Idol BTS

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Pairing: Idol! BTS x idol! sick! reader

Themes: light.


"The next person to tell me that I should go to the hospital today, I'm ignoring until the end of the day" I utter before a coughing fit makes my throat hurt badly, head pounding so much it might as well split open.

What kind of bad timing is this? I can't believe I would catch such a terrible cold just as we're reaching an important part of the schedule. We have to take the pictures for the photocards, not to forget the interviews and then the photoshoot for Marie Claire, I can't fall sick now!

"Please finish my makeup and hair, I need to get through this day, I can't burden the others" I reiterate stubbornly, eyes closed to keep the dizziness at bay. "And if someone could bring me my flannel, I'd be thankful. It's very cold in here".

Unaware that the manager is standing at the door and being made aware of the situation, I snuggle into the warmth that is slid over my shoulders to fight against the chills swarming me, my only wish for today being to get through everything I need to do perfectly.

It's not before at least a dozen minutes that I hear the door open abruptly, and the relieved sighs that resound around me in response have me tensing up, don't tell me...

"Y/N, dear" Jimin's sweet yet somehow scary voice makes me open my eyes with a gulp, and when our eyes meet in the mirror, when I find Taehyung and Hoseok behind him with quirked brows, an unhappy glow in their eyes, I just know.

I'm in trouble.

"I thought we had made ourselves clear this morning. You were not to go to work today, you're sick, baby" Jimin continues at my silence, and I can only purse my lips as I observe their trio walk inside, a subtle cough that ends up trying to rip my lungs apart.

"You're going to get everyone sick if you keep being so stubborn, princess. And I'm getting concerned, your cough seems worse than earlier, let us take you to the hospital, okay?" Taehyung attempts as he rubs my shoulders softly, but I break eye contact with a pout.

"I'll wear a mask as soon as the makeup is done, I'll be careful to not get anyone sick because of me".

"Sunshine... you won't recover if you keep acting this way. Do I need to call Seokjin and Namjoon over?" Hoseok asks with a soft voice that doesn't match the threat he just spoke. Certainly he wouldn't-

"That won't be necessary, we already know about the situation".


With Seokjin and Yoongi on the front line, Namjoon and Jungkook behind them with a similarly displeased expression on their faces, running away suddenly becomes my last hope to get out of this. I don't want to go to the hospital!

I use the opportunity of the closer men being distracted by the new arrival to make a run for it, the side door opened in one swing before I dash down the hall, their surprised shouts echoing from the room before the scary really begins.

The seven men have never broken into a run so fast in their entire lives, despair and worry fighting with annoyance because I'm really choosing to make them work for it instead of cooperating, and the elevator closing on my grin ticks Seokjin off in a dangerous kind of way.

"Wait until I catch you, you little monster" he grumbles before taking the stairs with the others using various paths in the hopes of cornering me, they don't care if I'm scared of the hospital, they'll drag me there by force if they have to!

When the elevator reaches my chosen floor, I take a moment to scan the environment before going off in the direction that should lead me to the Bangtan studio, they won't think of going there to find me, I'm sure!

Hiding does break the purpose of my coming to work today since I'm not working like I wanted, but in my defense, it's their fault! Had they left me to my schedule, I would've been back home before them.

With a body that is not in such a good condition, I enter the pin code before opening the door to enter inside the dark room, then make sure to hide in a corner that should keep me safe should they enter this room.

She went into the Bangtan studio, join me there.


On my way.

If only I had taken a look at the group chat.

I only hear the beep of the pin code being entered, then the click before it's entirely silent, and holding my breath has never been so hard to do when it keeps making me need to cough, the sweat that makes my skin feel even colder not quite from the nerves, I'm not going to make it through the day at this pace.

Even as feet bump into my own, I keep my gaze locked on the floor, stubborn as ever, and Namjoon sighs deeply before crouching in front of me.

"There are two ways to end this that I see for this situation, baby. The first one is that you come with us willingly, just like I know you can do. The other option is that we both wait here until Seokjin joins us, and he carries you to the car himself. You know how he is when someone is sick, and to have that person be you makes it that much worse for us".

My pout gains in intensity and I keep ignoring him, which seals my fate, something that is now out of my control.

The door opens again and I wince in pain when the light turns on the following second before feet hurry over. Namjoon stands aside with a shake of the head and the next thing I know, I'm flying in the air until I land on a broad shoulder, its arm curling around me to keep me stable.

"Enough playing around now, you little brat. I'm taking you to the hospital and then I'm staying at home with you. You want to act like a child? I'll treat you like a child, we'll see if it's as enjoyable as you seem to think" Seokjin states angrily before heading out of the studio, and when I find the other members following behind in silence, I grumble under my breath.

This feels like a walk of shame, I can't believe everyone's going to see me like this.

"Maybe she'll think twice before disobeying hyung the next time" Jungkook wonders aloud, but to that, Yoongi huffs with a tilt of the chin in my direction.

"Just look at her. I can already tell that she's going to be a piece of work, she doesn't intend to be obedient at all. That's why we try hard to keep her from getting sick, she never listens when it's time to look after her health".

"Oh I'll fix that behaviour, don't worry. She'll be a sweet little pet when you come back home".

I gulp, then cough a little more pitifully than usual, can I not avoid the scolding? Seokjin's scoldings are scary...

"Should've thought about it sooner, baby, now it's too late" Jimin says with a shrug, and I inwardly swear when I'm forced into the van.

Damn it!

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