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This story is based on a prompt I found on Pintrest. I love Pintrest. It's amazing.
This is told from three different points of view at a wedding. I hope you enjoy reading it!

Bride's POV
I took a deep breath as the big doors of the church opened. My father gave me a reassuring pat on the hand and lead me down the aisle.
My future husband Sam waited for me at the end, looking very handsome in his new tux.

My friends and family smiled at me as I passed them. I glanced up at my maid of honor Madeline, who was smiling brightly at me.

I walked up the stairs to stand in front of the preacher, praying I wouldn't trip over my dress.

"Dearly Beloved, we are gathered together here in the sign of God – and in the face of this company – to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony," The preacher began.

His speech seemed to last eternity. My palms were sweating from the nervousness. My heart was pounding so fast I thought it might explode.

Groom's POV

Emily looked stunning as she gracefully floated down the aisle.

The room was silent as he preacher spoke.

Emily, Madeline, and I had grown up together. Emily was the new girl in the neighborhood, and Madeline and I befriended her. We ended up becoming best friends.

When Emily and I started dating we were nervous that Madeline would be mad. She wasn't mad at all though. She was very supportive of our relationship. I couldn't ask for a better friend.

Madeline's POV

Emily looked like a princess as she stood there in front of Sam. Her blonde hair pinned up into a perfect bun. The sparkling white ball gown dress looked amazing on her. I can't blame him for falling in love with her. She's perfect.

I remember when Emily first told me she liked Sam. We were twelve years old. I told her that if she liked him, she should go for it.
What I didn't tell her was that I also liked him. I never told anyone because I didn't want my silly little crush to ruin our friendship.

When we were fifteen, Emily and Sam told me they were dating. I was crushed, but I stayed silent. I put on a smile and told them how happy I was for them.

I fell in love with Sam. I never told anyone though. I was so afraid that if Emily found out, she would hate me.

When they broke up in college a small part of me was hoping Sam and I would have a chance. I pushed that feeling down and pretended it wasn't there. Emily and Sam got back together a few months later, and now they're getting married.

"If anyone objects to this union, speak now or forever hold your peace." The preacher said.

Part of me wanted to speak up and say something. I can't do that to them though. They're my friends and I need to support them. So I remained silent and they exchanged rings.

My mind began to wander, and I found myself daydreaming that it was me standing there instead of her. Guilt overwhelmed me, and I quickly pushed that thought away.

Sam's parents gave a toast at the reception.

Thank you so much for being here." Emily said.

"Anything for you." I replied. "You and Sam are my best friends."

She gave me a hug an then ran off to find her sister.

I sat down with my piece of cake and sighed. I watched as Emily pulled Sam into the dance floor. They looked so happy together.

I'm happy for them. I really am.

But there is a small part of me that wishes it was me in that wedding gown. That wishes he looked at me that way. But I know that will never happen.

I looked at Sam. His blue eyes gleamed in the candle light. My heart ached.

With a sigh, I realized I may never feel like that for anyone else. I may never be happy like they are.

So this one is kinda sad. I hope you like it though! The prompt was to write about a wedding from three different points of view, and this was the first thing that came to mind.
I'm so proud of myself! I got two chapters published in one day!

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