Hybrid Hoseok

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Pairing: Hybrid Hoseok x human reader

Themes: Dark, possessive


"Hobi, could you come help me, please? I'm struggling with the back of the dress, I think the zipper's stuck in the fabric" I shout from my bedroom, knowing that the eagle will hear me no problem.

He doesn't reply, but the thumping of his feet on the floor gives him away as he comes over silently until he opens the door to stare at me with an unreadable expression on his face.

"Hobi?" I call out to him again, unsure of his presence anymore when he doesn't make a single sound, and a look behind me reveals him leaning against the doorway with his arms crossed over his chest, dark eyes wandering over every centimeters of exposed skin, the off-shoulders dress I chose for the occasion making him poke the inside of his cheek with his tongue.

"What's that dress, Y/N?".

"What do you mean? I told you that I bought a dress for tonight, it's not everyday that the CEO does a gathering at the company with expensive food so I wanted to look the part, everyone will be wearing something fancy" I explain before trying to reach the zipper again since he doesn't look like he's in a mood to help.

"Who are you trying to impress by dressing like this? Especially since I'm not even going to be there" Hoseok asks with a low husk to his voice that makes me pause what I'm doing, goosebumps traveling all over my skin when I hear him make a step forward.

"Who do you want to impress by showing off all of that glowy, golden skin? You don't even dress like that for me".

His voice is turning into a drawl the closer he comes to me and my breath hitches in my throat when I feel his fingers touch my shoulder, his touch burning on my cold skin.

"You're shivering, yet look at what you chose to wear. Whose coat do you intend to wear when you make it known that it's cold in there? Who will come to your rescue when they find your silhouette perfectly sculpted beneath this vibrant red?".

His lips skim lightly over the back of my neck, the quick pulse of my heart the only thing currently acceptable to him right now, yet he nonetheless fixes the zipper before getting it up all the way, his warm breath always hitting my skin because he's pissed and he wants me to know.

" H- Hoseok, it's only for work, I'm not going to flirt with anyone, w-why would you even think that way?" I ask him with a shiver when I feel his arms snake their way over my hips to meet at the front, and he makes a humming sound before pushing me into his muscled chest.

"Really? Why not? Everyone's going to be flirting there, you told me yourself that your boss has been visiting your office more often nowadays, don't you like receiving their attention?" he murmurs in my ear, his grip on me so strong that I fear the bruise that will appear over my waist by the end of the night.

"Hobi, why are you-" he puts a finger against my lips to stop me and then leans over, by doing so forcing me to do the same until I'm almost crouching in his overwhelming embrace, and I know it's game over for me when his large wings fully hide us from sight.

"None of that with me, doll. Answer my question. Do you like receiving their attention?".

I shake my head, body now trembling slightly in fear because when he gets like this, there is no controlling him anymore, I know that much.

"I- I don't. I told him that I'm already dating someone, I promise, Hoseok, I'm not trying to cheat on you, I would never do that, never" I'm almost sobbing at this point, tears rolling down my cheeks and messing up the makeup that I spent an hour on.

"Oh, doll" he whispers softly before leaving a kiss to the side of my head, the sound of my tears in my voice easing down his jealousy. "So naive in this wicked world, you really are too pure. Did that stop him from making a move on you?".

I take a moment to think about it, and more tears begin to fall as I shake my head.

"N- no... He said that I... that I simply hadn't met someone who could treat me well yet and that a hybrid couldn't love me the way I deserve" I utter with a thick lump in my throat, that had made me so angry that I ended up pushing the memory to the back so I could forget it.

Another kiss to the other side of my head while the heat of his body warms me up, his wings making sure that no cold reaches my skin again.

"That's what he said, and then he organized the event that you're getting ready for, dressed like a sublime temptress. How is that supposed to make me feel, hm?".

I wipe my cheeks with a sniffle before holding onto his arms still hugging me. "That would make you feel bad. Worthless" I answer weakly, to which he nods with a kiss to the back of my head.

"Exactly. So what can be done to fix this, doll?".

"I... can stay at home? I'll call in sick and-" he stops me again with a press of a finger against my lips while he brings his breath to my sensitive ear.

"I have an even greater idea, baby. Bring me with you. I'll show them how it really is that you deserve to be loved, I'll show them that they can't best me at what I do best" he croons, his heart relishing in the stuttering of my own.

"What you d-do best, Hobi?".

He chuckles darkly before mouthing at my jaw, his tongue leaving a wet trail behind that makes me into putty in his arms.

"That would be you, doll".

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