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I was sitting on the couch watching my two year old son play with his toy planes when my husband came home. He sat down beside me and handed me a piece of paper.

"They accepted me." He said softly.

I stared down at it sadly. I took a deep breath and blinked away the tears that were starting to pool in my eyes. "When are you leaving?"

I nodded and blinked away tears. Our son, Thomas, leapt into his father's arms.

"Daddy!" Thomas cheered, holding up his toy planes for his father to see.

I smiled as Thomas pretended the plane was flying and Daniel played along. My smile turned into a frown, as I thought about what would happen if Daniel didn't come back. Thomas would have to grow up without a father.

I ignored the thought, and told myself that Daniel would be fine in England.

The next day we drove to the harbor where a ship would take Daniel to England.

Daniel knelt down beside Thomas. "Take care of your mom for me while I'm gone, okay?" He said.

Thomas nodded and wrapped his little arms around Daniel's neck and hugged him. Little Thomas didn't completely understand why his father was leaving.

Daniel stood up an turned to me. I quickly wiped away my years, hoping he wouldn't see. I put my arms around him. "Promise me you'll come back."

"I promise." He kissed my forehead. One of the soldiers called his name, letting him know it was time to go. "Goodbye." He said to us. "I love you."

"I love you." I called.

I stood there in the dock and waved until I lost him in the crowd that was boarding the ship.
I had a pit in my stomach as I turned and walked to the car. World War Two has been brutal. So many soldiers have died.

The first letter from Daniel arrived a few weeks later.

My Dearest Ones,

Its been very busy here at the base in England. I haven't had time to sit down and write you until now. How are you and Thomas? Were you able to find a job?
I've been here almost two weeks, but it feels like years. It will probably take a while for this letter to get to you. The mail is slow.
Tell Thomas I said hello. I love you both so much.

Love, Daniel

I read the letter to Thomas and we immediately wrote back. Thomas drew a picture and told me to send it to his dad. I sealed it inside the envelope with the letter.

Dear Daniel,

Thomas and I miss you so much. He drew a picture for you. We are both so proud of you.
I did find a job. The old woman who runs the bookstore down the street hired me. I start tomorrow. My sister came to stay with us, to watch Thomas while I'm gone.
I hope this war ends soon, but according to the paper, we aren't much closer to winning. Thomas and I love you! I hope you get to come home soon.

Love Jane and Thomas

The war waged on. I sent Daniel letters as often as I could. He didn't get to come home until December of 1941.

I wrapped my arms around Daniel. It's been a year since we last saw him.

"I missed you." I said, wiping away the tears as I let him go.

"I missed you too Jane." He replied. He smiled brightly when my sister Carol entered the room with Thomas on her hip. He had just woken up from a nap.

Thomas squealed and wriggled away from Carol and ran to Daniel.

"Hey Thomas." Daniel smiled. "Have you been a good boy?"

Thomas shook his head. "No."

"No?" Daniel said. "If you haven't been good, then you don't get any presents."

A look of horror crossed Thomas's face. "I've been good!" He yelled. "I want pwesents."

"You'll get your presents later Thomas." I told him, laughing. "You need to eat your dinner first."

"The decorations look good." Daniel said admiring the Christmas tree Carol and I set up. "Merry Christmas." He handed me a small black box.

I gently took the box and opened it, revealing a gold bracelet.

"It's beautiful." I smiled as I put it on. "Thank you."

Daniel had to leave a few days later.

My Dearest Ones,

Everyone in my troop is doing well. Lt. Hart's wife had a baby boy. It's their first child. She sent a picture of him. He's so tiny. It reminded me of when Thomas was still a baby.
Tell Thomas I'm sorry I can't be there for his birthday. I can't believe he is going to be three.
It's pretty cold here in January. It's one of the coldest months of the year in England.
I love you both and I miss you so much.

Love Daniel

Dear Daniel,

We miss you so much. I can't believe Thomas is three either. It feels like yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital. I put a picture of him playing with his friends in the yard inside the envelope.
I'm so glad everyone in your troop is okay. Tell Lt. Hart that I'm very happy for him and his wife.
Daniel, I think I'm going to have another baby.
We all love you so much. Goodnight!

Love Jane and Thomas

My Dearest Ones,

Jane, you can't say something like that then just say goodnight. You're having another baby! I'm so happy. Do you think it will be a boy or a girl? I don't really care as long as your happy.
What does Thomas think about being a big brother? I hope I can come home soon.

Love Daniel

On October eighth I gave birth to a little girl. Charlotte Elizabeth James.

Dear Daniel,

We have a daughter now Daniel. Charlotte Elizabeth James. She's so beautiful. I wish you were here to see her. She has your hazel eyes. Thomas absolutely adores her. He was a little disappointed when he found out the baby was a girl. I will send you a picture of her with the next letter. Take care. We love you.

Love Jane, Thomas, and Charlotte

I was standing in the kitchen with my sister baking a pie. Charlotte was asleep in the crib, and Thomas was on the floor playing with his toy planes.

There was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it." I told Carol. I wiped my flour covered hands on my apron and opened the door.

Two soldiers in their formal green uniforms greeted me.

"Are you Mrs. James?" The shorter one asked.

I nodded, a pit forming in my stomach. I opened the door wider. "Please, come in."

"Jane, who was at the door..." Carol came into the room, her voice trailing off when she saw the two men standing there.

"Thomas, take your planes to your room and play somewhere else." I said, holding back tears. Please don't tell me something bad happened to Daniel. Please have some good news.

Thomas whined but followed my orders.

"Can I get you anything?" Carol asked the men.

"No, thank you though." The tall one replied.

I sat down in a chair.

"Mrs. James," The short one said. "We are very sorry to inform you, but Sergeant James was killed in action."

I suddenly felt dizzy. Daniel is dead? Tears streamed down my cheeks and I barely managed to hold back a sob.

They stayed for another minute and said a few more things but I wasn't listening. Carol escorted them out the door and rushed back to my side.

"Oh Jane." She hugged me. "I'm so sorry."

A sob escaped my lips. I buried my face into her shoulder, probably soaking the sleeve of her dress with my tears. How am I going to tell the kids?

"You promised me Daniel." I cried. "You promised."

Six years later

I held Charlotte's and Thomas's hands as I lead them past the many rows of graves. We had won the war, but at what cost? All of these people had died protecting their country. Families were torn apart.

We stopped at Daniel's grave. Charlotte carefully placed the bouquet of flowers on the ground. A soft breeze blew, causing a few leaves to land on the stone. I dusted them off.

We stood there in silence for a moment, Thomas and Charlotte still holding my hands. She never even got to meet her father. Thomas had very few memories of him.

I sighed sadly, wishing that Daniel was still here.

This was hard to write. I kind of started tearing up. Maybe I'm just too emotional. I tried to make it as historically accurate as possible. I hope you like it even though it's sad.

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