Familiar Jungkook + sorcerer Yoongi

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Pairing: familiar Jungkook x introvert sorcerer reader x sorcerer Yoongi

Themes: fluffy romantic comedy, sharing (poly), in love


"Are you still on that project even after a week of working on it? Let Yoongi hyung help you so you can get it done today, baby, the house feels empty without you" Jungkook complains as soon as he appears on my worktable, his white bunny form a sight for sore eyes in this early afternoon.

"Jungkookie... I'm sorry, I've been consumed by this job, haven't I? I'm sure Yoongi oppa would help me finish this faster, but he's very busy already. I can do this on my own, I know I can, I just need some more time" I apologize while caressing his soft fur before focusing back on the book in front of me.

It's been a long week of trying to infuse a magic tool with my magical control on emotions, it was requested to me by someone who has anger issues, but since I have no experience in that sort of experiment, it hasn't been going too well so far.

I feel awful about my failures because I promised that I would succeed to make them something that they could carry and hold when they feel themselves about to lose their calm, this kind of job request is more of Yoongi's thing, but his magic doesn't have anything to do with emotions so he couldn't do it even if he wanted to.

Jungkook, not having any of this anymore, bounces on top of my book to keep me from reading it for the thousandth time and then jumps in my arms without even warning me first, which throws me back as I step back in reflex.

I'm about to gasp when I fail to catch him in time when my brain finally registers the situation, but instead of falling down, he simply shifts to his human form, completely unbothered by the whole thing to better hug me to his chest, my feet immediately off the floor as he carries me away from my work station and to the small resting area.

"Hyung's already on the way, he's the one who told me to come see you so you'd take a break, you've been on this all night, right? Don't even try to deny it, I can see it all over your face. You look like death chewed you before spitting you out" the bunny now turned man chides as he sits on the couch with me straddling his lap so he can keep staring at me.

"Wow. What an original way to say that I look like shit, Jungkook, is that how a familiar should talk to his owner? I knew I should've added "respect" in the pact's rulebook, look how you're treating me now" I utter with a pout that he immediately kisses off my lips, teasing pecks to my nose when I try to deny him, how dare he kiss me when I'm complaining?

"You mean... how I'm treating you like I love you? Are you complaining because I'm worrying about you? Really now?".

I glance at him sheepishly before hiding my face in his neck, and he sighs before hugging me closer.

"My little donut... you know I'll always love you, even when you look like shit, and even when you spend a week on something that could take you one day if only you took the time to ask your two boyfriends to help you".

I groan at his comment and he giggles proudly, his lips finding my neck first as he pushes me gently on my back so I lay on the couch, his body hovering above me to attack me with ticklish kisses until I'm squealing and pushing at his chest, a sight that makes Yoongi smile as soon as he enters inside my atelier.

Instead of coming over to us right away, he walks to my worktable to have a look at what I've accomplished so far, which is basically nothing, his lips pursing at the realization because he knows how important this is for me, how hard I'm trying despite not being the most talented sorcerer.

I turn my head in a giggle fit when Jungkook starts to tickle my sides, and when I find Yoongi already inside my atelier and staring at my work, I make my familiar stop by cupping his cheeks and offering a kiss to his waiting lips before slipping out from underneath him and to my feet.

"Oppa" I mumble softly as I make my way to him, my heart fluttering when he opens an arm to invite me into a side hug so we can have a look at what I've done so far together.

"Hi, my love. You've been working hard, I know you have, so how about we finish this together before going back home, hm? You almost did it with this one, you just need some guidance so... let me help you?" he asks gently with a tilt of the head that melts my soul, especially when he offers me a gummy smile in response to my head nod.

"I want to help too! That's literally my reason to exist but she never lets me, hyung, give me something to do" our bunny chirps as he runs over with his arms wrapped around the both of us, and I purse my lips again at his comment.

"It's because if I let you help, you'll just end up doing everything on your own! I'm the one who ends up helping you when you're around! What kind of sorcerer do I make then, huh?" I whine while stomping my feet, to which Yoongi bends down to kiss the crown of my head with a gentle rub to my arm to soothe me.

"That makes you a cute sorcerer! The most beautiful sorcerer in the world! What's wrong with having me do your work from time to time? " Jungkook says with a huff before adding, "and anyway! Everyone uses their familiar that way! You're the only one who doesn't!".

I spin in Yoongi's hold to face the tall man standing behind us with a frown.

"Yeah, but it's just because I respect you! Not everyone ends up dating their familiar, I don't want to treat my boyfriend like a servant!" I exclaim, and it's silent until both men coo loudly at my admission, a reaction that has me blushing and hiding in Yoongi's chest.

"Whatever! Let's do this and then go home, I can't stand another night spent here!".

"Our baby is shy! See, I knew you were adorable" Jungkook muses before caressing my hair softly. "Use me, baby, that's what I'm here for and I promise you, it makes me more than happy to be of help to you, I want to take care of you in any way possible, okay?".

Yoongi chuckles when he takes a peak at me to find me scarlet red, and it's stronger than him when he tilts my head up to kiss my lips.

"What am I going to do with the two of you... you make my heart go soft all the time, I swear. Here, let's get started with this part, my love, you've got this".

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