Dragon BTS

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Pairing: Dragon BTS x introvert reader

Themes: Soulmate, poly, angst, neglecting, fluff, a hint of overprotective.


I stare at my phone with a sunken heart before locking the screen, the seen 3 hours ago note at the bottom of the group chat enough to make me tear up despite my trying so hard to be strong and objective.

They're busy, I know they are, the seven dragons who own my heart told me many times that there would be times when they wouldn't be able to reply to me, but even while knowing all that, it still hurts.

Today is our one year anniversary, I'd thought they'd ask for at least the evening off work to come back home to me, but when I asked Namjoon yesterday, he'd only apologized saying that it wouldn't be possible without telling me why.

Like all I can do is go along with their plans all the time.

The sensitive human mate they need to get a break from every once in a while because they can't relate to her and her desire to celebrate the one year mark of a meaningful life together.

My chin begins to wobble at the reminder that I will be all alone during such a special day, the day that made me meet my loving, loyal and protective soulmates, and it hurts even more to know that they will have each other while they remain wherever it is that they are.

I stand up from the dining table, leaving behind a meal barely touched to instead head to bed where I let myself cry until sleep comes to take some of my pain away.

Maybe today isn't that special for dragons, I'll get used to it.


A warm hand against my wet cheek stirs me awake, mind a little drowsy because of a nap that lasted longer than intended, or maybe it wasn't enough? I can't tell at the moment, confusion making me lean slightly into the warmth that's gently wiping my skin free of tears.

"Did she cry herself to sleep? I knew that surprise was a bad idea... we shouldn't have planned it like that".

"I had a doubt from the moment Namjoon said that he'd received a message from her yesterday asking if we'd come home. I hated not replying to her today. We're never doing this surprise ever again".

My eyes open slowly to find Seokjin gazing sadly at me, his orbs shining with guilt as he caresses my face.

"Guys..? What... I thought you wouldn't be able to come home? Joonie said that... he said you were too busy to come home" I mumble in shock, disbelief tightly intertwined in every words spoken as I look at the seven of them, why are they here? What's going on?

"Hey sweetheart... I'm sorry for how we handled this, we just wanted to get home when you wouldn't be expecting us, we had the idiocy of believing it would be funny to see your surprised face, but those tears weren't part of the plan. We should've thought this through better. I'm sorry, baby".

It takes barely a minute of processing before my crying resumes exactly where it left off at his words and I burst into tears before pushing him away to hide under the thick blanket, my embarrassment through the roof even if this isn't my fault.

"You all ignored me on purpose- you- you were all together while I was alone for an entire week... for a surprise?" I manage to form a full sentence between the heavy sobs that shake through my chest, and seven heads hang low in shame.

"We were imbeciles, we thought too lightly of this surprise, we're truly sorry, sweety" Hoseok murmurs while sitting on the bed at my feet, his heart breaking further when I remove my leg from underneath his hand.

I breathe in deeply with my mouth before scooting away from their side of the bed, tears hot on my skin, I really can't believe this. What did I cry for then? What purpose did that pain have if they're here now?

"Get out... I don't want to see you right now" I utter, and saying that only serves to make me hurt even more because I don't want to be alone, but it really sucks to need the same people who put me in this state in the first place.

"You don't want to see us... that can be arranged, but you're coming with us" Taehyung states firmly before closing the blanket around me like a cocoon before picking me up, and I have no space to even fight against him when he begins to take me out of the shared bedroom, my hiccups loud in their ears as the others follow behind in silence.

"Where are you taking me? Let me go, I'm not a baby" I complain with a weak voice, my anxiety beginning to act up after going through so many emotions in such a short amount of time, being nauseous on top of everything is horrible.

"You're right, you're not a baby - you're our baby. We messed up and made you cry when we should've made you smile and blush instead so let us at least put some food in your body, baby. We saw that you've barely eaten anything in our absence, the fridge is still filled to the brim" the dragon counters my demand and I fall silent, I should've known they'd notice that.

"I just... I missed you. It's not the same eating without you and the house becomes scary at night when I'm alone... I don't like it when you leave for entire weeks like this" I admit something that none of them knew, and Jimin tears up while the others clench their fists.

"We... we'll do better from now on, love, I promise. We'll take you with us the next time, no more being left behind" Namjoon murmurs while removing the blanket from my head, his large palms comforting on my pale cheeks.

I try to resist the tears that gather in my eyes again but fail miserably as they fall over his fingers.

"I thought I was the only one who cared about our anniversary, it made me so sad" I whimper softly, the admission making Jungkook and Seokjin pause their task of setting the table to instead cover their tears with a hand, their hearts crumbling at the heartbreaking revelation.

Namjoon rubs his thumbs under my eyes tenderly with a shake of the head, his inhale shaky before he kisses my nose.

"That day means the world to us, baby. It's the day when we finally found you, when we could finally hold our missing piece. We could never let such a day go by without doing anything to remind you of our eternal love" he assures me while Taehyung holds me tighter, his eyes creased in pain.

Yoongi joins Namjoon's side to get within sight, a tissue used to wipe the snot off my skin with his usual gentleness, I really missed them so much. So damn much.

"I know it's kind of ruined right now but... Jin and I made a cake together. Cheesecake, there's even ice cream because Jimin thought it would make you twice as happy" he informs me with a small coo when my surprised gaze falls on the cake that Jungkook brings to the table.

"You... you made my favorite cake?".

"A big one, we knew you'd want to eat more tomorrow too".

Still completely stuck in the large blanket, I glance at Taehyung with a pout, but instead of releasing me, he simply sits down at my usual seat with me still in his arms and Namjoon takes the one besides us, already obviously getting prepared to feed me himself, his way of apologizing for lying to me yesterday.

I sniffle lightly before accepting the first bite, and it's like every trace of pain disappears the more I chew, the comforting taste acting like a balm on my heart.

"So..? Is it good?" Seokjin asks nervously after a moment, and the small smile he receives from me is worth more than the whole world.

"It's delicious, Jinnie. Thank you for coming back home... I'm glad you're here. Very glad".

They all relax around the table before humming softly.

"Us too, sweety. It was hell, not having you with us this week, we missed you so much" Hoseok muses before nudging my lips with a spoon of the ice cream, his eyes creasing in relief when I accept his touch this time.

"We're going to take you with us across the entire world from now on. There will not be a single day spent apart anymore, we promise".

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