Mafia/werewolf BTS

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Pairing: Werewolf! BTS x werewolf! reader

Themes: Mafia, angry, possessive, heavy angst, fluff.


Shouts and wails reach my sensitive ears as I remain sat on the chair I was tied onto, the dried trails of tears and blood on my face making my skin feel tighter as I stare at the door where it's all coming from with anguish, am I going to be next in there?

I can't believe that this situation even found a way to happen.

I was out on a date with my mates and pack, we were at a fancy restaurant to celebrate Namjoon's successful acquisition of a big deal for his company, a deal that he had worked very hard on for many months now.

I stepped away from them just to head to the bathroom to wash my hands, it wasn't supposed to take more than two minutes, yet suddenly I woke up in this cold place, alone and terrified, the smell of blood and pain so heavy on my nose that I nearly peed myself when I first woke up.

How long have I been here since then? Not a single person has come to see me and I don't know what's worse. Not knowing what they're going to do to me, or knowing that something is going to happen to me when they deem the time right for it.

Another shout resounds in the echoing building, but this time... something seems different.

Screams, of complete and utter pain, followed by growls and sounds of ripping flesh, and though the smell of blood becomes so intense that I can barely smell anything else anymore - I do get a hint of my mates' scents.

The door leading to my room hasn't even opened yet that I begin to sob out of relief, that they found me here before something terrible could happen meaning the world to me, because if I had somehow caused them to lose a mate, if I had been behind that agonizing pain, I would never have forgiven myself, not even in death.

One last wail and silence takes over the building, the echoes of the attack soon fading into nonexistence, it gives an eerie feeling to the surroundings, one that would chill me to the core if it didn't mean that my mates were here to get me out of this hell hole.

A scratch on my door and it quickly opens to a mix of bloodied wolves and men that I love with all of my heart, and Jimin's wolf is first to whimper as it runs up to me, head nudging my face softly while Hoseok's wolf already begins on cleaning my skin with each lick of its tongue.

The others are about to hurry over to release me from my shackles when a sudden clapping of hands echoes from behind me, and though I can't turn around to see who it is, the others can, and I see the exact moment when their faces fall in shock.

"Mingi..." Yoongi murmurs, a mix of anger and disappointment settling over his face while Jungkook and Namjoon appear already ready to bite through his throat, their posture speaking for themselves - they're ready to shift anytime now.

"I wouldn't untie her just now if I were you, Jin. Unless you want to see her blow up in your face" the new arrival states as he stands from his pedestal from a place that sounds higher up than the ground we're currently on, and my blood freezes at his words while Seokjin's movements come to a stop, his body tensed as he hovers over me, eyes sharp when they fall on mine, a look at my own telling him that I have no idea if he's lying or saying the truth.

"Why are you doing this, Mingi? What the fuck is this?" Namjoon growls as he remains in front of my back to hide me from sight, his fists clenched tightly while Jungkook's bottom lip is trembling in rage, heart pounding with so much strength that he can hear his own blood flowing faster.

Jimin and Hoseok begin to sniff around the chair to find the problem, and when the latter makes a small noise, Taehyung edges closer before kneeling by my side to have a look under the chair, and indeed, here it is - a bomb, carefully prepped with care and a trigger that is connected to my limbs.

"What this is? It's very simple - payback. You just had to take everything from me - all my staff are moving to your side and I should just take it with a smile? I tried to be nice, but that deal, Namjoon - that was supposed to be fucking mine. I worked days and nights to get it and you just had to steal that from me".

Seokjin's forehead is against mine to help me keep calm, his hands cupping my cheeks to keep me focused on him while Taehyung swears as he tries to break the bomb without having it take us out all at once, Jimin and Hoseok trying to support him any way they can in their animal form, the smallest wrong move and they're all dead.

"You could've told me, Mingi, we could've come up with an alternative - you never told me that we were fighting for the same deal" Namjoon defends himself with calm but the man throws something our way with a shout, and the breaking glass makes me break into tears that my eldest mate soothes with a hush and a kiss, his body running on adrenaline, how can he get his entire pack out of here in one piece?

"As if you would listen! You're all so fucking taken by this bitch that you don't listen to anyone else anymore!".

Jungkook takes one step forward with a deep growl echoing from his throat, and even Yoongi feels his blood turn into a boil, how dare Mingi talk about me like this? To think that they used to trust him with their life, this man who put their dearest mate in danger just to get back at Namjoon for winning the deal.

"You're a fucking coward, man. Fight us head on if you're mad, but do not pull our mate into your bullshit, she's nothing to do with this" the youngest utters dangerously, but their friend-turned-enemy huffs before edging closer to the door behind him.

"It doesn't matter anymore because you're all going to die. You can't temper with this bomb, it'll set off from the moment you-"


It's a noise that makes me expect the worst. That's it, we're done.

But then the sound of something metallic falls on the floor right beneath my chair and the next thing I know, the two wolves are ripping apart the ties before Seokjin can pick me up in his arms and off the chair.

"What?! Shit-" Mingi swears before trying to flee from the back door, but when he turns the knob only to find it locked from the other side, the human begins to lose his cool when he realizes that he trapped himself with a pack of angry wolves.

"You were saying? I think it's time for a little snack, isn't it, guys? Jin, take her out of here with Hoseok and Jimin, we'll handle him for what's left" Namjoon demands coldly, and Seokjin doesn't waste any time before pushing the door open once he's covered my eyes properly, the sight that awaits us on the other side of the wall not one any of them wants me to see.

The smell of blood is thick in the air, and I hear some gargling noises on the way, as if someone still alive is currently choking on their blood before we reach the outside's fresh air, one I take a deep inhale of to fill my lungs because it feels like I haven't breathed anything else but blood in forever.

Jimin and Hoseok shift once at the van, and they quickly get dressed before Seokjin makes me sit inside, after which the two younger men follow in to hug me tightly while my shivering body tries to process the shock it experienced, my mind still trying to understand, wasn't Mingi a good friend of theirs?

"Are you hurt anywhere, baby? Did he hurt you? How do you feel?" our eldest mate asks me soon as he joins us within the spacious vehicle, and I stare at him a little lost as they all work on patting me over softly, my lack of reaction worrying them until I manage to shake my head, I seem fine.

They melt around me when they finally register that I wasn't wounded in any way, that maybe the blood from earlier wasn't mine after all, and together, we wait for the others to come back so we can head back home as a pack.

"We're sorry, love. It won't happen ever again, we'll make sure of it" Jimin whispers against my temple, and I close my eyes with a nod when Hoseok kisses my other side.

Being the mafia's mate might have its load of danger, but I know that in the end, I am always in good hands with them.

"Let's go back home. Let's take a warm shower before nesting for the rest of the night, I think we all need it" Namjoon states as he comes back with Yoongi, Jungkook and Taehyung, the blood splattered all over them telling us all we need to know.

"Sounds good, let's eat some comfort food in bed with a movie tonight, I'll wash the bedding stuff tomorrow so let's have whatever our baby wants".

They all turn their attention to me in the hopes of seeing a small smile on my face, but when Jimin shushes them softly while holding my sleeping form, they all turn quiet before getting the van rolling so they can get us out of here.

They'll have to shower their baby mate with all the love in the world to make up for this, and they're more than willing to give it their all.

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