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This one is a prompt I found on Pintrest. So there may be something similar to it on wattpad. I hope you enjoy this, I put a lot of time into it!
My eyes shot open and I panicked for a moment before I remembered where I was. I'm in the hospital. I relaxed and leaned back into the pillow.

I was in a car accident a week ago. I was driving home from school when a drunk driver hit me. Two of my ribs were broken, my arm was fractured, and I had a minor concussion.
The seat belt had bruised my neck and stomach.

Ever since I arrived I have been having this strange dream. In the dream I was walking through a dark cave, then suddenly I was in a huge meadow. There were flowers everywhere and the sunset was beautiful. There was a little boy in the meadow too.

He would sit down beside me and we would talk for what felt like hours. He told me he was stuck there and couldn't leave. He begged me to help him get out so he could see his family. That was when I woke up.

I've never had recurring dreams like this before. The doctor says it could be caused by the concussion.

A few hours later the doctor came in.

"Okay Anna," He said "You aren't quite ready to go home. You will need to stay a couple more days so your ribs can properly heal."

I sighed and nodded. I desperately wanted to go home. I miss my family and my own bed. This hospital bed isn't comfortable.

"Your parents are downstairs in the cafeteria. Would you like to walk down and see them? Or would you like me to get a wheel chair?" He asked.

"Could you get the wheel chair please?" I asked. "I don't feel like walking today."

My ribs were a little sore. And I'm just lazy.

He helped me into the chair and instructed a nurse to wheel me downstairs.

On the way down I glanced into a couple rooms. In one room I saw a woman standing over a sleeping boy. She held his hand and dabbed the tears that were gathering in her eyes. The boy didn't even move. I looked away.

That night I had that dream again. This time I could see the boy's face a little more clearly.

"Please help me." He begged. His green eyes tearing up. "I need to get back to my family."

"I don't know how." I answered. "Why are you stuck here? How can I help?"

"I don't know why I'm here." He replied, his voice shaky. "I've been here for weeks."

I felt so sad. There is nothing I can do for him. He started to fade and I woke up.

When the nurse came later that morning I told her about my dream.

"It's probably just the brain damage making you have crazy dreams." She waved if off. "If it gets too serious the doctor might recommend you to a therapist."

"You're right." I said. "Probably just the concussion."

"Would you like me to get a wheel chair and take you downstairs to eat?" She offered.

"No thanks." I replied. "I'm feeling better. I think I'll walk today."

I slowly got up off the bed and made my way downstairs where my family would meet me for breakfast. Sometimes they would come up to my room to eat, but I preferred to go downstairs. I had made a few friends with a couple of the patients. The only time I saw them was when I went to the cafeteria.

On my way down I glanced into that room again. This time there was no one in there but the boy. He was still asleep. A vase full of roses sat in the windowsill. The boy was probably about six years old. He had an IV in his arm and a tube in his nose to help him breath.

I glanced at the door that had the patient's name written on it. Michael, it said.
I wonder what happened to him. He's so small. Why do bad things have to happen to innocent children?

I walked away from the room and headed to the cafeteria.

The next time I had the dream, the boy was more urgent.

"I'm so glad you're here!" He exclaimed. "It's been so lonely. Have you found a way to help me?"

"I don't know who you are. Or what you're doing here." I told him.

"My name is Michael." He replied. "I don't know why I'm here either. I've been here since the car accident."

I gasped. His name is Michael?

"I was going to the beach with my dad." He said sadly. "Then another car hit us head on."

"My dad was here with me for a little while." He continued. "But he left and never came back."

I pulled him into a hug, not knowing what else to do. Then I woke up.

I thought about the dream. The boy in the hospital room is named Michael. The boy is my dream is named Michael. This is crazy. Is it possible that Michael somehow entered my dreams? No way. That's impossible. People can't go into each others dreams. I probably just dreamed that his name was Michael because I saw that the boy down the hall is named Michael.

The door opened and the doctor came in.

"Dr. Lopez?" I said.

"Yes Anna?"

"What happened to the little boy a few doors down?" I asked. "His name is Michael."

"He and his father were in a car accident. They both went into a coma. They father sadly passed away." He replied. "A drunk driver hit them. Just like you. Why do you ask?"

It took me a second to process this. "Just wondering."

I tried to remember everything I knew about comas. Some scientists think that people in comas can hear what is going on around them, but cannot respond to it. I remember a bunch of facts about comas, but nothing about people in comas having strange dreams.

"You're in a coma." I told him when I fell asleep that night. "I'm sorry."

"What about my dad?" He asked. "Where did he go?"

"The doctor said he passed away." I said sadly. "I'm so sorry Michael."

A tear streamed down his cheek. He looked at his feet. "Maybe you can wake me up." He said quietly.

Tears pooled in my eyes. I didn't think it would work, but I couldn't let him down. "I can try."

What he did next surprised me. He looked up and ran into my arms. He wrapped his little arms around my waist.

"Thank you." He said.

That was when I woke up. There isn't any light coming through the small window in my room. It's probably around midnight. Should I go into Michael's room? As quietly as possible, I got up and tiptoed into the hall.

This is insane, I thought, as I entered his room. I am so crazy. Someone is going to catch me.

I crept over to his bed and reached out to touch his pale hand. Nothing happened. I shook his arm slightly, but still nothing.
With a sigh, I walked away. It was a crazy idea anyways. I wonder how I am going to tell him when I fall back to sleep.


I froze in my tracks and slowly turned around.

He was sitting up, his green eyes wide as he watched me.

"It worked." I gasped.

"Yeah." He started to get up but I stopped him. 

"You need to lay down." I told him. "I'll go get a nurse or something."

"I've been laying down for two weeks." He muttered but did what I told him.

I looked around until I found the emergency button to call a nurse. I pushed the red button then turned back to Michael.

"This is impossible." I tried to process what had just happened. He just shrugged.

The nurse came in. "What are you doing in here? You shouldn't be in..." Her voice trailed off as she saw Michael sitting there, wide awake. Her eyes went back and forth from me to him then she ran off, returning a minute later.

"I called the doctor and your mother." She said to him. "H-how did you wake up? The doctor said..."

"Anna woke me up." He said simply.

She stared at me. "As soon as his mother and the doctor get here, explain everything."

I nodded, though I wasn't sure how to explain everything to them. What was I supposed to tell them? 'Oh hey, your son came to me in a dream and told me to wake him up'.

His mother arrived in tears, and wouldn't quit worrying over him until the doctor arrived.

"So, tell me how did you know he was awake?" Dr. Lopez asked me.

Michael answered before I could say anything. "It was so cool! I was in this field with all these flowers and dad was there-"

"Wait," His mother interrupted. "Your father?"

"Yes, now let me finish. He disappeared and a few days later, Anna came." He told them the whole story about how he told me to wake him up and then how he woke up and I was here.

They turned to me. "Is this true?" Dr. Lopez asked. "Did you wake him up?"

I nodded. "I just walked in here and touched his hand."

"This is incredible." The nurse said. "Nothing like this has ever happened before."

Michael's mother took both of my hands. "Thank you so much. I don't know how you did it, but you saved my son. Thank you."

Everyone in the room was staring at me with bright smiles. I suddenly felt very shy. They kept talking about the possibility of person with abilities to wake comatose patients up, and asked me a bunch of questions.
I wasn't exactly sure how to answer. I don't know how I did it, it just happened.

It's a miracle.

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