Hybrid BTS

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Pairing: Predator hybrid! BTS x prey hybrid! reader

Themes: Overprotective, possessive.


"Not like this, sweetheart, you're going to hurt yourself".

I look up from my cooking station at those words to find Namjoon and the others approaching me gently to avoid scaring me, and I blush before looking back at what I was doing in shame.

"I tried to do it like the teacher showed us but it's not working, I don't know what I'm doing wrong" I explain, head tilting down until Jungkook slides an arm around my back, careful of my sensitive wings while Seokjin hums, his knowledgeable eyes taking in what I've accomplished so far once by my other side.

I swallow thickly as I await for his verdict, feathers fluttering nervously behind me the more the remaining predators approach us - I still find it hard to remain calm when they interact like this with me, their touchiness always including me for some reason, never anyone else but me.

From the first day I'd stepped foot in this cooking class in a hopeless whim, my only goal being to at least learn enough to be able to feed myself at home, this group of terribly handsome and talented hybrids immediately began to hover close, behaving particularly sweet with me when I would acknowledge their presence.

There was no apparent explanation as to why they would approach me out of everyone in our class, and while I was absolutely terrified at first, I eventually warmed up to them, much to their delight.

Now, any chance they get, they touch me gently like Jungkook, even going as far as to kiss my forehead when they can't resist the urge.

"You didn't leave it to boil for long enough, sweetie, that's why you couldn't cut through the shell. We're done with ours so how about we help you? We can go eat lunch together after that, what do you think?".

Despite being embarrassed by Seokjin's verdict of my failed cooking, cheeks turning a red apple glow because that does sound like a mistake I would do, I nod my head softly because honestly, they're my last hope.

The teacher refused to guide me when I asked him for help earlier and I'm starting to think that he doesn't like me. My being a blue jay while he is a snake might have a say in that but I'm not really sure.

Jungkook smiles before leading me closer to where Seokjin is standing so he can show me what to do while the others alternate between coddling me and glaring in a threatening manner at those who whisper.

"And now, while we wait for this to be ready, let's work on the sauce. Do you remember the steps?" the eldest one asks me when we make it to the next step and I perk up instantly with renewed confidence.

"Y- yes, I do! I practiced it at home over the weekend".

He chuckles before petting my hair softly and Taehyung purrs in contentment when he finds my wings flapping happily behind me, a sight that they all find adorable, no matter how many times they manage to make it happen in a day.

"Good girl. Get started then, we'll step in only if you need our help".


"Let's sit here" Yoongi states as we reach a table in a quiet corner of the cafeteria, his tail curling around my hips as we walk between a few occupied ones on the way, Hoseok on my other side with an equally possessive touch on me, his tall stature forcing anyone coming over to stop and wait - his aura naturally demands respect, from hybrids and humans.

This isn't the first time I'm invited to eat with them, but actually going and eating with them is a first indeed.

I usually have a bag of excuses at my disposal to avoid such an intimidating moment - I get tummy aches when I eat while being so nervous - but this time, I couldn't find it in me to change my mind about my previous acceptance, Seokjin sure knew what he was doing when he asked me earlier.

Jimin sits first before patting the space besides him with his hopeful gaze locked on me, he makes it very hard to refuse and so, I make my way to him in silence, my lunchbox settled on the table before I sit down, and I'm once more unsurprised when his long tail curls around my waist where it remains.

Namjoon is the second fastest to sit next to me, a proud grin upon his gorgeous face when he winks at me, and it's a chorus of whines that echo between Jungkook and Taehyung as they realize that they lost the right timing, something that makes me giggle under one hand while the three oldest hybrids sit on the other side of the table, with Hoseok right in front of me.

While Seokjin begins to share the different meals around the table, all of them homemade and delicious looking, I unclip my lunch's lid with a silent sigh, because while my food is also homemade, it doesn't look nearly as good.

Maybe I should mention that I am barely passing my exams, I don't even know why I wasn't kicked out of school yet.

I try to ignore the way they observe my lunch with a worried glance, brows furrowing when I raise a burnt egg roll up to my lips, and it's ultimately Jimin who directs my hand to his mouth to steal my food before I poison myself, our lunchboxes swapped with a smile that doesn't waver even when he struggles to swallow.

Namjoon feeds me a piece of his own sandwich before I get to register what just happened, his way of distracting my mind, and as I blink at him when the delightful taste melts over my tongue, he feeds me another piece from Jimin's lunch this time to spur me into eating more.

Seeing Jungkook and Taehyung trade their own food to get some of mine does make me feel a little better, and with a smile that borders on an apology when Jimin forces himself to eat more of what I made, I begin to nibble on what's in front of me with a grateful heart.

"You know what, birdie? You should come to our place tonight, like... everyday. We'll take care of the food".

I wince. "Is it that bad?".

Eyes widen in panic before feet kick Jimin's legs from under the table and I begin to push his lunch back to him, I knew I shouldn't have accepted it-

Hoseok steals what's left of the food I made before I can reach out to it and swallows all of it in one go, then smiles at me like nothing ever happened despite his twitching ears and quickly blinking eyes, will he be okay..?

"We'll be waiting for you so make sure to join us by the front door after our last class, okay? You've evaded our offers for long enough, we would love to have you over, if you would please grant us that honor?".

I purse my lips before nodding shyly, I guess it can't hurt to get closer to them...

Happy with my answer, Yoongi offers me what's left of his fresh fruits, eyes creased on my form as I nibble on them with a soft chirp leaving me, they're so sweet and juicy!

The seven predators sigh happily, every steps taken in my direction bringing them closer to their soft little dream - they'll make me a part of their pack soon enough, the missing mate that will complete their bond.

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