours ago." She answers slowly. Ashtrin's kind was made. "Get the other riders. We do know what this island has in stored." He commands.

The next time Hicca wakes up, she finds herself in a cave. She doesn't remember falling asleep and slowly sits up as she gets a good look. Sees a pile of fish bones and a cloth in a corner. She looks at the cloth with a raise brow but then hers growling and looks to find the dragon that had taken her. He slowly walks towards and Hicca sits upright, cautious of the dragon. The glossy dragon lowers its head and drops some fish and sticks it has in its mouth.

Hicca looks at the stuff then back to the dragon. The dragon then moves the sticks and jumbles them into a pile and releases a small blast, lighting the pile on fire. He saved on very long stick and nudges it Hicca. She looks at it then at the fish. "Oh. Is this for me?" She asks. The dragon, instead, walks off and settles itself near the cloth. It curls up and goes to sleep. Hicca watches but then hears her stomach growls and grabs the fish then pierces the stick through it. She holds it over the fire to cook it. She looks back at the dragon and looks around the cave then spots a drawing.

It was faded but it had a the dragon in it and something else. It looked like a person. Putting her meal down she carefully maneuvers to get a closer look at the drawing. Once she's close enough, she sees that it is the dragon, but also a person. This person was female and she bares some resemblance to Hicca. Long wild hair, a thin frame, but her top feature is her smile. It was small but has a lot of warmth behind it.

Hicca looks down in thought than at the dragon again. Did this dragon think she was the woman in the drawing?

With Ashtrin, he and the rest of the riders were heading to the island where Hicca and Toothless went to. Ashtrin was leading since Stormfly had the best tracking abilities. "Alright! Here's what we're going to do; Fishnalegs you take the east, Snatlout take the west, twins take north! We are finding those two!" He orders. "Um, Ashtrin, I'm not questioning you or your leadership, but don't you think you maybe overreacting a little?" Snatlout questions Ashtrin. The male just looks back at her with a glare. "Okay, okay! Jeez. You are so protective over her." She states.

"Im sure they're okay, Ashtrin!" Fishnalegs assures, maneuvering Meatleug to fly near Stormfly. Ashtrin says nothing but then Stormfly screeches and he looks to find the island. "Okay, gang, that's our island! Spread out!" No one questioned him and did as they were told. "How much you want to bet that Hicca was kidnapped by a dragon and is being given special treatment?" Tiffnut whispers to her brother. "I'd say two mackerels and a whole salmon." Riffnut replies.

Ashtrin looks down to try and find a trace but then hears a roar. "Stormfly." The Nadder follows the roaring and find Toothless. Stormfly lands and Ashtrin hops off her as Toothless rushes to him. It's okay, it's okay. Where's Hicca?" He asks. Toothless points his head upward and Ashtrin follows to find a mountain. He gets determined and hops on Toothless. "Let's go get her." He states and Toothless takes off with Stormfly following after the two.

Back with Hicca, she had her fill on fish and the dragon has awakened. Hicca remains quite to not disturb him and moves her head to look at the cloth again. The dragon notices and carefully carries it in his teeth and brings it to her. Hicca looks at the dragon as he lends it to her. She carefully takes it and inspect the cloth. It is a scarf and is very dirty. She looks at the dragon to then notice a scar on the right of its face. She lowers the cloth and reaches her hand out but the dragon pulls back a bit.

She pulls her hand back and takes a deep breath. She closes her eyes, turn her head away, and extends her arm. The dragon looks at it and after sniffing it, he leans into Hicca's hand. Hicca opens her eyes and looks at the dragon. She carefully moves her hand to inspect the scar. The glossy dragon leans a little into her touch and that's when it clicks.

The drawing of the woman, the scarf, the scar. The woman was killed and the dragon took her because she looks so much like her. Hicca pulls her hand back and the dragon opens it eyes. He looks at her with confusion. "Look, I know I look like her but I'm not her. And I have a home, friends, family, and I can't leave that all behind. I can't accept this." She gives back the scarf but the dragon look at it then at her in hesitation. "I know it's painful but there is lot more to life. Besides, she's with you now. The memories you made together will always be there." She says, giving the dragon a soft smile.

The dragon looks at her with realization in his eyes than takes the scarf back. He puts it near the drawing of him and the woman, giving a little muzzle to the drawing of the woman. He than walks to Hicca and scratches out a scale and nudges it to her. Hicca takes the scale and gives him a thankful look. But then roaring was heard and the two look to find Toothless and Stormfly enter the cave. Ashtrin gets off Toothless and pulls out his axe, ready to fight.

Hicca quickly got up, "Wait, Wait! It's okay. Everything is okay." She says. Toothless quickly runs to her and gives her a nuzzle, "I know, bud. I'm glad you're okay too." She comforts him. Ashtrin signals to Stormfly lower her guard and she obeys as he goes to Hicca. He gives her hug and she reciprocates. "I was worried. Why didn't you tell me you were going somewhere?" He questions her. Hicca scratches her head while also pocketing the scale she was gifted. "Sorry. You were busy and I didn't want to bother you." She answers. Ashtrin gives her a small smile. "Hey, you don't bother. But do t ever go alone to check a new island again, okay?" He tells her. Hicca shakes her head playfully. "Okay."

They share one more hug before getting onto their dragons. Ashtrin took off with Stormfly first and before Hicca and Toothless followed, the auburn-haired female looks back at the obsidian dragon and bows her head. The dragon gives her a bow back then the two left.

They meet up with the others as they make their way back to Dragon's Edge. "So, you're alive. I thought maybe you would have lost another leg." Snatlout quips. Hicca rolls her eyes and sees Fishnalegs, "What did you find?" She asks. Hicca feels her pocket and feels the scale than smiles. "A new friend." She answers simply. "And was this friend a dragon who treated you like royalty? I mean you are technically royalty, but don't have the big castle or the large puffy dresses-" Tiff was interrupted as Riff smacks her head. "Uh, hello? Why would someone like Hicca Haddock wear a dress?" He questions. The twins then started fighting. "Oh my Thor! Will you two shut up!" Snatlout complains.

Everything shares a laugh as they head back to the Edge. Hicca takes a deep breath, "What a day, huh, bud?" She mutters to Toothless. Who gives her an eye roll in return.

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