{>Can't Hide<}

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Note: The following story contains paranormal shadow animals.

The golden Labrador ran away from the burning house, its dark brown eyes wide with fear. It didn't dare look back.

It couldn't see as it was blinded with fear. Nothing could stop him from looking back. He ran into a forest, continuing to run. As he ran deeper into the forest, he tripped and tumbled over. He yelped in pain and struggled to get up.

He looked down at his paw, realizing that it was twisted badly. Oh come on! First my house burns down and now I have a twisted paw! He thought, frustration filling up inside him. Suddenly, something rustled in the bushes nearby.

He looked around the forest, his ears perked up in alert. He heard another rustle behind him and immediately got to his paws. He held his injured paw close to his body, looking through the forest with wide eyes.

Suddenly, he heard a loud howl and saw shadows moving towards him. He yelped, running away from the figures. He began to run awkwardly into the forest, the noises following him. 

His blood was pounding in his ears, his eyes wide with fear. He kept running, racing down a hill. He didn't stop going and refused to look over his shoulder. He zigzagged through the trees, the shadows continuing to follow him.

He suddenly tripped, tumbling down a hill. He yelped as he hit a tree on his stomach. He heard the noises growing closer. He tried to push himself to his paws, but he was too injured to do so. He panted, licking his injured paw.

A shadow loomed over him and he whipped around. A wolf bared its teeth at him, its red eyes gleaming in the darkness. The Labrador yelped, quickly trying to get up. He struggled to find his paws.

Finally, he managed to get up, his legs wobbling beneath him. The wolf moved closer to him, other wolves following behind the first. The Labrador's tail went between his legs, his body shaking with fear.

No! No! I'm going to die! He thought, whimpering in fear. He closed his eyes, realizing that he couldn't escape "Buddy! Where are you?" A voice called. He opened his eyes, looking towards the noise.

A human came running towards the top of the hill, two other dogs following behind. The human stared down at the injured dog "Buddy!" It exclaimed, running down the hill. The two other dogs followed.

The human immediately picked the dog up, its eyes wide with worry "Come on Buddy. Let's get you home." The human murmured to the dog. He looked back over the human's shoulder. The shadow wolves eyes dug into his skin and he flinched.

He turned back around, trying to ignore the shadow wolves.

We're coming for you, Buddy. We won't stop until you're dead...

Word count: 464

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